Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Adoption Abstracts 1916-1925
#2 February Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:2
“The [typed] petition of ANDREW J. MEEHAN and ROSE M. MEEHAN his wife, respectfully represents:– [¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and residing in the City of Meadville; that by Indenture dated November 18th, 1912 they received from the New York Foundling Hospital a corporation incorporated and organized under the laws of the State of New York MARY CONROY then one year, seven months and twenty-six days old which said child has been since in the care and custody of your petitioners. [next sentence handwritten] See Indenture of said Foundling Hospital hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit A.’ [¶] That they desire to adopt the said Mary Conroy as their child and heir, they being able to provide a proper home for said child and to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and that they will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] Your petitioners pray for leave to adopt said Mary Conroy under Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, the said Mary Conroy to assume the name of the petitioners, to have all the rights and privileges and be subject to the duties of a child. And they will ever pray and in duty bound.” Signed Andrew. J. Meehan, Mrs. A. J. Rose M. Meehan; sworn to and subscribed Andrew. J. Meehan, Mrs. Rose M. Meehan before V. G. Greeley, Prothonotary, 4 Nov. 1915.
[Attached, preprinted two page “Indenture. (Female Child.),” of “The New York Foundling Hospital of the Sisters of Charity in the City of New York” as indicated above, dated 18 Nov. 1912, signed by Jane C. McCrystal (Sister Theresa Vincent), and by Andrew. J. Meehan (in presence of Sister M. Cyrilla) and Mrs. A. J. Meehan (in presence of C. P. Nichols), and bearing on the cover the Meehans’s address of 786 Market St., Meadville (no additional information regarding the parents or child).]
Granted 8 Nov. 1915, name assumed is Florence Marie Meehan; filed same day. [File includes carbon copy of certified copy of decree.]
#25 February Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:25
“The [typed] petition of A. E. DOUGHERTY, and JENNIE DOUGHERTY, his wife, of Summit Township, in said County [of Crawford], respectfully represents,. That they are desirous of adopting DOROTHY YOUNG, of the age of two years and eleven months, and GLADYS YOUNG of the age of nineteen months, children of HOMER YOUNG, and MARGARET ETHEL YOUNG, his wife of said County, as their heirs, and for that purpose they hereby declare their said desire, and also that they will perform all the duties of parents to the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young. [¶] The above named Margaret Ethel Young, mother of said children has been adjudged a lunatic, and is now and for sixteen months and upwards last past has been an inmate of the State Hospital for the insane, at Wareen [sic; Warren], Penna. and her condition is such that the Physicians at said Hospital state that in their opinion she [next word carreted] will never recover or improve. [¶] The said Dorothy Young, has since July, 1914, and the said Gladys Young, has since December 25, 2014, resided with the petitioners at their home, and during that time have been supported, clothed and maintained by them [¶] The petitioners therefore pray the court if satisfied that the welfare of the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, will be promoted by such adoption, with the consent of their father the said Homer Young, evidenced by his signature to this petition, to decree that the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, may assume the name of the petitioners, Viz. Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, and have all the rights of children and heirs of the petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such children.” Signed A E Dougherty, Jennie Dougherty; sworn to and again subscribed before A. M. Fenner, Notary Public, Linesville, Pa., 30 Nov. 1915.
[Parental consent (typed), below:] “I, Homer Young, father of Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, named in the foregoing petition, do hereby consent to the adoption of the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, by A. E. Dougherty, and Jennie Dougherty, his wife, as prayed for in said petition. November,30,1915.” Signed Homer Young, “Signed in the presence of” L. V. McLane.
Granted 6 Dec. 1915, names assumed are Dorothy Dougherty and Gladys Dougherty; filed same day.
“The [typed] petition of A. E. Dougherty, and Homer Young, both residents of said County [of Crawford], respectfully represent: That at the above stated number and term of said Court, on the 6th day of December, 1915, The above named A. E. Dougherty, and Jennie Dougherty, his wife, presented their petition to said court, praying for a decree of adoption by them of Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, children of Homer Young, and Ethel Young, his wife, and on presentation of the said petition as aforesaid, the court decreed that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, assume the name of the petitioners, viz. Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, respectively, and have all the rights of children and heirs of the petitioners and be subject to the duties of such children. [¶] The said Ethel Young, died on or about the tenth of May, 1925, and the said Jennie Dougherty, died on or about the fourteenth day of January, 1927; and since that time the said Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, have become very much discontented and dissatisfied with the surroundings and condition of things in general at their home with the petitioner A. E. Dougherty, and therefore both of the petitioners and the said Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, desire that the said decree of adoption be vacated and annulled by a decree of said court, and the said Dorothy Dougherty and Gladys Dougherty, have signed a statement setting forth such desire which is annexed to this petition. And no property rights in and to the said Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, have vested or are likely to vest under, through or by the above mentioned adoption. And the petitioners are of the opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, that the said decree of adoption be vacated and annulled. [¶] Therefore the petitioners pray the court to order and decree that the decree of adoption made by said court at the above mentioned number and term, on the sixth day of December, 1915, for the adoption of the said Dorothy Young, and Gladys Young, by the said A. E. Dougherty, and Jennie Dougherty, his wife, be vacated and annulled, and that the said Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, hereafter assume their original names, viz. Dorothy Young, and Gladys,Young,. And that the said A. E. Dougherty, shall have no right hereafter to control them or either of them as his adopted children.” Signed A E Dougherty, Homer Young; sworn to and again subscribed before A. M. Fenner, Notary Public, Linesville, 4 Aug. 1928; presented by Attorney A. M. Fenner, Linesville.
[Attached consent:] “We, Dorothy Dougherty, and Gladys Dougherty, do hereby certify that the foregoing petition has been read to us, and that the mattes [sic] therein set forth are true and correct. And we further certify that we desire that the prayer of the said petition may be granted by the court and that the decree as therein drawn may be made by the court, and that we may be granted the right to assume our original names, viz, Dorothy Young, and Gladys Youngs.” Signed Dorothy Dougherty, Gladys Dougherty, “Signed in presence of,” L. V[?]. McLane, C. E. Jewell. [Following the jurat is a proposed decree of annulment which was not adopted by the Court]; filed 6 Aug. 1928; presented by Attorney A. M. Fenner, Linesville.
Rule to show cause granted 6 Aug. 1928. Opinion sur Rule to vacate and annul decree of adoption: “… The petition and papers presented in this case, show very clearly that the requirements of the law have been fully complied with, that no property rights have vested or are likely to vest and that the best interests of the said named children will be promoted by a vacation of the Decree of Adoption entered Dec. 6, 1915.” [Decree:] “Now January 7, 1929, it is ordered and decreed that the decree of adoption by A. E. Dougherty and Jennie Dougherty, his wife, entered in this case on Dec. 6, 1915, be and the same is hereby vacated, set aside and annulled and the said Dorothy Daugherty and Gladys Daugherty, shall now and hereafter assume their original names of Dorothy Young and Gladys Young and be returned to the care and custody of their natural father, Homer Young, with the same force and effect as if the said decree of adoption had not been entered by the Court. Per Curiam”[signed] O. Clare Kent, P.J.; filed same day.
#15 May Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:117
“The [typed] petition of IRA E. HALL and INEZ A. HALL his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania, and reside at No. 210 Arch Street in the City of Meadville. [¶] 2. That for more than sixteen years last past JOHN H. REYNOLDS now 39 year of age has been an inmate of their family, the relations between said John H. Reynolds and these petitioners being similar to that of child and parents. [¶] 3. That your petitioners are childless, are now much past middle life and are willing and desirous to adopt the said John H. Reynolds as their son and heir who has consented to said adoption. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said proposed adoptive son, and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] 5. They therefore pray this Honorable Court for leave to adopt said John H. Reynolds under the provisions of Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided and that a decree may be entered that said John H. Reynolds shall have all the rights incident to a natural child of your petitioners. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Ira E. Hall, Inez A. Hall; sworn to and subscribed Ira E Hall, Inez A. Hall before A. L. Boynton, Alderman, 2 March 1916.
[Consent, below:] “John H. Reynolds hereby joins in the prayer of the foregoing petition praying for his adoption and avers that the facts set forth in said petition are true in manner and form as therein stated; that your petitioner consents to said adoption and is desirous to be adopted as a son of said xx [sic] Ira E. Hall and Inez A. Hall and doth agree to perform all the duties of a child.” Signed John H Reynolds; sworn to and again subscribed before A. L. Boynton, Alderman, Meadville, 2 March 1916; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
Granted 2 March 1916 [name apparently unchanged, i.e., John H. Reynolds; filed same day.
#2 September Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:202
“The [typed] petition of WALLACE F. HAUN and his wife MUSA HAUN, residents of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa., respectfully represent: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ALICE RUTH STINEDURF, a minor child who was born on April 2, 1915, which said child has been in the home of Your Petitioners nearly all the time since it was born. The said child was either born in the County Home of Mercer County, Pa., or was taken to the County Home about the time of its birth, as it was in the custody of the directors of the poor in April of 1915, and the said directors of the poor of Mercer County, Pa., on April 14, 1915 put and placed, by virtue of the Act of Assembly of May 25, 1878, P. L. page 152, and other acts relating thereto, with the approbation of two justices of the peace of said Mercer County, gave the said child as an apprentice into the custody of the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, Mercer County Branch, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, and by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pa., and having for its purpose the providing of homes for friendless and destitute children, with it to control and serve from the day thereof until the full age and term of eighteen years; the said child having been supported from the time of its birth by the directors of the poor of said Mercer County, the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania aforesaid, and Your Petitioners. [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents towards the said minor. [¶] That Your Petitioners append to this their petition a copy of the indenture entered into between the directors of the poor of Mercer County, Pa., and the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, Mercer Branch, for the purpose of providing a home for said child, etc.; also the consent of the Actuary of the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, Mercer Branch, under her hand and seal, and acknowledged by her, consenting to the adoption of the said Alice Ruth Stinedurf as heretofore prayed for. [¶] Your Petitioners further pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Alice Ruth Stinedurf shall assume the name of Your Petitioners, viz: Ruth May Haun, and have all the rights of a child and heir of Your Petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Wallace F Haun, Musa Haun; sworn to and again subscribed before Isaac Mondereau, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 May 1916; presented by Attorney Monderau, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Dr. R. B. Gamble and Dr. J. C. McFate being duly sworn according to law, say that they are well acquainted with Wallace F. Haun and his wife, Musa Haun, the within named petitioners. That they are persons of good moral character and that they believe that the welfare of the said Alice Ruth Stinedurf will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed R. B. Gamble, J. C. McFate, before Isaac Monderau, Notary Public, 6 May 1916.
[Attached preprinted “Indenture of Apprenticeship by the Directors of the Poor.,” dated 14 April 1915:] “This Indenture, Made the 14th, day of April A. D. 1905, Witnesseth: That the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of the County of Mercer, Pennsylvania, have put and placed, and by virtue of the Act of Assembly of May 25, 1878, P. L. 152, and other Acts relating thereto, with the approbation and consent of T. W. McClain and A. M. Clawson Esquires, two Justices of the Peace for said County of Mercer, do hereby put and place Alice Ruth Stinedurf, (Born April 2, 1915.) a poor child of the said Poor District of Mercer county, Pa. apprentice to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, Mercer County Brank, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, Pa., and having for its purpose the providing of homes for friendless and destitute children, with it to dwell and serve from the day hereof until the full end and term of Eighteen (18) years of age during all of which term the said Alice Ruth Stinedurf, her said master shall faithfully serve, in all lawful business, according to her power and ability, and honestly and obediently in all demean and behave herself towards her said master during said term, and also so to serve, demean and behave, to and for such master as she may be bound or indentured to by the said Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania aforesaid, by virtue of the Act of Assembly above referred to, the party of the first part hereby consenting to such indenture. [¶] And the said Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania doth hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said Directors of the Poor, etc., for the County of Mercer, Pa., that it, the said Children’s Aid Society, etc., shall and will provide suitable homes for the said minor child— in respectable families, where they will be properly cared for, clothed and maintained, and also receive a common school education and be instructed in some useful occupation or work, the supervision of the said Children’s Aid Society, etc., to be according to the terms and powers of its charter, as aforesaid. [¶] The said Directors of the Poor, etc., hereby agree, for themselves and their successors in office, to pay all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred by the said Children’s Aid Society in securing home for said child.. [¶] In Witness Whereof, The said parties have set their hands and seals, this 14th, day of April A. D. 19015.” Signed by three Directors of the Poor and by the President and Actuary of the Children’s Aid Society; certified 29 April 1916.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, Mrs. M. C. (Sarah E.) Zahniser, Actuary of the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, Mercer Branch, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pa., hereby consent to the adoption of Alice Ruth Stinedurf, minor child born April 2, 1915, by Wallace F. Haun and his wife, Musa Haun, of the City of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa. [¶] Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of May, 1916.’ Sworn to and subscribed at Mercer County Mrs. M. C.) Sarah E. Zahniser before M. C. Zahniser, J.P., Mercer Co., Pa., 4 May 1916.
Granted 8 May 1916, name assumed is Ruth May Haun; filed same day.
#50 September Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:250
“The [typed] petition of ANDREW BENNETT and ROSELTHA E. BENNETT, of East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are residents of East Fallowfield Township, Crawford County, Penn’a.; that they are desirous of adopting ANNA ROSE STICKA, twenty-two years of age, child of ALBERT STICKA and MARY STICKA, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mary Sticka died a number of years ago and the whereabouts of said Albert Sticka are unknown. [¶] Your petitioners represent that they will perform all the duties of parents towards said Anna Rose Stocka; that she has resided and made her home with petitioners for the past nine years; that they secured her from the Children’s Aid School & Home Association at Cleveland, Ohio, where she had been for a period of two years and upwards. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Anna Rose Sticka shall assume the name of your petitioners and that she shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioners will ever pray, &c.” Signed Andrew Bennett, Roseltha E. Bennett; sworn to and again subscribed before Georgia B. Shaffer, Notary Public, Meadville, 22 June 1916; presented by Attorney Albert L. Thomas, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “Anna Rose Sticka, the person to be adopted in the above petition, hereby represents that she has read the petition and that the facts therein stated with reference to her parents and early life are true, and that she also desires that she may be adopted by the above named petitioners.” Signed Anna Rose Sticka [undated].
Granted 22 June 1916, name assumed is Anna Rose Bennett; filed same day.
#103 September Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:303
“The [typed] petition of WELDON DAVIS and ALICE DAVIS his wife respectfully represents that they are citizens of Sparta township Crawford county and state of Pennsylvania. [¶] That they took into their home when a small infant, ARTHUR L. MCCRAY of said county, at the request of his parents. That from said time the said Arthur L. McCray has lived with your petitioners and has been in all respects been treated as their own child and has looked upon them as his own parents, and has been known by the name of Arthur L. Davis and has been recognized in business and otherwise by the name of Davis. That he has had no other home while in his minority and is now 26 years of age and is married. That since his marriage he and his wife are desirous that his legal name be that by which he has been known and under which name he was married to wit; Arthur L. Davis. [¶] That your petitioners are desirous of adopting said adult person as their heir, and that they will perform all the duties of parents to said Arthur L. McCray, and [next word carreted] desire that he may have all the rights of a natural born child of said petitioners and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir, and that he may take and bear the name from henceforth, of the petitioners, and be known as Arthur L. Davis. [¶] They therefore most respectfully pray this Hon. Court to [next line] to order and decree the adoption of said Arthur L. McCray as prayed for, and your petitioners will ever pray. [¶] That the facts set forth in this their petition are correct and true as they verily believe.” Signed Weldon. A. Davis, Alice Davis; sworn to by Weldon A. Davis (only) and subscribed by him before Arthur Kinney, J.P., 24 July 1916; presented by McClintock & McClintock, Attorneys-at-Law, Union City, Pa.
[(Typed) affidavit, below:] “Before me a Justice of the PeaceNotary Public in and for the county of Erie and state of Pennsylvania, personally appeared Arthur L. McCray and Blanche McCray his wife, and who being duly sworn according to law, say that the [sic] has [changed from ‘have’] read the within petition and is [changed from ‘are’] acquainted with the facts relating thereto, and that theyhe and his wife are both desirous that said Arthur L. McCray be adopted by the said Weldon A. Davis as his child and heir and that he take from henceforth the name of Arthur L. Davis, under which name he has always been known and by which name he had done business and by which name he was married, and said Arthur L. McCray agrees that if said adoption be approved to perform all the duties of a child toward the petitioner.” Sworn to and subscribed Arthur L. McCray, Blanch M. McCray before William O. Morris, Notary Public, Union City, Pa., 31 July 1916.
Granted 7 Aug. 1916, name taken is Arthur L. Davis; filed same day.
#3 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:341
“The [typed] petition of J. H. SMOCK and SADIE E. SMOCK respectfully represents: [¶] That they are husband and wife; that they are citizens of the State of Pennsylvania and residents of Greenwood Township, Crawford County; that they are desirous of adopting SADIE GLADYS MCGRANAHAN, minor child of ELMER L. MCGRANAHAN, of the age of eight years, as their child and heir, and that, if the said adoption is approved and decreed, they will perform all the duties of a parent to said child; that they believe the best interests and welfare of said child will be served if said adoption is approved and decreed; and that they desire to have said child assume the name of your petitioners. [¶] Your petitioners further aver, in support of their petition, that the said Sadie Gladys McGranahan was born May 7, 1908; that she is the daughter of NELLIE and Elmer L. McGranahan; that the said Nellie McGranahan, her mother, died December 29, 1915; that the said Elmer L. McGranahan, her father, has never supported or contributed anything towards her support since her birth; that she has always been supported by and made her home with your petitioners since her birth; that on May 3, 1909, in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, at No. 107496 April Term, a divorce was duly granted, separating the said Nellie and Elmer L. McGranahan from the bonds of matrimony theretofore contracted between them; and that the present residence and P. O. address of the said Elmer L. McGranahan is Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio. [¶] Therefore your petitioners pray the Court to approve and decree the adoption of the said Sadie Gladys McGranahan by them, and that she may assume their name. And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed J. H. Smock, Sadie E. Smock; sworn to by J H Smock (only) and subscribed by him before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 7 Sept. 1916; presented by Attorneys Humes & Peters.
Rule granted 11 Sept. 1916 upon Elmer L. McGranahan, to be served either personally or by registered mail, “giving him at least ten days notice of the return day and time for the hearing of this rule, and notifying him to answer this petition and show cause, if any he has, why said adoption should not be approved and decreed, and that, in default of an answer thereto, showing cause why said adoption should not be approved and decreed, the Court will approve and decree the adoption of said child as prayed for.” Filed 11 Sept. 1916.
[Affidavit of service of copy of petition and rule, with return receipt signed Elmer L. McGranahan, showing delivery on 19 Sept. 1916, sworn to and subscribed and filed 4 Oct. 1916.]
Granted 9 Oct. 1916 [by separate decree], “it appearing that, pursuant to an order of this Honorable Court made September 11, 1916, a copy of the said petition, together with a true copy of the order of the Court made theeron, was served upon the said Elmer L. McGranahan by mailing the same to him in a duly registered letter which was received by him on September 19, 1916, and pursuant thereto, it further appearing that no appearance or answer have been entered or made by Elmer L. McGranahan or anyone on his behalf, or any answer made to said petition showing any cause why said adoption should not be approved”; name assumed is Sadie Gladys Smock; filed same day.
#4 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:342
“The [typed] petition of WILLIAM G. SNYDER and JANIE SNYDER his wife, citizens and residents of the county aforesaid [of Crawford], respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are desirous of adopting a foundling child without a name or known parents now of the age of about one month, which is now being cared for at the Meadville City Hospital under the care of the Directors of the Poor of Crawford County, as one of their heirs; that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor child and that in the absence of any known parents the Directors of the Poor of said County have consented to such adoption. [¶]; Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said child shall assume the name of CATHERINE SNYDER and have all the rights and of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed William G. Snyder, Janie Snyder; sworn to and again subscribed before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville; presented by Attorney James D. Roberts, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “We, A. E. Lilley, H. C. Wasson and M. G. Beatty County Commissioners and Overseers of the Poor for the County of Crawford join in the above petition and give their consent to the adoption of the said foundling child as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed A E Lilley, H. C. Wasson, M. G. Beatty.
Granted 11 Sept. 1916, name assumed is Catherine Snyder; filed same day.
#22 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:360
“The [typed] petition of WILLIAM C. W HEELER of the City of Titusville, in the County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That he is the father of MINNIE BELL SHERIFF, a minor child sixteen years of age and upwards, who was regularly and legally adopted by REBECCA SHERIFF, of the City of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, by a proceeding at No. 89 September Term, 1907, in the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, as appears by the certified copy of the decree made therein which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. [¶]; That at the time of the adoption of said minor child, Minnie Bell Sheriff, William C. Wheeler was the only surviving parent of said child and unable to properly provide and care for her because of her tender age, but now at the time of this petition William G. Wheeler is still single and has provided a home for himself and his minor child, Minnie Bell Sheriff. [¶] Your petitioner therefor believes that it would be to the best interest of said minor that the order and decree of adoption by Rebecca Sheriff of Minnie Bell Sheriff be revoked and that the welfare of the said Minnie Bell Sheriff would be promoted by being adopted as a child of William C. Wheeler. That he will perform all the duties of a parent toward the said minor, and that the said Rebecca Sheriff, foster parent of the said Minnie Bell Sheriff, has consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays your Honorable Court to order and decree that the decree of the Court above mentioned whereby Minnie Bell Wheeler was adopted as a child of Rebecca Sheriff and to assume the name of Minnie Bell Sheriff be revoked with the same force and effect as if the said Minnie Bell Sheriff had never been adopted and that she may be restored to all the natural rights of a child and heir of the said William C. Wheeler and be subject to the duties of a child as such and assume the name of Minnie Bell Wheeler. [¶; not indented] Dated:—September [blank] 1916.” Signed William C. Wheeler; sworn to and again subscribed before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 18 Sept. 1916; presented by Attorney Geo. Eldred, Titusville.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, below:] “I, Rebecca Sheriff, of the City of Titusville, Pa., foster parent of the said Minnie Bell Sheriff, hereby request that the decree of adoption by me of Minnie Bell Sheriff be revoked and signify my consent to the adoption of the said Minnie Bell Sheriff, by her father, William C. Wheeler, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed Rebecca Sheriff; acknowledged before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 18 Sept. 1916.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “H. J. Vanguilder and Jo’s. A Marthaler being severally duly sworn according to law, say that they reside in the city of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and are well acquainted with William C. Wheeler, the petitioner above named; that he, the said William C. Wheeler is a person of good moral character, and that they believe that the welfare of the said Minnie Bell Sheriff will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed H. J. Vanguilder, Joseph A Marthaler before George Eldred, Notary Public, Titusville, 19 Sept. 1916.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, Minnie Bell Sheriff, adopted child of Rebecca Sheriff, hereby consent to my adoption by my father, William C. Wheeler, petitioner above named, and ask that my adoption by Rebecca Sheriff be revoked. [¶;not indented] Dated: 18th day of September, 1916.” Sworn to and subscribed Minnie Bell Sheriff before Robert A. Kerr, J.P. and Alderman, Titusville, Pa., 18 Sept. 1916.
[Attached certified copy of the 5 Aug. 1907 adoption decree.]
Granted 29 Sept. 1918, name assumed is Minnie Bell Wheeler; filed same day.
#23 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:361
“The [typed] petition of WILLIAM C. W HEELER, a citizen and resident of the City of Titusville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That he is the father of THELMA PARSHALL, [next six words inserted above the line] a minor 12 year of age, who was regularly and legally adopted by DAVID N. PARSHALL and LILLA M. PARSHALL, his wife, by proceeding at No. 89 May Term, 1908, in the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, as appears by the certified copy of the decree made therein which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. [¶] That at the time of the adoption of said minor child, Thelma Parshall, William C. Wheeler was the only surviving parent of said child and unable to properly provide and care for her because of her tender age, but now at the time of this petition William G. Wheeler is still single and has provided a home for himself and his minor child Thelma Parshall. [¶] Your petitioner therefor believes that it would be to the best interest of said minor that the order and decree of adoption by David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall of Thelma Parshall be revoked and that the welfare of the said Thelma Parshall would be promoted by being adopted as a child of her natural parent William C. Wheeler and have all the rights of a child and be subject to the duties as his child. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays your Honorable Court to order and decree that the decree of the Court above mentioned whereby Thelma Parshall was adopted as a child of David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall be revoked with the same force and effect as if the said Thelma Parshall had never been adopted and that she may be restored to all the natural rights of a child and heir of the said William C. Wheeler and be subject to the duties of a child as such. [¶; not indented] Dated: September 18th, 1916.” Signed William C. Wheeler, Lilla M. Parshall; sworn to and again subscribed before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 18 Sept. 1916; presented by Attorney Geo. Eldred, Titusville.
[(Typed) parental consent, below:] “We, David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall, of the City of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, foster parent of the said Thelma Parshall, hereby request that the decree of adoption by us of Thelma Parshall be revoked, and we hereby signify our consent to the adoption of the said Thelma Parshall, by her father, William C. Wheeler, as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed D. N. Parshall, Lilla M. Parshall; sworn to (but not again subscribed) before Robert A. Kerr, Alderman and J.P., Titusville, 18 Sept. 1916.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “H. J. Vanguilder and Joseph A. Marthaler being severally duly sworn according to law, say that they reside in the city of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and are well acquainted with William C. Wheeler, the petitioner above named; that he, the said William C. Wheeler is a person of good moral character, and that they believe that the welfare of the said Thelma Parshall will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed H. J. Vanguilder, Joseph A Marthaler before George Eldred, Notary Public, Titusville, 19 Sept. 1916.
[Attached (typed) adoptee’s consent:] “I, Thelma Parshall, adopted child of David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall, hereby certify that I was born May 22nd, 1904, and that I hereby consent to my adoption by my said father, William C. Wheeler, petitioner above named, and desire that my adoption by David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall be revoked. [¶; not indented] Dated: September 18th, 1916.” Sworn to and subscribed Thelma Parshall before Robert A. Kerr, J.P. and Alderman, Titusville, Pa., 18 Sept. 1916.
[Attached certified copy of decree of adoption of Dessie Lorena Wheeler by David N. Parshall and Lilla M. Parshall, his wife, on 6 April 1908.]
Granted 29 Sept. 1918, name assumed is Dessie Lorena Wheeler; filed same day.
#33 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:371
“The [typed] petition of ORA AKELEY and KITTY AKELEY respectfully represents: That they are husband and wife; that they are citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and are residents of Cussewago Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; that they are desirous of adopting MARY ALICE A. MOOK, minor child of MAUDE MOOK, of the age of one year and upwards, as their child and heir, and that, if the said adoption is approved and decreed, they will perform all the duties of a parent to said child; that they believe the best interests and welfare of said child will be served if said adoption is approved and decreed; and that they desire to have said child assume the name of your petitioners. [¶] Your petitioners further aver, in support of their petition, that the said Mary Alice A. Mook was born September 25, 1914; that she is the daughter of HARRY H. and MAUDE MOOK; that the said father, Harry H. Mook, died June 9, 1916; that the surviving mother, Maude Mook, has given her consent to this adoption, which consent has been given in writing, which is hereto annexed and made a part of this petition. [¶] Therefore your petitioners pray the Court to approve and decree the adoption of the said Mary Alice A. Mook by them, and that she may assume their name. And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Ora Akeley, Kittie Akeley; sworn to by Ora Akeley (only) and subscribed by him before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 6 Oct. 1916; presented by Attorneys Humes & Peters.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “Maude Mook, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, That she is the surviving parent of Mary Alice A. Mook; that her husband, Harry H. Mook, father of said child, died June 9, 1916; that she consents to the adoption of said child by Ora Akeley and Kittie Akeley, and believes the best interests and welfare of said child will be served if said adoption is approved and decreed.” Sworn to and subscribed Mrs. Maude Mook before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 6 Oct. 1916.
Granted 9 Oct. 1916, name assumed is Mary Alice A. Akeley; filed same day.
#34 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:372
“The [typed] petition of GEORGE T. EBERMAN and ETHEL I. EBERMAN, his wife, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are citizens and residents of the First Ward of the City of Meadville, Penn’a. and that the said George T. Eberman is travelling inspector for the Erie Railroad Company. [¶] That your petitioners are desirous of adopting FRANCES FOOTE, a minor child of EVA M. FOOTE, as one of their heirs. The said Frances Foote was born on the 6th day of May, 1916 and was surrendered and committed by the said mother to the Gerry Homes for the protection of homeless and dependent children and aged persons at Gerry, Chautauqua County, N. Y. and the said petitioners procured said child from said Gerry Homes May 20, 1916 under an agreement for the adoption of said child, a certified copy of said surrender of child by Eva M. Foote and said agreement of petitioners with the Gerry Homes, as aforesaid, are hereto attached and made a part hereof. [¶] That your petitioners will perform all the duties of a parent or parents to said Frances Foote, [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Frances Foote shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that she shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed G. T. Eberman, Ethel I. Eberman; sworn to as George t. Eberman and Eva [sic] I. Eberham) and again subscribed G. T. Eberman, Ethel I. Eberman before Georgia B. Shaffer, Notary Public, Meadville, 30 Sept. 1916; presented by Attorney Frank J. Thomas, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “John T. Nichols being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with George T. Eberman and Ethel I. Eberman, his wife, the within named petitioners, and that they are persons of respectability, and that deponent believes that the welfare of said Frances Foote will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed John T. Nichols before Georgia B. Shaffer, Notary Public, Meadville, 13 Sept. 1916.
[Attached certified copy of preprinted form titled “Surrender of Child”:] “The Orphanage and HomeGerry Homes for the protection of homeless and dependent children and aged persons at Gerry, Chautauqua County, N. Y. [¶] Whereas, I, the undersigned, the Mother of Frances Foote who was born on the 6th. day of May 19016 (the [blank] of said child being dead) am desirous to commit the said child to the custody and guardianship of the Orphanage and Home of the Free Methodist ChurchGerry Homes, at Gerry, N. Y., and the Trustees of said Institution being willing to receive said child; [¶] Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, I do hereby absolutely surrender said child to the care and custody of the said Orphanage and Home, and do relinquish all rights over, or to, the custody, services or earnings of said child forever. [¶] Witness my hand and seal this 15th. day of June 19016 [typed] Eva M. Foote
[Attached “The Gerry Homes Agreement for Adoption,” dated 20 May 1916, listing the Ebermans’ address as 679 Park Avenue, Meadville, and indicating that they were “recommended to the above named Society as suitable and proper persons to receive into their family the above named child” by the following: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Leland, residing at 1835 Bailey Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.; A. A. Blight, residing at 569 Walden Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.; and John T. Nichols, Pastor of Park Ave., Congl Church, residing at 708 Baldwin Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.
Granted 9 Oct. 1916, “and that the said Frances Foot shall assume the name of the said George T. Eberman and Ethel I. Eberman, his wife,” i.e., from the following letters, name apparently changed to Jean Barbara Eberman; filed same day.
[Handwritten letter on blue stationery marked “Writing Room, The J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit,” from 1428 Champaign Rd., Lincoln Park, Mich., addressed to Probate Court, Meadville, with envelope postmarked Detroit 20 April 1937:] “Will you please send me certified copy of adoption of Jeanne Eberman by Geo. T. & Ethel I. Eberman. My husband Ray McCormick wishes to legally adopt Jeanne and we have just learned that will have to be done before she is 21 years of age to make her his legal heir. Her father Geo T. Eberman has passed on and I do not have the papers as he held same. [¶] Will you please rush the papers to me as her birthday is May 6th less than two weeks. They will get it through here for me in time if I may have the papers as soon as possible. Yours truly, Mrs. Ethel McCormick was Ethel Eberman.” [Attached carbon copy of reply letter from Prothonotary dated 21 April 1837, enclosing certificate and bill for $1, and offer to send entire record for $4.]
[Handwritten letter on plain stationery addressed to Prothonotary’s Office, from 71 Lakeview Drive, Sunrise Beech, Click Route, Llano, Texas 78643, dated 5 Jan. 1972:] “I wrote to you a letter sometime in late 1971 requesting a certified copy of my entire adoption record. In April 1937, my mother (foster mother) received a letter from your office stating that this record including docket entries, petition, affidavit, consent of mother and agreement for adoption, could be obtained from your office and would be duly certified, on receipt of $4.00 fee. This letter was dated April 21, 1937 and was signed by Paul D. Slayton – Prothonotary. I am enclosing a check for $4.00 and requesting again that you send requested documents. For your record, I was adopted again on May 4, 1937 by Virgil Ray McCormick and at this time, my name was changed from Jean Barbara Emerman to Jean Barbara McCormick. This was accomplished in the State of Michigan, County of Wayne and signed by William H Rader, Deputy Probate Register in Detroit Michigan. [¶] Please send requested documents at your earliest convenience. A self addressed envelope for your convenience enclosed. Yours truly, [signed] Jean Barbara McCormick.”
[Handwritten letter on plain stationery stamped “JEANNE B. MCCORMICK, 368 E. Lakeshore Drive, Sunrise Beach-Click Route, Llano, Texas 78643,” dated 14 Feb. 1973, addressed to Vital Statistics Department, Criminal and Orphan’s Court of Crawford County, Meadville, Pennsylvania, with envelope postmarked 14 Feb. 1973:] I am writing you hoping that you can aid in my obtaining a birth certificate. I have exhausted all avenues in this venture and it was suggested to me by my father mothers’ sister-in-law that you may have records of my birth in your office and that you could possibly send me a copy of same. There is some information I have been able to find out through various sources. However I must have a birth certificate in order to obtain a passport for areas I plan to visit and in a few years will need it for Social Security benefits. It is because of the latter, mainly that I write you. I will, then, now set down what I believe to be true to the best of my knowledge. 1. I was born in Bellmont or Gerry? New York on May 6, 1916 2. My name was Frances Foote 3. My mothers name was Eva M. Foote 4. My fathers name was CLAIRE HOWARD. 5. I was either born in Gerry Homes (their records & NY State records show no birth certificate) or was placed there when I was 2 or 3 days old. 6. I was adopted by George T. Eberman and Ethel Irene Eberman when I was 2 weeks old in Meadville Pennsylvania where my foster parents lived and was named Jean Barbara Eberman. 7. I lived in Meadville & was baptized in the Congregational Church (they have no record of birth place either) on Park Avenue until I was eight or nine years old. 8. My foster parents divorced and both remarried. 9. My foster mothers second husband, Virgil Ray McCormick re-adopted me in 1937 after which my name was changed to read Jean Barbara McCormick 1-. I now use, and have for many years, the name Jeanne B. McCormick I have written many many letters, one which was sent to the Bureau of Vital Records in the New York State Department of Health in Albany. They had no record of my date of birth but suggested I get a ‘Delayed Registration of Birth’ They say I must have 2 written documents original or certified copies (not affirmations or affidavits) showing the following 1. Name 2. Date of Birth or age at the time the original record was made 3. Place of birth 4. Names of parents Can you help me in this matter? I should be happy to pay any fee necessary for this trouble. Sincerely, [signed] Jeanne B. M’Cormick [noted beside signature:] I have various documents which may suffice except for one stating the place of birth – this I need so much.” [no reply on file]
#41 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:379
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH P. CONWAY and MARIE CONWAY [changed everywhere from ‘Mary’], his wife, citizens and residents of the city of Titusville, said county [of Crawford], respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting MARY CLEMENTINE LESKO [sic], a minor child of STEPHEN and BERTHA LESCO [changed here and elsewhere from ‘Lesko’], now [next word carreted, handwritten] of the age of four months as one of their heirs; that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor and that the said Stephen and Bertha Lesco, parents of the said Mary Clementine Lesco have consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray this honorable court to order and decree that the said Mary Clementine Lesco shall assume the name of your petitioners Mary Clementine Conway and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Joseph P Conway, Marie Conway; sworn to and again subscribed before Lulu M. Moran, Notary Public, Titusville, 7 Oct. 1916; presented by Attorney Axtell J. Byles, Titusville.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “We, Stephen Lesco and Bertha Lesco, the parents of the said Mary Clementine Lesco, hereby signify our consent to the adoption of the said Mary Clementine Lesco as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe that said adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed Stephen Lesco, Mrs. S. Lesco.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “C.W. Fay and J.L. Smith being duly sworn, according to law says that they are well acquainted with Joseph P. Conway and Mary Conway the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character and that they believe that the welfare of the said Mary Clementine Lesko [sic] will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed C. W. Fay, J. L. Smith before Lulu M. Moran, Notary Public, Titusville, 7 Oct. 1916.
Granted 9 Oct. 1916, name assumed is Mary Clementine Conway; filed same day.
#73 November Term 1916
Appearance Docket 204:411
[Petition of FRANK E. FIDELMAN to adopt DOROTHY AILEEN THEURET missing; slip in file states, “April 28, 1942, On examining the files, no paper is found. (The Attorney, L. J. Culbertson probably has same.) [signed] David J. McKay, Deputy Prothy.” See also No. 170 Feb. Term 1921, in which the child is called Arlene. The following is from the Appearance Docket:] Petition of FRANK E. FIDELMAN for the Adoption of Dorothy Aileen Theuret minor child of WILLIAM THEURET and EMMA THEURET, his wife, as his child & heir [next line] Entered Nov. , 1916
Nov. 6, 1916. Petition presented in open Court and filed. [¶] And now, November 6, 1916, upon presentation of the foregoing petition, in open Court, and after due consideration thereof, a rule to show cause why said adoption should not be approved and decreed as prayed for is hereby granted, returnable and for hearing on the fourth Monday of November, 1916, at 10 o’clock A.M It is further ordered and decreed that a copy of this petition, together with the order of the Court thereon, be served upon the said Mrs. William Theuret either personally or by registered letter, giving her at least ten days notice of the return day and the time for hearing of this rule, and notifying her to answer this petition and show cause, if she has any, why said adoption should not be approved and decreed, and that in default of an answer thereto, showing cause why said adoption should not be approved and decreed the Court will approve and decree the adoption of said child as prayed for. Per Curiam. [¶] Nov. 6, 1916. Rule issued. [¶] On Arg[umen]t. List for Nov. Term, 1916 No. 9.
