Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Crawford County Cemetery Inscriptions
Note: The following is provided solely for the reader’s information, and is
not meant to be an endorsement of this publication series. Better transcriptions may be available elsewhere.
Building upon a series begun in the first issue of Crawford County Genealogy, the Crawford County Genealogical Society in 1982 began publication of Crawford County Pa. Cemetery Inscriptions in conjunction with the Crawford County Historical Society. Cemetery indexes prepared by Eugene F. Throop were purchased as part of this project, and the Society or various of its members also indexed numerous cemeteries. Other cemetery indexes on file at the Historical Society library were also utilized, most notably those prepared by Halver Getchell, the late Adelaide Courtney, and the late Mary C. Cousins. The Historical Society later left the project, which was abandoned after the 1989 publication of Volume IV.
All volumes are soft cover; the cost of each was originally $12.50, plus $2.00 postage, handling, and state sales tax. Please check with the Crawford County Historical Society for current availability.
- Volume I: Beaver, East Fairfield, Fallowfield, and Steuben Townships; every name index
- Volume II: Conneaut and South Shenango Townships, plus additions and corrections to Vol. 1;
every name index
- Volume III: Rockdale Township and part of Richmond Township; additions and corrections to
Vols. I and II; every name index
- Volume IV: remainder of Richmond Township and part of Oil Creek Township; every name
The four volumes may be viewed at the Historical Society library.