#125 February Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:126
“The [typed] petition of BRYON THOMAS of Rockdale Township, Crawford County, Penna., respectfully represents: [¶] That he is desirous of adopting CECIL SMITH, minor child of DELLA THOMAS, wife of your petitioner, as one of his heirs. Said minor is at present thirteen years of age and making her home with your petitioner. Your petitioner represents that he will perform all of the duties of a parent to the said Cecil Smith and that the said Della Thomas, wife of your petitioner, and mother of said child, has consented to such adoption and joins in the prayer of your petitioner. Wherefore your petitioner prays your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Cecil Smith shall assume the name of your petitioner and that she shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioner will ever pray, etc.” Signed Byron Thomas; sworn to (but not again subscribed) before Geo N. Wilcox, J.P., Rockdale Twp., 19 Jan. 1917; [cover states:] “Feby 5 1917 Rule to show cause granted, Returnable 4th Monday of Feby. 1917 Per Curiam”; presented by Attorney Albert L. Thomas, Meadville; filed 5 Feb. 1917.
[Attached (typed) joinder:] “I, Della Thomas, hereby certify that I am the mother of Cecil Smith; that I have read the foregoing petition and I hereby join in the prayer of my husband, Byron Thomas, the petitioner, for the adoption of my minor daughter, Cecil Smith. Signed Della Thomas [undated].
Granted 4 June 1917, “and that the said Cecil Smith assume the name of the said Byron Thomas,” presumably Cecil Thomas; filed same day.
#25 May Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:159
“The [typed] petition of ROBERT B. MAYNARD and GRACE MAYNARD his wife citizens and residents of Crawford County Pa. respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are desirous of adopting GEORGE DELAUZON, a minor child of the age of twelve years, whose parents are unknown to your petitioners, and who is now and has been for nearly a year an inmate of the home of your petitioners who got him at the Venango County Childrens Home of Oil City Pa. where he had been an inmate for about a year, and supported by said institution, and that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor. [¶] That your petitioner appends to this, petition a copy of a resolution of the board of managers of said home, consenting to the adoption of the said George DeLauzon as herein prayed for, and certifying their opinion that the welfare of said George DeLauzon will be promoted thereby. [¶] They therefore pray your honorable court to order and decree that the said George DeLauzon shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Robert B Maynard, Grace Maynard; sworn to by Robert B Maynard (only) and again subscribed by him before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville, 12 Feb. 1917; presented by Attorney James D. Roberts, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “Oil City, Pa., February 15 1917. [¶] At a Meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, duly convened this date, it was:– [¶] Resolved, That the consent of this Society is hereby given to the proposed adoption by Robert B. Maynard and Grace Maynard, his wife, of George DeLauzon, a minor child, who has been under the care and control of this Society for some two years last past; that this Society is satisfied, from inquiry, that the said Robert B. Maynard and Grace Maynard are persons of good moral character and able to provide for said minor and that the welfare of the said George DeLauzon will be promoted by such adoption. Attest: [signed] Elizabeth L. Hays, President.”
Granted 19 Feb. 1917, name assumed is George Maynard; filed same day.
#9 September Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:245
“The [typed] petition “of LEWIS MYERS and SABINA J. MYERS, his wife, both of said county [of Crawford], respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting as their heir, CATHERINE R. SNODGRASS, aged fourteen months, and being the child of FRANK L. SNODGRASS, living in said county, and CATHERINE [sic; CATHARINE SNODGRASS, for the last eight months living in Pittsburgh; and for that purpose they herein declare their said desire, and also that they will perform all the duties of parents to said Catherine Snodgrass. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray the Court, if satisfied that the welfare of said Catherine Snodgrass will be promoted by such adoption, with the consent of said Frank L. Snodgrass and Catherine Snodgrass, her parents, evidenced by their signing this petition, to decree that the said Catherine R. Snodgrass may assume the name of the petitioners, namely Catherine [middle initial carreted] R. Myers, and have all the rights of a child and heir of the petitioners, and be subject to the duties of a child. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Lewis Myers, Sabina J. Myers, Frank L. Snodgrass (with “Witness as to Frank L. Snodgrass.” John W Snodgrass), and Catharine Snodgrass (with “Witness as to Catherine Snodgrass,” Adelaide K. McFetridge); sworn to and again subscribed Lewis Myers, Sabina J. Myers before James W. Crawford, J.P., 7 May 1917; presented by Attorney George F. Davenport, Meadville.
Granted 14 May 1917, name assumed is Catherine R. Myers; filed same day.
#83 September Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:319
“The [typed] petition of FRED W. THORNTON and BLANCHE BOYCE THORNTON, his wife, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are residents of the County of Crawford County and are desirous of adopting GAINS BRYANT LEAKE [‘Gains (Robert) Bryand Leake’ per cover] a minor child of LEWIS C LEAKE, and whose mother is deceased, as one of their heirs. [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to said Gains Bryant Leake, who is of the age of 7 years. [”] That the said Lewis C. Leake father of the said Gains Bryant Leake has consented to said adoption by your petitioners, and he as well as said petitioners desire that the name of said child be changed from Gains Bryant Leake to Robert Bryant Thornton upon said adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable court to order and decree that the said Gains Bryant Leake shall assume the name of your petitioners under the name of Robert Bryant Thornton and that the said Gaines Bryant Leake shall have all of the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioners will ever pray.” Signed Fred W Thornton, Blanche Boyce Thornton; sworn to and again subscribed before C. B. McDowell, J.P., 27 July 1917; presented by Attorneys Frank J. Thomas, Paul E. Thomas.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “I, Lewis C. Leake, father of the said Gains Bryant Leake, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Gains Bryant Lake under the name of Robert Bryant Thornton, as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe such adoption will be for the wellfare [sic] of said child.” Sworn to and subscribed Lewis C Leake before Albert U. Ford, Notary Public, Calhoun County, Michigan, 30 July 1917.
Granted 6 Aug. 1917, name assumed is Robert Bryant Thornton; filed same day.
#86 September Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:322
[Typed “Petition for adoption”:] “Your petitioners FREDERICK MOYER and MARGARET MOYER his wife residing at 875½ Diamond Square, Meadville, Crawford County, Penn’a. respectfully represent:– [¶] 1. That by Indenture dated October 21st, 1913 they received into their home from the New York Foundling Hospital a corporation under the laws of the State of New York and located in the City of New York a child named WINIFRED CARNEY born May 12th, 1912 who had no known living parents or relations; that they have no children of their own and that since receiving the said Winifred Carney they have cared for her in all respects as their own natural child and desire to retain her as such. [¶] 2. That at the date of said Indenture and when receiving said child it was agreed by Sister Theresa Vincent who as they believe was the mother Superior of said Foundling Hospital that your petitioners might adopt said child after three years from the date when receiving her and when writing recently for authority so to do they were advised to consult an attorney to effect said adoption. [¶] Your petitioners represent that they have become attached to said child; that they are financially able and willing to provide a proper home for her and care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray this Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said Winifred Carney as provided by Acts of Assembly, said child to assume the name of your petitioners and to have all the rights and privileges incident to a natural child. And they will ever pray.” Signed Frederick Moyer, Margaret Moyer; sworn to and again subscribed before Maude Harper, Notary Public, Meadville, 30 June 1917; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[(Typed) consent, below:] “We, the undersigned Overseers of the Poor of the County of Crawford do hereby certify that we have read the foregoing petition by Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer praying for the adoption of Winifred Carney and hereby consent that said adoption may be decreed in accordance with the prayer of said petitioners.” Signed H. C. Wasson, A Lilley[?], M. G. Beatty.
[Attached preprinted indenture form:] “This Agreement, made and executed on the thirty-first day of July 1917, between The New York Foundling Hospital and Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer, his wife, of Meadville, Pennsylvania: [¶, not indented] Witnesseth: [¶] That Whereas Winifred Carney, an infant deserted child or foundling of the age of five years has been since May 23, 1912,, in the care of The New York Foundling Hospital, a charitable corporation organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, and supported in part by the City of New York by taxes imposed for that purpose, and [¶] Whereas, since said May 23, 1912, no inquiry has been made about the welfare of said infant and board has been paid by its parents or guardian, and no provision has been made by the parents, relatives or guardian of said infant for its support and maintenance, but the parents of said have abandoned it and said infant has no general guardian and has no property or means of support, and [¶] Whereas, said The New York Foundling Hospital on September 30, 1914, did place said child with said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer,, his wife, of No. [blank] and since that time the said infant has remained with the said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer his wife, by whom it has been supported and maintained, and [¶] Whereas, the said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer his wife, are desirous of adopting said Winifred Carney, [¶] Now, therefore, the said The New York Foundling Hospital hereby consents to the adoption of the said Winifred Carney by said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer, his wife, and consents to the making of an order of adoption, and to a change of name of said Winifred Carney to [blank] Moyer, and the said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer, his wife, do hereby jointly and severally agree upon the granting to them of the said child, Winifred Carney in adoption under an order of the [blank] Court of the County of Crawford, State of Pennsylvanie, [sic] to adopt and treat the said infant, Winifred Carney as their own lawful child and to fully and amply provide for her maintenance and improvements, as her lawful parents.” Signed The New York Foundling Hospital By Catherine Irene Bowen, Sister Anna Michella, Frederick Moyer, Margaret Moyer; sworn to (but not again subscribed) by Catherine Irene Bown (Sister Anna Michella) before James T. Oakes, Notary Public, New York County, 21 July 1917, and sworn to (but not again subscribed) by Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 6 Aug. 1917.
[Attached (typed) “Affidavit,” executed in the City and County of New York:] “Catherine Irene Bowen, known in religion as Sister Anne Michella, being duly sworn, says that she is the Treasurer of The New York Foundling Hospital, and as such Treasurer has charge of the records of said Hospital wherein are kept and entered the data relative to children coming under the control and into the custody of said Hospital and is familiar with the contents of said records. [¶] That the record of said Hospital in the case of Winifred Carney, the minor above mentioned shows the following facts: on the 23rd day of May, 1912 a woman left an infant female child at the said Hospital and stated that she was the mother of the child, that the child was born on the 9th day of May, 1912, that she was unable to take care of it and gave the name of the child as Winifred Carney. The said woman stated also that she wanted to give the child to the Hospital and to surrender to it all her rights to the child and she did surrender and entrust to the Hospital the entire management and control of the said child. That since the said 23rd day of May, 1912, the said woman has not visited the Hospital or made any inquiry concerning the child, or made any provision for its support or maintenance and that no inquiries concerning the child have been made at the Hospital by any person whatsoever. That on the 30th day of September, 1913, The New York Foundling Hospital placed said minor Winifred Carney with the petitioners herein. [¶] Deponent further says that The New York Foundling Hospital is a corporation of the State of New York and is authorized under the laws of said State to place children for adoption.” Sworn to and subscribed Catherine Irene Bowen, Sister Anna Michella, before James T. Oates, Notary Public, New York County, 31 July 1917.
[Attached (typed) affidavit, executed in New York County, New York:] “Personally appeared before me a Notary Public at New York in the County and State aforesaid Catherine Irene Bowen (Sister Anna Michella) Treasurer of The New York Foundling Hospital, a corporation incorporated and organized under the Laws of the State of New York who being duly sworn says she was well acquainted with Jane C. McCrystal (Sister Theresa Vincent) (now deceased) the person who executed a certain indenture dated October 21st, 1913, as Treasurer of and on behalf of said corporation with Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer his wife of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania pursuant to which a female child aged 1 year five months named Winifred Carney was given into the custody of said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer his wife; that said Frederick Moyer and wife have from time to time corresponded with said corporation and have kept it informed as to the welfare of said child; that at the time said Frederick Moyer and Margaret Moyer received said child into their home, care and custody it was understood and agreed that after three years a legal adoption might be effected which time has expired and consent to said adoption has been given by said Corporation. [¶] Deponent says further that as such Treasurer she is fully empowered under the Charter and By-Laws of said The New York Foundling Hospital to consent to said legal adoption and that she executes this affidavit with full authority by said corporation for so doing and attests the same by affixing hereto the corporate seal of said corporation.” Sworn to and subscribed Catherine Irene Bowen, Sister Anna Michella, before James T. Oates, Notary Public, 4 Aug. 1917.
Granted 6 Aug. 1917, name assumed is Winifred C. Moyer; filed 8 Aug. 1917.
#18 November Term 1917
Appearance Docket 205:368
The [typed] petition of WALTER BAUER and CAROLINE C. BAUER, his wife, of North Shenango township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents:– [¶] That on or about the hour of twelve o’clock, midnight, of January 22, 1915, a white female child of a few hours of age, naked, wrapped in an old canton flannel blanket, and in a basket, was left by some person or persons unknown, on the doorsteps at the residence of Dr. [initials handwritten] G. S. Anderson, in the town of Andover, Ashtabula county, Ohio, and then and there abandoned; that the wife of said Dr. Anderson, within an hour or two after the child was so left, discovered her presence there, and took the child into her home and cared for her temporarilly; that within a day or two thereafter your petitioners, hearing of the incident, and wishing to obtain possession of a child applied to the said temporary custodians of this child for permission to take possession of and remove her to their home in North Shenango township, there to care for her, and eventually, should they become attached to the child, to adopt her as their child and heir at law. That all inquiry was made by Dr. Anderson and the petitioners to discover the parents or relatives of said child have failed to reveal the slightest clue to her parentage or relatives and they are entirely and utterly without any information or knowledge of the name or relatives of said child. Your petitioners have, from the time they so acquired said child ever since up to the present had the exclusive possession, custody and care of said child and have cared for her as they would care for a child of their own, and have become very much attached to her, and have christened said child with the name of Harriett Lucile Bauer, which is the only name by which said child has ever been known, and the petitioners have become and are desirous of adopting the said child as one of their heirs, which desire the petitionrs hereby declare; that said child was born on the 22d day of January 1915, as near as can be learned by the petitioners; and they further declare that they will perform all the duties of parents to such child. [¶] That in the absence of any and all knowledge of any parents, next friend or next of kin of said child, or of any person responsible for her support, upon whom to serve notice of this application, or whose consent to adoption could be obtained, your petitioners have given notice to the guardians or overseers of the poor of Crawford County of this intended application, whose acceptance of service of notice an consent to the granting of this petition is hereby attached. [¶] Therefore, the petitioners pray that your Honorable Court do order and decree that said child, hereinbefore designated Hariet Harriett Lucile Bauer, be adopted as and for the child, and shall assume the name of the petitioners and shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir of the petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Walter Bauer., Caroline Bauer.; sworn to and again subscribed before A. M. Fenner, Notary Public, Linesville, Pa., 25 Sept. 1917.
[Attached (typed) affidavit:] “Dr. [initials handwritten] G. S. Anderson, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is a practicing physician and resides in the town of Andover, in the county of Ashtabula, state of Ohio; that on or about midnight of January 22, 1915 there was left upon the doorstep of his residence a basket containing a white female infant child of a few hours age, which had no clothing on but was wrapped in an old canton flannel blanket and had no marks of any kind on its person or in or about the basket or wrap to designate its parentage or connections; that said child was taken into affiant’s house and temporarily cared for by his family; that within a day or two after the finding of said child as aforesaid, at the request of Walter Bauer and Caroline C. Bauer the possession of said child was delivered to them by affiant and his wife, upon their promise to take good care of it and provide it with a comfortable home with a view to ultimately adopting the child; that since said time the child has been well cared for and provided with a comfortable home by the said petitioner; that the welfare of said child would be promoted by her adoption by the petitioners. [¶] Affiant further represents that he made diligent inquiry and investigation to ascertain the origin and parents or other relatives and next of kin of said child, but all his efforts were without avail.” Sworn to at Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and subscribed G S Anderson, MD. before E. S. Jerome, Notary Public, Ashtabula Co., 24 Sept. 1917.
[Attached (typed) notice and consent:] “To the Overseers of the Poor of Crawford Count. [next line] Gentlemen:– [¶] You are hereby notified that Walter Bauer and Caroline C. Bauer, of North Shenango township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, will on the 27th day of September 1917, or as soon thereafter as teh attention of they [sic] Court may be had, present their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, for the adoption of Harriett Lucile Bauer as their child and heir at law, the said Harriett Lucile Bauer having no known parents, next of kin or next friend in the said county or elsewhere to represent, care for and support her, the said petitioners having had the possession, custody and care of the said child from her infancy in January 1915 [changed from ‘1815’], to this date.” Signed John O. McClintock, “Attorney for Walter Bauer and Caroline C. Bauer. [next line] Meadville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1917. [¶] And now, Sept. [date handwritten] 27, 1917, the undersigned, Overseers of the Poor in and for the County of Crawford, hereby accept service of the above notice, and, believing that the welfare of said child will be subserved and promoted thereby, hereby consent that a decree of adoption be granted by the Court upon the above mentioned petition, in favor of the petitioners.” Signed H C Wasson, A E Lilley, M. G. Beatty, “Overseers of the Poor of Crawford County.”
Granted 27 Sept. 1917, name assumed is Harriett Lucile Bauer; filed same day.
#8 February Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:8
“The [typed] petition of H. M. DICKSON and VINNIE L. DICKSON, residents of the City of Meadville, Penn’a. respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting VINNIE IRENE BAKER an adult daughter of the age of twenty three years who was a daughter of JAMES MADISON BAKER and ADELAIDE BAKER, late of the City of Meadville, Pa. (both parents being dead) deceased. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable court to order and decree that the said Vinnie Irene Baker shall have all the rights of a child and bear the name of Vinnie Irene Baker Dickson, and we will ever pray.” Signed H. M. Dickson, Vinnie L. Dickson; [below:] “I hereby assent to the adoption as prayed for above[.]” Signed Vinnie Irene Baker; sworn to by H. M. Dickson (only) and again subscribed by him before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 15 Nov. 1917; presented by H. M. Dickson, Conveyancer, Meadville.
Granted 15 Nov. 1917, name assumed is Vinnie Irene Baker Dickson; filed same day.
#27 February Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:27
“The [typed] petition of TONY [VITRANO] and MADELINE VITRANO respectfully represents:– [¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, living on West Street, Meadville, Pa. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ETHEL FUCCI a minor child born January 23rd., 1911, now resident with your petitioners, being the child of MIKE and ESTHER FUCCI, the mother Esther having died last March. [¶] That the said Mike Fucci is unable financially to support and maintain the said Ethel Fucci and is willing and desirous that she be adopted by said Tony Vitrano and Madeline his wife, his assent being thereto being [sic] set forth in an answer herewith attached. [¶] That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for therein. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court that they may have leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the act of Assembly in such cases provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any and all other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Toni Vetrano and with the mark of Madeline Vitrano, witness[es]: Leland J. Culbertson, L. M. Richmond; sworn to (as Tony and Madeline Vitrano) and subscribed again in the same manner before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, 26 Nov. 1917; presented by Attorney Leland J. Culbertson, Meadville.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Jacob Measel and Edward De Pascale being duly sworn depose and say that they are acquainted with Tony and Madeline Vitrano, the petitioners above named, that they are person [sic] of respectibility [sic] and character; that they are able to probide [sic], care for and maintain properly the said Ethel Fucci; that they are acquainted with Mike Fucci, the father and his circumstances and that in their opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Ethel Fucci that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Jacob Measel, Edward DePascale before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville 26 Nov. 1917.
[(Typed) parental consent, below:] “I, the undersigned, being the parent of Ethel Fucci do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition, that the facts therein set forth are true, and I do join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of said Ethel Fucci by the said Tony and Madeline Vitrano.” Signed with the mark of Mike Fucci, witness[es]: Leland J. Culbertson, Leona M. Richmond.
Granted 3 Dec. 1917, name assumed is Ethel Vitrano; filed same day.
#69 February Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:69
“The [typed] petition of JUDSON A. SARGENT and ELLA SARGENT his wife citizens and residents of Beaver Township, Crawford County, Pa., respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are desirous of adopting CATHERINE AGNES MURDOCK, a minor child of the age of seventeen years, whose parents are unknown to your petitioners, the mother is said to be dead and the father has not been heard from by said minor child for more than twelve years and may be dead; that said minor child has been an inmate of the home of your petitioners for twelve years last past and has been supported by your petitioners; all that time; they say that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor. [¶] They therefore pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Catherine Agnes Murdock shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Judson A Sargent, Ella Sargent; sworn to by Judson A. Sargent (only) and again subscribed Judson A Sargent before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville, Pa., 21 Dec. 1917; presented by Attorney James D. Roberts, Meadville.
[(Typed) consent, below:] “I, Catherine Agnes Murdock, the minor mentioned in above petition have read over said petition and agree to the truth of the statements therein and express my desire that the prayer of the petition be granted. [¶; not indented] Dec. 21, 1917[.]” Signed Catharine Agnes Murdock.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “H. H. Bentley and Eva W. Bentley being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are near neighbors of Judson A. Sargent and Ella Sargent his wife and have known them for twenty years past and know the minor, Catherine Agnes Murdock; they know the said Judson A. Sargent and wife to be suitable persons to have the custody of said minor and believe the adoption asked for would be to the welfare of said minor child as Mr. and Mrs. Sargent have no children of their own and have had the care of and have provided for the said minor for many years.” Sworn to and subscribed H H Bentley, Eva W. Bentley before Leon Ely, J.P., Beaver Twp., Crawford Co., 22 Dec. 1917.
Granted 7 Jan. 1918, name assumed is Catherine Agnes Sargent; filed same day.
#88 February Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:88
“The [typed] petition of FRANK K. EASTERWOOD and ADELAID [sic] EASTERWOOD, his wife, residents of the City of Meadville, Pa. respectfully represents. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ELEANOR GRAHAM, an adult person, of the age of twenty-one (21) years of age, who is of the Children’s Home Society, Incorporated, of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa. with all the rights of a child and heir. [¶] That your petitioners aver in support of their petition that the said Eleanor Graham was born on or about the 27th. Day of January, A.D. 1896, and had been cared for by the Children’s Home Society as a beneficiary and has been constantly under its supervision since her release in accordance with its charter and regulations; that on or about the 19th. day of May. A.D. 1897 the said child was placed by Agreement of Placement, and on trial with your petitioners; that your petitioners have fulfilled their part of the agreement made at placement, and being desirous of legally adopting said child, and consent having been obtained from the said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, for said adoption, as fully appears in Consent of Adoption hereto attached and made part of the said petition. [¶] Your petitioners, therefore pray your Honorable Court to order and decree the adoption of the said Eleanor Graham to have all the rights of a child and heir as prayed for, and that she may assume the name of Helen Cullum Easterwood, as they will ever pray.” Signed Frank K. Easterwood, Adelaide Easterwood; [next page:] “I hereby assent to the adoption as prayed for in the within petion [sic].” Signed Helen Cullum Easterwood; sworn to by Frank K. Easterwood (only) and subscribed by him before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 25 Jan. 1918; presented by Attorney[?] A. G[?]. Richmond.
[Attached “Consent to Adoption” on preprinted form of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, issued 15 Jan. 1918:] “Whereas, There was to the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, or about the nineteenth day of May A.D. 1897, a certain female child named Eleanor Graham born on or about twenty seventh day of January A. D. 1896, said Release being duly executed and acknowledged by nearest of kin, Anna C Henshaw, the then custodian of said Eleanor Graham; [¶] And Whereas, By said Release consent was given that said child may be Adopted by such person or persons as may be chosen by the said Children’s Home Society, in accordance with the statutes for the adoption of children, without further notice to the said party to the release; [¶] And Whereas, Said child has been cared for by the Children’s Home Society as a beneficiary, and has been continuously under its supervision since said Release, in accordance with its Charter and regulations; and on or about the nineteenth day of May, A. D. 1897, said child was placed by Agreement of Placement, and on trial, with Frank K Easterwood and Adelaide Easterwood, his wife, of Meadville, Pa. [¶] And Whereas, The said Frank K Easterwood and Adelaide Easterwood his wife having had said child in their custody and care a sufficient period on trial, and under the supervision of the Society, and it appearing to the Society that they have fulfilled their part of the Agreement made at placement, and they having requested and petitioners, and being desirous of legally adopting said child, that she may take lawfully their name and have interest in their estate, and the Society being assured of the happy relationship established between them and the child; [¶] Now Therefore, The Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, does by these presents give consent to such Adoption, and upon the same being granted according to law, does surrender all claim and control of the said child; and further prays the Court before whom the case may be brought to grant such Adoption, believing it to be to the interest of the child and the parties aforesaid. [¶] Witness Our hands and the corporate seal of the Children’s Home of Society of Pennsylvania, done at the office of the Society in the City of Pittsburgh, this fifteenth day of January A. D. 1918.” Signed Thomas S. Wilcox, President. N. L. Brown, Secretary, W Henry Thompson, State Superintendent [seal].
Granted 25 Jan. 1918, “and that the said Eleanor Graham shall retain the name of Helen Cullum Easterwood”; filed same day.
#4 May Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:108
“The [typed] petition of EDWARD PREMO and ANNA PREMO his wife of Meadville, Pa., respectfully represents; [¶] That your petitioners are desirous of adopting, as one of their heirs, a certain child known as MARGARET MARY MEAGHER, whose parents are unknown, said child having been left by an unknown woman with The New York Foundling Hospital in New York City, on January 7, 1913, said hospital being a charitable institution, and said child having been supported by said hospital for more than a year; That on March 19, 1915 said hospital placed said child with your petitioners, and said hospital now consents to this proposed adoption, as evidenced by written consent hereto attached and accompanied by affidavit of Treasurer of said hospital setting forth as to custody of said child, which consent and affidavit attached are made part of this petitioner; That your petitioners further declare that they will perform all the duties of parents to said child. [¶] And they will ever pray, &c.” Signed Edward Premo, Anna Premo; sworn to and again subscribed before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 18 Jan. 1918; presented by Attorney B. B. Pickett, Meadville.
[Attached preprinted form:] “This Agreement, made and executed on the Third day of December 1917, between The New York Foundling Hospital and Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, of Meadville, State of Pennsylvania: [¶; not indented] Witnesseth: [¶] That Whereas Margaret Mary Meagher, an infant deserted child or foundling of the age of five years has been since January 7, 1913, in the care of The New York Foundling Hospital, a charitable corporation organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, and supported in part by the City of New York by taxes imposed for that purpose, and [¶] Whereas, since said January 7, 1913 no inquiry has been made about the welfare of said infant and no board has been paid by its parents or guardian, and no provision has been made by the parents, relatives or guardian of said infant for its support and maintenance, but the parents of said have abandoned it and said infant has no general guardian and has no property or means of support, and [¶] Whereas, said The New York Foundling Hospital on March 19, 1915 did place said child with said Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, of No. Meadville, Pennsylvania and since that time the said infant has remained with the said Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, by whom it has been supported and maintained, and [¶] Whereas, the said Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, are desirous of adopting said Margaret Mary Meagher [¶] Now, therefore, the said The New York Foundling Hospital hereby consents to the adoption of the said Margaret Mary Meagher by said Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, and consents to the making of an order of adoption, and to a change of name of said Margaret Mary Meagher to [blank] Premo and the said Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife, do hereby jointly and severally agree upon the granting to them of the said child, Margaret Mary Premo in adoption under an order of the Common Pleas Court of the County of Crawford State of Pennsylvania to adopt and treat the said infant, Margaret Mary Meagher as their own lawful child and to fully and amply provide for her maintenance and improvements, as her lawful parents.” Signed The New York Foundling Hospital By Catherine Irene Bowen, Sister Anna Michella “In presence of” James T. Oakes, and signed Edward Premo, Anna Premo “In presence of” Effie M. Peffers; sworn to at New York Co., New York by Catherine Irene Bowen Sister Anna Michella (but not again subscribed) before James T. Oakes, Notary Public, New York County, 3 Dec. 1917, and sworn to in Crawford Co. by Edward Premo and Anna Premo his wife (but not again subscribed) before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 18 Jan. 1918.
[Attached (typed) “Affidavit,” executed in the County and State of New York:] “Catherine Irene Bowen, known in religion as Sister Anne Michella, being duly sworn, says that she is the Treasurer of The New York Foundling Hospital, and as such Treasurer has charge of the records of said Hospital wherein are kept and entered the data relative to children coming under the control, and into the custody, of said Hospital and is familiar with the contents of said records. [¶] That the record in the case of the minor, Margaret Mary Meagher, above mentioned, shows the following facts: that on the 7th day of January 1913, a woman left an infant female child at the Hospital and stated that she was the mother of the child, that the child was born on the 1st day of December 1912, that she was unable to take care of it and gave the name of the child as Margaret Mary Meagher. The said woman stated also that she wanted to give the child to the Hospital and to surrender to it all her rights to the child and she did thereupon surrender and entrust to said Hospital the entire management and control of the child. That since the 7th day of January 1913, the said woman has not visited the Hospital or made any inquiries concerning the child or made any provision for her support or maintenance and that no inquiries concerning the child have been made at the Hospital by any person whatsoever. That on the 19th day of March 1915 The New York Foundling Hospital placed said Mary Margaret Meagher with the petitioners herein. [¶] Deponent further says that The New York Foundling Hospital is a corporation of the State of New York and is authorized under the laws of said State to place children for adoption.” Sworn to and subscribed Catherine Irene Bowen, Sister Anna Michella, before James T. Oates, Notary Public, New York County, 3 Dec. 1917.
Granted 11 Feb. 1918, “and that said child assume the name of the adopting parents, said Edward and Anna Premo,” presumably Margaret Mary Premo; filed same day.
#5 May Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:109
“The [typed] petition of JOHN A. SMITH and his wife, MARGARET SMITH, residents of Woodcock Township in the county aforesaid [of Crawford], respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting AUSTA EDNA LAMB, a minor child of JOHN B. LAMB and ELLA B. LAMB, late of Clarion County, Pa., now of the age of about nineteen years, as one of their heirs. [next sentence handwritten above the line] That the said minor’s father and mother are both deceased. That the said minor has been in the home of your petitioners for a period of about [handwritten in blank space] eight years. That they will perform all the duties of parents towards said minor and that the guardian [next four words handwritten and inserted above the line] aunt and next friend of said ward, Laura Lamb, has consented to said adoption, the said Laura Lamb having been appointed guardian [next four words handwritten and inserted above the line] requested by the father of the said ward by the Orphans Court of County [next fourteen words handwritten and inserted above the line] at the time of his death, to look after the interests of said child. Wherefore, your petitioners pray Your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Austa Edna Lamb shall assume the name of your Petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed John A Smith, margret Smith; sworn to and again subscribed before Isaac Mondereau, Notary Public, 30 Jan. 1918; presented by Attorney Isaac Monderau, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, Laura Lamb, guardian [next four words handwritten and inserted above the line] aunt and next friend of Austa Edna Lamb, the above named, hereby signify my consent to the adoption of the said Austa Edna Lamb as prayed for in the foregoing petition; that the said ward has had her home with the petitioners for many years; that I have frequently visited in the home of petitioners and am fully satisfied and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare. The parents of said ward are [next word carreted] both deceased.” Signed Laura Lamb.; sworn to in Westmoreland County, Pa., and again subscribed Laura Lamb. before George E. Barron, Notary Public, 15 Aug. 1917.
Granted 11 Feb. 1918, name assumed is Austa Edna Smith; filed same day.
#22 May Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:126
“The [typed] petition of JANE A. DICKSON, of Meadville, Pa., respectfully represents: [¶] That she is desirous of adopting MARIAN [sic; signed, and on decree as ‘MARION’] WOODS DAVENPORT and GEORGE SEIPLE DAVENPORT, two adult persons, children of J. M. DAVENPORT and ELIZA JANE WOODS DAVENPORT, both of whom are deceased, as her children and heirs. And petitioners declares that if such adoption be approved, she will perform all the duties of a parent towards such adult persons. [¶] She therefore prays your Honorable Court to make a Decree that thenceforth such adult persons shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of children and heirs of the petitioner, and the petitioner shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a parent of the said Marian Woods Davenport and George Seiple Davenport, as fully to all intents and purposes as if they had been born the lawful children of the petitioner. [¶] And she will ever pray, etc.” Signed Jane A. Dickson; sworn to and again subscribed before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 25 Feb. 1918; presented by Attorney J. W. Smith.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “We, Marian Woods Davenport and George Seiple Davenport, and Blanche [changed in handwriting from ‘Blance’] Davenport, his wife, who declare that we have read the foregoing petition of Jane A. Dickson, for the adoption of the said Marian Woods Davenport and George Seiple Davenport as her children and heirs, and we hereby consent to such adoption, and agree that if such adoption be approved, we will perform all the duties of children towards the petitioner.” Signed Marion Woods Davenport., George Seiple Davenport., Blanche G. Davenport.
Granted 26 Feb. 1918 [names presumably to remain Marion Woods Davenport and George Seiple Davenport]; filed same day.
#53 May Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:157
“The [typed] petition of ELENORA [sic] GROMOLL, widow, respectfully represents; [¶] That your petitioner is a citizen of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and resiedes at 1086 South Water Street, Meadville, Penn’a. [¶] That she is desirous of adopting HARRY A. FORD, a minor born January 22nd, 1901, who is a nephew and that said minor has made his home with your petitioner since he was five months old, he being a child of HARRIET WHITEHEAD FORD and GUY B. FORD. [¶] That Guy B. Ford has never supported or contributed anything to the support of said Harry A. Ford since said minor has been five months old but that the said Guy B. Ford has been for years an habitual drunkard and that his whereabouts are unknown to your petitioner. [¶] That your petitioner has for seventeen years and is now able to provide a proper home for the said minor and is able to care and will perform all the duties of a parent to said minor. [¶] That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as herein prayed for. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child. [¶] And she will ever pray, etc.” Signed Elnora Gromoll; sworn to and again subscribed before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 11 March 1918.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Fred A. Berg being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is acquainted with Elenora Gromoll, the petitioner within named, that she is a woman of respectability and character, that she is able to maintain and care for Harry A. Ford that he is acquainted with all the circumstances in the case and that in his opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Harry A. Ford that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Signed Fred. A. Berg.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Frank A Baker being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is acquainted with Elenora Gromoll, the petitioner within named, that she is a woman of respectability and character, that she is able to maintain and care for Harry A. Ford, that he is acquainted with all the circumstances in the case and that in his opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Harry A. Ford that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Signed Frank A. Bates [jurat on the next page executed by Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, 19 March 1918, but without naming the affiant or affiants].
[Attached (typed) consent:] “Harry A. Ford, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am person named in the within petition, that I have read the said petition, that the facts set forth therein are are [sic] true and I do join in the prayer thereof, consent to the said adoption and request that the said petition be granted.” Sworn to and subscribed Harry A. Ford before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, 11 March 1918.
Granted 1 April 1918, name assumed is Harry A. Gromell [sic–a typing error]; filed same day.
#6 September Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:216
“The [typed] petition of GEORGE B. WRIGHT and TRESSIE NORA WRIGHT respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. Your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in the city of Meadville at No. 902 Water Street. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting HARRY ROSS a minor born January 1st, 1917 now aged 1 year four months and upwards being the child of HARRY P. ROSS and FLORENCE B. ROSS now residing at No. 1910 Division Street in the City of Erie, Pa. [¶] 3. That the parents of said minor were separated and the care of the child was left with his father and his said parents are unable financially to support and maintain the said Harry Ross, and are willing and desirous that he be adopted by your petitioners, the consent to said adoption by the parents [with ‘r’ in ‘parents’ inserted in handwriting] of said Harry Ross being hereto annexed. [¶] 4. Your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and to care for, maintain and support him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards said child. [¶] 5. Affidavits by reputable citizens of Meadville are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage and benefit of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6. Your petitioners therefore pray for leave to adopt said Harry Ross under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of a natural child and heir of your petitioners, and further that after said adoption he shall be known by the name of George R. Wright. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Geo. B. Wright, Tressie Nora Wright; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 11 May 1918; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “We the undersigned, parents of Harry Ross do hereby certify that we have read a petition made by George B. Wright and Tressie Nora Wright of Meadville, Pa. praying for the adoption of our son Harry Ross born January 1st, 1917; that the facts set forth in said petition are true and we do hereby join in the prayer of said petition and do consent to the adoption of our said child Harry Ross by the said George B. Wright and Tressie Nora Wright. [¶] Dated at Erie, Pa. May 6h, 1918.” Sworn to at Erie Co., Pa., and subscribed Harry Ross, Florence Ross, “Witnesses:–” C. D. Higby, Sophia Czupryuski[?] before Clinton D. Higby, Notary Public, Erie, Pa., 13 May 1918.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Personally appeared before me an Alderman in the City of Meadville in and for the County of Crawford J George Heckman and Chas Muckinhaupt [sic] who being duly sworn depose and say that they know George B. Wright and Tressie Nora Wright his wife; that they are persons of respectability and good character; that they are financially able to care for, maintain and support the said Harry Ross whom they desire to adopt; that they are acquainted with the circumstances of said George B. Wright and Tressie Nora Wright and in the opinion of the deponents it will be for the best interest of the said Harry Ross that he be adopted as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed J George Heckman, Chas Muckinhoupt before H. L. Boynton, Alderman, 11 May 1918.
Granted 13 May 1918, name assumed is George R. Wright; filed same day.
#76 September Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:288
“The [typed] petition of JASON O. GOODWILL and ALTA R. GOODWILL [with middle initial carreted, handwritten], his wife, citizens and residents of this County [of Crawford], respectfully represent: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting DORATHA KEEFER, a minor child of HENRY B. KEEFER and HAZEL B. KEEFER, now residing at Corry, Erie County, Pa., which said minor was born on the 11th day of June 1917; as one of their heirs; and that they will perform all of the duties of parents toward the said minor, and that the said Henry B. Keefer and Hazel B. Keefer, parents of said minor Doratha Keefer, have consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable court to order and decree that the said Doratha Keefer shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Jason. O. Goodwill, Alta. R. Goodwill; sworn to and again subscribed before J. A. Bolard, Notary Public, Cambridge Springs, 22 June 1918; presented by Attorney J. A. Bolard, Cambridge Springs.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “We, Henry B. Keefer and Hazel B. Keefer, his wife, residents of Corry, Erie County, Pennsylvania, hereby declare [changed, in handwriting, from ‘decree’] that we are the parents of said Doratha Keefer; that we have read the foregoing petition and that we consent to the adoption of our said daughter, Doratha Keefer, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and we believe that such adoption will be for her best welfare.” Signed Henry B. Keefer, Hazel. B. Keefer, ‘Witnessed by’ Jewel D. Long, Anna B. Kinney.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County personally came [names handwritten] A. G. McLallen and Ida M. McLallen, who being by me duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with Jason O. Goodwill and Alta R Goodwill, his wife, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Doratha Keefer will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed A. G. McLallen, Ida M. McLallen before J. A. Board, Notary Public Cambridge Springs, Pa., 22 June 1918.
Granted 1 July 1918, name assumed is Doratha Goodwill; filed same day.
#86 September Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:298
“The [typed] petition of SAMUEL DAVIS PETERSON respectfully represents: That he is a resident of the county of Crawford, and that he is desirous of adopting AUSTIN RANDALL, minor child of HARRIOTT MAY [sic] PETERSON, as one of his heirs; that the said mother of said minor is now married to your petititioner; that he will perform all the duties of a parent to said minor, Austin Peterson Randall [with “Randall” carreted, handwritten]; that the said mother of Austin Peterson [carreted, handwritten] Randall has given her consent to the adoption as prayed for. RAYMOND TURNER, the father of said child has never contributed to the support of said child, nor recognized him. Wherefore your petitioner prays your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Austin Peterson [handwritten, carreted] Randall shall assume the name of your petitioner, and that he shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner, and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc.” Signed Samuel Davis Peterson; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 13 July 1918; presented by Atty. Albert L. Thomas.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, Harrioett [the “e” handwritten] May [sic] Peterson, hereby certify that I am the mother of Austin Randall and the lawful wife of Samuel Davis Peterson; that I have read the petition of my husband for the adoption of Austin Peterson [handwritten] Randall, my minor child, nine year [sic] of age, and I hereby consent to such adoption and join in the prayer of the petition.” Signed Harriet Mae Peterson [no jurat].
Granted 15 July 1918, name assumed is Austin Randall Peterson; filed same day.
#121 September Term 1918
Appearance Docket 206:333
“The [typed] petition of JOHN A. GILLILAND and ADELL GILLILAND, his wife, of Hartstown, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting as their heir CHESTER COX, aged eight years, and a son of JOHN COX, late of Venango County, deceased. This child, after the death of his father, was placed in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, and was subsequently given by the said Children’s Aid Society of Venango County to the care and custody of your petitioners with whom he has made his home for eighteen months last past. [¶] Petitioners declare that they will perform all the duties of parents to the said child. They further represent that the consent of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County to such adoption is evidenced by the President of said organization joining in this petition. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray the Court to decree that the said Chester Cox may assume the name of the petitioners, namely: Chester Gilliland, and have and enjoy all the rights of a child and heir of the petitioners and be subject to the duties of a child. [¶] And they will ever pray.” Signed John. A. Gilliland, Adell Gilliland; sworn to [but not again subscribed] before S. J. Young, J.P., 26 Aug. 1918.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “Mrs. Fred E. [first and middle name handwritten] Elizabeth L. Hays comes and represents to the Court that she is the President of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, located in Oil City, Pennsylvania. That she has read the petition of John A. Gilliland and Adell Gilliland, his wife, for the adoption of Chester Cox, and that the facts stated in said petition are true, and she believes that the welfare of said Chester Cox will be promoted by his adoption as a son and heir of the petitioners, and she hereby gives the consent of the said Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania to such adoption.” Signed “Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, By” Elizabeth L. Hays, President.
[Decree handwritten on cover.] Granted 2 Sept. 1918, name assumed is Chester Gilliland; filed same day.
#7 February Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:7
“The [typed] petition of FENTON C. KING respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That on or about November 21st, 1910 he received into his home FREDA LARUE HORNER born on or about November 21st, 1907 a minor child of ETTA HORNER which said child has remained in his household ever since, and has learned to regard your petitioner as its natural parent. [¶] 2. That said child was received from the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania as per Indenture hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit A’. [¶] 3. That at the time said minor child was placed with said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania a formal release was executed by the mother consenting to its adoption which said consent is hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit B’. [¶] 4. That your petitioner is desirous of adopting the said Freda LaRue Horner as his child and heir and is able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all the duties of a parent towards said minor. [¶] Your petitioners therefore prays this Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said Freda LaRue Horner to have all the rights of a natural child equal with any other natural or adopted children of your petitioner. And he will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Fenton C. King; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 16 Sept. 1918; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Attached “Consent to Adoption” on preprinted form of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania:] “Know All Men by These Presents, That Etta Horner and of Bellefonte Pa., being the Mother [with ‘Mother’ written over ‘parents’ (typed)] of Freda LaRue Horner [written over ‘John W. (?)’] of a child aged two & ½ [written over ‘thirteen,’ typed] years, born November 21, 1907 [written over ‘February 25, 1897’] in lawful wedlock, do hereby relinquish all my right to the said child, and do hereby commit said child to the care and custody of the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania; and do hereby consent that the said child may be legally adopted by such person or persons as may be chosen by the said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania without any further notice to the undersigned. [¶] Done at Bellefonte this 18th day of July 1910. (Signed)” Etta Horner, Bellefonte Pa, “Witnesses:” David Foreman, Bellefonte Pa [seal of Centre County Common Pleas Court].
[Attached “Consent to Adoption” on preprinted form of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, issued 19 Aug. 1910:] “Whereas, There was released to the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, on or about the eighteenth day of July A. D. 1910 a certain female child named Freda LaRue Horner, born on or about the twenty-first day of November A. D. 1907, said Release being duly executed and acknowledged by nearest of kin, Etta Horner the mother [¶] And Whereas, By said Release consent was given that said child may be Adopted by such person or persons as may be chosen by the said Children’s Home Society, in accordance with the statutes for the adoption of children, without further notice to the said party to the release; [¶] And Whereas, Said child has been cared for by the Children’s Home Society as a beneficiary, and has been continuously under its supervision since said Release, in accordance with its Charter and Regulations; and on or about the twenty first day of November, A. D. 1910, said child was placed by Agreement of Placement, and on trial, with Fenton C King and Georgiana B King, his wife, of Cambridge Springs, Pa. [¶] And Whereas, The said Fenton C King and his wife having had said child in theirhis custody and care a sufficient period on trial, and under the supervision of the Society, and it appearing to the Society that they havehe has fulfilled theirhis part of the Agreement made at placement, and theyhe having requested and petitioned, and being desirous of legally adopting said child, that she may take lawfully theirhis name and have interest in theirhis estate, and the Society being assured of the happy relationship established between themhim and the child; [¶] Now Therefore, The Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, does by these presents give consent to such Adoption, and upon the same being granted according to law, does surrender all claim and control of the said child; and further prays the Court before whom the case may be brought to grant such Adoption, believing it to be to the interest of the child and the partiesy aforesaid. [¶] Witness Our hands and the corporate sea of the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, done at the office of the Society in the City of Pittsburgh, this nineteenth day of August A. D. 1910.” Signed Thomas S. Wilcox, President, N L Brown, Secretary, W. Henry Thompson, State Superintendent [seal].
Granted 12 Nov. 1918, name assumed is Dorothy King; filed same day.
[Separate amendment:] “The petition of GEORGIANA KING respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That your petitioner is the wife of Fenton C. King who pursuant to petition filed November 12th, 1918 to the above number and term accompanied by certain exhibits was awarded a decree of adoption of Freda LaRue Horner a minor child received into the home of the parties and cared for by them as parents; that your petitioner was not a party to the petition of her said husband being at that time absent from the County of Crawford; that she has been informed of the facts averred in said petition and concurs therein; and further that she is desirous of becoming a party to said adoption and joining with her said husband therein. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays that the decree heretofore granted shall be amended by adding after the name of her said husband Fenton C. King in the second line of said decree ‘and Georgiana King his wife’, and that shall decree shall be thereupon amended to read as follows:– [¶ decree omitted] [¶] And your petitioner will ever pray as n duty bound.” Signed Mrs Georgiana King; sworn to and again subscribed before A. J. Moses, J.P., Cambridge Springs, 6 Jan. 1919; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Noted on cover:] 6 Jan. 1919, ”Decree amended as prayed”; filed same day.
#8 February Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:8
“The [typed] petition of FENTON C. KING, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That on or about Oct. 22, 1910 he received into his home FLORENCE E. RIEGGER [sic; REIGGER] born on or about Dec. 25th, 1907 a minor child of STELLA MAY RIEGGER [sic] which said child has remained in his household ever since, and has learned to regard your petitioner as its natural parent. [¶] 2. That said child was received from the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania as per Indenture hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit A’. [¶] 3. That at the time said minor child was placed with said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania a formal release was executed by the mother consenting to its adoption which said consent is hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit B’. [¶] 4. That your petitioner is desirous of adopting the said Florence E. Riegger as his child and heir and is able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all the duties of a parent towards said minor. [¶] Your petitioners therefore prays this Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said Florence E. Riegger to have all the rights of a natural child equal with any other natural or adopted children of your petitioner. And he will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Fenton C. King; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 16 Sept. 1918; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Attached “Consent to Adoption” on preprinted form of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania:] “Know All Men by These Presents, That ,I, Stella May Reigger and of Bethlehem Pa., being the mother of Florence Edna Reigger of a child aged two & ½ years, born December 25, 1907 in lawful wedlock, do hereby relinquish all my right to the said child, and do hereby commit said child to the care and custody of the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania; and do hereby consent that the said child may be legally adopted by such person or persons as may be chosen by the said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania without any further notice to the undersigned. [¶] Done at Bethlehem this 23d day of April 1910.. (Signed)” Stella May Reigger, “Witnesses:” Harry C. Cope, Carrie Ruth.
[Attached “Consent to Adoption” on preprinted form of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, issued 19 Aug. 1910:] “Whereas, There was released to the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, on or about the twenty-third day of April A. D. 1910 a certain female child named Florence E Riegger, born on or about the twentyfifth day of December A. D. 1907, said Release being duly executed and acknowledged by nearest of kin, Stella May Reigger the mother [¶] And Whereas, By said Release consent was given that said child may be Adopted by such person or persons as may be chosen by the said Children’s Home Society, in accordance with the statutes for the adoption of children, without further notice to the said party to the release; [¶] And Whereas, Said child has been cared for by the Children’s Home Society as a beneficiary, and has been continuously under its supervision since said Release, in accordance with its Charter and Regulations; and on or about the twenty second day of October, A. D. 1910, said child was placed by Agreement of Placement, and on trial, with Fenton C King and Georgiana B King, his wife, of Cambridge Springs, Pa. [¶] And Whereas, The said Fenton C King and his wife having had said child in theirhis custody and care a sufficient period on trial, and under the supervision of the Society, and it appearing to the Society that they havehe has fulfilled theirhis part of the Agreement made at placement, and theyhe having requested and petitioned, and being desirous of legally adopting said child, that she may take lawfully theirhis name and have interest in theirhis estate, and the Society being assured of the happy relationship established between themhim and the child; [¶] Now Therefore, The Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, does by these presents give consent to such Adoption, and upon the same being granted according to law, does surrender all claim and control of the said child; and further prays the Court before whom the case may be brought to grant such Adoption, believing it to be to the interest of the child and the partiesy aforesaid. [¶] Witness Our hands and the corporate sea of the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, done at the office of the Society in the City of Pittsburgh, this nineteenth day of August A. D. 1910.” Signed Thomas S. Wilcox, President, N L Brown, Secretary, W. Henry Thompson, State Superintendent [seal].
Granted 12 Nov. 1918, name assumed is Florence King; filed same day.
[Separate amendment:] “The petition of GEORGIANA KING respectfully represents: 1. That your petitioner is the wife of Fenton C. King who pursuant to petition filed November 12th, 1918 to the above number and term accompanied by certain exhibits was awarded a decree of adoption of Florence E. Riegger a minor child received into the home of the parties and cared for by them as parents; that your petitioner was not a party to the petition of her said husband being at that time absent from the County of Crawford; that she has been informed of the facts averred in said petition and concurs therein, and further that she is desirous of becoming a party to said adoption and joining with her said husband therein. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays that the decree heretofore granted shall be amended by adding after the name of her said husband Fenton C. King in the second line of said decree ‘and Georgiana King his wife’, and that shall decree shall be thereupon amended to read as follows: [¶ decree omitted] [¶] And your petitioner will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Mrs Georgiana King; sworn to and again subscribed by her before A. J. Moses, J.P., Cambridge Springs, 6 Jan. 1919.
[Noted on cover:] 6 Jan. 1919, ”Decree amended as prayed”; filed same day.
#44 February Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:44
“The [typed] petition of NELLOUS LANDERS and JOSEPHINE LANDERS, his wife, citizens and residents of Rockdale Township, this [Crawford] County, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ROBERT FRANKLIN STAINBROOK, a minor child of HAZEL STAINBROOK, now residing at Rudolph, State of Ohio, which said minor was born on the 6th day of April, 1917 as one of their heirs; and that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor, and that the said Hazel Stainbrook, parent of said Robert Franklin Stainbrook, has consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable court to order and decree that the said Robert Franklin Stainbrook shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Nellous Landers, Josephene Landers; sworn to and subscribed Nellous Landers, Josephene Landers before J. A. Bolard, Notary Public, Cambridge Springs, 24 Dec. 1918; presented by Attorney J. A. Bolard, Cambridge Springs.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “I, Hazel Stainbrook, a resident of Rudolph, State of Ohio, hereby declare that I am the parent of said Robert Franklin Stainbrook; that I have read the foregoing petition and that I consent to the adoption of my son, Robert Franklin Stainbrook, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and I believe that his adoption will be for his best welfare.” Signed Hazel Stainbrook; “Witnessed by:–” Clinton Stainbrook, J. A. Bolard.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Before me, A Notary Public in and for said county [of Crawford], personally came Ernest J. Decker, A. V. Whitely, who being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with Nellous Landers and Josephine Landers, his Wife, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Robert Franklin Stainbrook will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Ernest J. Decker, A. V. Whitely before J. A. Bolard, Notary Public, Cambridge Springs, 17 Dec. 1918.
Granted 25 Dec. [sic] 1918 (with adoptive mother’s given name spelled “Josephine”), name assumed is Robert Franklin Landers; filed same day.
#54 February Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:54
[(Typed “Petition for the Adoption of a Child.”:] “The petition of FRANK W. HUNT and LILLIAN HUNT, his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] That your petitioners [next word carreted] reside at No. 1103 Liberty Street, in the third Ward of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and that they are citizens of Crawford County, having resided therein for a period of at least 4 [‘4’ handwritten] years last past. ¶ That they are desirous of adopting as their heir, ISABEL SHONTZ, an illegitemate [sic] minor child of VELMA SHONTZ: [¶] That Isabel Shontz was born January 8 [‘8’ handwritten], 1918; that she as well as her mother Velma Shontz have resided in the family of your petitioners the greater part of the time since the childs birth, and both parent and child aforesaid are now residing at your petitioner’s home: [¶] That the acknowledged [next word added above the line] reputed father of said child is [next word carreted] one HAROLD SAUNIER, who abandoned the childs mother prior to the birth of the child and has never married said mother or acknowledged himself to be the father of said child or in any way contributed toward her support, and that he is reported to be now in the Service of the United States Army in France: [¶] That Velma Shontz, mother of Isabel Shontz, is a resident of the third ward of the city of Meadville, Pennsylvania: [¶] Your petitioners further pray that if the prayer of their petition is granted by your Honorable Court, they will keep and support the said Isabel Shontz and perform all the duties of a parent to such child. [¶] Wherefore they pray that the Court will decree that such adoption be made, and that the said Isabel Shontz shall assume the name of your petitiones’s [sic] and hereafter be known and called by the name of Isabel Hunt, and shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir of your petitioners, according to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in such cases made and provided. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Frank W. Hunt, Mrs Lillian Hunt; sworn to and subscribed Mrs Lillian Hunt, Frank W. Hunt before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 4 Jan. 1919; presented by Attorney J. E. Bossard.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, below:] “I, Velma Shontz, mother of the above named Isabel Shontz, unite in the prayer of the foregoing petition, and hereby consent to the adoption of the said Isabel Shontz by the said Frank W. and Lillian Hunt, as therein prayed.” Sworn to and subscribed Velma Shontz before V. L. Greeleey, Prothonotary, 4 Jan. 1919.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below (with names of affiants and residences handwritten:] “Lewis M. Hilliard and Edgar B. Roudebush, being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they reside at in [sic] Pennsylvania Avenue and S Grant St. second Ward, Meadville, Pennsylvania, respectively; that they are well acquainted with Frank W. Hunt and Lillian Hunt, the above named petitioners, and also with Velma Shontz; that the said Frank W. Hunt and Lillian Hunt, his wife, are persons of respectability, good character and property; and that they believe that the welfare of the said Isabel Hunt will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Lewis M. Hilliard, Edgar B. Roudebush before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 4 Jan. 1919.
Granted 6 Jan. 1919, name assumed is Isabel Hunt; filed same day.
#44 May Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:132
[(Typed) “Petition for Adoption”:] “The petition of WILLIAM D. SENSOR and PRICILLA [sic] SENSOR, his wife, residents of the Borough of Townville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioners are residents of Crawford County and have their permanent at the place above stated; and that they are desirous of adopting ARLENE BELL MOORE, minor child of Mrs. ANNABEL ROTH, of Westfield, Chautauqua County, N. Y., as one of their legal heirs at law: [¶] Your petitioners further say that if the prayer of their petition is granted by your Honorable Court, that they will make a home for and support the said minor child as one of their family and perform all the duties of a parent to said child, namely, Arlene Bell Moore; [¶] That Arlene Bell Moore was born March 29, 18981908 [year handwritten], and her mother Annabel Roth is the daughter of your petitioners and that the father of said minor child, one A. W. MOORE, abandoned the child in infancy and was legally divorced from the childs mother in 18981909 [year handwritten]. [¶] That the mother Annabel Moore [next three words carreted] and her child resided with your petitioners until the child was six years of age at which time the said mother was married to one C. H. Roth, with whom she now resides; [¶] That the said minor child is now residing with your petitioners and has resided with them all her lifetime with the exception of about two years, at which time she lived with her mother Mrs. Roth. [¶] Your petitioners further say that the mother of said child consents to the adoption as prayed for. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Arlene Bell Moore shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that said Arlene Bell Moore shall have all the rights of a child and heir at law of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed William D Sensor, Priscilla Sensor; sworn to (as William D. and Pricilla Sensor) and signed William D Sensor, Priscilla Sensor before A R Fross, J.P., Townville, 5 March 1919; presented by Attorney Jefferson E. Bossard.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, below:] “Annabel Roth, being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true and correct to the best of her knowledge and belief, and that she is the mother of said minor child and hereby consents to the adoption as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believes that such adoption will be for the welfare of the said child, Arlene Bell Moore.” Sworn to at Chautauqua Co., N.Y., and subscribed Annabel Roth before Harlan L Munson, Notary Public, Chautauqua Co., 10 March 1919.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below, names of affiants handwritten:] “A L Squier and H E Bandley of Townville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with William D. Sensor and Pricilla Sensor, the within named petitioners; that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of said Arlene Belll Moore will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in said petition.” Signed A L Squier, H. E. Bandley before A R Fross, J.P., Townville, 5 March 1919.
Granted 17 March 1919, and “the said Arlene Bell Moore shall assume the name of the said William D. Sensor and Pricilla Sensor, his wife,” presumably Arlene Bell Sensor; filed same day.
#94 May Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:182
“The [typed] petition of FRANK RONDEAU and LILLIE RONDEAU, his wife, citizens and residents of Rockdale Township, County of Crawford and state of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting HERBERT FRANK CREE, an infant son of Lucile Cree, who was born at Cambridge Springs Pa. on the 29th day of September 1918; as their heir, and that they will perform all of the duties of parents toward said minor child and that the said Lucile Cree, mother of said minor child, Herbert Frank Cree, has consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Herbert Frank Cree shall assume the name of your petitioners and shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Frank Rondeau, Lillie Rondeau; sworn to and again subscribed before D. D. Goshorn, J.P., Cambridge Springs, 19 April 1919; presented by Attorney J. A. Bolard, Cambridge Springs.
[(Typed) “Consent of Parent.” below:] “I, Lucile Cree, mother of said child, hereby declare that I am the only known parent of said child; that I have read the foregoing petition and that I consent to the adoption of my said infant son, Herbert Frank Cree as prayed for, as I believe that such adoption will be for its wellfare [sic]”; signed Lucile Cree, “Witnessed by” Ora E. Cree, Leona D Cree.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, attached:] “Before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, personally came Rev. M. R. Kunkleman [sic] and D. L. Matthews [sic], who being duly sworn according to law, deposes [sic] and say that they are well acquainted with Frank Rondeau and his wife Lille Rondeau, the above petitioners; that they are both persons of good moral character and deponents believe that the wellfare of the said Herbert Frank Cree will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed M. R. Kunkelman, D. L. Mathews before A. F. Moses, J.P., Cambridge Springs, 1 May 1919.
Granted 5 May 1919, name assumed is Herbert Frank Rondeau; filed same day.
#10 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:198
“The [typed] petition of DANIEL C. BECK and HELEN BECK, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] First. That your Petitioners are husband and wife, citizens and residents of the city of Titusville, Crawford county, Pennsylvania. [¶] Second. That they are desirous of adopting MARY ANN LYMAN, who was born out of wed lock on the eighth day of June, Anno Domini, 1917 and when about a month old was given to the custody of Our Lady of Victory Infant Home, a charitable institution incorporated for the care of orphaned and destitute children, where she was cared for until September 28th, 1918 when she was taken into the home of your Petitioners were she has continuously remained and is at the present time. [¶] Third. That your Petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor, and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conductive to her wellfare [sic] and will perform [next word carreted] all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] Fourth. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are attached, setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] Fifth. Your Petitioners append to this petition, a copy of consent from the said ‘Our Lady of Victory Infants’ Home’ consenting to the adoption of the said Mary Ann Lyman, as herein prayed for. [¶] Sixth. Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, and that the said Mary Ann Lyman shall assume the name of Mary Ann Beck and shall have all the rights of a child of your Petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child, and they will ever pray.” . Signed Daniel C Beck, Helen Beck; sworn to and again subscribed before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 10 May 1919; presented by Attorney O. Clare Kent.
[Attached consent on preprinted form of Our Lady of Victory Infant Home:] “W H E R E A S, an application is about to be made to Honorable Louis B. Hart, Surrogate [name handwritten] Thos. Prather, P. J. of Erie [county handwritten] Crawford County, [state added above the line] Pa. for an order allowing the adoption of Mary Ann Lyman, a minor child who was born on or about the 8th day of June 1917, by Mr. Daniel C. Beck, and Helen Beck, his wife, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. [¶] N O W, therefore, we, Our Lady of Victory Infant Home, a charitable institution incorporated for the case of orphan and destitute children, and having the care and custody of said child, and Mr. Daniel C. Beck and Helen Beck, his wife, the persons adopting said child, do hereby consent to such adoption, and we, the said Mr. Daniel C Beck and Helen Beck, his wife, do hereby agree to adopt and treat the said Mary Ann Lyman as our own child at all times, in consideration of the consents hereto, the premises stated and the order of the Surrogate [next word handwritten] Court hereupon to be made, assuming and undertaking the duties and obligations which shall flow from this act of adoption upon the order being made allowing the same. [¶] In Witness Whereof, we, the persons whose consents and agreements are necessary hereunto set our hands and seals and said Our Lady of Victory Infant Home has caused this instrument to be subscribed by its manager and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this 12th day of December 1918.” Signed Our Lady of Victory Infant Home by Sr. St Edward, Manager, Daniel C Beck, Helen Beck; sworn to at Buffalo, Erie Co., N.Y., by Sr. St Edward, a resident of the City of Lackawanna, N.Y., before Patrick J. Geoffrey, Notary Public, 12[?] Dec. 1918 at Lackawanna; and sworn to by the Becks in Crawford County before Robert A. Kerr, Notary Public, Titusville, 8 June 1917.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, attached:] “Frank V. Harrison and Bert Goss being duly sworn according to law say that they are well acquainted with Daniel C. Beck and Helen Beck, his wife, the Petitioners above named; that they are persons of good moral character; that they are able to properly care fore [sic], maintain and support the said Mary Ann Lyman and that in their opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Mary Ann Lyman that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing Petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Frank. V. Harrison, Bert. Goss before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 10 May 1919.
Granted 15 May 1919, name assumed is Mary Ann Beck; filed same day.
#17 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:206
“The [typed] petition of Mrs. JENNIE MCLUCAS, widow, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioner is a widow; citizen of Pennsylvania and resides in the city of Titusville at No. 121 East Water Street. [¶] 2. That she is desirous of adopting IONA PEARL MCLUCAS, her minor grand child, born October 20th, 1916, and now aged two years and upwards, now residing with petitioner, being the child of petitioners son, JAMES MCLUCAS and CLARA MCLUCAS, his wife, now deceased. [¶] 3. That the said James McLucas having been bereft of his said wife is unable to furnish the proper and necessary care, attention and support for the said Iona Pearl McLucas and is willing and desirous that she be adopted by said Mrs. Jennie McLucas, his mother, his assent thereto being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioner is able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of a parent towards her. [¶] 5. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6. Your petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioner. [¶] And she will ever pray, &c.;” Signed Mrs Jennie Mclucas; sworn to (but not again subscribed) before George Eldred, Notary Public, Titusville, 15 May 1919; presented by Attorney Geo. Eldred, Titusville.
[Parental consent (typed), below:] “I, the undersigned being the surviving parent of Iona Pearl McLucas, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true; and I do join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of said Iona Pearl McLucas by the said Mrs. Jennie McLucas.” Signed James McLucas.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), below:] “Anna Rosenbloom and Bertha A. Goldstein being duly sworn depose and say that they, and each of them, know Mrs. Jennie McLucas, the petitioner above named; that she is a person of respectability and character; that she is able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Iona Pearl McLucas; that they are acquainted with the circumstances of Mrs. Jennie McLucas, and that in their opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Iona Pearl McLucas that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Anna. Rosenbloom, Bertha A. Goldstein before George Eldred, Notary Public, Titusville, 15 May 1919.
Granted 19 May 1919, and “that said Iona Pearl McLucas shall assume the name of the petitioner,” i.e., the name Iona Pearl McLucas unchanged; filed 21 May 1919.
#20 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:208
“The [typed] petition of WALLACE C. GERARD and MARTHA L. GERARD, his wife, of the City of Titusville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting one RAYMOND GOUIN, a minor child of the age ten months, who was born on or about the 16th day of July, 1918, and was an inmate of Our Lady of Victory Infant Home, of Lackawanna, New York, a duly incorporated charitable institution of the said State of New York, until the 28th day of September, 1918, when said child was taken from said Home with the consent of the institution, by your petitioners for the purpose of adopting him; that your petitioners have since been taking case of said child. That your petitioners are informed that said infant is the son of one MARIE GOUIN of Webster, Massachusetts, the whereabouts of its father being unknown to them. [¶] That your petitioners append to this, their petition, the consent of said institution to the adoption, said consent being executed by the manager thereof by order of its board of Directors and under the seal of the said corporation; the mother’s consent being also attached. [¶] Your petitioners also append hereto the affidavits of Neil D. Fisher and James R. Gahan of Titusville, Pa., that your petitioners are persons of good moral character and that they believe the welfare of said child will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for. [¶] Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Raymond Gouin shall assume the name of your petitioners, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Wallace C Gerard, Martha L Gerard; sworn to and again subscribed before William J Sirdevan, Notary Public, Titusville, 3 March 1923; presented by Attorney W. J. Sirdevan.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), below:] “Neil D. Fisher and James R. Gahan of Titusville, Pa., being severally duly sworn, according to law, say that they are well acquainted with Wallce C. Gerard and Martha L. Gerard, his wife, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character, and that they believe that the welfare of the said child Raymond Goudin, will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Neil D Fisher, Jarmes R. Gahan before William J. Sirdevan, Notary Public, Titusville, 24 May 1919.
[Attached consent on preprinted Our Lady of Victor Infant Home fill-in-the-blanks form:] “W H E A R A S, an application is about to be made to Honorable Louis B. Hart, Surrogate of Erie County [name and title typed above the line] Thos. Prather, P. J. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pa., for an order allowing the adoption of Raymond Gouin, a minor child who was born on or about the 16th day of July 1918, by Wallace C. Gerard, and Martha L. Gerard, his wife, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. [¶] N O W, therefore, we, Our Lady of Victory Infant Home, a charitable institution incorporated for the case of orphan and destitute children, and having the care and custody of said child, and Mr. Wallace C. Gerard and Martha L. Gerard, his wife, the persons adopting said child, do hereby consent to such adoption, and we, the said Mr. Wallace C. Gerard and Martha L. Gerard, his wife, do hereby agree to adopt and treat the said Raymond Gouin as our own child at all times, in consideration of the consents hereto, the premises stated and the order of the Surrogate [next word typed above the line] Court hereupon to be made, assuming and undertaking the duties and obligations which shall flow from this act of adoption upon the order being made allowing the same. [¶] In Witness Whereof, we, the persons whose consents and agreements are necessary hereunto set our hands and seals and said Our Lady of Victory Infant Home has caused this instrument to be subscribed by its manager and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this 24th day of May 1919.” Signed Our Lady of Victory Infant Home by Sr. St Edward, Manager [but not by the Gerards]; sworn to at Buffalo, Erie Co., N.Y., by Sr. St Edward, a resident of the City of Lackawanna, N.Y., before Patrick J. Geoffrey, Notary Public, 24 May 1919 at Lackawanna.
[Attached parental consent on preprinted Our Lady of Victory Infant Home form, dated at Lackawanna, N.Y., 20 Aug. 1918:] “Finding my situation in life wholly unfitted for the proper bringing up and education of my infant child, Raymond and considering its future welfare, I hereby give and surrender the same to the care and keeping of Our Lady of Victory Infants’ Home, and I hereby promise and agree not to interfere with it or the proper training and education of the said infant, nor with any one to whom the Home may hereafter confide said child for adoption, and faithfully caries out my intention of having it brought up in a good Christian family, and I hereby affix my name to this agreement.” Signed Marie Albina Gouin; Witness Infant Home Faculty.
Granted 26 May 1919, name assumed is Raymond Gerard; filed same day.
#22 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:210
“The [typed] petition of RALPH E. BOURQUIN and his wife, CLARA A. BOURQUIN, citizens and residents of Meadville in the County aforesaid [of Crawford], respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting HENRY JOSEPH VERNIER, a minor child of the late HARRY S. VERNIER, deceased, and MARGARET VERNIER, now MARGARET O’LEARY, now of the age of four years, as one of their heirs; that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor, and that the surviving parent of the said Henry Joseph Vernier, Viz: Margaret Vernier, now Margaret O’Leary, has consented to such adoption. That the said minor is a nephew of your petitioners, and has been in their home for about two months. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Henry Joseph Vernier shall assume the name of your petitioners, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Ralph E. Bourquin, Clara A Bourquin; sworn to and again subscribed before Isaac Mondereau, Notary Public, Meadville, 20 May 1919; presented by Attorney Isaac Monderau.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “I, Margaret Vernier, now Margaret O’Leary, the surviving parent of Henry Joseph Vernier, (the father of said child, viz: Harry S. Vernier, being now deceased,) do hereby consent to the adoption of the said Henry Joseph Vernier by Ralph E. Bourquin and his wife, Clara A. Bourquin, and believe that by said adoption the welfare of said child will be promoted.” Sworn to and subscribed Margaret Vernier now. O.Leary., before Isaac Mondereau, Notary Public, Meadville, 20 May 1919.
Granted 26 May 1919, name assumed is Henry Joseph Bourquin; filed same day.
#24 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:212
“The [typed] petition of HENRY HUGH NODINE and ETHEL E. NODINE, respectfully represents: [¶] 1st. That your petitioners are husband and wife; citizens of Pennsylvania, and reside in Kerrtown, Pa. [¶] 2nd. That they are desirous of adopting CLARENCE FOSTER, a minor, born in Erie, Pa., on July 19, 1916, now residing with the petitioners; and is the child of CHARLES FOSTER and SUSIE QUINN FOSTER, his wife. [¶] 3rd. That Charles Foster, the father of said minor, deserted his wife and said Clarence, [next word carreted] and when he was about ten days old and his mother thereupon placed him in The Erie Infants Home, at Erie, Pa., where he remained until November 22, 1917, at which time he was given to your petitioner for adoption. Said Infants Home is a charitable institution for the purpose of caring for children who are neglected, homeless or abandoned. [¶] 4th. After having had the custody of said minor for over one year, on probation, your petitioners are desirous of adopting him, as aforesaid, and are able to provide a proper home for him, and able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] 5th. That after said minor had been in the Infants Home for several months, the mother signed a paper giving said child to said Infants Home. [¶] 6th. That two affidavits of respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached, setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 7th. Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor, under the provisions of the act of assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child, equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Henry Hugh Nodine, Ethel E. Nodine; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 26 April 1919; presented by Attorney G. F. Davenport.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), below:] “[name handwritten] Ruth Nodine being duly sworn deposes and says that she knows Henry Hugh Nodine and Ethel E. Nodine, his wife, petitioners above named, and that they are persons of respectable character; that they are able to properly take care of, maintain and support said Clarence Foster; that she is acquainted, by report, with the circumstances of the parents of said minor, and that in her [changed in handwriting from ‘his’] opinion it will be for the best interests of said Clarence Foster that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Ruth Nodine before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 26 April 1919.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), below:] “[name handwritten] H. E. Yochum being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Henry Hugh Nodine and Ethel E. Nodine, his wife, petitioners above named, and that they are persons of respectable character; that they are able to properly take care of, maintain and support said Clarence Foster; that he is acquainted, by report, with the circumstances of the parents of said minor, and that in his opinion it will be for the best interests of said Clarence Foster that je [sic] be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed H. E. Yochum before Effie M. Peffers, Notary Public, Meadville, 26 April 1919.
[Attached (typed) affidavit:] “Caroline F. Griffith being duly sworn, says that she is superintendent of the Erie Infants Home, of Erie, Penna.; that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are correct, as she verily believes; that said Infants Home is an incorporated charitable institution for the purpose of caring for homeless, destitute and neglected children; that said Clarence Foster was given to said Infants Home by his mother, by an instrument in writing, when he was about ten days old; that during the time he remained in said home his mother only came to see him once, and the father never came. [¶] In deponent’s opinion the petitioners above named are suitable and proper persons to have the custody of said minor, and are able to properly maintain and care for him, and she respectfully asks said court to make a decree in accordance with the prayer of said petition.” Sworn to in Erie County and subscribed Caroline F. Griffith before C A Masten, Notary Public, Erie, Pa. 20 May 1919.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “The Erie Infants’ Home and Hospital, of Erie, Pennsylvania, the institution referred to in the foregoing petition, by its Committee on Admission and Dismission, being the committee charged by its by-laws with authority to act therein, does hereby consent to the adoption of the above named Clarence Foster by said petitioners, and hereby respectfully requests the Court to grant the prayer of the said petitioners.” Signed Mrs Blanche D. Osborne, Mrs. W. C. Norman, Committee on Admission and Dismission.
Granted 26 May 1919, name assumed is Clarence Foster Nodine; filed same day.
#70 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:259
“The [typed] petition of JOHN FINNUCAN and MAGGIE FINNECAN respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania, residing in Spring Township in said county. That they are desirous of adopting their grand-son, JOHN CORNELIUS MCLAUGHLIN, a minor born on July 15, 1901, being the child of LUCIUS E. MCLAUGHLIN and MARTHA F. MCLAUGHLIN, his wife, the latter being a daughter of your petitioners. That the said minor was born at the home of your petitioners, and has never received any care or support from his parents or either of them. [¶] That the parents of the said minor were divorced by this court in 1910 and that the mother has remarried and now lives at Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the whereabouts of the father is unknown to your petitioners. That your petitioners have provided a comfortable home for said minor from birth, and have sent him to school and that he is about to graduate from the Springboro High School. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray for leave to adopt the said minor under the name of John Cornelius Finnucan, according to the act of assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners.” Signed John Finnucan, Maggie Finnucan; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 23 June 1919; presented by Attorney W. W. Henderson.
[Consent (typed), below:] “John Cornelius McLaughlin being duly sworn says; That he has read the foregoing petition, and that he is the minor therein referred to. That he has never known any other home than that of his grand parents, the above petitioners, and that so far as he knows they have always cared for him as one of their children. And that he has had no other parental care or support. That he is known in the community and in school as John Cornelius Finnucan and that he joins in the above petition and desires to be adopted by the petitioners under the name of John Cornelius Finnucan.” Sworn to and subscribed John Cornelius Finnucan before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 23 June 1919.
Granted 7 July 1919, name assumed is John Cornelius Finnucan; filed same day.
#141 September Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:329
“The [typed] petition of EARL L. HAVEN and May [first name handwritten above the line] MAE L. HAVEN respectfully represents:– That they are residents of Sparta Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; [¶] That they are desirous of adopting DONALD IRVIN REYNOLDS, aged 5 years May 4th last past, a minor child of BENJAMIN REYNOLDS, as one of their heirs; [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to the said Donald Irvin Reynolds; [¶] That the said Benjamin Reynolds, father of the said Donald Irvin Reynolds, his mother being dead, has consented to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioners. [¶] Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Donald Irvin Reynolds shall assume the name of your petitioners, and shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child. And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Earl L. Haven, Mae L. Haven; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before John I. Thomson, J.P., Spartansburg, 25 July 1919; presented by Attorney John A. Northam, Meadville.
[Father’s (typed) consent, below:] “August July 6th [month and day handwritten], 1919. [¶] I, Benjamin F Reynolds [with middle initial carreted and handwritten], father of the said Donald Irvin Reynolds, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Donald Irvin Reynolds as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption will be his [sic] welfare.” Signed B F Reynolds, Earl Gourley; “Witness:–” signed J. P. Miller.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county [of Warren], [names handwritten] Alexander Gourley and Earl Gourley who being duly sworn say that they are well acquainted with Earl L. Haven and May [first name handwritten above the line] Mae L. Haven, his wife, the above-named petitioners; that they are persons of respectability and property; that they believe the welfare of the said Donald Irvin Reynolds will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in said petition.” Sworn to at Warren Co., Pa., and subscribed Alexander Gourley, Earl Gourley [with penciled notation, “any two persons”] before J. P. Miller, J.P., Warren Co., 7 Aug. 1919.
Granted 1 Sept. 1919, “and that the said Donald Irvin Reynolds shall assume the name of the said Earl L. Haven and MayMae L. Haven,” presumably Donald Irvin Haven; filed same day.
#19 November Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:365
“The [typed] petition of GEORGE E. TYLER and MARY A. TYLER, his wife, respectfully represents:— That they are husband and wife, residents of Vernon Township, Crawford County and State of Pennsylvania and that they are desirous of adopting KENNETH LAKE and VELMA LAKE, minor children of MATTHEW H. LAKE and MARY A. LAKE as their heirs. [¶] That if said adoption is decreed by this Honorable Court the petitioners will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Kenneth Lake and Velma Lake. [¶] That the petitioner, Mary A. Tyler, is the mother of the said named children and is now intermarried with the petitioner, George E. Tyler, she having secured a divorce from her former husband, Matthew H. Lake, the father of the said named children, in the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pa., at No. 19 February Term 1910 on the 11th day of June 1911 on the grounds of desertion by the said named husband and father, as will fully appear by reference to the record at the above stated number and term. [¶] That the said minors have lived with and been supported and cared for by their mother, one of the petitioners herein, since the said alleged desertion by the said father and that he, the said father, has contributed nothing toward their support, maintenance and education, and further that the said named minors have lived and resided in the family of your petitioners since the time of their marriage about eight years ago and have been supported and maintained by them during that time. [¶] That your petitioners believe that the adoption will be for the best interest and welfare of the said named children, for the reason that their father has deserted them and has provided nothing toward their support and maintainence [sic] for upwards of ten years and that the whereabouts of the said named father, Matthew H. Lake, is unknown to your petitioners at the present time. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray this Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Kenneth Lake and Velma Lake shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Kenneth Lake and Velma Lake shall have all the rights of children and heirs of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such children, and they will ever pray &c.” Signed George E. Tyler, Mary A Tyler; sworn to and subscribed George E. Tyler, Mary A. Tyler before E. D. Pytcher, Alderman, Meadville, 20 Sept. 1919; presented by Attorney O. Clare Kent, Meadville.
Granted 22 Sept. 1919, “and that the said Kenneth Lake and Velma Lake shall assume the name of the said petitioners,” presumably Kenneth Tyler and Velma Tyler; filed same day.
#31 November Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:377
“The [typed] petition of HAROLD W. CRAIG and ALWERA CRAIG his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania, and the owners of a home on Alden xx Street Extension in West Mead Township, the said Harold W. Craig being at this time temporarily employed in Port Jervis, New York. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting ROBERT HAROLD EDWARD MASIKER a minor born March 21st, 1915 and now past four years of age, who has been residing with your petitioners for the past three months, he being a child of EMERY MASIKER and his wife AMY MASIKER, the mother of said child having died in October 1918, and being one of ten children left motherless by the death of said Amy Masiker. [¶] 3. That the father of said minor xxxx Emery Masiker is willing and desirous that said minor be adopted by your petitioners, his assent thereto being evidenced by paper hereto annexed marked ‘Exhibit A’. [¶] 4. Your petitioners are able to provide a proper and comfortable for said minor and to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray this Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said Robert Harold Edward Masiker under the provisions of Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of a natural child equally with any of their children. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Harold W. Craig, Alwera Craig; sworn to by Alwera Craig and subscribed by her before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 25 Sept. 1919; sworn to by Harold W. Craig at Orange Co., N.Y., and subscribed Harold W Craig before F. B. Tucker, Notary Public, Port Jervis, N.Y., 27 Sept. 1919; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “To the Honorable Thomas J. Prather, Judge of said Court, [¶] The undersigned father of Robert Harold Edward Masiker born March 21st, 1915 respectfully represents:- [¶] That his wife and mother of said child Amy Masiker died in October, 1918 and that his said son Robert Harold Edward Masiker has been in the care and custody of Harold W. Craig and Alwera Craig; that they are desirous of adopting said child and that the undersigned hereby joins in the prayer of said petitioners and consents that a decree may be entered for the legal adoption of said son by said petitioners.” Signed Emery Masiker, “Witnesses:–” (signed) H. R. McGranahan, N. H. Kellogg.
[Attached (typed) upporting affidavit:] “[name handwritten] Jacob C. Roha, being duly sworn that he knows and is personally acquainted with Harold W. Craig and Alwera Craig his wife petitioners for adoption of Robert Harold Edward Masiker; that they are persons of respectability and good character; that they are able to properly care for, maintain and support the said minor; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of said petitioner and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said minor that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Jacob C. Roha before V. L. Greenley, Prothonotary, 6 Oct. 1919.
Granted 6 Oct. 1919, name assumed is Robert Harold Edward Craig; filed same day.
#57 November Term 1919
Appearance Docket 207:403
“The [typed] petition of W. M. STEVENS respectfully represents:— [¶] 1. That your petitioner is a resident of the City of Meadville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, residing with his wife CARRLIE L. STEVENS. [¶] 2. That he is desirous of adopting WILLIAM STEVENS a minor child of whom the petitioner’s wife Carrie L. Stevens is mother; that said minor was born September 9th, 1903 and has lived with deponent’s family eleven years and has been regarded as a natural child. [¶] 3. That your petitioner is financially able to support and maintain said minor and that the mother of said child desires that such adoption be decreed, her assent thereto being evidenced by joining in this petition. [¶] Wherefore he prays that a decree may be made that he adopt said minor and that said chld shall have all the rights of a natural child equally with any other children. And he will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed W. M. Stevens; sworn to and subscribed W. M. Stevens before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 17 Oct. 1919; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, attached:] “I, Carrie L. Stevens mother of William Stevens do hereby certify that I desire the adoption by my husband W. M. Stevens of my child as set forth in the foregoing petition and hereby join in the prayer thereof.” Signed Carrie L. Stevens.
Granted 27 Oct. 1919, name assumed is William Stevens; filed same day.
#15 February Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:15
“The [typed] petition of MARVIN PETERSON and MATTIE PETERSON his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are residents of Linesville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, having resided there for the past ten years. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting as their legal heir ROBERT ANDERSON, a minor male child, born of the body of BERTHA MAE ANDERSON. [next three words handwritten above the following line] a single woman; [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to the said child. [¶] That the said Bertha Mae Anderson, the mother of said child, has consented to the adoption of her child as prayed for by your petitioners. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said child shall assume the name of your petitioners and shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitionrs, and be subject to the duties of such child. [¶] And your petitioners will ever pray etc.” Signed Marvin Peterson, Mattie Peterson; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before Norton L. Gleason, J.P., 10 Nov. 1919; presented by Attorney Norton L. Gleason.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, attached:] “I, Bertha Mae Anderson, of Linesville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, the mother of said Robert Anderson, hereby consent to the adoption of my child, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption to be for the welfare of the said Robert Anderson.” Sworn to and subscribed Bertha Mae Anderson before Norton L. Gleason, J.P., 14 Nov. 1919.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “We, W. B. Hill and Wilbur [sic] Smock, residents of Linesville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that we are well acquainted with Marvin Peterson and Mattie Peterson, the within named petitioners. [¶] That they are persons of respectability and property, and that we believe the welfare of the said Robert Anderson will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed W B Hill, Wilber Smock before Norton L. Gleason, J.P., 20 Nov. 1919.
Granted 24 Nov. 1919, name assumed is Robert Peterson; filed same day.
#20 February Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:20
“The [typed] petition of CHARLES L. SHAW and MARGARET W. SHAW, his wife, of Woodcock township, in said [Crawford] county, respectfully represents:– [¶] That J. GLENN HANNAH died at his residence in said Woodcock township on November 23, 1918, and on November 27, 1918 his widow, HARRIET B. HANNAH, died at the same place, leaving to survive them four children, namely:- James A. Hannah, aged six years, CHARLES G. HANNAH, aged five years, John E. Hannah, aged two years, and MARGARET F. HANNAH, aged six months. [¶] That on the 24th day of February 1919 the New First National Bank of Meadville was appointed guardian of the estates of said minor children by your Honorable Court, but no guardian of the persons of said minors has been appointed, the three oldest of said children having been cared for and in the custody of their grandfather, James H. Hannah, since the death of the parents, excepting for about six weeks immediately after said death during which time the child Charles was under the care and in the possession of the petitioners at their home, and the child Margaret has been in the care and possession of the petitioners at their home in Woodcock township and where she yet remains, one of the petitioners, Margaret W. Shaw being a sister of the mother of said children. [¶] Your petitioners after having had the care and possession of the said child Margaret for a year, and of the said child Charles for six weeks, and having known him for the duration of his life, have become very much attached to them and are desirous of adopting them as their heirs, which desire the petitioners hereby declare, said Charles G. Hannah was born on the 14th day of August 1914, and said Margaret F. Hannah was born on the 6th day of May 1918; and the petitioners further declare that they reside on and own a farm of one hundred acres in Woodcock township, this county, with good and comfortable buildings thereon, and are amply able and are willing to provide and will provide and furnish a proper and comfortable home for said children, and will care for, support and maintain and educate them in a manner which will be conducive to their welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward them. [¶] Your petitioners present and attach herewith and hereto the affidavits of two persons who are residents of this county who are acquainted with the petitioners and with the circumstances surrounding the said children, setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the best interest of the said children and will best conserve the welfare of the said children and be to their future advantage and happiness if a decree of adoption be granted as prayed for. [¶] Your petitioners therefore respectfully pray Your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said child, Charles C. Hannah, and the said child, Margaret F. Hannah, be adopted as and for their children, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minors to have all the rights of an actual child, and to assume the name of the petitioners, and that they shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of children and heirs, equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Chas L Shaw, Margaret W. Shaw; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 22 Nov. 1919; presented by John O. & Walter J. McClintock.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Laura Ames Johns, Win M. Johnson and C. E. Reed [names handwritten] of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn according to law, each for himself deposes and says that he is well acquainted with Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw, the petitioners for the adoption of Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Harriet B. Hannah, deceased, and with their home and surroundings, and with the conditions and surroundings of said minors; that it will be for the best interest of the said children and most conducive to their future welfare if the petition for the adoption of said children be granted by the court, as he verily believes.” Sworn to and subscribed Mrs. Laura Ames Johnson, Mr Win M Johnson, (Rev) C E Reed before L. S. Sherred, J.P., Venango, 22 Nov. 1919.
[Attached (typed) consent and joinder:] “Herman A. Williams being duly sworn according to law deposes and says- [¶] That he is one of the next of kin of the minors nated [sic] in the petition of Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw for the adoption of Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Harriet B. Hannah, late of Woodcock township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, deceased, and has read or heard read the said petition and concurs in the statements therein and consents that the adoption prayed for be granted by the court; that he is familiar with the circumstances and conditions surrounding the lives of said children and with the home of the petitioners and their ability to care for said children; that the mother of said children was his sister and by reason of his relationship to them, he is anxious and desirous that they be comfortably and suitably placed in a good and permanent home where they will be assured of and surrounded by proper and Christian influences and where they will receive kind treatment, careful training and an education suitable to their position in life; that thhe [sic] petitioners are amply able to care for, support, maintain, educate and rear the said children, and are well qualified to assure and perform the duties of parents to said children, and that it will be most conducive to the future welfare and happiness of said children if the petition for adoption be granted to the petitioner [sic] by the court, and he therefore joins in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Herman A Williams before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, 22 Nov. 1919.
[Attached (typed) notice “To the Overseers of the Poor of Crawford County”:] “Gentlemen- [¶] You are hereby notified that Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw, his wife, of Woodcock township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, will on the 25th day of November 1919, or as soon thereafter as the attention of the court may be had, present their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, for the adoption of Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Margaret Harriet B. Hannah, late of said township, deceased, as their children and heirs at law, the said children having no living parents to consent to such adoption, the said petitioners having had the possession, custody and care of the chil [sic] Margaret F. Hannah from the time of the death of the parents to this date and of the child Charles G. Hannah for six weeks of said time, and are desirous of adopting them as their children and heirs.” Signed John O. McClintock, “Attorney for Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W Shaw, the Petitioners. [dated at] Meadville Pa., November 22, 1919.
[Consent of Overseers of the Poor (typed), below:] “And now, November 25, 1919, the undersigned, Overseers of the Poor of Crawford County, hereby accept service of the above notice, and believing that the welfare of said children will be subserved and promoted thereby, hereby consent that a decree of adoption be granted by the Court upon the above mentioned petition, in favor of the petitioners.” Signed M G Beatty, H C Wasson, H A Lilley, Overseers of the Poor of Crawford County, Pa-
[Order, written on cover:] “And now Nov 26, 1919, the within petition having been presented and read in open Court, on notice that objection will be made to the granting of the prayer of the petition, the Court sets Tuesday, Dec 2, 1919 at 10 oclock A.M. for further hearing. Per Curiam.”.
[(Typed) “Motion to quash and dismiss the Petition”:] “Now Dec. 1st, 1916 1918 [date and year handwritten], comes James R. Hannah, a resident of the City of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania and sole surviving grand-parent of the above named minor children, Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, by C. Victor Johnson, Esq., and O. Clare Kent, Esq., and objects to the granting of the prayer of the petitioner in this case and respectfully moves the Court to quash and dismiss the said petition filed, and assigns the following reasons in support thereof:— [¶] First:– That James R. Hannah, resident of the City of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, is the sole surviving grandparent of the said named minor children; he being the paternal grand-father, the paternal grand-mother and both maternal grand parents having died before the death of the parents of the said named minor children. [¶] Second:– That legally, James R. Hannah is the nearest next of kin to the said children and by lines of consanguinity and affinity their nearest surviving relative, which ipso facto makes him the legal and recognized next friend and natural guardian of said minor children and the proper and legal person to give consent to the proposed adoption. [¶] Third:– That before the Court can entertain jurisdiction of the petition, filed in this case, it is necessary, under the requirements of the Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth, relating to the adoption of children, to-wit, the Acts of 1855, P.L. 430, of 1887, P.L. 125, P.L. 380, that the petition must contain, as a part thereof, the written consent of the legal and recognized next friend of the child or children sought to be adopted; which in this case is James R. Hannah, their paternal grand-father, who hereby objects to the proposed adoption of the said named children and witholds [sic] his consent thereto. [¶] Fourth:– That the Court has no power, authority or jurisdiction to entertain the petition filed in this case because Herman A. Williams, a maternal uncle of said children, is not the legally authorized and recognized next friend or person clothed with the legal authority and right to give consent to the said proposed adoption. [¶] Fifth:– That the Court has no power, authority or jurisdiction to entertain the petition filed in this case because the Overseers of the Poor of Crawford County, to-wit, H.C. Wasson and A. E. Lilly, have no legal authority, right or standing to give their consent to the proposed adoption; the said named children, sought to be adopted, never having become a charge upon the said County of Crawford and they having a paternal grand-father in full life and of sufficient ability to relieve and maintain them as is required by the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, viz:– The Act of June 13th, 1836 P.L. 539. [¶] Sixth:– The Court is also moved to enter an order in the said stated case, permitting and allowing a reasonable and sufficient time for the filing of an answer to the petition filed, after the final disposition of this Motion to Quash, if it is the opinion of the Honorable Court that this motion should be dismissed and an answer to the petition as filed be required. And he will ever pray &c.” Signed O. Clare Kent, C. Victor Johnson, “Attorneys for James R. Hannah.” Sworn to and subscribed James. R. Hannah before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 29 Nov. 1919.
[Order:] ”Order of Court. [¶] Now Dec. 1st, 1919 the forgoing motion to quash and dismiss the petition filed in this case is hereby ordered filed, and the time for filing an answer to the said petition is hereby extended to a reasonable and sufficient time after the disposition of the said motion to quash, said time to be fixed by the Court upon its final determination of the said motin. Per Curiam”; filed 1 Dec. 1919
[(Typed) Opinion and Order of Prather, President Judge, “Sur Demurrer to Petition,” filed 15 Dec. 1919:] “The children named are the minor children of Glen and Harriet Hannah, deceased. The only surviving grandparent is James S. Hannah. The Petition for adoption has the consent of the Overseers of the Poor and a maternal uncle as next friend, joining in the prayer. [¶] The Act of 1887, P. L.125, amending Sec. 7 of the Act of 1856, P. L. 430, and its amendment dated May 28, 1915, P. O. 580, prescribe the jurisdictional requisites of such petition. Bearing in mind that the father and mother are both dead, so much of Sec. 7 of said act as is applicable to the present contention reads: [¶, indented] ‘The Court may with the consent of the next friend of such child, or the guardians or overseers of the poor, or of such charitable institution as shall have supported such child for at least one year, decree’, etc. [¶] The question raised by the demurrer is whether the parties consenting to such adoption come within the statutes as ‘next friend’ or as consentiable parties. [¶] As the proceeding is statutory, all the authorities agree that ‘Its requirements must be followed in order to give the Court jurisdiction’. [¶, indented] Keeler’s Adoption, 52 S.C. 516. [next line] Vandermis vs Gilbert, 10 S. C., 570. [¶] It is contended that the statutory requirements are met in this case by obtaining the consent of the Overseers of the Poor. The logic of this contention is that the legislature meant that either the next friend, or the ‘guardians or overseers of the poor’ stood in an equal consent[iable relation to the proceeding; hence the petitioner could exercise his option to secure either. [¶] The language taken alone might fairly warrant this interpretation, but considering the entire section and the far reaching consequences of the decree, reason as well as authority seems to require a different conclusion. Minor orphans having property are no more likely to become a charge upon the overseers of the poor than are minors with parents who have no property. In fact, such parents with their children may become a charge upon such overseers, and more probably so than the orphaned minors with property. Hence, unless such responsibility of maintenance has fallen upon the county or the probability of its doing so is manifest from the pleadings, the intervention of such overseers, though well meant, would seem presumptuous. [¶] This conclusion is the more apparent when we consider that the Act of 1915 makes such an adopting parent heir of the adopted child as though a natural parent. The result of such a decree in many instances would change the line of inheritance and divert inheritable property by descent to strangers who otherwise would be but aliens to the estate. [¶, indented] See Booth vs Van Allen, 7 Phila, 401. [next line] In re Reuben H. Davis, 13 D. R., 688. [¶] The question presented does not seem to have been ruled upon by the appellate courts of our State. The Supreme Court of Iowa, in Holmes vs. Derrig, 103 N. W., 973, in passing upon the Iowa statute quite similar to our own, held that when the father and mother of a child are both dead, the grandparents were the ‘next of kin’, and that the consent of a grandparent was a prerequisite to a decree of adoption. [¶, indented] See in Benton, 80 N. W. (Iowa) 614. [¶] Under the facts a maternal uncle is not the ‘next of kin’ within the meaning of the statute. [¶] We are therefore of the opinion that we are compelled to sustain the demurrer. [¶] Our decision has no relation to the merits of the question of the custody of these children. We cannot in this proceeding inquire into or consider the advisability of granting the prayer of the petition. We are simply responding to the limitations of our power as circumscribed by the law. [centered] ORDER [¶] Now, December 13, 1919, demurrer sustained and petition dismissed. Per Curiam.”
See also No. 88 September Term 1921.
#60 February Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:60
“The [typed] petition of JAMES P. SLOCUM and WINNIFRED SLOCUM his wife citizens and residents of Fairfield Township in said County [of Crawford], respectfully represent:– That they are desirous of adopting WINIFRED MARE CRAIG, a minor child of NELLIE CRAIG now of the age of six years as one of their heirs; that they will perform all the duties of a parents toward the said minor, and that the said Nellie Craig the surviving parent of said Winifred Mare Craig has consented to such adoption. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Winifred Mare Craig shall assume the name of your petitioners and be hereafter known as Helen Burnett Slocum, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed James P Slocum, Winifred Slocum; sworn to by James P. Slocum (only) and subscribed James P Slocum before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville, 29 Nov. 1919; presented by Attorney James D. Roberts, Meadville. [Penciled note at bottom: “Miss Winifred Marc Craig was born Aug. 18-1913”]
[Mother’s (typed) consent, below petition and before above jurat:] “I, Mrs. Nellie Craig the mother of Winifred Mare Craig, hereby signify my consent to the adoption of the said child as prayed for n the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed Nellie Craig [undated].
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “S. M. Patton being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is acquainted with James P. Slocum and his wife Winifred Slocum, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character and that he believes that the welfare of said child will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed S M Patton before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville, 6 Dec. 1919.
Granted 23 Dec. 1919, name assumed is Helen Burnett Slocum; filed same day.
#65 February Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:65
“The [typed] petition of AMOS GOLBEY and ETTA GOLBEY respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife; citizens of Pennsylvania and reside at No. 620 Chestnut Street, in the city of Titusville of said County. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting a minor boy child which was placed in their care, custody and charge by The Children.s Aid Society of Warren, of the County of Warren and State of Pennsylvania, on or about the tenth day of December, 1912, and who has since, and now is residing with your petitioners, and whose parents are unknown to your petitioners, as well as the lawful name of said minor who has been called by your petitioners ‘MORRIS GOLBEY’, and who is about seven years of age. [¶] 3. The parents of the said Morris Golbey have neglected to provide for him, and being unknown to your petitioners and The Children’s Aid Society from whom your petitioner’s [sic] obtained the child, and the said Morris Golbey not having been supported for one whole year by the said Children’s Aid Society, the Overseers of the Poor for Crawford County have investigated the facts as herein set forth, are willing and desirous that he be adopted by the said Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey, his wife, their assent is set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] 5. That two affidavits of respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6, Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Amos Golbey, Etta Golbey; sworn to and again subscribed before John Henry Fisher, Notary Public, Titusville, 13 Dec. 1919; presented by Attorney Geo. Eldred, Titusville.
[(Typed) consent, below:] “We, the undersigned Poor Commissioners in and for the County of Crawford, do certify that we have read the forgoing petition, and are advised by our Poor Master at Titusville, Pennsylvania, that the facts therein set forth are true; and do join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of said Morris Golbey by the said Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey.” Signed M G Beatty, H. C. Wasson, A Lilley.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below and continuing on the following page:] “A. R. Thompson being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Morris Golbey; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey, and that in his opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Morris Golbey that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed A. R. Thompson before John Henry Fisher, Notary Public, Titusville, 11 Dec. 1919.
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Arthur Meyer being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Morris Golbey; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Amos Golbey and Etta Golbey, and that in his opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Morris Golbey that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Arthur Meyer before John Henry Fisher, Notary Public, Titusville, 11 Dec. 1919.
Granted 23 Dec. 1919, name assumed is Morris Golbey; filed 24 Dec. 1919.
#4 May Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:136
“The [typed] petition of A. P. HOPKINS and ELIZABETH HOPKINS respectfully represents: [¶] That they are husband and wife and are residents of Saegertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; that they are desirous of adopting as one of their heirs ALBERT MORGAN HOPKINS, a minor child of HERBERT CHARLES HOPKINS and SARAH MAUD HOPKINS; that said minor child is of the age of ten years and has resided with your petitioners for more than the last year past; that they believe the welfare of said child will be promoted if this adoption is decreed; that they will perform all the duties of a parent to said child; that the parents of said child have consented to his adoption by your petitioners as will appear by their written consent hereto attached and duly sworn to, and which is made a part of this petition. [¶] Your petitioners, therefore, pray the Court to decree the adoption of said child by them and that he may be subject to the duties as such child. And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed A. P. Hopkins, Eizabeth. Hopkins; sworn to by A. P. Hopkins (only) and subscribed by him before W. O. Hecker, J.P., Saegertown, 31 Jan. 1920; presented by Attorney Roy S. Peters.
[Attached (typed) parental consent:] “Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for said Count, Herbert Charles Hopkins and Sarah Maud Hopkins, who being severally duly sworn according to law, depose and say that they are father and mother of Albert Morgan Hopkins, a minor child of the age of ten years; that on account of certain trouble and causes existing between them they have been unable to establish and provide a suitable home for their said minor child; that said minor child has been making his home with A. P. Hopkins and Elizabeth Hopkins, of Saegertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, for more than a year last past; that they believe the welfare of said minor child will be promoted if he is adopted by the aforesaid A. P. Hopkins and Elizabeth Hopkins, and they hereby consent to said adoption.” Sworn to and subscribed Herbert. Charles. Hopkins., Sarah Maud Hopkins before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 7 Jan. 1920.
Granted 9 Feb. 1920, and “and said child shall assume the name of the adopting parents,” i.e., name presumably to remain Albert Morgan Hopkins; filed same day.
#44 May Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:245
“The [typed] petition of Mrs. HATTIE MEANS respectfully represents; [¶ - not indented] That she is a widow, residing in the Boro of Conneaut lake, Penn’a. That she is desirous of adopting HATTIE VIOLA SCHOFIELD, a minor child, born March 4th.,1911 and now aged about nine years and at present residing with your petitioner, being the child of CHARLES J. SCHOFIELD, petitioner’s son, and of VIOLA CAMP SCHOFIELD. That said Viola Camp Schofield, mother of said child has deserted the husband, Charles Schofield and small daughter since September 1916 and has willfully and maliciously continued such desertion ever since and her whereabouts are unknown to her family. That by reason of such desertion the said Charles J. Schofield has been unable to provide a home for the said Hattie Viola Schofield without incurring a large amount of expense [¶] That your petitioner is able to provide a proper home for the said minor and able to care for support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all of the duties of a parent towards her. [¶] That the affidavits of two respectable citizens of Pennsylvania and of the County of Crawford are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minor child under the provisions of the Act of Assembly made and provided, said minor to have and enjoy all of the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioner. And she will ever pray, etc.” Signed Hattie Means; sworn to and (again) subscribed before William A. Clark, Notary Public, Crawford County, 25 Feb. 1920; presented by Attorney Leland J. Culbertson, Meadville.
[Father’s (typed) consent, below:] “I, Charles J. Schofield, being duly sworn according to lasw deposes and says that he has read the facts and statements set forth in the petition of his mother, Hattie Means and that said facts are true and correct and he does join in the prayer of the petitioner and does consent to the adoption of the said Hattie Viola Schofield by the said Hattie Means.” Sworn to and subscribed Charlie J Schofield before William A. Clark, Notary Public, 25 Feb. 1920.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Harvey E Thomas and [name handwritten] C B Dennis of the Boro of Conneaut Lake, Penn’a., being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are acquainted with Mrs. Hattie Means, the petitioner above named and that she is a person of respectability and character; that she has property and is able to care for, maintain and support the said Hattie Viola Schofield and is acquainted with the parties to this petition and believe that in their opinion, it would be for the best interests of Hattie Viola Schofield that she be adopted as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Harvey Thomas, C B Dennis before William Clark, Notary Public, 25 Feb. 1920.
Granted 8 March 1920, and “that the said Hattie Viola Schofield shall assume the name of the petitioner,” presumably Hattie Viola Means; filed same day.
#113 May Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:245
“The [typed] petition of THOMAS E. MCGUIGAN and EVELYN A. MCGUIGAN, of Meadville, in said county [of Crawford], respectfully represents:– [¶] That COLLETTA GERTRUDE HILLIARD is a child of FREDERICK F. HILLIARD and COLETTA HILLIARD, his wife, and was born at Emlenton, Venango County, Pennsylvania, on November 28, 1912, where her said parents then resided; that the mother of said child died on or about the [day hand written] 17th day of October 1916 [with ‘6’ handwritten], and the father is now residing in the City of Cleveland, Ohio, and the said child has been for the last two years and upwards residing with the petitioners. [¶] That your petitioners have become very much attached to the said child and are desirous of adopting her as their heir, which desire the petitioners hereby declare; and the petitioners further declare that they reside in their own home and are well provided and are willing and amply able to provide and will provide and furnish a proper and comfortable home for said child, and will care for, support, maintain and educate her in a manner which will be conducive to her welfare, and will perform [with the ‘f’ in ‘perform’ added in handwritting] all the duties of parents toward her. [¶] And the petitioners further represent that Frederick F. Hilliard, the father of said child, Coletta Gertrude Hilliard, has given his consent to the adoption of said child by your petitioners, as appears by such consent, in writing, and by him signed and acknowledged, hereto attached and herewith presented to the Court. [¶] Your petitioner [sic] further present and attachs hereto the affidavits of two persons who are residents of this county who are acquainted with the petitioners and with the circumstances surrounding said child, setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the best interest of the said child and will best conserve her future welfare and happiness if a decree of adotion [sic] be granted as prayed for. [¶] Your petitioners therefore respectfully pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said child, Coletta Gertrude Hilliard, be adopted as and for their child and heir under the provisions of the Act of Assembly of this Commonwealth in such cases made and provided, said child to have all the rights of an actual child, and to assume the name of the petitioners, and that she shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir, equally with any other child or children of your petitionrs. [¶] And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Thomas E. McGuigan, Evelyn A. McGuigan; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, Meadville, 20 April 1920; presented by “John O. & Walter J . McClintock.”
[(Typed) supporting affidavit, below:] “Katherine Albaugh and Fred Lorz being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with Thomas E. McGuigan and Evelyn A. McGuigan, the petitioners, and the child Coletta Gertrude Hilliard, and with their home and surroundings and with the conditions and surroundings of said child, and that in their opinion it would be for the best interest of the said child and most conducive to her future welfare and happiness if the petition for her adoption by the petitioners be granted by the Court, as they verily believe.” Sworn to and subscribed Katherine Albaugh, Fred Lorz before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, Meadville, 20 April 1920.
[Father’s (typed) consent, attached:] “To the Honorable Thomas J. Prather, Judge of this Court:– [¶] I, Frederick F. Hilliard, formerly of Emlenton, Venango county, Pennsylvania, now residing in the City of Cleveland, Ohio, the father of Coletta Gertrude Hilliard, hereby represent and certify that said Coletta Gertrude Hilliard was born at Emlenton aforesaid on the 28th day of November 1912, and that her mother, Coletta Hilliard, died on the 17th [day handwritten] day of October 1916 [with the ‘6’ handwritten]. [¶] That I have consented and do hereby consent that the petition of Thomas E. McGuigan and Evelyn A. McGuigan, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, for the adoption of my said child be granted by your Honorable Court. [¶] In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th [day handwritten] day of April A. D. 1920.” Sworn to at Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and subscribed Fred F. Hilliard before John Schudel[?], Notary Public, 19 April 1920; “Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of” (signed) C. G. Winter.
Granted 24 April 1920 [and stating that the McGuigans were husband and wife], name assumed is Colletta Evelyn McGuigan [with “Evelyn” handwritten over “Gertrude”]; filed same day.
#128 May Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:260
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH MADARAS [sic] and JULIA MADARAS, of West Mead Township, Crawford County and state of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents, That they are desirous of adopting as their heir ELIZABETH TOTH, born Dec 12 – 1914 [with ‘born’ and date carreted and handwritten], a [next word carreted] minor child of JOHN TOTH of Oil City Penna, surviving parent of the said Elizabeth Toth, and that they will perform all the duties of a parent to the said child. They further represent, that the consent of the said surviving parent, John Toth to such adoption, is evidenced by his joining in this petition. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray the Court to decree that the said Elizabeth Toth may assume the name of your petitioners viz – Elizabeth Madaras, and have and enjoy all the rights of a child and heir of the petitioners, and be subject to all the duties of a child. [¶] And they will ever pray.” Signed Joseph Madarasz, Julia Madarasz, Johan Toth; sworn to [as Joseph Madaras and Julia Madaras, his wife, and John Toth] and again subscribed Joseph Madarasz, Julia Madarasz, Johan Toth before John Schuler, Notary Public, 21 April 1920; presented by Attorney John Schuler, Meadville.
Granted 3 May 1920, name assumed is Elizabeth Madaras[z]; filed same day.
#33 September Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:301
“The [typed] petition of DOMER J. BAILEY and CANDACE C. BAILEY, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife; citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in the City of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, at No. 214 South Perry Street. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting DONALD MATHEWS, a minor born on May 5th, 1914 and aged 5 years and upwards, now residing with petitioners and being the child of GEORGE W. MATHEWS and IVA MATHEWS, his wife. [¶] 3. That the said George W. Mathews and Iva Mathews, his wife, died in Oilton, Oklahoma, on March 9th, 1919 and November 1918 respectively, leaving to survive them the said Donald Mathews and three other children. Homes have been found for the three other children and arrangements had been made with the Odd Fellows Lodge of Hydetown, Pennsylvania, of which the father, George W. Mathews, was a member, to have the said Donald Mathews placed in the Orphans Home, which the Odd Fellows Lodge conducts at Meadville, Pennsylvania. With this in view the said Donald Mathews was sent to Titusville in the care of the said Odd Fellows Lodge at Hydetown, Pennsylvania. The latter learning that your petitioners desired to adopt the said minor have permitted them to do so and the said child is now living with your petitioners and being cared for by them. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] 5. That two affidavits of respectable citizens of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, who are personally acquainted with petitioners, are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. In addition there is hereto attached the consent to the said adoption of Hattie O’Dell, an aunt of the said minor who has conducted the negotiations with the said Odd Fellows Lodge with reference to having the said minor placed in the Orphans Home at Meadville, Pennsylvania. [¶] 6. Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equal with any other child of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray.” Signed Domer J. Bailey, Candace C. Bailey; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before James R. Gahan, Notary Public, Titusville, 21 Feb. 1920; presented by Attorney James R. Gahan, Titusville.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), attached:] “Selden S. Benedict and Robert A. McKie, being duly sworn depose and say that they know Domer J. Bailey and Candace C. Bailey, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able to care for, maintain and support the said Donald Mathews; that they are acquainted with the circumstances of Domer J. Bailey and Candace C. Bailey, and that in their opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Donald Mathews that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Selden S. Benedict, Robt A. McKie before James R. Gahan, Notary Public, Titusville, 21 Feb. 1920.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, the undersigned, Hattie O’Odell of North East, Pennsylvania, being an aunt of Donald Mathews, the infant named in the foregoing petition, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true; and I do join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of the said Donald Mathews by the said Domer J. Bailey and Candace C. Bailey, his wife.” Signed Hattie O’Dell [undated].
Granted 1 June 1920, name assumed is Donald Bailey; filed 2 June 1920.
#134 September Term 1920
Appearance Docket 208:402
“The [typed] petition of SAMUEL J. DOCTER and HATTIE M. DOCTER, his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania, and reside at Woodcock Boro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, [¶] That they are desirous of adopting DONALD MILLER, JR., a minor born October 8, 1916, and now resides with your petitioners, being the child of DONALD MILLER and ETHEL MILLER, now deceased. [¶] 3. That the said Ethel Miller, mother of said minor, was a sister of your petitioners, Hattie M. Docter, and died March 24, 1920. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward him, and the father of said child, Donald Miller, is willing and desirous that he be adopted by your petitioners, his assent thereto being hereto annexed. [¶] 5. Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners, and they will ever pray.” Signed Samuel J. Docter, Hattie M Docter; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 21 Aug. 1920; presented by Attorneys Thomas and Thomas, Meadville.
[Father’ (typed) consent, below:] “I, the undersigned, surviving parent of Donald Miller, Jr. do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true and I hereby join in the prayer thereof and consent to the adoption of my son the said Donald Miller, Jr., by the said Samuel J. Docter and Hattie M. Docter.” Signed Donald Miller [undated].
Granted 6 Sept. 1920, name assumed is Donald Miller Docter; filed same day.
#16 February Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:16
“The [typed] petition of E. KNICKERBOCKER and ANNIE KNICKERBOCKER, his wife, respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are desirous of adopting DOROTHY KNICKERBOCKER, an adult person, of the age of twenty one years; [¶] That the said Dorothy Knickerbocker has no parents and has lived with your petitioners since she was about two years old; [¶] That the said Dorothy Knickerbocker has consented to said adoption, as shown by her consent hereto attached. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Dorothy Knickerbocker shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child,” signed E Knickerbocker, Anna Knickerbocker; sworn to and subscribed E. Knickerbocker, Anna Knickerbocker before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 16 Nov. 1920; presented by Attorney John A. Northam, Meadville.
[Attached (typed) consent:] “I, Dorothy Knickerbocker, declare I have read the foregoing petition of E. Knickerbocker and Anna Knickerbocker, for the adoption of Dorothy Knickerbocker, as their child and heir, and hereby consent to said adoption, and agree that if such adoption is approved, I will perform all the duties of a child towards said petitioners.” Signed Dorothy Knickerbocker [undated].
Granted 16 Nov. 1920, name assumed is Dorothy Knickerbocker; filed same day.
#170 February Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:170
“The [typed] petition of JOHN CURRY and EMMA CURRY his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That petitioners are husband and wife having been lawfully married on June 26th, 1917 and now reside in Kerrtown, Vernon Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being the owners of a house and lot without encumbrances. [¶] 2. That prior to their marriage the said Emma Curry obtained a legal divorce from WILLIAM THEURET a former husband by whom she became the mother of four children to-wit MARION THEURET aged 15 years, FRANK THEURET aged 14 years, GRACE THEURET aged 12 years and Arline Theuret aged 10 years of whom Marion and Frank have been in the custody of the petitioners since their marriage; that Grace Theuret had been placed with parties in the City of Cleveland, Ohio from whom she was received and taken to the home of your petitioners early in the month of December, 1920; that the other child Arline Theuret has been adopted by a family in the City of Pittsburgh, Pa. as deponents are informed and verily believe [see No. 73 Nov. Term 1916]. [¶] 3. That William Theuret the father of said children has been indifferent to them and has paid no attention whatever to them nor furnished any support for their maintenance and care for more than three years last past and his whereabouts is now and has been unknown during said time. [¶] 4. That your petitioner John Curry is desirous of adopting as his legal heirs the said Marion Theuret; Frank Theuret; and Grace Theuret to which deponent’s wife and the mother of said children Emma Curry has agreed and concurs as evidenced by her joining in this petition. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner John Curry prays that he may adopt the said Marion Theuret, Frank Theuret and Grace Theuret minor children of William Theuret and Emma Theuret now Emma Curry as his lawful children and heirs; that they may assume the name of this petitioner and be subject to all the rights and duties of children and heirs of the petitioners according to Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Mr John Curry, Mrs Emma Curry; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before M H Longniel[?], Notary Public, 9 Dec. 1920; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler, Meadville.
Granted 3 Jan. 1921, and “that they shall assume the name of the petitioner John Curry,” presumably Marion Curry, Frank Curry, and Grace Curry; filed same day.
#216 February Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:216
“The [typed] petition of A. H. STEIN respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That he is a resident of Union Township, in said County of Crawford. [¶] 2. That he is desirous of adopting HOWARD GODWIN, being of the age three years past, a minor child of THOMAS GODWIN, of Utica, Venango County, Pennsylvania, as one of his heirs. [¶] 3. That he will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Howard Godwin. [¶] 4. That the mother of the said Howard Godwin is deceased; and the father of said minor has consented to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioner, as will be fully evidenced by Exhibit ‘A’ hereto attached. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Howard Godwin shall assume the name of your petitioner, and that the said Howard Godwin shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner, and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioner will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed A H Stein; sworn to and again subscribed before Walter W. Ehrgott, J.P., 2 Feb. 1921; presented by Attorney Donald C. Thompson.
[(Typed) “Joinder of Petitioner’s Wife,” attached:] “And now, November [month handwritten above the line] February 2nd, 1920 [with the ‘0’ changed, in handwriting, to ‘1’], comes [name handwritten] GERTRUDE STEIN wife of the said A. H. Stein, petitioner herein, and consents to the adoption by the said A. H. Stein, of the said Edward Godwin, as his child and heir, and joins in the prayer of said petition, and further deposes and says, that she will perform all the duties of a parent to such child, and respectfully prays your Honorable Court that she may be joined as a co-petitioner, and that the said Howard Godwin may likewise have all the rights of a child and heir as to this affiant, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Sworn to and subscribed Gertrude Stein before Walter W. Ehrgott, J.P., 2 Feb. 1921.
[Attached (typed) “Consent of Parent,” marked “Exhibit ‘A’”:] “To the Honorable Thomas J. Prather, Judge of said Court: [¶] And now, November [month handwritten above the line] January [day handwritten] 24th, 1920 [with the ‘0’ changed in handwriting to ‘1’], comes Thomas Godwin, the father and surviving parent of Howard Goodwin, and consents that said adoption may be decreed and the said Howard assume the name of Howard Stein and have and enjoy all the rights of a child and heir of the said adopting parent, A. H. Stein, and be subject to the duties of a child.” Sworn to and subscribed Thomas C. Godwin before Walter W. Ehrgott, J.P., 24 Jan. 1921, “Witnesses:” (signed) Donald C. Thompson, Walter W. Ehrgott,.
[Supporting “Affidavit” (typed), attached:] “George B. Shafer and Charles S. Kahler [names handwritten] being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that they are well acquainted with A. H. Stein, the within named petitioner; That he is a person of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Howard Godwin will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition. Deponents further say that they are residents of Union Township, within said County.” Sworn to and subscribed Geo. B. Shafer, Charles S. Kahler before Walter W. Ehrgott, Notary Public, 2 Feb. 1921.
Granted 7 Feb. 1921, name assumed is Howard Godwin Stein; filed same day.
#217 February Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:217
“The [typed] petition of WALKER J. KEEN [sic] and JUVIA M. KEEN respectfully represents; [¶] That they are husband and wife and reside in West Mead Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting JAMES MONROE MCINTYRE, a minor child born January 25th., 1920, now aged one year and upwards and now residing with your petitioners, said minor being a child of HOWARD MCINTYRE and LAURA MCINTYRE. [¶] That the said Laura McIntyre is unable financially to care for, support and maintain the said James Monroe McIntyre and that the father of said child, Howard McIntyre has willfully and maliciously deserted his wife and family for a period of over one year and his whereabouts are still unknown. That the mother of said child Laura McIntyre is willing and desirous that the said child be adopted by said Walker J. Keen and Juvia M. Keen, her assent thereto being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] That your petitioners are able to provide a suitable and proper home for said minor child and able to care for, support and educate her in a manner conducive to her welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward her. [¶] That the affidavits of two respectable persons and citizens of Crawford County are hereto attached setting forth in their opinion that it is to the best interest and advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for therein. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all of the rights of a natural child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.,” Signed Walker J. Keene, Juvia M Keene; sworn to [as “Keen”] and subscribed Walker J. Keen, Juvia M Keene before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 Feb. 1921; presented by Attorney Leland J. Culbertson, Meadville.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, below:] “I, the undersigned, mother of said James Monroe McIntyre, do hereb [sic] certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts set forth therein are true; and I do hereby join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of said James Monroe McIntyre by the said Walker J. Keene and Juvia M. Keen.” Signed Laura McIntyre, “witness;” (signed) Neil W. McGill [undated].
[Supporting affidavit (typed), attached:] “Herbert VanPatton and O. H. Jackson [names handwritten] being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are personally acquainted with Walker J. Keen and Juvia M. Keen, his wife, the petitioners hereto; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they well [sic] able to care for, support, maintain and educate the said James Monroe McIntyre; that they are acquainted with the facts and circumstances of Laura McIntyre and Howard McIntyre and that in their opinion, it will be for the best interest [sic] of the said James Monroe McIntyre that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Herbert VanPatton, O. H. Jackson before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 Feb. 1921.
Granted 7 Feb. 1921, name assumed is James Monroe Keen [sic; Keene]; filed same day.
#29 May Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:259
“The [typed] petition of JAMES F. BURK and JULIA BURK, his wife, respectfully represent: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania, and reside in Summit Township. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting GEORGE MCDEVITT, aged eighteen years, and JOHN MCDEVITT, aged thirteen years, now residing with your petitioners and being children of THOMAS and SARAH MCDIVITT, both late of Punxsutawney, Penn’a., deceased. [¶] 3. That the said George McDivitt has been residing with your petitioner since July 24, 1913, and the said John McDivitt, his brother, has been residing with petitioners since August 5, 1916. [¶] 4. That both of said minors were procured by your petitioners from the St. Joseph’s Orphans’ Home of Erie, Penn’a., to which institutions they have been regularly committed as having no parental care and the assent of said St. Joseph’s Orphans’ Home to said adoption is hereto attached. [¶] 5. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minors and to care for, support and maintain them in a manner conducive to their welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards them. [¶] 6. Your petitioners therefore pray Your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minors under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minors to have respectively all the rights of actual children equally with any other children of your petitioners, and they will ever pray, &c.” Signed James Burke, Julia Burke; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before George B. Shaffer, Notary Public, Meadville, 3 March 1921; presented by Attorneys Thomas and Thomas, Meadville.
[Consent (typed), below:] We, the undersigned, minors aforesaid, being of the ages of eighteen and thirteen years respectively, do hereby certify that we have read the foregoing petition and join in the prayear thereof and ask that we may be adopted by the said petitioners.” Signed George McDivitt, John McDivitt [undated].
[Consent (typed), below:] “The St. Joseph’s Orphans’ Home of Erie, Pennsylvania, to whom the said George McDivitt and John McDivitt were legally committed and where the said minors were cared for and supported by said Home for three years and six years, respectively, do, by their duly constituted officers, hereby consent to the adoption of said minors by the said James F. Burke and Julia Burke, his wife, to whom they were entrusted by said Home on July 24, 1913, and August 5, 1916, respectively.” Signed St. Joseph’s Orphans’ Home BY Sister M. Angela Carney.
Granted 14 March 1921, names assumed are George McDivitt Burk and John McDivitt Burk; filed same day.
#48 May Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:279
“The [typed] petition of LAURENCE LEBERMAN and LULU J. LEBERMAN, his wife respectfully represent: [¶] That they are residents of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Penna., and that they are desirous of adopting DAVID KING, five years of age, and minor child of NORMAN KING now located at Los Angeles, California. The mother of said minor child, died on the 25th day of October 1918. [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to said David King, and give him the advantage of a good home and scholl [sic] advantages. [¶] That the father of said Child, Norman King has given his consent to the adoption of said child by your petitioners as will appear by paper hereto attached and made a part of this petition. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said David King shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that he shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to all the duties of such child. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed Laurence Leberman, Lula J. Leberman; sworn to [but not again subscribed] before H. L. Boynton, Alderman [date not given]; presented by Albert L. Thomas.
[Father’s (typed) consent, attached:] “This is to certify that I, Norman King, father of David King, now five years of age, and whose mother died three years ago, hereby consent to the adoption of said child by Laurence Leberman and Lulu J. Leberman, his wife, of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and I hereby join in the prayer of their petition.” Signed Norman King; “Witness:” (signed) Hazel V. Adams.
[Supporting affidavit (typed), attached:] “We, F. L. Nisbet and J. N. Jelbart [names handwritten] of the city of Meadville, Penna., hereby certify that we are acquainted with Lawrence Leberman and Lula J. Leberman, his wife and that they are persons of respectability and property, and we verily believe the welfare of the said David King will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Signed F. L. Nisbet, J H Jelbart.
Granted 4 April 1921, “and that the said David King shall assume the name of the said petitioners,” presumably David Leberman; filed same day.
#86 May Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:317
“The [typed] petition of LOUIS N. MILLETTE respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioner is a resident of the city of Titusville and is desirous of adopting as one of his heirs, MARIE BABETTA SOMIER [‘Marie Barbette’ on cover]. [¶] 2. That the said Marie Babetta Somier resides with your petitioner in the city of Titusville, over the age of twenty-one and unmarried, and that she is the daughter of ANGES SOMIER and Ovina, formerly wife of Anges Somier, now OVINA MILLETTE, wife of your petitioner, and that the said Anges Somier is dead. [¶] 3. That the said Marie Babetta Somier consents to such adoption as shown by her answer to this petition hereto attached, and desires to assume and bear your petitioner’s name so that her name shall hereafter be Marie Babetta Millette. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays this Honorable Court to decree that the said Marie Babetta Somier shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner and be subject to the duties of such child, and may assume and bear the name of Marie Babetta Millette. [¶] And your petitioner will ever pray &c.” Signed with the mark of Louis N. Millette; “Witnesses to mark of Louis N. Millette:” (signed) Rob’t A. Kerr, Geo. Eldred; sworn to by Louis N. Millette (but not again signed) before Robert A. Kerr, J.P., Titusville, 23 April 1923.
[Adoptees (typed) consent and joinder, below:] “The Answer of Marie Babetta Somier to the petition of Louis N. Millette, respectfully showeth: [¶] 1. That the facts set forth in the said petition are true in manner and form as therein set forth, and that your petitioner doth consent to such adoption; is desirous to be adopted as the daughter of her step-father, Louis N. Millette; doth agree to perform all the duties of a child towards petitioner; and desires to assume and bear the name of Marie Babetta Millette. [¶] This respondent therefore joins in the prayer of said petition.” Signed Marie Babetta Somier; sworn to and again subscribed before Robert A. Kerr, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 18 April 1921; presented by Attorney Geo. Eldred, Titusville.
Granted 2 May 1921, name assumed is Marie Babetta Millette; filed same day.
#59 September Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:383
“The [typed] petition of BETSEY W. BROUGHTON, respectfully represents; [¶] That she the petitioner is a resident of Conneaut Township, in said County of Crawford; [¶] That she is desirous of adopting DOROTHY MARIE CALVIN, of the age of six years, a child of HERMAN CALVIN, and ETHEL CALVIN, his wife, of Spring Township, in said County, as one of her heirs. And that she will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Dorothy Marie Calvin. And that the said Herman Calvin, and Ethel Calvin, parents of the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, have consented to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioner. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner parys [sic] your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, shall assume the name of your petitioner, and that the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner, and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray, &c.” Signed Betsy W. Broughton; sworn to and again subscribed before Norton L. Gleason, J.P., 14 June 1921; presented by Attorney A. M. Fenner, Linesville.
[Parental consent(typed), below:] “We Herman Calvin, and Ethel Calvin, the parents of the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, by the said Betsey W. Broughton, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption will be for the welfare of the said Dorothy Marie Calvin,.” Signed Herman Calvin, Ethel Calvin; “Signed in presence of,” (signed) M. E. Broughton, Mrs. Mabel Schreckengosh.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “J. R. Stevens and W. M. Babb [names handwritten], being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that they are well acquainted with Betsy W. Broughton, the within named petitioner, that she is a person of respectability and considerable property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed J. R. Stevens, W M Babb before A. M. Fenner, Notary Public, Linesville, Pa., 18 June 1921.
Granted 5 July 1921, “and that the said Dorothy Marie Calvin, shall assume the name of the petitioner,” presumably Dorothy Marie Broughton; filed same day.
[File includes correspondence from July 1931 between the Prothonotary and Miss B. W. Broughton, c/o Mrs. Luria Dain, Pierpont, Ohio, concerning Miss Broughton’s dissatisfaction with a support bond given by L. E. and Delia A. Lamont. “As to the matter of your adopted daughter: They had her case in the Juvenile Court several years ago and the last entry in that court (in the Clerk of the Courts office), is an order placing her in care of Mrs. Wallace Haun, Meadville, Pa.”]
#88 September Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:412
“The [typed] petition of CHARLES L. SHAW and MARGARET W. SHAW, his wife, of Woodcock township, in said county [of Crawford], respectfully represents:– [¶] That J. GLENN HANNAH died at his residence in said Woodcock township on November 23, 1918, and on November 27, 1918 his widow, HARRIET B. HANNAH, died at the same place, leaving to survive them four children, namely:- James A. Hannah, six years of age, CHARLES G. HANNAH, about five years of age, John E. Hannah two years of age, and MARGARET F. HANNAH, six months of age. [¶] That on the 24th day of February 1919 the New First National Bank of Meadville, Pa., was appointed guardian of the estates of said minor children by the Orphans Court of this county, but no guardian of the persons of said minors has been appointed, the three oldest of said children having been cared for and having been in the possession or custody of their grandfather, James R. Hannah, or of the Odd Fellows’ Home of Meadville, pa., since the death of the parents, excepting for about six weeks immediately after said death, during which time the child Charles G. was under the care and in the possession of the petitioners at their home, and the child Margaret F. Hannah has been and yet remains in the care and possession of the petitioners, one of the petitioners, Margaret W. Shaw, being a sister of the mother of said children. [¶] Your petitioners further represent that, after having had the care and possession of the child Margaret since the time of the death of her parents, and of the child Charles for a period of six weeks thereafter, and having known him during his whole life, have become very much attached to them and are desirous of adopting the said Margaret and Charles as their heirs, which desire the petitioners hereby declare, the said Charles G. Hannah was born on August 14, 1914, and the said child Margaret was born on May 6, 1918; and the petitioners further declare that they reside on and own a farm of one hundred acres in Woodcock township, this county, with good and comfortable farm buildings thereon, and they are amply able and are willing to provide and will provide and furnish a proper and comfortable home for said children, and will care for, support and maintain and educate them in a manner which will be conducive to their welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward them. [¶] Your petitioners present herewith and attach hereto the affidavits of two or more persons who are residents of this county who are acquainted with the petitioners and with the circumstances surrounding the said children, setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the best interest of the said children and would best conserve their welfare and be to their future advantage and happiness if a decree of adoption be granted as prayed for, and they also present herewith the consent of Herman A. Edward L. Williams [with ‘Edward L.’ handwritten], of Meadville, Pa. [next two words handwritten] Birmingham, Mich, one of the next of kin and next friend of the said children, who is an uncle of the said children, a brother of the deceased mother of said children, wherein he approves of and consents that the decree of adoption prayed for be granted. [¶] Your petitioners therefore respectfully pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said child, Charles C. Hannah, and the said child, Margaret F. Hannah, be adopted as and for their children and heirs, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said children to have all the rights of an actual child, and to assume the name of the petitioners, and that they shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of children and heirs, equally with any other child or children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, &c.” Signed Chas. L Shaw, Margaret. W. Shaw.; sworn to and again subscribed before Jacob G. Apple, Notary Public, 30 July 1921; filed 1 Aug. 1921.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “The undersigned, being duly and severally sworn according to law, depose and say that he is a resident of Crawford county and is acquainted with Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw, the petitioners for the adoption of Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Margaret Harriet B. Hannah, deceased, and with their home and surroundings, and with the conditions and surroundings of said minors; that it would be for the best interest of the said children and most conducive to their future welfare if [‘if’ changed from ‘of’] the petition for the adoption of said children should be granted by the court, as he verily believes.” Sworn to and subscribed J. G[?]. Carman, Karl Willard, N E Cole before Jacob G Apple, Notary Public, 30 July 1921.
[Attached (typed) consent and joinder:] “I, Edward L. Williams, of Birmingham, Michigan, hereby certify that I am one of the surviving brothers of Harriet B. Hannah, deceased, the mother of the above named Charles G. and Margaret F. Hannah, and am therefore interested in the welfare of the said minors and in procuring for them a suitable and comfortable home, and to that end do hereby consent that the prayer of the petition of Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw for the adoption of the said minor children be granted by the court, and I further certify that I am familiar with the circumstances and conditions surrounding the lives of said minors and with the home of the petitioners and with their ability to care for said children, and that I am fully convinced that the welfare, comfort, support, maintenance and education of said minors would be best conserved by the adoption of said children by the petitioners [with the ‘s’ handwritten], and I therefore join in the prayer of the petition.” Sworn to at Oakland County, Michigan, and subscribed Edward L Williams before Charles M. Jones, Notary Public, Oakland Co., Mich., 30 July 1921.
[Attached (typed) consent and joinder:] “I, John P. Williams, of East [with ‘East’ handwritten] Mead township, Crawford County, pa. hereby certify that I am a granduncle of the above named Charles G. and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Harriet B. Hannah, deceased, the mother of said children having been my niece, and that I am interested in the welfare of the said children and in procuring for them a suitable and comfortable home, and to that end do hereby consent that the prayer of the petition of Charles L. and Margaret W. Shaw for the adoption of the said children be granted by the Court, and I further certify that I am familiar with the circumstances and conditions surrounding the lives of said children and with the home of the petitioners and with their ability to care for said children, and that I am firmly convinced that the welfare, comfort, support, maintenance and education of said children will be best conserved and promoted by the adoption of said children by the petitioners, and I therefore join in the prayer of the petition.” Signed J. P. Williams; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 30 July 1921.
[Order, handwritten on cover:] “And now, Aug 2, 1921, the within petition having been presented and made in open court and notice being given that objection will be made to the granting of the same, the Court sets Wednesday, Sept. 7 1921 at 10 o’clock, A.M. for further hearing of the petition and any objection thereto. Per Curiam[.]”
[Order, handwritten on cover, dated 6 Sept. 1921:] “Upon application of O. Clark Kent Esq., and with consent of Atty. for petitioner the hearing in this matter is hereby continued until Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1921 at 10 O’clock A.M.”
[Order, handwritten on cover:] “And now Nov 7, 1921, on motion in open court it is ordered that Wednesday November 30, 1921 at 10 o‘clock A.M. be fixed for the hearing of this petition. Per Curiam[.]”
[Separate (typed) “Protest of James R. Hannah to Adoption, and Demurrer to Petition,”:] “Now Dec. 30th, 1921 [day handwritten], comes James R. Hannah, a resident of the City of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and sole surviving grand parent of the above named minor children, Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, by C. Vicgor [sic] Johnson and O. Clare Kent, his attorneys, and objects to the granting of the prayer of the petitioner in this case, and respectfully moves the Court to quash and dismiss the said petition, and assigns the following reasons in support thereof: [¶] 1st: That James R. Hannah, a resident of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, is the sole surviving grand-parent of the said named minor children, he being the paternal grand-father, the paternal grand-mother and both maternal grand-parents having died before the death of the parents of the said named minor children. [¶] 2nd: That legally James R. Hannah is the nearest next of kin to the said children, and by lines of consanguinity and affinity their nearest surviving relative, which, ipso facto, makes him the legal and recognized next friend and natural guardian of the said minor children, and the proper and lawful person to give consent to the proposed adoption. [¶] 3rd: That before the Court can entertain jurisdiction of the petition filed in this case, it is necessary, under the requirements of the acts of assembly of this commonwealth, relating to the adoption of children, to-wit, the Act of 1855, PL 430, the act of 1887, PL 125, and the act of 1915, PL 580, that the petition must contain as a part thereof, the written consent of the legal and recognized next friend of the child or children sought to be adopted, which in this case is James R. Hannah, their paternal grand-father, who hereby objects to the proposed adoption of the said named children and withholds his consent thereto. [¶] 4th: That the court has no jurisdiction, authority, or power to entertain the petition filed in this case, because Edward L. Williams, a maternal uncle of said children and a non-resident of the state of Pennsylvania, and J. P. Williams, a grand-uncle of said children, are not the legally authorized and recognized next friends or persons clothed with the legal authority and right to give consent to the said proposed adoption. [¶] 5th: That the questions and matters involved in this proceeding are, res ajudicata, the same having been presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, upon petition of Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw, filed at No. 20 February Term 1920, and praying for a decree of adoption for the said Charles G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, minor children of J. Glenn Hannah and Harriet B. Hannah, deceased, which said petition, demurrer thereto, and the action of the court thereon are as follows: [entire proceedings therein transcribed, but omitted here]. [¶] 6th: That since the disposition by this Honorable Court on the former application for the adoption of these same children by the same petitioners, the said child, Charles G. Hannah has been placed, together with his two brothers, James A. Hannah and John E. Hannah, in the Odd Fellows Orphans Home at Meadville, Pennsylvania, to-wit, on the 7th day of April, 1920, by Crawford Lodge No. 734, of Meadville, Pa., of which said Lodge the deceased father was a member, in compliance with a request of the deceased parents of said children made shortly before their deaths, and since which time said children have been kept and maintained by the said Orphan’s Home, excepting that the said James R. Hannah, protestant, has contributed much, if not all, of their clothing, as well as money and other things, and articles for their comfort and maintenance, and the protestant now submits and contends that it would not be for the best interest of said child, Charles G. Hannah, to remove him therefrom and from the society and association of his two brothers. [¶] 7th: That the said child, Charles G. Hannah, has been supported in the Odd Fellows Orphans Home at Meadville, Pa., a charitable institution, for more than one year prior to the filing of the petition in this case, and that before the court can entertain jurisdiction thereof, the consent of the guardians or overseers of said Institution must be obtained, as required by the acts of assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in such cases made and provided. [¶] 8th: That the protestant, James R. Hannah, the paternal grandfather of said children, is now, and since the death of their parents has been greatly interested in the welfare of said children, has contributed toward their support, maintenance and comfort, and will continue such contributions in the future. That said children possess individual estates in the hands of their guardian, the New First National Bank of Meadville, Pa., inherited from their parents, and a portion of which has been contributed by the said protestant, and that a decree of adoption in this case prayed for, would change the line of inheritance, and might divert inheritable property by descent to strangers who otherwise would be aliens to the estate. [¶] 9th: That the said petitioners, Charles L. Shaw and Margaret F. Shaw are not fit, proper and suitable persons to be given the care, custody, control, raising and training of said minor children, and that a decree of adoption in this case would not be for the best interests of the said minor child. [¶] 10th: Wherefore, the Court is respectfully moved to enter an order in the said stated case, quashing and dismissing the petition filed herein. [¶] And he will ever pray, &c.” Signed C. Victor Johnson, O. Clare Kent, Attorneys for James R. Hannah; sworn to by James R. Hannah and subscribed J. R. Hannah before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 29 Nov. 1921; filed 30 Nov. 1921, with handwritten notation, “Legal argument Dec 8 1921 @ 10 A M Per Cur[iam]”
[Separate (typed) response, described on cover in handwriting as “Answer of Petitioners for adoption, to Protest of James R. Hannah against, and Motion to Dismiss Petition for, adoption,”:] “Now, December 8, 1921 [with ‘8’ handwritten], Come Charles L. Shaw and Margaret W. Shaw, the petitioners in the above captioned case, by John O. McClintock and Walter J. McClintock, their Attorneys, and in answer to the protest of James R. Hannah against the granting of the petition of the petitioners for the adoption of said minor children, and his motion to dismiss said petition heretofore filed, respectfully say:- [¶] 1. The petitioners admit that the said James R. Hannah is now the only surviving grandparent of the minor children for whose adoption the petition in this case was filed, but he was not the only surviving grandparent of said children at the time of the death of their parents, their grandparent Alfred D. Williams, then being alive, whose death has since occurred. [¶] 2. They deny that the said James R. Hannah is the only next of kin of the said children, and that he is the only legal and recognized next friend and natural guardian of said children, and the only proper and lawful person to give consent to the proposed adoption, and aver that the said children have for next of kin and for next friends, three uncles, brothers of their deceased mother, namely: Herman A. Williams, John L. Williams and Edward L. Williams, one granduncle, John P. Williams, and one aunt, sister of the deceased mother of said children, Margaret W. Shaw, all of whom are next friends of said minor children, and are proper persons to give consent to the adoption of said minor children. [¶] 3. They deny that before the court can entertain jurisdiction of the petition filed in this case it is necessary under the requirements of the Act of Assembly of May 28, 1915, relating to adoption, under which this proceeding was instituted, that the petition must contain as a part thereof the written consent of James R. Hannah, their paternal grandfather, but aver t [next line] that they have attached to their petition the written consent to the adoption of said children by the petitioners of Edward L. Williams, an uncle of said children, and the written consent of John P. Williams, a grand-uncle of said children, as next friends of said children, who are interested in the welfare of said children to such an extent as to see that proper persons are interested with their rearing, which written consents are a full compliance with the requirements of the Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth relative to adoption, and therefore the court has jurisdiction to hear and determine the petition in this case. [¶] 4. They deny the allegations of the protestant that the court has no jurisdiction to entertain the petition filed in this case because Edward L. Williams, a maternal uncle, and John P. Williams, a grand-uncle, of said children are the legally authorized [next two words carreted] and recognized next friends or persons clothed with legal authority and right to give consent to said proposed adoption, and aver that the consent given by said uncle and grand-uncle is the consent of the next friend contemplated by the Act of Assembly relating to adoption proceedings, as adjudged by law. [¶] 5. They deny that the questions involved in this proceeding are res adjudicata. They admit that the proceedings mentioned in the protestant’s petition as having been before and passed upon by this court at No. 20 February Term 1920, were had and that the petition in said case was dismissed on December 18, 1919, but they aver that since the order of dismissal of the said petition was made the question involved has been passed upon by the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by a decision handed down July 14, 1920, and the law bearing upon the question involved in said case has been declared to be contrary to the decision in the conclusion reached by the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County above mentioned, w [next line] wherein said appellate court declared that ‘on a petition for the adoption of two children, the consent of a grand-uncle as next friend is a sufficient compliance with the provisions of the acts of assembly relative to adoption, and this is the case, even although the grandparents of the children are living’, Wherefore, the petitioners maintain and aver that the petition in this case is within and subject to the jurisdiction of this court. [¶] 6. It is admitted that the child Charles G. Hannah, together with his b [next line] brothers, has been placed in the Odd Fellow Orphas [sic] Home, of Meadville, Pa., but it is denied that the said child was placed there at the request of the parents of said children, made shortly before their deaths, but on the contrary, it is averred, that the said child Charles G. Hannah was placed in [next page] in said home at the instance of the said grand-father, for the purpose of defeating the efforts of the petitioners to procure a decree of adoption of the said child, and the said grand-father has threatened to take the child Margaret F. Hannah away from the possession and custody of the petitioners, where she has been ever since the death of the parents of said children, and placing her in the said Home for the same purpose. [¶] Your petitioners further aver that it would be most conducive and to the best welfare of both said children that they be adopted by the petitioners so as to provide for them, together, a permanent home. [¶] 7. The petitioners deny that before the Court can entertain jurisdiction of the said child Charles G. Hannah, the consent of the guardians or overseers of the Odd fellows Orphans Home at Meadville, Pa. must be obtained, the said Institution not having any right to the possession or control of said child paramount to or that would be superior to or that would conflict or interfere with the power of the court to make the decree of adoption prayed for in this case, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly of May 28, 1915. [¶] 8. The petitioners do now [sic; not?] know, and they aver that it is immaterial and irrevelant [sic], whether or not the said James R. Hannah has contributed toward the support, maintenance and comfort of said minors, or that he proposes to [next line] to continue such contributions in the future. And as to sucg [sic] estates as said children may possess, the law will make provision for the disposition thereof, in case of adoption of the oweners of such estates, and that matter has no place in the consideration of the questions involved in this case. [¶] 9. That as to the question of the fitness of the petitioners to assume the care, custody, control, raising and training of said children, it is a matter entirely for the consideration of the court and the petitioners are willing to submit the same to and abide by the judgment of the court which may be reached upon the hearing of the case when presented. [¶] 10. Wherefore, the petitioners respectfully request the court to vacate and set aside the petition of the said James R. Hannah to quash and dismiss the petition in this case, and to fix a time for the hearing of the petition on its merits. [¶] And they will ever pray, &c.” Signed John O McClitnock, Walter J. McClintock, Attorneys for Petitioners; [attached jurat:] “Charles L. Shaw being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that the facts set forth in the foregoing answer to the protest of James R. Hannah and motion to quash and dismiss the petition of Charles L. Shaw and Margaret L. Shaw for the adoption of Chales [sic] G. Hannah and Margaret F. Hannah, are correct and true as he verily believes.”; sworn to and subscribed Chas. L Shaw before V. L. Greely, Prothonotary, 8 Dec. 1921; filed 2 Jan. 1922.
[Order:] “The first technical question raised, striking at the rest of this proceeding is, that the question involved is Res adjudicate [i.e., already decided, and the decision binding]. [¶] It appears from the pleadings filed, that the same petitioners filed a similar petition at No. 20 February Term, 1920, in the Court of Common Pleas, praying for a decree of adoption of the same children; that a demurrer was filed thereto, alleging that said petition did not have the consent of the proper ‘next friend’ of said children, in that it had only the consent of a maternal uncle, instead of a surviving grandparent; that said demurrer was sustained by the Court for the reason alleged, as appears by opinion filed December 13, 1919, without any consideration of the merits of the case. [¶] It is contended that our order then made it res adjudicate. Since filing said opinion, the Superior Court, in McGinniss’ Adoption, 74 S.C. 523-525, have held that the ‘next friend’ is not restricted to grandparents, but a granduncle has a standing within the statute to give such consent, and said: [¶, indented] ‘It is for the Court to determine whether the person consenting is really the next friend’. [¶] Petitioner’s case, therefore, went out of court on a mere technicality, concerning the law applicable thereto the court and counsel were in error. [¶] The heart of the controversy, then before the court, was in our jurisdiction, it being averred that the proper parties had n [next line] not joined in the petition. [¶] In the case of Birch v. Andrews Mill Co. 52 S.C. 193, we quote from the syllabus: [¶, indented] ‘A judgment sustaining a demurrer is not res adjudicate to a second suit on the same cause of action, where the plaintiff has paid the costs of the first suit.’ [¶, indented] The court concluded as follows: [¶, indented] ‘It is perfectly apparent that the first suit did not try and determine the question in controversy in the present one. The first was decided on a technicality and did not touch the merits of the present controversy.’ [¶] In Weigley vs. Coffman, 144 Pa. 489-499, the Supreme Court Held: [¶, indented] ‘That a cause of action once finally determined without appeal between the parties, on the merits, by any competent tribunal, cannot afterwards be litigated by new proceedings, either before the same or any other tribunal. But no such effect is attributable to a decree dismissing the bill for want of jurisdiction, failure of prosecution, want of parties, or any other cause not involving the essential merits of the controversy; and where in the answer various matters of defence are set forth, some of which only relate to the maintenance of the suit and others to the merits, and there is a general decree of bill dismissed, from which it does not appear what was the prevailing ground of defence, it is impossible to hold that the decree operates to preclude future proceedings. [¶, indented] In Walden v. Bodley, 14 Pet. 156, it was held that a decree dismissing a bill in chancery generally, may be set up in bar of a second bill; but where the bill has been dismissed on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction, which shows that the merits were not heard, the dismissal is not a bar to a second bill. To the same effect, also, is Hughes v. United States, 4 Wall. 232. From the authorities cited and the reasons assigned therein, it is plain that, when a bill is dismissed upon the ground of want of jurisdiction, the dismissal cannot be said to be upon the merits; for, whether the action of the court be right or wrong, the complainant’s title to relief sought is not thereby determined.’ [¶, further indented] See Pittsbg Coal Co. v. RR Co. 227 Pa. 91-104 [next line] Roney v. Westlake, 216 Pa. 374, 380 [next line] Haws v. Tiernan, 53 Pa. 192, 194, [next line] Carmony v. Hoober, 5 Pa. 305, 307, [next line] Klick v. Gernert, 220 Pa. 503. [¶] In consideration of the whole matter, we are of the opinion the plea of res adjudicata cannot be sustained, and therefore, that the question is properly before us for consideration upon its [word interlined] merits. [¶] It follows that respondents’ demurrer and rule to dismiss the petition should be discharged. [¶, centered] ORDER. [¶] Now, January 2nd, 1922, protest and demurrer overruled and rule to dismiss petition is discharged. Per Curiam.”; filed 2 Jan. 1921 [sic; 1922].
[Motion (typed) of petitioners for Order of Court fixing time for hearing, dated 5 Jan. 1922, granted same day and hearing set for 8 Feb. 1922.]
[Motion (typed) of petitioners for Decree of Adoption:] “And now, February 9, 1922, come the petitioners by their attorneys, John O. McClintock and Walter J. McClintock, Esquires, and move the Court to decree the adoption of Margaret F. Hannah by the petitioners, the court having found, upon hearing of the petition and consideration of the evidence of witnesses produced and heard and arguments of counsel for the petitioners and remonstrant, respectively, that that the welfare of the child Margaret F. Hannah will be promoted by such adoption.” Signed John O. McClintock, Walter J McClintock, Attorneys for Petitioners; filed 9 Feb. 1922.
Granted 9 Feb. 1922, name assumed is Margaret F. Shaw; decree filed same day.
#12 November Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:488
“The [typed] “petition of JOHN D. ONGLEY and EFFIE ONGLEY his wife citizens and residents of Athens Township, Crawford County and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents; [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ELIZABETH ELLEN CONSLA a minor child of C.P. CONSLA and BERTHA CONSLA his wife, now of the age of eight years, as one of their heirs, that they will perform all of the duties of parents towards the said minor, that C.P. Consla father of the said Elizabeth Ellen Consla has given his consent to said adoption as evidenced by his approval hereto attached and made a part of this petition, that the said mother of Elizabeth Ellen Consla is now deceased, having died in April 1921. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Elizabeth Ellen Consla shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed John D Ongley, Effie Ongley; sworn to at Erie County, Pa. and again subscribed (by both) before William O. Morrow, Notary Public, Union City, 12 Sept. 1921; presented by Attorney W. O. Morrow, Union City, Pa.
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Mrs. Lilia Parkhurst and Mrs. Eunice Fuller, being duly sworn according to law, say that they are well acquainted with John D. Ongley and Effie Ongley his wife the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character, and that they believe the welfare of said Elizabeth Ellen Consla will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Mrs Lilia Parkhurst, Mrs Eunice Fuller before William O. Morrow, Notary Public, Union City, 12 Sept. 1921.
[Father’s (typed) consent, attached:] “I, C.P. Consla father of Elizabeth Ellen Consla, hereby signify my consent to the adoption of my said daughter Elizabeth Ellen Consla by John D. Ongley and Effie Ongley his wife as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare. [¶] Mrs. Bertha Consla mother of said child is now deceased, she having died in April 1921.” Signed Chas. Patric Consla.; “Witness;” (signed) Mrs. Nettie Hayes, Mr. Dewey Hayes.
Granted 26 Sept. 1921, name assumed is Elizabeth Ellen Ongley; filed same day.
#24 November Term 1921
Appearance Docket 209:500
“The [typed] petition of ALBERT MCCRAY and MARY F. MCCRAY his wife respectfully represents:– [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania residing at No. 597 Pine Street in said city. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting as one of their heirs RICHARD CROUTHERS born May 14th, 1920 a son of PAUL CROUTHERS and MILDRED CROUTHERS. [¶] 3. That the parents of said minor separated and have not lived together as man and wife upwards of a year to-wit since about the month of April, 1920 and your petitioners are informed the father of said minor is now a resident of Linesville in said County of Crawford, and the mother is employed in Meadville and is unable to provide a proper home and care for, support and maintain the said minor. [¶] 4. That Mildred Crouthers mother of said child consents that he may be adopted by your petitioners and may assume and bear their name so that said minor shall be known hereafter as Richard McCray; that your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare and that they will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] 5. Your petitioners pray that they may have leave to adopt said minor Richard Crouthers and that a decree may be entered to that effect, and that said minor shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child, and further that he may assume and bear the name of Richard McCray. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Albert McCray, Mary F. McCray; sworn and again subscribed (by both) before John Schuler, Notary Public, 5 Oct. 1921; presented by Attorney Otto Kohler.
[Mother’s (typed) consent, attached:] “Personally appeared before me a Notary Public in the City of Meadville, in the County and State aforesaid Mildred Crouthers who being duly sworn says that she is the mother of Richard Crouther; that said Paul Crouthers separated himself from this deponent on or about April 1920 [date handwritten] and has failed to furnish any support or maintainance [sic] since said date either to her or to her said child Richard Crouthers; that she has read the foregoing petition of Albert McCray and his wife praying for the adoption of her son and that she has given her consent thereto in accordance with the prayer of said petitioners.” Sworn to and subscribed Mildred Crouthers before John Schuler, Notary Public, 5 Oct. 1921.
[Order, on cover of petition:] “Now, Oct. 6, 1921 on presentation of within petition for adoption of Richard Crouthers a rule to show cause is granted. Returnable to first Monday of November next. Per Curiam”; filed 6 Oct. 1921.
[Proof of service of notice on Paul D. Crouthers, filed 7 Nov. 1921, including return receipt dated 12 Oct. 1921 and signed Paul. D. Crouthers:] “Personally appeared before me the Prothonotary in and for the County of Crawford Mildred Crouthers who being duly sworn says she has examined the attached return receipt marked exhibit ‘C’ as hereto attached and signed Paul D. Crouthers and that said signature is in the proper hand writing of Paul D. Crouthers husband of this deponent, as deponent verily believes.” Sworn to and subscribed Mildred Crouthers before M H Lougnill 22 Oct. 1921.
[Decree (separate), filed 7 Nov. 1921:] “And now, November 7th, 1921 after presentation of petition by Albert McCray and Mary F. McCray his wife on October 6th, 1921 praying for a decree of adoption of Richard Crouthers a minor child of Paul Crouthers and Mildred Crouthers accompanied by the written consent thereto by Mildred Crouthers, mother of said minor, and a rule to show cause why such decree should not be entered having been granted with notice of said rule to be served on Paul D. Crouthers, father of said child and it appearing from evidence filed that said notice was served on said Paul D. Crouthers by registered letter at his abode in the city of Youngstown, Ohio, and no answer being filed to said rule and no objection made to said adoption, and after due consideration of the matter, the rule is made absolute and the prayer of the petitioners granted, and it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that said Albert McCray and Mary F. McCray adopt the said Richard Crouthers as their child and heir, that said minor shall have all the rights and privileges of a child and heir of Albert McCray and Mary F. McCray and be subject to the duties of a child and shall be known hereafter as Richard McCray, and further that said adopting parents and said child shall, respectively, inherit and take by devolution from and through each other together with any other children personal estate as next of kind [sic] and real estate as heirs in fee simple or otherwise. Per Curiam [signed by judge].”
#9 February Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:9
“The [typed] petition of HOMER R. NICHOLS and CARRIE NICHOLS his wife, of Springboro, Crawford County, Pa., respectfully represents:– [¶] That LUCY A. PHELPS died Oct. 24, 1921, at the residence of your petitioners, leaving to survive her a husband, EDWARD PHELPS, of Conneaut, Ohio, Carrie Nichols a daughter, one of the petitioners, and ESTHER R. PHELPS, minor child of the age thirteen years. That the said Esther R. Phelps was born July 27, 1908. [¶] That from the date of birth of the said Esther R. Phelps she has been taken care of, supported, clothed and fed by your petitioners, who have born all the expenses of the said minor, as well as that of her mother, Lucy A. Phelps. [¶] Your petitioners, having had the care and possession of the said Esther R. Phelps since her birth, and having become very much attached to her are desirous of adopting her as their heir, [next word carreted] hereby declaring that they have been residents of Springboro for twenty two years and upwards, and that they are amply able to provide for the said Esther R. Phelps in a proper manner, and attaching hereto the written consent of Edward Phelps, the father of the said Esther R. Phelps to said adoption, [¶] Your petitioners therefore respectfully pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said child, Esther R. Phelps be adopted as their child, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. said minor to have all the rights of an actual child, and to assume the name of your petitioners, and that she shall all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir, equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray &c.” Signed Homer R. Nichols, Carrie Nichols; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 14 Nov. 1921; presented by Attorneys John O. McClintock and Walter J. McClintock, Meadville.
[Father’s (typed) consent, below:] “Edward Phelps, of Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio, being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is the father of Esther R. Phelps, the minor child referred to the [sic] the foregoing petition for adoption; that he has read or had read to him the foregoing petition and concurs with the statements therein set forth; that he is willing that the said Esther B. Phelps, his daughter aforesaid be adopted by the petitioners and joins in the prayer of the petitioners, and prays the court to grant an order and decree of adoption as therein prayed for, believing that it is to the best interest of the child and that she will receive proper care, support and treatment and that the petitioners are able to and well qualified to assume and perform the duties of parents to said child and that it will be conducive to her future welfare and happiness if said prayer is granted.” Sworn to at Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and subscribed Edward Phelps before M. C. Childs, Notary Public, Ashtabula County, Ohio, 15 Nov. 1921.
Granted 17 Nov. 1921, name assumed is Esther R. Nichols; filed same day.
#37 February Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:37
[Petition of CHARLES L. SCHWARTZ and EVA M. SCHWARTZ to adopt WILLIAM RAY MCKINLEY missing; the following is from the Appearance Docket:]
Petition of Charles H. Schwartz and Elva M. Schwartz, his wife for the adoption of William Ray McKinley, minor child of VERDA I. McKINLEY and MAYME McKINLEY, his wife, as their child and heir. / Entered Dec. 7 1921.
Dec. 7, 1921, Petition, with supporting affidavits, and consent of the father of child, annexed, presented in open Court. [¶ (indented)] Decree. And now, December 7, 1921, upon petition [sic; presentation?] of the foregoing petition and statements, and it appearing to the Court thereby that the welfare of the said minor child will be promoted by such adoption, and that the father has given his consent thereto, and that the mother is divorced from said father, the prayer of the petition is granted; and it is ordered and decreed that the said William Ray McKinley shall assume the name William Ray Schwartz, and henceforth have all the rights of a child and heir of said Charles H. Schwartz, and Elva M. Schwartz, and be subject to the duties of such child. [¶] By the Court [¶] (Signed) Thos. J. Prather, P[resident]. J[udge]. [¶] Dec. 10, 1921. Certified copy of decree issued.
#52 February Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:52
“The [typed] petition of BLAINE S. COOK and EVA E. COOK, his wife, respectfully represent:— [¶] That they are residents of Summit Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and are desirous of adopting PAULINE E. LAWYER, a minor child of GEORGE A. and MARIE E. LAWYER, [age and date carreted] 11 years of age July 3, 1921 as one of their lawful heirs. [¶] That the said Marie E. Lawyer, mother of the said minor child, died on or about May 4, 1919, leaving to survive her a husband, George A. Lawyer, and several other children; that since the death of the said mother, for upwards of two years past the said minor child has been in the custody and control of the Directors of the Poor in and for said Crawford County, Pa., and has been maintained by them at the expense of the said County in the Childrens Homae at Meadville, Pa., until about a month or six weeks ago when she went to reside with your said petitioners at their home in said Summit Township; that the father of the said minor child by reason of ill-health is unable to property support and care for the said named child has given his consent that the Court grant the prayer of the petitioners herein and decree the said adoption, and that if this Honorable Court should decree the said adoption as prayed for herein the said petitioners, Blaine S. Cook and Eva E. Cook, his wife, will each perform all the duties of a parent to the said minor child, Pauline E. Lawyer. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray this Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Pauline E. Lawyer shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that said Pauline E. Lawyer, shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed Blaine S. Cook, Eva E Cook; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before W. P. Putnam, J.P., 15 Dec. 1921; presented by Attorney O. Clare Kent.
[Father’s (typed) consent, below:] “I, George A. Lawyer, of the City of Meadville, Pa., the surviving parent of the above named Pauline E. Lawyer, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Pauline E. Lawyer, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoptionadoption [sic] will be for the best interest and welfare of the said named child.” Signed George A. Lawyer.
[Consent (typed), below:] “We the undersigned Directors of the Poor in and for the said County of Crawford, Pennsylvania, hereby represent to the Honorable Court that the said mentioned minor child, Pauline E. Lawyer, has been in our custody and control for upwards of two years last past and that she has been maintained at the Childrens Home at Meadville, Pa., during that time by us, until about a month ago when she went, with our permission, to make her home with the said named petitioners and we hereby consent to the adoption as prayed for in the foregoing petition believing that same is for the best interest and welfare of the said named minor child, Pauline E. Lawyer.” Signed R. C. Jackson, M. G. Beatty, H R Conover, Directors of the Poor.
[Handwritten consent, below:] “Dec. 19, 1921 I hereby consent and approve the above and foregoing proposed adoption.” Signed Leland J. Culbertson, Probation Officer.
Granted 2 Jan. 1922, “and that the said Pauline E. Lawyer shall assume the name of said Blaine S. Cook and Eva E. Cook,” presumably Pauline E. Cook; filed same day [stamped “1921” but changed in handwriting to 1922].
#103 February Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:103
“The [typed] petition of LUBERT WISE and FANNIE T. WISE, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] That petitioners, who are husband and wife, are residents of West Shenango [name handwritten] Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and are desirous of adopting as their child and heir-at-law, one FRANCIS RUSSELL BIELITZ. That the said Francis Russell Bielitz was born on August 15th., 1916, as petitioners are advised, and is the son of ANNA BIELITZ and [blank] BIELITZ, her husband; that the father of the said child deserted the mother some years ago, and afterward died, according to petitioner’s information; that thereafter the mother placed the said child in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society under date of April 9th. 1920, relinquishing her right of parental control absolutely and consenting to the adoption of the said child. [¶] Petitioners further state that the said child has been in their home since April 18th., 1920, and that they received the said child from said Children’s Aid Society. [¶] Petitioners further state that, if permitted to adopt the said child, they will assume all of the duties and obligations of parents toward him and furnish him with a good home, and they believe his welfare will be promoted by such adoption, and they therefore, pray that this Court will make a decree permitting petitioners to adopt said child, and that his name shall become Herbert Clinton Wise instead of Francis Russell Bielitz.” Signed Lubert Wise, Fannie F. Wise; sworn to at Mercer Co., Pa., and again subscribed (by both) before C. F. Ellis, J.P., “this 27 day of DecemberJanuary, 19211922.”
[Attached (typed) supporting affidavit:] “Personally appeared before me a [blank] in and for said County and State, Mrs. Grace Troutman, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that she is a resident of Jamestown, Pennsylvania, and that she is personally acquainted with Lubert Wise and Fannie T. Wise, his wife, who are petitioning the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to be permitted to adopt Francis Russell Bielitz; that deponent is acquainted with the petitioners in this case and has been in their home, and is satisfied that the welfare of said child will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for in this connection.” Sworn to at Mercer Co., Pa., and subscribed (Mrs) Grace Troutman before C. F. Ellis, J.P., 27 Dec. 1921 [sic].
[Attached (typed) consent:] “Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace [title handwritten] in and for said County and State, Ella N. Broadbent, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that she is President of the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, and that under date of April 9th., 1920, Anna Bielitz placed in the care of said Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County, her son, Francis Russell Bielitz, and the said Francis Russell Bielitz has been in the care of the said Children’s Aid Society ever since; that on April 18th., 1920, the said Children’s Aid Society placed the said child in the home of Lubert Wise and Fannie T. Wise, his wife, and the said child has been in their home ever since. That deponent has read the foregoing petition, and as President of the said Children’s Aid Society, consents to the adoption as prayed for in this case, and avers that in her opinion, the welfare of the said child will be promoted by the said adoption. Deponent further states that attached to this deposition, and marked Exhibit ‘A’, is a true and correct copy of the release executed by the said Anna Bielitz, mother of the said child, to the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County, Pennsylvania.” Sworn to in Mercer Co., Pa., and subscribed Ella N. Broadbent before T. W. McClain, J.P., Mercer, Pa., 22 Dec. 1921.
[Attached (typed) “General Releaseto the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County Auxiliary to Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania”:] “Know All Men By These Presents. That I, Anna Bielitz of Sharon in the County of Mercer, in the State of Penna. in consideration that the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, will take charge of and receive into its care my son Francis Russell and, without expense or charge to me, support, educate and bring him up under its rules and regulations, either in a temporary home chosen by the Society, a permanent home approved by the Society, or an institution when necessary; do hereby relinquish my parental right to the control of said Francis Russell and do hereby surrender him absolutely to said Society, to be supported, educated and brought up as aforesaid, and consent to his adoption. [¶] And I do hereby authorize and empower said Society, in its own name, to commit or intrust said Francis Russell to any person it may think proper, to be supported, educated and brought up as aforesaid. [¶] Witness My Hand and Seal, This Ninth day of April, A. D. 1920.” Signed and acknowledged [place not stated] before H. O. Jones, Notary Public, 9 April 1920.
Granted 6 Feb. 1922, name assumed is Herbert Clinton Wise; filed same day.
#2 May Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:114
“The [typed] petition of LYNN THROOP and LULU THROOP, his wife, of the City of Titusville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents as follows: [¶] That your petitioners reside at No. 108 West Linden Place in the said City of Titusville, Pa., and are desirous of adopting one ALFRED CLAIR MEALY, minor child of Twila Marie Mealy, of the age of about thirteen months, as one of their heirs; and that they will perform all the duties of parents towards the said minor. [¶] Your petitioners further state that such child for one year last past has been under the supervision and control of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, which institution has consented to such adoption, its consent thereto containing also a certification of the good moral character of your petitioners and that the welfare of the child will be promoted by such adoption is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. [¶] Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Alfred Claire Mealy shall assume the name of your petitioners and known as Alfred Claire Throop, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Lynn Throop, Lulu Throop; sworn to and again subscribed (by both) before Madelyn V Pranz, Notary Public, Titusville, 14 Jan. 1922 [jurat appears on third page]; presented by Attorney W. J. Sirdevan, Titusville; handwritten note on cover, “Please do not publish.”
[Attached (typed) consent:] “[top right:] Oil City, Pa., January 10, 1922. [¶] At a meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, Auxiliary to the Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, duly convened this date, it was [¶] Resolved, That the consent of this society is hereby given to the proposed adoption by Lynn Throop and Lulu Throop, his wife, of Alfred Claire Mealy, a minor child, who has been under the care and control of this society one year last past; that we are satisfied from inquiry that the said Lynn Throop and Lulu Throop, are persons of good moral character, and able to provide for said minor, and that the welfare of the said Alfred Claire Mealy will be promoted by such adoption.” Acknowledged at Venango Co., Pa. and signed (“Attest”) Elizabeth L. Hays, President, before F. A. Hays, Notary Public, 2 Feb. 1922.
Granted 13 Feb. 1922, name assumed is Alfred Claire Throop; filed same day.
#57 May Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:169
“The [typed] petition of GEORGE F. FIX respectfully represents: [¶] First: That your petitioner is a resident and property owner in the First Ward of the City of Meadville, Penn’a. [¶] Second: That he is desirous of adopting LEWIS W. WHITE, a resident of the household of your petitioner, who is over the age of 21 years and unmarried. That the said Lewis W. White is the step-son of your petitioner, being the son of MARY ELIZABETH FIX by her former husband. [¶] Third: That the said Lewis W. White consents to such adoption, as shown by his written consent hereto attached, and desires that the action of the Court prayed for in this petition may be granted. [¶] Fourth: Your petitioner, therefore, prays this Honorable Court to decree that the said Lewis W. White shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner and be subject to the duties of such child as fully and to all intents as if he had been born the lawful child of your petitioner. And he will as in duty bound ever pray.” Signed Geo F Fix; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 6 April 1922.
[Attached consent, dated at Meadville, Pa., 6 April 1922:] “I, Lewis W. White, declare that I have read the foregoing petition of George F. Fix for my adoption as his son and heir, and do hereby consent to such adoption and hereby agree if such adoption be approved that I will perform all the duties of a son toward said petitioner.” Signed Lewis W. White.
[Parental consent, handwritten below:] “I the mother of said Lewis W. White hereby consent to the above proposed adoption.” Signed Mary Elizabeth Fix.
Granted 6 April 1922 [name presumably remained unchanged, i.e., Lewis W. White]; filed same day.
#70 May Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:182
“The [typed] petition of HENRY J. ABEL and ANNA ABEL, his wife, citizens and residents of the City of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting CLARA FRANCES JOHNSON, a female child born September 3, 1908 and MARTHA VIOLA MAY JOHNSON, a female child born March 29, 1914 who are wards of the Board of Childrens’ Guardians of Madison County, State of Indiana, and under their custody and control, and that they will perform all the duties of a parent toward the said minors. [¶] That your petitioners append to this, their petition, a copy of the Order of Court awarding the said children to the Board of Childrens’ Guardians and also a copy of the resolution of the Board of Childrens’ Guardians consenting to the adoption of the said Clara Frances Johnson and Martha Viola May Johnson as herein prayed for and certifying their opinion that the welfare of said minors will be promoted thereby. [¶] They therefore pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Clara Frances Johnson and Martha Viola May Johnson shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of children and heirs of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such children.” Signed Henry J Abel, Anna Abel; sworn to and again subscribed before Maude Harper, Notary Public, 27 April 1922.
[Consent, below:] “At a meeting of the Board of Childrens’ Guardians in and for Madison County, State of Indiana, duly convened this date, it was resolved that the consent of the Board is hereby given to the proposed adoption by Henry J. Abel and Anna Abel of Clara Frances Johnson and Martha Viola May Johnson, minor children who have been under the authority and control of this Board by virtue of any [sic] Order of Court of said county and State; that the Board is satisfied from inquiry that the said Henry J. Abel and Anna Abel are persons of good moral character and able to provide for said minors and that the welfare of said Clara Frances Johnson and Martha Viola May Johnson will be promoted by such adoption. [¶] Dated at Anderson, Ind. this 10" day of April 1922.” Signed Board of Childrens Guardian of Madison County Indiana by F. A. Walker.
[Attached copy of Order Book Entry in the case of Ibell Fredrickson vs. James A. Johnson, Effie G. Johnson, at Order Book 93, Page 148:] “Come now the parties and service of process on defendants is now filed, which said service is in the words and figures following, to-wit:- (H.I.). And this being the day and hour set for the hearing of this cause the defendants are now three times loudly called in open court and come not but herein wholly make default. [¶] And the court now finds for the petitioner that JAMES A. JOHNSON and EFFIE JOHNSON are the parents of the following children, to-wit:- Clara Francis [sic] Johnson, a female child born September 3, 1908 and Martha Viola May Johnson, a female child born March 28, 1914, that said children are neglected and should be committed to the Board of Children’s Guardians of Madison County, State of Indiana. [¶] It is therefore considered, ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said Clara Francis Johnson, and Martha Viola May Johnson, be and they are hereby made wards and committed to the Board of Children’s Guardians of Madison County, Indiana.” [Certified by George W. Winfrey, Clerk of Madison Circuit Court, Indiana, 18 Feb. 1922.]
Granted 1 May 1922, names assumed are Marie Katherine Abel and Rita Elizabeth Abel, respectively; filed same day.
#72 May Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:184
“The [typed] petition of WILLIAM H. HEMLER and MABEL B. HEMLER, his wife, of Harmonsburg, Penn’a. residents of Summit Township, respectfully represent; [¶] That they are desirous of adopting MARY SPENCER, a minor child of MAUDE KEARNEY WEYMORE, unmarried, born December 25th., 1921. [¶] That the said Maude Kearney Weymore, died at the time of the birth of said Mary Spencer, leaving a mother Catherine Kearney of Meadville, Penn’a., who is willing and desirous that the said Mary Spencer be adopted by the said William H. Hemler and Mabel B. Hemler, his wife, and her assent thereto is set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] That your petitioners are able to ptovide [sic] a proper and suitable home for the saidnor [sic; typed over ‘samenor’, ‘said minor’ apparently intended] and able to care for, support, educate and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welare and will perform all of the duties of parents toward her. [¶] That the affidavits of two respectable citizens of Crawford County, Penn’a. are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the best interest and advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for therein. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minor child under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all t [next line] the rights of an actual child equally with any children of your petitioners. And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed William H. Hemler, Mabel B. Hemler; sworn to [but not again subscribed] before W. P. Putnam, J.P., 28 April 1922; presented by Attorney Leland J. Culbertson, Meadville.
[Consent (typed), below jurat:] “I, the undersigned, grandmother and next friend of the said Mary Spencer, do hereby certify that I have r4ad [sic] the foregoing petition; that the facts set forth therein are true; and I do join in the prayer thereof and do consent to the adoption of the said minor[.]” Signed Catherine Kearney “Next friend.”
[Supporting affidavit (typed), below:]&bnsp; “Chas. F McMinn and John G Morgan [names handwritten] being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they aer acquainted with William H. Hemler and Mabel B. Hemler, his wife, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for and maintain, educate and support the said Mary Spencer; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of William H. Hemler and his wife and that in their opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Mary Spencer that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Chas. F. McMinn, John G Morgan before W. P. Putnam, J.P., 28 April 1922.
Granted 1 May 1922, name assumed is Mary Spencer Hemler; decree filed same day.
#79 May Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:191
“The [typed] petition of EDWARD G. JACKSON and JULIA R. JACKSON, husband and wife, citizens and residents of the City of Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting an infant male child who has no parents known to your petitioners, whom they have named ‘JOSEPH EDWARD JACKSON,’ who was born on the 8th day of April 1921, and deserted by its parents, and been in the custody of, and cared for by your petitioners for one whole year last past under the direction of Ensign John O’Beirne, Officer in charge of the Titusville branch of The Salvation Army, a charitable institution, and that they the said Edward G. Jackson and Julia R. Jackson will perform all the duties of parents towards the said minor. [¶] That the said Joseph Edward Jackson having no parents known to your petitioners, and having been supported by your petitioners under the direction of the Salvation Army for one whole year last past, the said Ensign John O‘Breirne recommends such adoption and certifies his consent thereto under his hand at the end of this petition. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Joseph Edward Jackson shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child”; signed Edward G Jackson, Julia R. Jackson; sworn to and again subscribed before Peter B. Tarr, J.P., Titusville, 25 April 1922.
[Consent, below:] “I, Ensign John O’Beirne hereby certify that I am the Officer in charge of the branch of the Salvation Army at Titusville, Pennsylvania, a charitable institution, and that I placed Joseph Edward Jackson, the deserted minor child above named under the care of the above named petitioners, that during the past year I have visited their home frequently and am satisfied, that the petitioners are persons of good moral character, and able to provide for said minor, and that the welfare of said Joseph Edward Jackson will be promoted by such adoption.” Signed John O’Beirne Ensign
Granted 1 May 1922, name assumed is Joseph Edward Jackson; filed 4 May 1922.
[Enclosed hand-written letter dated at 30 Dec. 1943 addressed to “Bureau of Vital Statistics, Crawford County Court House”:] “Will you please forward information on how to receive a copy of adoption papers filed for a Joseph Edward Jackson of Titusville pa, on May 21, 1921. Thank you very much. Sincerely Yours. Mr. Joseph E. Jackson, No 148, Box 300 Camp Hill, CampHill Industrial School.”
[Carbon copy of reply from Prothonotary, inform him of the case number and that the cost for Exemplification of Record is $3.00]
[Letter on stationery of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Welfare, Pennsylvania Industrial School at White Hill, Post Office-Camp Hill, dated 7 Jan. 1944, from E. S. Keller, Acting Superintendent, by Stetson T. Montgomery, Social Worker, enclosing a check for $3.00.]
[Carbon copy of reply from Prothonotary, enclosing requested Exemplification of Record.]
#2 September Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:194
“The [typed] petition of LEE J. ROWE, a citizen and resident of the City of Titusville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That he was married to ZOE FOLEY, widow of WILLIAM FOLEY, late of Titusville, Pennsylvania, deceased, on December sixth, 1920 and at the time of said marriage the said Zoe Foley, now the wife of your petitioner, had three children LAWRENCE FOLEY, aged 13 years; MARION FOLEY, aged 12 years and DOROTHY FOLEY, aged 7 years. [¶] That petitioner is desirous of adopting the said Lawrence Foley; Marion Foley and Dorothy Foley, as one of his heirs; that he will perform all the duties of a parent towards the said minors, and that the only living parent of said minors, who is now the wife of this petitioner has consented to such adoption and joins in asking the Court to grant this petition. [¶] Wherefore your petitioner prays your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Lawrence Foley, Marion Foley and Dorothy Foley shall assume the name of your petitioner, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner, and be subject to the duties of such children.” Signed Lee J. Rowe; sworn to and again subscribed before Peter B. Tarr, Alderman, Titusville, 4 May 1922.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Zoe Foley, mother of Lawrence Foley; Marion Foley and Dorothy Foley, and who is now the wife of the petitioner Lee J. Rowe do hereby signify my consent to the adoption of the said Lawrence Foley, Marion Foley and Dorothy Foley by the petitioner Lee J. Rowe who is now my husband and do certify to the Court that I know that such adoption will be fore [sic] the best interests of my said children. That the petitioner Lee J. Rowe has made me a good husband and that the said children love him as a father and that the petitioner is as good and kind to said children as though he were their natural father.” Signed Zoe Foley Rowe; sworn to and again subscribed before Peter B. Tarr, Alderman, Titusville, 4 May 1922.
Granted 8 May 1922, names assumed are Lawrence Rowe, Marion Rowe, and Dorothy Rowe; filed same day.
#3 September Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:195
“The [typed] petition of CHESTER C. JOSLIN and ALIDA B. JOSLIN, residents of the County of Crawford, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting BETTY JANE LONG, a minor child of the age of about three months and who is now and has been since it was two weeks old an inmate of The Pittsburgh Home for Babies of the City of Pittsburgh and supported by said institution, and that they will perform all the duties of parents towards the said minor. [¶] That your petitioners append to this their petition a copy of the resolution of the Board of Managers of said Pittsburgh Home for Babies consenting to the adoption of the said Betty Jane Long as herein prayed for and certifying their opinion that the welfare of the said Betty Jane Long will be promoted thereby. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Betty Jane Long shall assume the name of your petitioners and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Chester C. Joslin, Alida B. Joslin; sworn to and subscribed C. C. Joslin, Alida B. Joslin before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 19 April 1922.
[Attached parental consent typed on paper with letterhead of Pittsburgh Home for Babies, “Residence 315 Prospect Avenue, Ingram (Crafton P.O.)” / “Bell Telephone 246 Walnut,” dated 22 April 1922:] “I— GLADYS MEYERS LONG the mother of Betty Jane Long, hereby signify my consent to the adoption of said Betty Jane Long, as prayed for in the foregoing petition., and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed Gladys Meyers Long; Witness Emily M. Diescher.
[Attached consent, dated at Pittsburgh, Pa., 21 April 1922:] “At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Pittsburgh Home for Babies of the City of Pittsburgh, Pa., duly convened this date is was: [¶] Resolved, That the consent of the Board is hereby given to the proposed adoption by Chester C. Joslin and Alida B. Joslin, residents of Crawford County Pennsylvania, of Betty Jane Long a minor child, who has been an inmate of this institution since she was about two weeks old; that the board is satisfied from inquiry that the said Chester C. Joslin and Alida B. Joslin are persons of good moral character and able to provide for the said minor and that the welfare of said Betty Jane Long will be promoted by said adoption.” Signed (Mrs S E) Emily M. Diescher, Secretary. Chairman on Admissions [sic] Adoptions & Dismissals Com.
[Attached consent:] “I, Mrs. Kate Meyers the motherGrandmother of the said Betty Jane Long hereby signify my consent to the adoption of the said Betty Jane Long as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoption will be for her welfare.” Signed Mrs. Kate Meyers; Witness Emily M. Diescher, April 21, 1922.
Granted 8 May 1922, name assumed is Lois Corinne Joslin; filed same day.
#70 September Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:262
“The [typed] petition of CLARENCE W BRIGGS and NELLIE DEVITT BRIGGS, citizens and residents of the City of Meadville, County of Crawford and state of Pennsylvania respectfully represents: That they are lawfully married but have no children of their own. That they are desirous of adopting EUGENE EDWARD KING who was born at Polk Institute on July 3 1920 and who is the son of NORMAN KING and GENEVIEVE NEWTON KING. That Norman King, the husband of Genevieve Newton king and the father of Eugene Edward King, deserted his wife in JuneMay 1920 and has not been heard from since. That in June 1920, the said Genevieve Newton King was committed to Polk Institute where on July 3 1920, she gave birth to the said Eugene Edward King. That the said Eugene Edward King has been in the care and custody of the said Clarence W and Nellie Devitt Briggs since January 11 1922 and still is in their care and custody. That the cosent of of consent of Dr. Nurdock, the superintendent of Polk Institute and Genevieve Newton King, the mother of the said Eugene Edward King, has been obtained to this adoption as will appear by papers hereto attached. Wherefore your petitioners pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Eugene Edward King shall assume the name of Eugene Edward Briggs and shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such a child.” Signed Clarance [sic] W Briggs, Mrs Nellie Devist[?] Briggs; sworn to (as Clarence W Briggs and Nellie Devitt Briggs) and subscribed C W Briggs, Mrs Nellie Devit Briggs before E. D. Pytcher, Alderman, Meadville, 28 June 1922.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Genevieve Newton King, do hereby give my consent to the adoption of my son Eugene Edward King by Clarence W Briggs and Nellie Devitt Briggs and I believe that such adoption is for the best interests of the child.” Signed Genevieve Newton King; sworn to at Venango County, Pa., and subscribed Genevieve Newton King before Bert C. Weikal, Notary Public, Polk, Pa., 10 June 1922.
[Consent, below:] “I, J. M. Murdock, superintendent Of Polk Institute, do hereby give my consent to the adoption of Eugene Edward King by Clarence W Briggs and Nellie Devitt Briggs and I believe that such adoption is for the best interest of the child.” Signed J. M. Murdock; sworn to at Venango County, Pa., and again subscribed before Bert C Weikal, Notary Public, Polk, Pa., 10 June 1922.
Granted 3 July 1922, name assumed is Eugene Edward Briggs; filed same day.
#147 September Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:339
“The [typed] petition of NELLIE GUILD respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioner is a resident of Springboro in said county, and is an unmarried woman. That your petitioner has in her care and keeping FRANCES MILLER, now eleven years of age, and has kept and cared for the said minor since she was an infant. That the said minor is a daughter of ROBERT MILLER and CORA MILLER his wife. That the said Robert Miller deserted his wife before the birth of said Frances Miller, and has never returned to see either his wife or child, or in any way care for them. That he is reported to be living in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, with another wife. That the said Cora Miller, mother of said minor, is a sister of this petitioner, and is insane and confined in a hospital for the insane at North Warren, Pennsylvania. That your petitioner is desirous of adopting said Frances Miller and is able to provide a proper home for said minor, and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parent for her, as she has already done since she was an infant. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of a natural child. [¶] And she will ever pray, &c.” Signed Nellie Guild; sworn to and again subscribed before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 18 Aug. 1922.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Fay G Bentley being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows Nellie Guild, the petitioner above named, that she is a person of respectability and character; that she is able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Frances Miller; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Nellie Guild, and that in his opinion it would be for the best interests of said Frances Miller that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Fay G. Bentley before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 18 Aug. 1922.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Kay C. Fuller being duly sworn, deposes and says that he knows Nellie Guild, the petitioner above named; that she is a person of respectability and character; that she is able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Frances Miller; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Nellie Guild, and that in his opinion it would be for the best interests of said Frances Miller that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Kay C. Fuller before C. B. McDowell, J.P., Springboro, 18 Aug. 1922.
Granted 5 Sept. 1922, name assumed is Frances Guild; filed same day.
#2 November Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:352
“The [typed] petition of CHARLES H. YONTS and NETTIE H. YONTS, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are residents of the city of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa.; that they are desirous of adopting LEOTA IRENE ROGERS, a minor child of RALPH R. and NORA ROGERS, aged eight years on July 12, 1922, as one of their heirs; that the mother of said child, to-wit, Nora Rogers, died on or about January 5, 1921, in Oil City, Venango county, Pa.; and that the said child has been living in the home of your petitioners since about August, 1920. [¶] That they will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Leota Irene Rogers, and that the said Ralph R. Rogers, surviving parent of the said named child, has consented to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioners. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Leota Irene Rogers shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that she shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Charles H. Yonts, Nettie H Yonts; sworn to and again subscribed before A. L. Boynton, Alderman, 9 Sept. 1922.
[Attached parental consent:] “ I, Ralph R. Rogers, surviving parent of the said Leota Irene Rogers, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Leota Irene Rogers, as prayed for in the foregoing petition; and believe that such adoption will be for the best interests and welfare of the said child.” Signed Ralph R. Rogers.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Arthur I. Jenkins and Frederick Bender, Jr., being duly sworn according to law, depose and say, that they are well acquainted with Charles H. Yonts and Nettie H. Yonts, above named petitioners, and that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Leota Irene Rogers will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Arthur I Jenkins, Frederick Bender Jr before A. L. Boynton, Alderman, 8 Sept. 1922.
Granted 11 Sept. 1922, name assumed is Leota Irene Yonts; filed same day.
#12 November Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:362
“The [typed] petition of M. H. WILLIAMS and MARY ALENA WILLIAMS, his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] That they are residents of the City of Meadville, in said county, and citizens of this Commonwealth; that they are desirous of adopting BLANCHE FRANCES LANG, a minor child of FRANCIS LANG and of BLANCHE LOUISE McMICHAEL, now BLANCHE LOUISE O’NEAL, who was eight years of age on May 23, 1922, as one of their heris; that the father of said child has never supported or maintained the said child since her birth, having abandoned her at the time of her birth, and whose residence in unknown to the petitioners; that the mother of said child, to-wit:- Blanche Louise McMichael, now Blanche Louise O’Neal, whose residence is Meadville, in said county, has been the sole support of said child since the birth thereof, has consented to the adoption of her said child by your petitioners as prayed for; that your petitioners are willing and able to perform all the duties of parents to said child, and are desirous of so doing, which desire they hereby declare. [¶] Wherefore, the petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Blanche Frances Lang be adopted as and for their child and heir, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said child to assume the name of your petitioners, namely:- Blanche Frances Williams, and that she shall have all the rights of an actual child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to all the duties of such child, equally with any other child or children which your petitioners may have. [¶] And they will ever pray etc.” Signed M. H. Williams, Mary Alena Williams; sworn to and again subscribed before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, Meadville, 15 Sept. 1922.
[Parental consent, below:] “I, Blanche Louise O’Neal, the mother of Blanche Frances Lang, the child named in the foregoing petition, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Blanche Frances Lang by, and as prayed for in the above petition of, M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, I believing that such adoption would be for the welfare and best interest of said child. And I do hereby certify and declare that Francis Lang, the father of said Blanche Frances Lang, for a period of eight years and upwards, has abandoned the said child and has neglected, failed and refused to provide for the support and maintenance of said child, and that the support, maintenance and education of said child have been wholly dependent upon me.” Sworn to and subscribed Blanche Louise O’Neal before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, Meadville, 15 Sept. 1922.
Granted 18 Sept. 1922, name assumed is Blanche Frances Williams; filed same day.
[Petition for Revocation of Decree of Adoption:] “The Petition of Blanche Louise O’Neal respectfully represents:- [¶] That on the 18th day of September 1922, upon the petition of M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, accompanied with the written consent of your petitioner as mother of Blanche Frances Lang, for the adoption of said Blanche Frances Lang, a minor child, your Honorable Court granted the said petition and signed the following decree, to-wit:- [omitted here; see above] [¶] That pursuant to said decree the possession and custody of said child was surrendered and delivered by your petitioner to the said adopting parents, with whom the said child has since remained. [¶] That at the time of giving her consent to said adoption your petitioner was worried, nervous and in trouble over her situation for want of a place of residence for herself and child, she then being compelled to leave the home where she then was and had been for some time previously residing and find another, but without any in sight, and feeling that she must provide a home and shelter for her child at once, and without giving the matter that consideration which was due she besought the said M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, neighbors of hers, to adopt said child, and they, out of kindness and papers necessary to obtain a decree for adoption were prepared and presented to Your Honorable Court, and the said decree was granted. [¶] That upon the granting of said decree of adoption the possession and custody of said child was delivered to said adoptive parents, whereupon your petitioner first realized the full import of what she had done in consenting to the adoption of her child and the consequences following, such as the loss of the association and companionship, company, love &c. which she had enjoyed, she became most miserable, unhappy and worried, and regretted that she had so consented to such adoption, and she then decided, and is now most anxious, to have such action annulled, vacated, set aside and revoked, if it can be done, and to have her child restored to her, and, thereupon, your petitioner, having found a procured a place where she can and is able to provide for herself and child a comfortable and suitable home, where she can care for, support, maintain and educate her said child, made known to the said M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, the said adoptive parents under said decree, her said feeling and wishes, and appealed to and requested them to grant their consent to the revocation and vacation of said decree of adoption; that they, the said adoptive parents, after hearing her appeal and request, while expressing their willingness and desire to stand under and perform all the duties imposed upon them by said decree, consented that the said decree of adoption may be revoked and set aside, whose written consent is herewith submitted to the court. [¶] Your petitioner further represents that no property rights have vested or are likely to vest in said child under the adoption decree above mentioned, and that a revocation of said decree would be for the best interests of said child, as she verily believes; and that she is able to support and care for her said child. [¶] Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays your Honorable Court to make an order in this case abrogating, vacating, setting aside and revoking the said decree whereby the said child Blanche Frances Lang was declared to be the adopted child of the said M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, and to order and decree that the said child re-assume the name of Blanche Frances Lang and that the said child be restored to the care, custody and possession of the petitioner, and be subject to all the duties of a child of the petitioner with the same force and effect as if the said decree had never been made. [¶] And she will ever pray &c.” Signed Blanche Louise O’Neal; sworn to and again subscribed before V L Greeley, Prothonotary, 13 Oct. 1922.
[“Consent of Adoptive Parents to Revocation of Decree of Adoption,” below:] “We, M. H. Williams and Mary Alena Williams, his wife, concur in the statements set forth in the above petition of Blanche Louise O’Neal for the revocation of the decree of adoption granted September 18, 1922, and at the request of the said Blanche Louise O’Neal, the mother of Blanche Frances Lang, though willing and desirous of keeping and caring for, educating and rearing the said child as her own, we never-the-less have consented and do hereby consent that the said decree of adoption be revoked, set aside and vacated by the Court, and upon such order of revocation being made we renounce any and all rights which may have been vested in us by virtue of, under and pursuant to said decree of adoption, and surrender to the said Blanche Louise O’Neal to [sic] possession, care, custody and control of the said child, with the same force and effect as if the said decree of adoption had never been granted, and we certify that no property rights have been vested or are likely to vest in said child under said adoption.” Signed M. H. Williams, Mary Alena Williams.
Granted 16 Oct. 1922, and decreed “that the said decree of adoption made September 18, 1922 in the above entitled case be, and the same is hereby vacated, set aside and revoked,” name re-assumed is Blanche Frances Lang; filed same day.
#45 November Term 1922
Appearance Docket 210:395
“The [typed] petition of JAMES REDMOND and IDA B. REDMOND respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife; citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in the city of Titusville at 610 East Linden Place. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting ORRIN SMITH, a minor born March 10, 1911, and now aged eleven years and upwards, now residing with petitioners, being the child of one C. W. SMITH. [¶] 3. That the said C. W. Smith has for one year and upwards, to-wit: for five years and upwards, abandoned and neglected to provide for and support said mionr. [¶] 4. That your petitioners have provided a home for and supported said minor for five years and upwards. [¶] 5. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] 6. That the affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 7. Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners.” Signed with the mark of James Redmond, Ida B Redmond; sworn to and subscribed with the mark of James Redmond “by Charles B. Stegner,” Ida B Redmond, before Harriet P. Sterling, Notary Public, 10 Oct. 1922.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Mrs. Hamilton Stewart being duly sworn, deposes and says, that she knows James Redmond and Ida B. Redmond, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Orrin Smith; that she is acquainted with the circumstances of C. W. Smith and that in her opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Orrin Smith that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Mrs. Hamilton Stewart before Harriet P. Sterling, Notary Public, Titusville, 10 Oct. 1922.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Miss Kate Siebert being duly sworn, deposes and says, that she knows James Redmond and Ida B. Redmond, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Orrin Smith; that she is acquainted with the circumstances of C. W. Smith and that in her opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Orrin Smith that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Kate Siebert before Harriet P. Sterling, Notary Public, Titusville, 10 Oct. 1922.
Granted 16 Oct. 1922, name assumed is Orrin Redmond; filed same day.
#2 May Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:76
“The [typed] petition of FRANK G. WATSON and NELLIE WATSON, his wife, respectfully represents:– [¶] That they are residents of Wayne Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting CECIL BIGLOW and BENJAMIN BIGLOW, JR., minor children of BENJAMIN and VIRGINIA BIGLOW, of Franklin, Venango County, Pa., and which said minor children are brothers, Cecil being of the age of five (5) years and Benjamin, Jr., three (3) years, as their heirs. [¶] That the said named children were on the 25th day of January, A.D. 1922, were [sic] placed into the custody, care and control of the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, auxiliary to Childrens Aid Society of Venango County, auxiliary to Childrens Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, at which time the said parents, Benjamin and Virginia Biglow executed a written release and did then and there relinquish their parental rights and control of the said children, surrendered them absolutely to the said named Society and authorized it to consent to their adoption,, as will fully and at large appear by certified copy of said release attached hereto and made a part hereof. [¶] That the said minor children have been living in family of your petitioners since very shortly after the 25th day of January, A.D. 19231922, and that the said Children’s Aid Society of Venango County auxiliary to Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, has given its consent to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioners, which said consent is hereto attached and made a part hereof. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Cecil Biglow and Benjamin Biglow, Jr., shall assume the name of your petitioners and that they and each of them shall have all the rights of a child and children, heir and heirs of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child and children. And your petitioners will ever pray &c.” Signed Frank G. Watson, Nellie E. Watson; sworn to and again subscribed before Chas. W. Cheetham, J.P., 8 Feb. 1923.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “D. H. Smith and Burton B Hovis being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with Frank G. Watson and Nellie Watson, his wife, the within named petitioners, that they are persons or [sic] of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Cecil Biglow and Benjamin Biglow, Jr., will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in this said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed D. H. Smith, Burton B Hovis before Chas. W. Cheetham, J.P., 8 Feb. 1923.
[Copy of General Release to the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County, attached:] “Know all Men by these Presents. That I, Benjamin & Virginia Bigelow of City of Franklin in the County of Venango, in the State of Pennsylvania in consideration that the Children’s Aid Society of Venango County Auxiliary to Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania, will take charge of and receive into its care my two sons, Cecil and Benjamin Jr. Bigelow and, without expense or charge to me, support, educate and bring them up under its rules and regulations, either in a temporary home chosen by the Society, a permanent home approved by the Society, or an institution when necessary; do hereby relinquish my parental right to the control of said Cecil & Benjamin Jr. Bigelow and do hereby surrender them absolutely to the said Society, to be supported, educated and brought up as aforesaid, and consent to their adoption. [¶] And I do hereby authorize and empower said Society, in its own name, to commit or intrust said Cecil & Benjamin Jr. Bigelow to any person it may think proper, to be supported, educated and brought up as aforesaid. [¶] Witness my Hand and Seal, This Twenty-fifth day of January, A. D. 1922.” Signed Benjamin Franklin Bigelow, Virginia Bigelow, attest: Mrs Thomas A. Irwin, President, Sunshine Society, Franklin, Pa.; accepted 25 Jan. 1922 by Elizabeth L Hays, President; certified to be a true and correct copy by F. W. Hays, Notary Public, 3 Feb. 1923.
[Attached consent:] “The Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania does hereby consent to the adoption of Cecil and Benjamin Biglow by Mr and Mrs F. G. Watson Frank Watson and Nellie Watson, his wife.” Signed The Children’s Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania By Mary W. Aylesworth, President; Attest: Besse R. Cronenweth[?].
Granted 12 Feb. 1923, names assumed are John Cecil Watson and Kenneth Eugene Watson, respectively; filed same day.
#7 May Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:81
“The [typed] petition of MOSES MARKS and EVA J. MARKS, husband and wife, citizens and residents of the County of Crawford, respectfully represent: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting SHIRLEY FRIEDA SATZ, a minor child of FANNIE SATZ, a widow, now of the age of seven months, as one of their children and heirs; that they will perform all the duties of parents toward the said minor, and that the said Fannie Satz, the mother of the said child has consented to such adoption. That the father of said child is dead. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Shirley Frieda Satz shall assume the name of your petitioners, and have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such chld.” Signed Moses Marks, Eva J. Marks; sworn to and subscribed Eva J. Marks, Moses Marks before Peter B. Tarr, J.P., Titusville, 11 Nov. 1922.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Flora Goldstein and Jacob Goldstein being duly sworn according to law, say that they are well acquainted with Moses Marks and Eva J. Marks, the above named petitioners; that they are persons of good moral character, and that they believe that the welfare of the said Shirley Frieda Satz will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Jacob Goldstein, Flora Goldstein before Peter B. Tarr, J.P., Titusville, 11 Nov. 1922.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “In the matter of the adoption of Shirley Frieda Satz, a minor child of Mrs, Fannie Satz, the father being deceased, Aaon Zalzneck and Lillian Zalzneck being duly sworn say, that they are acquainted with the said Fannie Satz and her husband when living, that on or about October 31st 1922 said Fannie Satz was at their home No. 308 West Washington Street, in Corry, Pa., with the baby said Shirley Frieda Satz and while in our house she said Fannie Satz wrote several letters and she had one which she signed and in which she gave the baby Shirley Frieda Satz to Mr, & Mrs Moses Marks, we know she supposed that the letter by her signed was sufficient for said Mr & Mrs Moses Marks to adopt the said Shirley Frieda Satz, we know this because she so stated and declared in our presence, she repeatedly declared that Mr, and Mrs, Moses Marks were adopting the child and she had consented to the adoption, Mrs, Fannie Satz left that evening going away from Corry, Pa., after going away she wrote us a letter saying she did not expect to return to Corry, Pa., this letter was written in Corry and mailed to us at the Corry, Pa, post office. We think this letter was one of those she wrote in our house.” Sworn to and subscribed A Zalzneck, Lillian E. Zalzneck before W Ed Marsh, Notary Public, Corry, Pa., 1 Feb. 1923.
[Attached handwritten letter, dated at Corry, Pa., 29 Oct. 1922:] “I hereby give full authority to Mr. and Mrs. Mose Marks to adopt the baby legally. Her name is Shirley Frieda Satz born April 3/22 at 714 E. South St. Corry, Pa. The doctor who delivered her was Dr. George E. Bennett. [¶] Please use this as adoption papers. It was very urgent for me to leave this evening or else I’d have stayed to make a more mutual agreement. Hope you will be good to the baby and keep her as your very own, I can never see her again. May she bring you all the good cheer and happiness that you’ve every yet experienced. May God bless you for the worthy task you’ve undertaken in rearing this helpless and loving babe. Good-bye, be good. [¶] As far as the babe’s parentage is concerned, you may rest assured that you col could never make a better find. Her husband father was a world-wide man of broad-minded and intellual intellectual, and of the finest disposition, good at heart, unselfish and self-sacrificing. You may inquire of all who have known him either in Corry or N.Y. where he was in the Cloak & Suit Industry. [¶] As far as I am concerned I’ve never been my real self since my husband died and it was an injustice to try and keep the baby, because it was deprived of all the motherly care and attention, which rightfully belonged to it, and which I was not in fit condition to give to her. [¶] Thanking you again for your kind deed and hoping you will never have one day of regret for taking babe, I am [next line] Sincerely yours [signed] Fannie Satz.”
Granted 26 Feb. 1923, name assumed is Shirley Frieda Marks; filed same day.
#43 May Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:117
“The [typed] petition of HOWARD E. MCQUISTON and MYRTA MCQUISTON, his wife, respectfully represents:– That they are residents of West Mead Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and that they are desirous of adopting as one of their heirs HAL MCQUISTON, a minor child of about one and one-half years of age, who is now and has been for upwards of one year past a charge upon the Poor District of Crawford County and in the care and custody of the Poor Directors of said District and a resident in the family of said petitioners. [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to the said child, Hal McQuiston. [¶] That the said Directors of the Poor in and for said Crawford County, Pa., have consented to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioners, as will fully and at large appear by reference to consent attached hereto and made a part hereof. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Hal McQuiston shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Hal McQuiston shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioners will ever pray &c.” Signed H. E. McQuiston, Myrta McQuiston; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 27 March 1923.
[Attached consent:] “We, Howard R. Conover, Ralph C. Jackson and M. G. Beatty, Directors of the Poor in and for the County of Crawford, State of Pennsylvania, hereby represent that the above mentioned minor child, Hal McQuiston, has been a charge upon the said District and in our custody and control of upwards of one year last past as stated in the foregoing petition and we hereby consent to the adoption of the said child as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe such adoption will be for the best interest and welfare of the said child.” Signed M. G. Beatty, H. R. Conover, R C Jackson, Direcotrs [sic] of the Poor.
Granted 2 April 1923, “and the said Hal McQuiston shall assume the surname of Howard E. McQuiston and Myrta McQuiston, his wife,” i.e., Hal McQuiston; filed same day. [Written on back of cover, in red ink:] “Samuel Degrace [next line] Marie Groat [next line] (See birth cert).” [i.e., the child’s parents?]
#75 May Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:149
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH H. WOLFF and IDA E. WOLFF his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] That your petitioners reside in the Borough of Blooming Valley, County of Crawford, and State of Pennsylvania, having resided therein for a period of 6 years last past. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting as their heir at law, WANNITA BORST, the lawful child of MAYBRAY O. BORST and GERTRUDE BORST his wife. [¶] That Gertude Borst the mother of Wannita Borst died on or about the 18th day of June 1909, at New Castle, Mercer County, Pa., and Maybray O. Borst the father of Wannita Borst has deserted the said Wannita Borst and contributed anything toward her support for a period of ten years last past, atand at the present time his residence is Unknown. [¶] Your petitioners further represent that Wannita Borst has was born on or about the 18th day of June 1903, at Meadville, Pa., Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and that she is past of the age of nineteen years and is supporting herself and employed as a school teacher in the public schools of Farrell, Penna., and also represent that she has been supported by and lived in the home of your petitioners for the past ten years or longer, where she was placed at that time by A. E. Lilley, deceased, who was at that time acting as one of the Commissioners of Crawford County [¶] Your petitioners further pray that if the prayer of their petition is granted by your Honorable Court they will keep and support the said Wannita Borst and perform all the duties of a parent to said child. [¶] Wherefore they pray that the Court will decree that such adoption be made, and that Wan Borst shall assume the name of your petitioners and hereafter be known and called by the names of Wannita Wolff, and shall have all the rights and be subject to an all the duties of a child and heir of your petitioners, according to the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in such cases made and provided. [¶] And they will ever pray.” Signed Jospeh H Wolff, Ida E. Wolff; sworn to and again subscribed before W. C. Shoop, J. P., 5 May 1923.
[Consent, below:] “Wannita WolffBorst being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that she is the person named in said petition desiring to be adopted into the family of Joseph H. Wolff and Ida E. Wolff his wife, and that she believes the facts set forth in the foregoing petition to be true and correct and further she desires that the adoption be decreed by your Honorable Court as prayed for in the above and foregoing petition. Deponent further says that owing to the nature of her employment it will be inconvenient and expensive to appear personally in Court.” Sworn to and subscribed Wanita Borst before W. C. Shoop, J.P., 5 May 1923.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Bert Waid and Harry Roudebush being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they reside in the Borough of Blooming Valley, Penna., and that they are well acquainted with Joseph H. Wolff and Ida E. Wolff, the above named petitioners, and also with Wannita Borst, and that the said Joseph H. Wolff and Ida E. Wolff his wife are persons are respectability, good character and property; and that they beleive [sic] that the welfare of the said Wannita Borst will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Bert Waid, Harry Roudebush before W. C. Shoop, J.P., 5 May 1923.
[Consent, below, dated at Meadville 7 May 1923:] “M. G. Beatty & R. C. Jackson. hereby certify that they have read over the foregoing petition praying for the adoption of Wanita Borst into the home of Joseph H. Wolff and Ida E. Wolff his wife, and beleive [sic] that the facts set forth in said petition are true and that the adoption as prayed for they beleive will be for the best interests of the said Wanita Borst and further hereby express their approval to the said adoption.” Signed M. G. Beatty, R. C. Jackson, [blank line], Commissioners of Crawford County.
Granted 7 May 1923, name assumed is Wanita Wolff; filed same day.
#17 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:171
“The [typed] petition of LOUIS E. SHELLITO respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioner is a resident of Sadsbury Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] That he is desirous of adopting ANNA MARY ABBOTT, a minor born September 1st, 1915, being the child of ELIZABETH ABBOTT, deceased, and FLOYD ABBOTT. [¶] That the mother of the said minor was adopted by Mary Shellito[see No. 42 Nov. Term 1895], a cousin of your petitioner who resides with your petitioner, and that the said minor and her mother resided in the home of your petitioner, and Mary Shellito, from about September 1st, 1916, to the date of the death of said minor’s mother on December [blank] 1918, and said minor has continued to reside in said home since the death of her said mother. [¶] That the said Floyd Abbott, father of said minor abandoned said child about five years ago, and has never maintained or supported said minor, and his whereabouts is now unknown to your petitioner. [¶] That your petitioner is able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of a parent towards her. [¶] That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania, are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child of your petitioner, and that said child shall assume the name of your petitioner and be hereafter known and called by the name of Anna May Shellito, and he will ever pray.” Signed Louis E. Shellito; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 18 May 1923.
[Attached consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the maternal grand-mother of Anna May Abbott, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition, and that the facts set forth are true; that I am the nearest known relative of said minor, except her father, whose whereabouts are unknown, and I do hereby join in the prayer of said petitioner and do further consent to the adoption of said Anna May Abbott, by the said Louis E. Shellito.” Signed Mary R[?] Shllito [sic].
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Ralph C. Jackson, being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is acquainted with Louis B. Shellito, the above named petitioner; that he is a person of respectability and character and able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Anna May Abbott; that he is well acquainted with the circumstances of the said Louis E. Shellito, and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Anna May Abbott, that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Ralph C. Jackson before F. W. Knierman, J.P., 19 May 1923.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “W. E. Mapons, being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is acquainted with Louis B. Shellito, the above named petitioner; that he is a person of respectability and character and able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Anna May Abbott; that he is well acquainted with the circumstances of the said Louis E. Shellito, and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Anna May Abbott, that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed W. E. Mapons before F. W. Knierman, J.P., 19 May 1923.
Granted 28 May 1923, name assumed is Anna Mary Shellito; filed same day.
#29 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:183
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH C. CALHOUN respectfully respesents: [¶] First: That your petitioner is a resident to Meadville, Pennsylvania and is desirous of adopting as one of his heirs LINA STEEL MATHEWS who is over the age of twenty one years and is the wife of J. HENRY MATHEWS also a resident of the City of Meadville, Penn’a. [¶] That said Lena Steel Mathews is the daughter of the late JOHN STEEL and MARY STEEL formerly of Platea, Erie County, Penn’a. who are both deceased.[¶] Third: That said Lina Steel Mathews consents to such adoption as does also her husband J. Henry Mathews as shown by their answer to this petition hereto attached. [¶] Your petitioner therefore prays this Honorable Court that the said Lina Steel Mathews shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioner and may be subject to the duties of such child. [¶] And your petitioner will ever pray.” Signed Joseph C. Calhoun; sworn and and agains subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 7 June 1923.
[Attached consent:] “The answer of Lina Steel Mathews and J. Henry Mathews respectfully showeth: [¶] First: That the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true in manner and form as therein set forth, and that the said Lina Steel Mathews does hereby consent to such adoption as is proposed by said Joseph C. Calhoun, the petitioner, and is desirous to be adopted as the daughter of him the said Joseph C. Calhoun, and doth hereby agree to perform all the duties of a child towards said petitioner and the said J. Henry Mathews does hereby agree to such adoption and joins in the prayer of such petition.” Signed Mrs. Lina Steele Mathews, J. Henry Mathews; sworn to and subscribed Lina Steele Mathews, J. Henry Mathews before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 7 June 1923.
Granted 12 June 1923 [name presumably unchanged, i.e., Lina Steel Mathews]; filed same day.
#30 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:184
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH C. CALHOUN respectfully represents: [¶] First: That your petitioner is a citizen of Pennsylvania and resides at 710 Highland Avenue, Meadville. [¶] Second: That he is desirous of adopting FRANK J. STEEL, a minor born April 16, 1905 and now aged eighteen years and upwards. [¶] Third: That said minor is now residing with your petitioner and has been for the past three years, being a son of the late JOHN STEEL- late of Plateau, Erie County, Penn’a. who died in 1921 and MARY STEEL his mother, who died about 1919. [¶] Fourth: That the said minor is a nephew of the wife of your petitioner, Mrs. Margaret Calhoun, his late father having been a brother of said Mrs. Calhoun who is grievously and hopelessly ill in City Hospital and unable to sign or join in this petition but that she is in favor of this adoption of said minor by herself as well as her husband. [¶] Fifth: That your petitioner and wife are able to provide a proper home for said minor and care for him and support him in a manner conducive to his welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] Sixth: That affidavits of two citizens of Pennsylvania hereto attached setting forth that it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for. [¶] Seventh: Your petitioner therefore prays your honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provision of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child of your petitioner. [¶] And he will as in duty bound ever pray.” Signed Joseph C. Calhoun; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 7 June 1923.
[Attached “Affidavit of Respectable Citizens”:] “Arthur P[?] Bates and Alfred J Bates being duly sworn say that they know Joseph C. Calhoun and his wife, Mrs. Margaret Calhoun and the minor Frank J. Steel, that they live on the same street with these people as near neighbors and know them personally and well; that they are both persons of high respect and character and the said petitioner Joseph C. Calhoun is properly able to care for, maintain and support the said Frank J. Steel and that in their opinion it will be to the best interest of the said Frank J. Steel that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Arthur P[?] Bates, Alfred J Bates before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 7 June 1923.
Granted 12 June 1923, and made an heir of Joseph C. Calhoun [only; name presumably unchanged, i.e., Frank J. Steel]; filed same day.
#114 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:268
“The [typed] petition of CARL M. HAZEN, M. D., and M. GRACE HAZEN, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in the city of Titusville, Crawford County. [¶] 2. They are desirous of adopting BARBARA ANN JONES, a posthumous child, born June 19, 1923, and now being aged seven weeks, now living with her mother, MAGARET H. JONES of Titusville, Pennsylvania. [¶] 3. That the said Margaret H. Jones is willing and desirous that her said child be adopted by your petitioners, her assent being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] 5. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said miner under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Carl M. Hazen M.D., M. Grace Hazen; sworn to and subscribed Carl M Hazen MD, M. Grace Hazen before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 21 July 1923.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the mother of Barbara Ann Jones, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true, that I hereby join in the prayer thereof and do hereby consent to the adoption of said Barbara Ann Jones by Carl M. Hazen, M. D., and M. Grace Hazen, his wife.” Signed Margaret H. Jones.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Clifford Cooper, M.D., being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Carl M. Hazen, M. D., and M. Grace Hazen, his wife, the petitioners above named, that they are persons of respectability and character, that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Barbara Ann Jones, That he is acquainted with the circumstances of Margaret H. Jones and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Barbara Ann Jones that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Clifford Cooper, M.D., before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 21 July 1923.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Miss H. Marjorie Krause being duly sworn deposes and says, that she knows Carl M. Hazen, M. D., and M. Grace Hazen, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Barbara Ann Jones, that she is acquainted with the circumstances of Margaret H. Jones and that in her opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Barbara Ann Jones that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed H[?] Marjorie Krause before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 21 July 1923.
Granted 6 Aug. 1923, name assumed is Barbara Ann Hazen; filing date not stated.
#127 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:281
“The [typed] petition of EMELINE E. RODDY, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents:- [¶] That she is desirous of adopting JOHN H. APPLEBEE, an adult person, at present residing in Syracuse, in the State of New York, as one of her children and heirs, and your petitioner hereby declares that if such adoption be approved by the Court, she will perform all the duties of a parent toward such adult person. [¶] She therefore prays your Honorable Court to make a decree that thenceforth such adult person shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir of the petitioner, and that the petitioner shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a parent of the said John H. Applebee, as fully and to all intents and purposes as if he had been born the lawful child of the petitioner. [¶] And she will ever pray &c.” Signed Emeline E.Roddy; sworn to and again subscribed before John O. McClintock, Notary Public, 14 Aug. 1923.
[Consent, below:] “I, John H. Applebee, declare that I have read the foregoing petition of Emeline E. Roddy for the adoption of myself, as her child and heir, and I hereby consent to such adoption, and agree that if such adoption be approved by the Court I will perform all the duties of a child toward the petitioner, and I further certify that I am over the age of twenty one years and that I have no wife living.” Signed John H. Applebee, and dated at Syracuse, N.Y., 24 Aug. 1923.
Granted27 Aug. 1923, name presumably remaining unchanged, i.e., John H. Applebee; filed same day.
#129 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:283
“The [typed] petition of DAVID N. BURROWS and MINERVA BURROWS, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in Allegheny Township, Venango County. [¶] 2. They are desirous of adopting CARL EUGENE HAWKINS, a minor born July 31, 1920, and now being aged two years and upwards, now residing with Mayme O’hare of Titusville, Pa., and being the illegitimate child of one PEARL HAWKINS of East Liverpool, Ohio. [¶] 3. That the whereabouts of the putative father are unknown. [¶] 4. That the said Pearl Hawkins is willing and desirous that he said child be adopted by your petitioners, her assent being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 5. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] 6. That two affidavits of respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 7. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your honorable court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed David N Burrows, Minerva Burrows; sworn to and subscribed David N. [written over “D. N.”] Burrrows, Minerva Burrows before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 30 June 1923.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the mother of Carl Eugene Hawkins, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true, that I hereby join in the prayer thereof and do hereby consent to the adoption of said Carl Eugene Hawkins by David N. Burrows and Minerva Burrows, his wife.” Signed Pearl Hawkins (Seal).
[Supporting affidavit:] “C M Hagen, being duly sworn deposes and says, that he known [sic] David N. Burrows and Minerva Burrows, his wife, the petitioners above named, that they are persons of respectability and character, that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Carl Eugene Hawkins, that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Pearl Hawkins and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Carl Eugene Hawkins that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed C M Hagen before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 30 June 1923.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Mrs. Hamilton Stewart being duly sworn, deposes and says, that she knows David N. Burrows and Minerva Burrows, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Carl Eugene Hawkins, that she is acquainted with the circumstances of Pearl Hawkins and that in her opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Carl Eugene Hawkins that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Mrs. Hamilton Stewart before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 22 June 1923.
Granted 27 Aug. 1923, name assumed is Carl Eugene Burrows; filed same day.
#136 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:290
“The [typed] petition of LEROY STADLER and NELLIE STADLER respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That the petitioners are husband and wife citizens of Meadville, County of Crawford, Pennsylvania residing at No. 114 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kerrtown a suburb of said City in said County. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting LEROY GEORGE LONGACKER born May 23rd, 1923 a minor son of MAY LONGACKER a resident of Ashtabula, Ohio, temporarily residing in the Florence Crittendon Home at Erie, Pa. [¶] 3. That the said May Longacker is unable financially to support and maintain said minor and is willing and desirous that he be adopted by your petitioners assent of the mother thereto being set forth hereto. [¶] 4. Your petitioners show further that they will provide a proper home for said minor with will care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray for leave to ad[o]pt said minor under the provisions of Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, he to have all the rights of a natural child equally with any other children of your petitioners. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed LeRoy Stadler, Nellie Stadler; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 22 Aug. 1923.
[Parental consent, below:] “I, the undersigned the parent of LeRoy George Longacker do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true and that I do hereby join in the prayer thereof and consent to the adoption of my son LeRoy George Longacker by the said LeRoy Stadler and Nellie Stadler the petitioners, the said child being without a legal father.” Signed May Longacker.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Personally appeared before me the Prothonotary in and for the County of Crawford Mary D. Leberman and Otto Kohler who being severally sworn say they are acquainted with LeRoy Stadler and Nellie Stadler petitioners for adoption of LeRoy George Longacker a mnor; that said petitioners are persons of good character and as deponents verily believe are abundantly able to support and maintain said minor.” Sworn to and subscribed Mary D. Leberman, Otto Kohler before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 24 Aug. 1923.
Granted 4 Sept. 1923, name assumed is LeRoy George Stadler; filed same day.
#137 September Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:291
“The [typed] petition of SALVATORE ACQUAVIVA and ANNA ACQUAVIVA his wife respectfully represents:- [¶] That your petitioners reside in the City of Meadville, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, having resided therein for the period of 12 years, last past. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting as their heir at law, GRACE ACQUAVIVA, the lawful minor child of ANDREW ACQUAVIVA and VENCENZINA ACQUAVIVA his wife, now deceased. [¶] That Vencenzina Acquaviva the mother of Grace Acquaviva died at Akron Ohio on January 19, 1923 and Andrew Acquaviva the father of Grace Acquaviva resides now at No. 37 Cole Avenue, Akron, Ohio, and has given his consent to the adoption prayed for herein and has joined with your petitioner in this petition. [¶] Your petitioners further represent that Grace Acquaviva was born on or about May 21, 1921, at Meadville Pa., and is now two years of age past, and has lived in the home of your petitioners since January 20, 1923 [¶] The petitioners further pray that if the prayer of their petition is granted by your Honorable Court they will keep and support the said Grace Acquaviva and perform all the duties of a parent to said child. [¶] Wherefore they pray that the Court will Decree that such adoption be made, and that Grace Acquaviva shall assume the name of your petitioners and hereafter be known and called by the name of Grace Acquaviva, and shall have all the rights and be subject to the duties of a child and heir of your petitioners, according to the laws of the State of Pennsylvania in such cases made and provided. [¶] And they will ever pray.” Signed with the mark of Salvatore Acquaviva, witness: Joe Aiola, F V Giaccone, and Mrs Anna Acquaviva; sworn to and again signed before Maude Harper, Notary Public, Meadville, 22 Aug. 1923.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “W. S. Minnium and J. V. Scowden being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they reside in the City of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and that they are well acquainted with Salvatore Acquaviva and Anna Acquaviva his wife, the above named petitioners, and that the said Salvatore Acquaviva and Anna Acquaviva his wife are persons of respectability, good character and property; and that they believe that the welfare of the said Grace Acquaviva will be promoted by the adoption as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed J. W. Minium[?], J. V. Scowden before Maude Harper, Notary Public, Meadville, 24 Aug. 1923.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Andrew Acquaviva, the father of Grace Acquaviva, born May 21, 1921, hereby unite in the prayer of the foregoing petition, and hereby consent to the adoption of my child Grace Acquaviva, above named, into the home and family of Salvatore Acquaviva and Anna Acquaviva, his wife, residing at 1137 Water Street, Meadville, Pa., and hereby further represent that Vencenzina Acquaviva, my wife and the mother of Grace Acquaviva, is now dead, having died on January 19th, 1923.” Signed with the mark of Andrew Acquaviva, witnesses: J. E. Bossard, Marian Giaccone; sworn to and again signed with his mark before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 16 July 1923.
Granted 4 Sept. 1923, name assumed is Grace Acquaviva; filed same day.
#16 November Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:312
“The [typed] petition of JOHN WHITTEN and MILDRED WHITTEN, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in Titusville, Crawford County. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting HENRY CARLSON, a minor born January the 17th , 1922, and now residing with his mother, GERTRUDE CARLSON of Titusville, Pa. [¶] 3. That the said child was on the second day of July, 1923, adjudged a neglected child and place in the care of Charles B. Stegner, Jr., Juvenile Court Officer. [¶] 4. That the said child is now in the care and custody of the Juvenile Court pursuant to a decree of your Honor in said Court. [¶] 5. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards him. [¶] 6. That the said Charles B. Stegner, as Juvenile Court Officer, is willing and desirous that the said child be adopted by your petitioners, his assent being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 7. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached, setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 8. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed John Whitten, Mildred Whitten; sworn to and again subscribed before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 22 Sept. 1923.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “James Early & Julia Early, being duly sworn deposes and says, that they [changed from ‘he’] knows John Whitten and Mildren Whitten, his wife, the petitioners above named, that they are persons of respectability and character, that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Henry Carlson, that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Gertrude Carlson and that in their [changed from ‘his’] opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Henry Carlson that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed James Early, Julia Early before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 22 Sept. 1923.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Estella V. Ribb, being duly sworn deposes and says, that she [changed from ‘he’] knows John Whitten and Mildren Whitten, his wife, the petitioners above named, that they are persons of respectability and character, that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Henry Carlson, that she [changed from ‘he’] is acquainted with the circumstances of Gertrude Carlson and that in her [changed from ‘his’] opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Henry Carlson that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Estella V. Ribb before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 22 Sept. 1923.
[Attached consent:] “I, the undersigned, Juvenile Court Officer of Titusville, Crawford County, Pa, and Custodian of Henry Carlson, do hereby consent to the adoption of the said child by John Whitten and Mildred Whitten, His wife.” Signed Charles B. Stegner.
Granted 24 Sept. 1923, name assumed is Henry Whitten; filed 25 Sept. 1923.
#23 November Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:319
“The [typed] petition of F. L. EDWARDS and I. M. EDWARDS, his wife, respectfully represents:– That they are residents of the Borough of Linesville, Crawford County and State of Pennsylvania and that they are desirous of adopting EUGENE ABBOTT, a minor child of FLOYD ABBOTT and LETHA ABBOTT, of the age of about 19 months, as one of their heirs. [¶] That if the said adoption is decreed by the Honorable Court they, and each of them, will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Eugene Abbott. [¶] That the said Floyd Abbott, father, on or about July 31st7th, 1923, deserted his said wife and child and that his present whereabouts are unknown, and that since the said desertion of the said wife, Letha Abbott, and child, Eugene Abbott, to-wit, on or about July 21st, 1923, they were made charges upon the poor district of Crawford County, Pa., and have been inmates of the Crawford County Home since, until about two or three weeks ago when the said child was taken by your petitioners into their home and family, where he now is and resides. [¶] That the said Letha Abbott, mother of the said child, as well as the Poor Directors of said Crawford County, Pa., have and hereby consent to the said adoption prayed for by your petitioners. [¶] Wherefore your petitoners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Eugene Abbott shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that said Eugene Abbott shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such chld. And your petitioners will ever pray &c.” Signed F L Edwards, I. M. Edwards; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 28 Sept. 1923.
[Consent, below:] “We, Ralph C. Jackson, H. R. Conover and M. G. Beatty, Poor Directors in and for the County of Crawford, State of Pennsylvania and Letha Abbott, mother of the said Eugene Abbott, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Eugene Abbott, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption will be for the best interest and welfare of the said Eugene Abbott.” Signed M. G. Beatty, H R Conover, R. C. Jackson, Directors of the Poor. [and] Mrs Letha Abbott, Mother.
Granted 1 Oct. 1923, “and that the said Eugene Abbott shall assume the name of F. L. Edwards and I. M. Edwards,” presumably Eugene Edwards; filed same day.
#24 November Term 1923
Appearance Docket 211:320
“The [typed] petition of J. F. KEITH and AMELIA KEITH respectfully represents: ¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife and citizens of the City of Meadville, State of Pennsylvania, living on Miller Avenue. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting DOROTHY TRAPPE, a minor child born April 3rd., 1922, and now aged about eighteen months, now residing with your petitioners and having resided with them since April 11, 1923, she being the child of FRANK TRAPPEE [sic] and MARGE TRAPPEE, his wife. [¶] 3. That the said Frank Trappe is a widower, his wife Marge Trappe having died April 3, 1923, and he has been unable to provide and maintain a suitable home for the said Dorothy Trappe, and that he is desirous that she be adopted by the said J. F. Keith and Amelia Keith, his wife. The assent of the said father being set forth in the answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for the said minor and able to take care of, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. And your petitioners further aver that the said Amelia Keith is an aunt of the said Dorothy Trappe. [¶] 5. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of the City of Meadville, State of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein and that the said J. F. Keith and Amelia Keith, his wife, are honest and respectable persons to have the custody of the said Dorothy Trappe. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed J. F. Keith, Amelia Keith; sworn to and subscribed J F Keith, Amelia Keith before Anna Haury, Notary Public, Meadville, 22 Sept. 1923.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the surviving parent or father of Dorothy Trappe do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts set forth therein are true; and I do join in the prayer thereof; and do consent to the adoption of the said Dorothy Trappe by the said J. F. Keith and Amelia Keith, his wife.” Signed Frank Trappe; Witness: R. S [or J?]. Walshe.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “J. R. Minium and H. S. Burr being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with J. F. Keith and Amelia Keith, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Dorothy Trappe; that they are acquainted with the circumstances [sic] Frank Trappe; and that in their opinion it would be for the best interest of the said Dorothy Trappe that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed J. R. Minium, H. S. Burr before Anna Haury, Notary Public, Meadville, 22 Sept. 1923.
Granted 1 Oct. 1923, name assumed is Dorothy Keith; filed same day.
#20 February Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:20
“The [typed] petition of RALPH I. GHERING and EMMA BODAMER GHERING, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in the City of Titusville, Crawford County. [¶] 2. They are desirous of adopting FLORENCE BODAMER, a minor child of EMMA BODAMER born June 7, 1906 and now being aged seventeen years, now living with your petitioners at Titusville, Pennsylvania. [¶] 3. That the said Emma Bodamer is willing and desirous that her said child be adopted by your petitioners, her assent being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] 5. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Ralph I Ghering, Emma Bodamer Gehring; sworn to and again subscribed before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 1 Dec. 1923.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the mother of Florence Bodamer, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true, that I hereby join in the prayer thereof and do hereby consent to the adoption of said Florence Bodamer by Ralph I. Ghering and Emma Bodamer Ghering, his wife.” Signed Emma Bodamer Ghering [same as signature on the petition].
[Supporting affidavit:] “W.J. Peebles, D.D.S., being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Ralph I. Ghering and Emma Bodamer Ghering, his wife, the petitioners above named, that they are persons of respectability and character, that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Florence Bodamer, that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Emma Bodamer Ghering and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Florence Bodamer that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed W. J. Peebles before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 1 Dec. 1923.
[Supporting affidavit:] “J. Donald Peebles, D.D.S., being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Ralph I. Ghering and Emma Bodamer Ghering, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Florence Bodamer, that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Emma Bodamer Ghering and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Florence Bodamer that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed J. Donald Peebles before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, 1 Dec. 1923.
Granted 3 Dec. 1923, name assumed is Florence Ghering; filed same day.
#75 February Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:75
“The [typed] petition of D. ALLEN DAVIDSON and FLORENCE DAVIDSON respectfully represents: ]¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of the State of Pennsylvania, residing in the Second Ward of the City of Meadville, Crawford County; that they are desirous of adopting WILLIAM KEISLING, a minor born February 9, 1920, now living with your petitioners, and being the child of CHRISTOPHER KEISLING and HELEN, his wife; that the said child has been in the care and keeping of your petitioners by his mother; that the father, Christopher Keisling, left his wife soon after the birth of said child and has not since contributed to the support of either his child or his wife; that Helen Keisling, the mother of said child, is desirous that your petitioners should adopt him as she is compelled to work for her living and is not able to care for her child; that your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for and support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray Your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of a child equally with any other children of your petitioners.” Signed Florence Davidson, D. Allen Davidson; sworn to and again subscribed before James D. Roberts, Alderman, Meadville, 1 Feb. 1924.
[Parental consent, below:] “Helen Keisling, being duly sworn, says that she is a resident of the City of Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania; that she is the mother of William Keisling mentioned in the foregoing petition of D. Allen and Florence Davidson; that she has read the said petition and that the facts therein set forth are correct and true and that she joins in the prayer of the petition and consents to the adoption of William Keisling by the said petitioners.” Sworn to and subscribed Helen Keisling in Venango County, Pa., before Donald Glenn, Notary Public, 28 Jan. 1924.
[no supporting affidavits]
Granted 4 Feb. 1924, name assumed is William Davidson; filed same day.
#4 May Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:90
“The [typed] petition of CRAWFORD M. WOODS and FLOY JESSIE WOODS his wife respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and residing in the Second Ward of Meadville, Pa.; that they are desirous of adopting WILSON W. WOODS, a minor born August 25, 1918 and a nephew of your petitioners and son of FRANK M. WOODS and EVELYN KILGORE WOODS his wife, said Frank M. Woods being a brother of your petitioner, Crawford M. Woods, as their heir and as one of their heirs, said petitioners having no children of their own at present. Said minor Wilson W. Woods has been in the care and keeping of your petitioners for more than three years last past, having been given into the care at their request in the fall of 1920 sometime after Sept. 18, 1920. Said minor’s father, said Frank M. Woods consents to said adoption as evidenced by his written consent hereto attached. Said Evelyn Kilgore Woods above mentioned, the mother of said minor child, deserted her husband said Frank M. Woods and abandoned his home and their three children, of which the said minor was the youngest, on September 18, 1920, and has neglected said children ever since and has done nothing for the care and support of said minor child since September 18, 1920 and where she is at present, or whether living is not known by your petitioners or her husband. A few weeks after said desertion of her husband and children by said Evelyn Kilgore Woods your petitioners, having no children of their own, asked said minor’s father to allow them to take the said minor, then just past two years of age, which request was granted, and said child has lived with them to the present time. Your petitioners are well able to support and care for said child in a manner conducive to his welfare, and they will perform all the duties of parents to such child. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor child and that this Honorable Court shall enter a decree that such child shall assume the name of the said adopting parents, your petitioners, and have all the rights of a child and heir of such adopting parents and be subject to the duties of such child.” Signed Crawford M Woods, Floy Jessie Woods; sworn to and again subscribed before J. A. Northam, Notary Public, Meadville, 8 Feb. 1924.
[Attached parental consent:] “Frank M. Woods being duly sworn says: That he is and has been for many years past a resident of the Borough of Conneaut Lake, Pa.; that he is the father of Wilson W. Woods mentioned in the foregoing petition of Crawford M. Woods and Floy Jessie Woods; that he has read said petition and that the statements therein set forth are true and correct, and that he joins in the prayer of petitioners and consents to the adoption of Wilson W. Woods by the said petitioners as prayed for.” Signed Frank M. Woods [jurat, dated 8 Feb. 1924, is defective in that not signed].
[No supporting affidavits]
Granted 11 Feb. 1924, and “such child, William W. Woods, shall assume the name of the petitioners, the adopting parents,” i.e., name presumably unchanged; filed same day.
#5 May Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:91
[File includes only slip granting J. C. Spencer permission to remove the petition of MARY A. DAVIS to adopt MERIAM A. MILLER]
[The following is from the Appearance Docket; in the margin:] [Attorneys] Thomas & Thomas
Petition of Mary A. Davis, widow, for the Adoption of Meriam A. Miller, a minor, as her child and heir. / Entered Feby 11, 1924.
Feb. 11, 1924. Petition with supporting affidavits and consent of MARY MILLER, mother of child annexed, presented in open Court, and filed. [¶ (centered)] Decree. [¶] And now, February 11, 1924, upon consideration of the foregoing petition, the Court being satisfied that the welfare of the said Merian A. Miller will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in said petition, and the consent of the non-neglecting parent of said minor having been given thereto, does, upon motion of Thomas & Thomas, Attorneys for petitioner, grant the prayer of said petition, and does hereby order and decree, that the said Meriam A. Miller shall henceforth have all the rights of a child and heir of the said Mary A. Davis, equally with any other children she may have, and shall be subject to the duties of such child in accordance with the provision of the Act of Accembly in such cases made and provided. [¶] Per Curiam. [¶; left side] (See paper filed) [right side:] (Signed) Thos. J. Prather [¶; left side:] Feb. 11, 1924. Certified copy of decree issued. [right side:] P[resident].J[udge].
#31 May Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:117
“The [typed] petition of JOSEPH BAILON [sic; BIALON] and ANNA BAILON, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are residents of the village of Ramey, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, and that they are desirous of adopting as one of their heirs, THERESA DIAGRACIA, born November 8, 1919, who is now and has been for upwards of two years past a charge upon the Poor Directors of Crawford County, and in the care and custody of the Poor Directors of the said district and committed to the care of custody of St. Josephs Orphan Asylum, at Erie, Pennsylvania, [¶] That they will perform all the duties of parents to the said child, Theresa Diagracia. [¶] That the Poor Directors in and for the County of Crawford, State of Pennsylvania, have consented to the adoption prayed for by your petitioners, as will fully and at large appear by reference to consent attached hereto and made a part hereof. [¶] Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Theresa Diagracia shall assume the name of your petitioners and be known as Theresa Bailon and that the said child shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed Josef Bialon, Annie Bialon; sworn to at Clearfield County, Pa. (as “Joseph Bailon and Anna Bailon”), and again subscribed Joseph Bialon, Annie Bialon before John B. McGrath, Notary Public, Houtzdale, Pa., 12 Feb. 1924.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “[blank] and [blank] being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are well acquainted with Joseph Bailon and Anna Bailon, his wife, Petitioners named in the within Petition, and that the said Petitioners are persons of means and property and well qualified to assume the custody of the said Theresa Diagracia and that they believe it would be to the best interests of the child that an order of adoption be granted as prayed for.” Sworn to at Clearfield Co., Pa., and subscribed Joseph M. Baronosky, Susan Baron before John B. McGrath, Notary Public, Houtzdale, Pa., 21 Feb. 1924.
[Attached consent:] “We, Ralph C. Jackson, Howard R. Conover, and O. H. Roudebush, Directors of the Poor in and for the County of Crawford, State of Pennsylvania, hereby represent that the above mentioned minor child, Theresa Diagracia has been a large upon the said district and in our custody and control for upwards of two years last past as stated in the foregoing petition and we hereby consent to the adoption of the said child as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe that such adoption will be for the best interest and welfare of the said child.” Signed Ralph C. Jackson, H R Conover, O H. Roudebush.
Granted 3 March 1924, “the said Theresa Diagracia shall assume the sur-name of Joseph Bailon and Anna Bailon, his wife,” presumably, Theresa Bialon; filed 4 March 1924.
#93 May Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:179
“The [typed] petition of ORIN F. WARNER and EDNA A. WARNER, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside at Titusville, Crawford County. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting ELLEN JEANNETTE ARMAGOST, a minor, born November 16, 1919 and now being aged four years and upwards, and now residing with your petitioners at Titusville, Pennsylvania. [¶] 3. That the whereabouts of the said minor’s father, WALTER ARMAGOST, are unknown, the said Walter Armagost having on February 2, 1921, deserted his wife, ADALYN S. ARMAGOST and her three children including the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost. Also in February, 1921, the said Walter Armagost eloped with Grace Cecelia Battles, the wife of Sidney W. Battles of Titusville, Pennsylvania and was arrested at Dexter, Kansas on July 15, 1922 by Agents of the Department of Justice on a complaint charging the said Walter Armagost with violation of the Mann Act. Said Armagost was then indicted by the Federal Gran [sic] Jury which met on September 25, 1922 and plead guilty at that term of Court, and was sentenced to fine and imprisonment. [¶] 4. That the said minor’s mother, Adalyn S. Armagost was granted an absolute Divorce from the said Walter Armagost by Decree of your Honorable Court dated July 2, 1923, and is now living with her other two children with her father, George R. Shreve of Route #4, Titusville Pennsylvania, and she is willing and desirous that her said child be adopted by your petitioners, her assent being set forth in an answer hereto annexed. [¶] 5. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and are able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] 6. That two affidavits by respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 7. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.” Signed Orin F. Warner, Edna A. Warner; sworn to and again subscribed before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 5 March 1927.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, the undersigned, being the mother of Ellen Jeannette Armagost, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts set forth therein are true, that I hereby join in the prayer thereof and do hereby consent to the adoption of the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost by Orin F. Warner and Edna A. Warner, his wife.” Signed Adalyn S. Armagost (Seal).
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Carl M. Hazen, M.D., being duly sworn deposes and says, that he knows Orin F. Warner and Edna A. Warner, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost; that he is acquainted with the circumstances of Adalyn S. Armagost and that in his opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost that he [sic] be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Carl M. Hazen before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 10 April 1924.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Mrs. Hamilton StewartJ. M. Light being duly sworn, deposes and says, that she knows Orin F. Warner and Edna A. Warner, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost; that she is acquainted with the circumstances of Adalyn S. Armagost and that in herhis opinion it will be for the best interest of the said Ellen Jeannette Armagost that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed J. M. Light before Charles B. Stegner, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 10 April 1924.
Granted 14 April 1924, name assumed is Ellen Jeannette Warner; filed same day.
#8 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:304
“The [typed] petition of CHARLES LUTRELL and BELLE LUTRELL, respectfully represents: [¶] First: That your petitioners are husband and wife; citizens of the State of Pennsylvania, and reside in the City of Titusville, Penna., at No. 143 West Bloss Street; that they have been married for the last six years; [¶] Second: That they are desirous of adopting ROBERT PAUL SMITH, a minor, born October 28th, 1923, being the child of HARRY MASON SMITH of 468 Colbert Avenue, Oil City, Penna., and MINNIE BENDER SMITH, now deceased. The said minor child now resides with your petitioners. [¶] Third: That the said Harry Mason Smith is sixty-five years of age, a pensioner of the Pennsylvania Railroad, a widower, has other minor children besides the said Robert Paul Smith and being unable financially to support and maintain them all, is desirous and willing that the said minor be adopted by your petitioners, as is more fully set forth in the affidavit and assent of the said Harry Mason Smith, hereto attached and made part hereof and marked Exhibit A. [¶] Fourth: That your petitioners have only a little girl five years old and are able and willing to provide a proper home for the said Robert Paul Smith and able to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all of the duties of parents towards him. [¶] Fifth: That the affidavits of two respectable citizens of Titusville, Penna., are hereto attached, setting forth that in their opinion, it is to the advantage of the said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] Sixth: Your petitioners therefore pray this Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minor child, Robert Paul Smith, under the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided and that the name of the said minor be changed to Robert Edward Luttrell, and said minor to have all of the rights and benefits of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners. [¶] And they will ever pray, etc.,” Sworn to and subscribed Charles Luttrell, Belle Luttrell before Mabel D. Walker, Notary Public, Titusville, Pa., 12 Sept. 1924.
[Attached parental consent:] “Harry Mason Smith, first being duly sworn according to law, deposes and states that he is the father of the above mentioned minor child, Robert Paul Smith; that he has read the foregoing petition and that the facts therein set forth are true and that he joins in the prayer thereof and consents to the adoption of the said Robert Paul Smith, by the petitioners, Charles Luttrell and Belle Luttrell, and hereby releases all claim to the said minor child.” Sworn to and subscribed Harry Mason Smith [notary seal of Mabel D. Walker, Titusville, affixed, and dated 13 Sept. 1924, but unsigned].
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Claude Brierley and George Cox, both of West Bloss Street, Titusville, Penna., first being duly sworn according to law, do each depose and state, that they are well acquainted with Charles Luttrell and Belle Luttrell, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of good character and standing in the community; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Robert Paul Smith, and that owing to the circumstances of its father, Harry Mason Smith, it is their opinion that it will be to the best interest and welfare of the said Robert Paul Smith that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Claude Brierley, Geo Cox before Mabel D. Walker, Notary Public, Titusville, 12 Sept. 1924.
Granted 15 Sept. 1924, name assumed is Robert Edward Luttrell; filed same day.
#22 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:318
[The petition of EFFIE M. PEFFERS to adopt ETHEL CLARK MUIRBROOK is missing; permission was granted J C Spencer to remove the petition 6 Sept. 1933. The following is from the Appearance Docket:]
Petition of Effie M. Peffers for the Adoption of Ethel Clark Muirbrook, an Adult Person as her child and heir. / Entered Sept. 29, 1924.
Sept. 29, 1924, Petition, with consent of Ethel Clark Muirbrook and her husband Lorenzo M. Muirbrook annexed, presented to the Hon. Thos. J. Prather, P.J., and filed. [¶ (centered)] Decree. [¶] And now, September 29, 1924, On hearing the foregoing petition and the accompanying declarations and consent and due consideration thereo, the Court orders and decrees that the said Ethel Clark Muirbrook shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir of the said Effie M. Peffers, the petitioner, and the said Effie M. Peffers shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a parent of the said Ethel Clark Muirbrook, as fully and to all intent and purpose if the said Ethel Clark Muirbrook had been a lawful child of the Effie M. Peffers. [¶] (signed) Thos. J. Prather, [¶] President Judge. [&182;] Sept. 29, 1924. Cerfified copy of decree issued to petitioner.
#29 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:325
“The [typed] petition of LAWRENCE MOFFITT and BESSIE MOFFITT, his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] 1. That they are residents of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting HARRY GRINNELL, a minor [next five words carreted] of the age of five yrs. child of HUDSON GRINNELL and BERTHA GRINNELL, as one of histheir heairs. [¶] 3. That they, the said petitioners, will perform all the duties of parents to the said Harry Grinnell. [¶] 4. That the said Hudson Grinnell and Bertha Grinnell, parents of the said Harry Grinnell, have consented to the said adoption as is evidenced by their written consent hereto attached and made a part hereof. [¶] Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Harry Grinnell shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Harry Grinnell shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Harry Grinnell shall have the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child; and your petitioners further showeth that they are of the same religious faith as the parents of said Harry Grinnell. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Sworn to and subscribed Lawrence Moffitt., Bessie Moffitt before F. A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 4 Oct. 1924.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Hudson Grinnell, Father of said Harry Grinnell, hereby consent to the adoption of said Harry Grinnell, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption will be for the true welfare of said Harry Grinnell.” Sworn to and subscribed Hudson Grinell [sic] before F. A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 27 Sept. 1924.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Bertha Grinnell, mother of said Harry Grinnell, hereby consent to the adoption of said Harry Grinnell, as prayed for in the foregoing petition, and believe such adoption will be for the true welfare of said Harry Grinnell.” Sworn to and subscribed Bertha Grinnell before F. A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 3 Oct. 1924.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “G. D. Mead. personally appeared before me, the subscriber, and after being sworn according to law deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the petitioners, Lawrence Moffitt and his wife, Bessie Moffitt; and that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents [sic] believe the welfare of the said Harry Grinnell will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed G. D. Mead, 126 Penna Ave, before F. A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 4 Oct. 1924.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Sue E Parks. personally appeared before me, the subscriber, and after being sworn according to law deposes and says that she is well acquainted with the petitioners, Lawrence Moffitt, and his wife, Bessie Moffitt, and that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents [sic] believe the welfare of [next word carreted, hand-written] said the Harry Grinnell will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in the said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Sue E. Parks, 141 Penn’a Ave., before F. A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 4 Oct. 1924.
Granted 6 Oct. 1924, name assumed is Harry Moffitt; filed same day.
#34 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:330
“The [typed] petition of LEWIS DECOURCEY and REBECCA DECOURCEY, his wife, residents of Cambridge Springs, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting ALICE MARY CARTER, a minor child of ELIZABETH RODENHEISER of Perry County, Pennsylvania, which said child was born in said County on the 20th day of April, 1923; that they desire to adopt said child as one of their heirs; that they will perform all of the duties of parents toward the said minor child. [¶] That appended hereto is a certified copy of the records of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, this state, showing that said child became a charge upon the poor district of said County and by an order of said Court made on the 26th day of May, 1923, said minor child, Alice May Carter, was committed to the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, located at Pittsburgh, Pa. and has been cared for and under its supervision since that date. [¶] That appended hereto is a copy of the resolution adopted by the proper corporate officers of said Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania giving its consent to the adoption of said child by the petitioners and praying that the Court to whom its petition is presented will grant the adoption of said minor child to your petitioners. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your honorable Court to order and decree that the said Alice May Carter shall assume the name of the petitioners and shall have all of the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child.” Sworn to and subscribed Lewis G. DeCourcey., Rebecca DeCourcey before Margaret Mason, Notary Public, Cambridge Springs, 11 Oct. 1924.
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Gerald W. Canfield and Denny L. Mathews being duly sworn according to law say that they are well acquainted with the Petitioners, Lewis DeCourcey and Rebecca DeCourcey, his wife, and that they are persons of good moral character and that they believe the welfare of said minor child will be promoted by the adopted as prayed for.” Sworn to and subscribed Gerald W. Canfield, Denny L. Mathews before Margaret Mason, Notary Public, Cambridge Springs, 11 Oct. 1924.
[Attached certified copy of petition presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, Pa., at No. 52 April Term 1923:] “The petition of the Directors of the Poor of the County of Perry respectfully represent: [¶] That Elizabeth Rodenheiser of Oliver Township, Perry County, Pa., has recently been found by a Commission, duly appointed by this Court, to be a lunatic, and has been ordered to be placed in the State Lunatic Hospital for treatment; [¶] That the said Elizabeth Rodenheiser is the mother of two small children, to wit: Mary Ellen Campbell, aged _____ years, and Alice Mary Carter, colored, aged about one month; [¶] That said children will become a charge upon the County of Perry upon the commitment of their mother to said Asylum; [¶] That your petitioners have the opportunity of placing said children in the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, and have so arranged, subject to the approval of your Honorable Court; the conditions of their acceptance being the payment of $25.00 for each child, and $25.00 for expenses of removal, total $75.00, the said Society assuming all liability for their future maintenance, providing said children are not mentally deficient, in that event the County of Perry to be liable for their support in some suitable Home; [¶] Therefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to make such order in the premises as may seem right and proper, and they will ever pray, &c.” Signed Geo. W. Dunkle, S. A. Shopoe, E. M. Wilt, Directors of the Poor of Perry County, Pennsylvania.
[Attached sealed consent (on printed form) of Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, dated 25 Sept. 1924:] ”Whereas, There was released to the Children’s Home Society of Pennsylvania, on or about the Twenty-sixth day of May A. D. 1923, a certain female child named Alice May Carter said Release being duly executed and acknowledged by nearest of kin, Order of court … and on or about the 12th day of June, A. D. 1923, said child was placed by Agreement of Placement, and on trial, with Lewis DeCourcey and Rebecca, his wife, of Cambridge Springs, Pa. …”
Granted 13 Oct. 1924, “it appearing to the Court … that the only living parent of said child, the mother, is now a public charge in the County of Perry, this state”; name assumed is Ruth DeCourcey; filed same day.
#62 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:358
“The [typed] petition of LEE COOPER and JOIE COOPER respectfully represents:- [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside at Guys Mills in Crawford County. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting DOROTHY RANDALL a minor born Sept. 27th, 1918 and now aged six years who has resided with petitioners for several years and whose parents are EDWIN RANDALL and HENRIETTE [sic] RANDALL. [¶] 3. That owing to domestic trouble between the parents they are unable to support and maintain the said Dorothy Randall and are willing and desirous that she be adopted by your petitioners. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents towards her. [¶] 5. That affidavits of two respectable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] That the parents of said Dorothy Randall have consented that their daughter Dorothy be adopted by petitioners as will appear by their consent hereto annexed. [¶] 7. Your petitioners therefore pray for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, she the said Dorothy Randall to have all the rights of a natural child equally with any other children of your petitioners and they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Lee Cooper., Joie Cooper; sworn to and again subscribed before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 1 Nov. 1924.
[Parental consent, below:] “We, Edwin Randall andI Henriette Randall, parentsmother of Dorothy Randall do hereby certify that weI have knowledge of the application by Lee Cooper and Joie Cooper for leave to adopt ourmy said child and that weI join in the prayer thereof, and do hereby consent to the adoption of said Dorothy Randall by the said Lee Cooper and Joie Cooper.” Signed Henrietta Randall.
[Attached parental consent:] “I Edwin Randall father of Dorothy Randall a minor child do hereby certify that I have knowledge of an application by Lee Cooper and Joie Cooper his wife for leave to adopt my child and daughter Dorothy Randall, and hereby join in the prayer of said petitioners and consent that the adoption may be decreed in accordance with their petition.” Signed E. D. Randall; Witness:- W. B. Randall.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Robert Hotchkiss and John Tracey being duly sworn deposes and says that they know Lee Cooper and Joie Cooper his wife petitioners for adoption of Dorothy Randall; that they are persons of respectability and good character; that they are able to properly care for, maintain and support the said Dorothy Randall; that they are acquainted with the circumstances of Edwin Randall and Henriette Randall and that in their opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Dorothy Randall that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Robert T[?] Hotchkiss, John W. Tracy before Leona M. Richmond, Notary Public, Meadville, 1 Nov. 1924.
Granted Nov. 1924, name assumed is Dorothy Cooper; filed same day.
#65 November Term 1924
Appearance Docket 212:361
“The [typed] petition of FLOYD PETERSON and FLORENCE PETERSON his wife respectfully represents: [¶] That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania and reside in Randolph township, Crawford County. [¶] That they are desirous of adopting FLORENCE IRENE HOLTON, a minor born November 16, 1923, being a child of Mrs. DOLLY HOLTON, divorced wife of DON HOLTON, who was divorced on or about SeptemberOctober 18, 1922 and the child in question was born of said parties and the said divorced husband is not and has not been residing with the said mother since the Spring of 1924 and is not and has not supported said child excepting by virtue of an order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Crawford County made for the purpose of supporting said mother and other children. The said Florence Irene Holton is now residing with your petitioners and has been since April, 1924. [¶] The said Dolly Holton is financially unable to support and maintain said child and is willing and desirous that she be adopted by your petitioners, her assent thereto being set forth herewith. [¶] Your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for said minor and able to care for, support and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward her. They are of the ages of 35 and 33 years respectively and the owners of a farm of fifty (50) acres, clear of incumberances excepting a mortgage of $300.00. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minor to have all the rights of an actual child equally with any other children of your petitioners, and they will ever pray.” Signed Floyd Peterson, Florence Peterson; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 5 Nov. 1924.
[Parental consent, below:] “I, the undersigned, mother of the said Florence Irene Holton do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing petition; that the facts therein set forth are true, and I join in the prayer thereof and consent to the adoption of the said Florence Irene Holton by Floyd Peterson and Florence Peterson, his wife.” Signed Mrs. Dollie Holton.
[No supporting affidavit]
Granted 5 Nov. 1924, name assumed is Florence Irene Peterson; filed same day.
#82 February Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:82
“The [typed] petition of J. W. KEECH and Mrs. ALMEDA KEECH, his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] 1. That your petitioners are residing at Linesville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] 2. That on or about the year, 1915, W. W. HUNT, the father of the above named boys deserted his wife and left her with the three above named minors [i.e., OLIVER E. HUNT, CASPER D. HUNT, and REUBEN A. HUNT], and his present address is unknown. [¶] 3. That some two years after this desertion of his wife by the said W. W. Hunt, the said wife Mrs. Almeda Hunt obtained a divorce from her husband on the ground of desertion, and married the aforesaid J. W. Keech. [¶] 4. That from about the year, 1915, the two minors, Oliver E. and Casper D. Hunt have lived and made their home with their uncle, the aforesaid, J. W. Keech. [¶] 5. That some two years following the desertion of his wife by the said W. W. Hunt, she was married to the above named J. W. Keech; and thus the present Mrs. J. W. Keech is the mother and natural guardian of the above named minors. [¶] 6. That after the desertion of his wife and children by the said W. W. Hunt, he has not provided for or cared for the above named minors, who remained living for some time with the said mother, Mrs. Almeda Hunt. [¶] That your petitioners are able to care for support, and maintain the said minors in a manner conducive to their welfare and will perform all the duties of parents toward them, the said minors, and are desirous of adopting the aforesaid minors. [¶] 8. That affidavits by two respectable citizens of Crawford County, Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of the said minors that they be adopted as herein prayed for. [¶] 9. That the said, mother, Mrs. Almeda Keech, hereby consents to such adoption and joins in this petition that the prayer of such adoption may be granted. [¶] 10. Your petitioners, therefore, pray your Honorable Court for leave to adopt the said minors under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, said minors to have all the rights of actual children equally with any other child or children of your petitioners, and they will ever pray.” Signed J. W. Keech, Almeda Keech; sworn to and again subscribed before N. B. Graham, Notary Public, Linesville, Pa., 26 Jan. 1925.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “C.T. Jack and C.H. Hipple being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they each know J. W. Keech and Almeda Keech, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able to properly care fore, maintain, and support the said minors, Oliver E. Casper D. and Reuben A. Hunt; and in their opinion it will be for the best interest of the said minors that they be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Rev C. T. Jack, C. H. Hipple before N. B. Graham, Notary Public, Linesville, 26 Jan. 1925.
Granted 2 Feb. 1925 [without addressing the children’s names; presumably, informally changed to Oliver E. Keech, Casper D. Keech, and Reuben A. Keech]; filed same day.
#89 February Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:89
“The [typed] petition of WESLEY GEHR, respectfully represents: That he is a resident of Summit Township, in said County: That he is a widower and no children: That he is desirous of adopting one ANNA OATES, an adult person, a resident of said Summit Township, who is the wife of IRA J. OATES,. And your petitioner hereby declares that if such adoption shall be approved and decreed by the court, he will perform all the duties of a parent toward her the said Anna Oates,. [¶] The petitioner therefore prays your Honorable Court to make a decree that thenceforth such adult person shall have all rights and be subject to the duties of a child and heir of the petitioner, and that the petitioner shall have all of the rights and be subject to all the duties of a parent of the said Anna Oates, as fully and to all intents and purposes as if she had been born the lawful child of the petitioner. And as in duty bound he will ever pary [sic; pray] &c.” Signed Wesley Gehr; sworn to and again subscribed before Chas. E. Putnam, J.P., 3 Feb. 1925.
[Consent, below:] “Know All Men By These Presents, That I, Anna Oates, hereby declare that I have read the foregoing petition of Wesley Gehr, for the adoption of myself as his child and heir, and I hereby consent to such adoption, and agree that if such adoption be approved and decreed by [next page] by the Court, I will perform all the duties of a child toward the petitioner, and I further certify that I am over the age of twenty-one years, and that I have a husband living, whose name is Ira J. Oates, and who resides in Summit Township. [signed] Anna Oates Signed at Linesville, Pa. Feby 3rd 1925, in presence of, [signed] Harry H. Hendrick.”
[Consent, below:] “Know All Men By These Presents: That I, Ira J. Jones, husband of Anna Oates do hereby declare that I have read the foregoing petition of Wesley Gehr, for the adoption of Anna Oates, my wife, and I hereby consent to such adoption. [signed] Ira J Oates Signed at Linesville, Pa. Feby 3rd 1925, in presence of, [signed] G. A Peterman.”
Granted 5 Feb. 1925 [name presumable unchanged, i.e., Anna Oates]; filed same day.
#2 May Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:98
“The [typed] petition of PERCY R. HYDE and KATHERYN [sic] M. HYDE, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That they are residents of Meadville in said County of Crawford. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting MARY KATHERYN DAVIS, a daughter of DAVID DAVIS, of West Pittston, Pa., aged fifteen years, as their child and heir. That the said Mary Katheryn Davis is a neice [sic] of your petitioner, Katheryn M. Hyde, and her mother has died and she is now residing with your petitioner in Meadville. [¶] 3. That your petitioners will perform all the duties of a parent to the said Mary Katheryn Davis. [¶] 4. That the said David Davis, father of the said Mary Katheryn Davis, has consented to the adoption prayed for by your petitioners as will appear by written consent hereto attached. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray Your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Mary Katheryn Davis shall assume the name of your petitioners and shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioners will ever pray.” Signed Percy R. Hyde, Kathryn Morton Hyde; sworn to and again subscribed before Frank A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 7 Feb. 1925.
[Parental consent, below:] “I, David Davis, the father of the said Mary Katheryn Davis, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Mary Katheryn Davis as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe such adoption will be for the welfare of the said Mary Katheryn Davis.” Sworn to and subscribed David Davis before Thomas S. Loftus, Alderman, Pittsburgh, 10 Jan. 1925.
[Attached supporting affidavit:] “Before me, a Notary PublicAlderman in and for said County [i.e., Crawford], personally appeared Elizabeth Kiser and Mrs J. M. Jackson who being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that they are well acquainted with Percy R. Hyde and Katheryn M. Hyde, his wife, the within named petitioners; that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Mary Katheryn Davis will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Elizabeth Kiser, Mrs. J. M. Jackson before Frank A. Boswell, Alderman, Meadville, 7 Feb. 1825.
Granted 9 Feb. 1925, with change of name interlined in decree, i.e., her name presumably remaining unchanged as Mary Katheryn [or Kathryn?] Davis; filed same day.
#14 May Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:110
“The [typed] petition of HENRY E. WARING and FRANCES WARING, husband and wife, of Linesville, Crawford County, Pa., respectfully represents: [¶] That they are desirous of adopting MARY BARBARA CRAIK, who was born on the 13th day of May, 1901, and therefore an adult person, as their child and heir to each of your petitioners. And your petitioners declare that if said adoption be approved, that they and each of them will perform all the duties of a parent toward such adult person. [¶] Your petitioners therefore pray your Honorable Court to make a decree that henceforth such adult person shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a child and heir of these Petitioners. And that the Petitioners shall have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of a parent of the said Mary Barbara Craik, as fully to all intents and purposes as if she, the said Mary Barbara Craik, had been born the lawful child of said Petitioners. And they desire the person so adopted to take the name and be known as Mary B. Waring. [¶] And they will ever pray, &c.” Signed Henry E Waring, Frances Waring; sworn to and again subscribed before N. Berton Graham, Notary Public, Linesville, 7 Feb. 1925.
[Attached consent:] “I, Mary Barbara Craig, declare that I have read the within petition of Henry E. Waring and Frances Waring, for the adoption of myself as their child and heir, and I hereby consent to such adoption, and agree that if said adoption be approved I will perform all the duties of a dutiful child to each of said petitioners.” Signed Mary Barbara Craik; “Witness to the signature of Mary Barbara Craik:” Ethel M. Nelson.
Granted 23 [changed from “22”] Feb. 1925, name changed to Mary B. Waring; filed same day.
#15 May Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:111
“The [typed] petition of EDITH DOUGLAS, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: [¶] That she is the mother FRANK WILLIAM DOUGLAS, her minor child aged two years, and that the father of said child has died. [¶] That Homer Douglas and Lottie Douglas, his wife, who reside in Cleveland, Ohio, are desirous of adopting said Frank William Douglas as their child and heir, as shown by the petition hereto annexed. That your petitioner believes that the welfare of said Frank William Douglas will be promoted by his adoption by the said Homer Douglas and Lottie Douglas, his wife, and therefore prays the Court to order and decree that the said Frank William Douglas shall have all the rights of a child and heir of the said Homer Douglas and Lottie Douglas, his wife, and be subject to the duties of such child. [¶] And she will ever pray.” Signed Edith Douglas; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 20 Feb. 1925.
“The [typed] petition of HOMER DOUGLAS and LOTTIE DOUGLAS, his wife, respectfully represents: [¶] 1. That they are residents of the City of Cleveland, Ohio. [handwritten below:] temporarily stopping in Meadville Pa. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting FRANK WILLIAM DOUGLAS, a minor child of EDITH DOUGLAS, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, as their child and heir. [¶] 3. That they will perform all the duties of a parent of the said Frank William Douglas. [¶] 4. That EDWARD DOUGLAS, the father of the said Frank William Davis, has died, and Edith Douglas, the mother of the said Frank William Douglas, has consented to the adoption herein prayed for, as appears by her written consent hereinafter expressed. [¶] Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Frank William Douglas shall have all the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners and be subject to the duties of such child, and your petitioners will ever pray.” Signed Homer Douglas, Lottie Douglas; sworn to and again subscribed before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 11 Feb. 1925.
[Attached parental consent:] “I, Edith Douglas, the surviving parent of the said Frank William Douglas, hereby consent to the adoption of the said Frank William Douglas as prayed for in the foregoing petition and believe that such adoption will be for the welfare of the said Frank William Douglas, and hereby joins in the prayer for such adoption.” Signed Edith A. Douglas [witness line left blank].
[Supporting affidavit, below:] “Rebecca W. Payne and Mrs May Scott being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that they are well acquainted with Homer Douglas and Lottie Douglas, his wife, the within named petitioners; that they are persons of respectability and property, and that deponents believe that the welfare of the said Frank William Douglas will be promoted by the adoption prayed for in said petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Rebecca W Payne, Mrs May Scott before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 11 Feb. 1925.
Granted 23 Feb. 1925 [name presumably remaining Frank William Douglas]; filed same day.
#71 May Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:167
“The [typed] petition of FRED ROBERTS and MYRTLE ROBERTS, his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] 1. That your petitioners are residents of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting the said RITA LOUISE HILLS, a minor of the age of five years; that the said minor was on the 22nd, day of November, 1924, duly adjudged a neglected child and placed under the Jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and placed in the custody of Myrtle Roberts, one of your petitioners, and under the care and supervision of John C. Spencer, Probation Officer, until further order of Court. [¶] 3. That the mother, of said minor, Mrs. GOLDIE HILLS, is now deceased; and the father, VERNE HILLS, so neglected to provide for the said minor child that it was found necessary to place said child under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court in said County. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for the said minor, and are able to care for, support, and maintain her in a manner conducive to her welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward said minor. [¶] 5. That the said minor child has been under the immediate care and supervision of John C. Spencer, Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court, who thus has the authority to consent to said adoption as prayed for; and who hereby does consent to said adoption as is shown by the affidavit attached hereto. [¶] 6. That the affidavits of two respectable citizens of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the advantage of said minor that she be adopted as herein prayed for. [¶] 7. Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Rita Louise Hills shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Rita Louise Hills shall have all of the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc.” Signed Fred D. Roberts, Myrtle Roberts; sworn to and again subscribed before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 April 1925.
[Consent, below:] “John C. Spencer being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is the Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court of Crawford County, Pennsylvania; and the said Rita Louise Hills having been placed under his supervision by the aforesaid Juvenile Court, he hereby gives his consent to the adoption of the said minor, Rita Louise Hills, as prayed for in the foregoing petition; and that he believes such adoption will be for the best interest and welfare of the said minor.” Sworn to and subscribed John C Spencer before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville 4 April 1925.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Rev. G. Morton Walker and Don L. Barber, both of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they each know and are well acquainted with Fred Roberts and Myrtle Roberts, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able to properly care for, maintain, and support the said minor, Rita Louise Hills; and that in their opinion it will be for the best interests of the said minor that she be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed G. Morton Walker, Don L. Barber before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 April 1925.
Granted 6 April 1925, and “that the said Rita Louise Hills shall assume the surname of said petitioners,” i.e., name changed to Rita Louise Roberts; filed same day.
#72 May Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:168
“The [typed] petition of W. W. CHILDS and GEORGIA MAY CHILDS, his wife, respectfully represents:- [¶] 1. That your petitioners are residents of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] 2. That they are desirous of adopting the said ARDEN GARTH HILLS, a minor of the age of two years; that the said minor child was on the 22nd day of November, 1924, duly adjudged a neglected child and placed under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court of Crawford County, Pennsylvania and in the care and custody of Mrs. A. E. Daniels of Tionesta, Pennsylvania, until further order of Court, and under the care and supervision of John C. Spencer, Probation Officer of said Juvenile Court. [¶] 3. That the mother of said minor child is now deceased; and the father, VERNE HILLS, so neglected to provide for the said minor child that it was found necessary to place the said minor child under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court of Crawford County, Pennsylvania. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are able to provide a proper home for the said minor, and are able to care for, support, and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare, and will perform all the duties of parents toward said minor. [¶] 5. That the said minor child has been under the immediate care and supervision of John C. Spencer, Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court of said County, who thus has the authority to consent to said adoption as prayed for; and who hereby does consent to said adoption as is shown by his affidavit attached hereto. [¶] 6. That the affidavits of two respectable citizens of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it will be to the best interests and advantage of said minor child that he be adopted as herein prayed for. [¶] 7. Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honorable Court to order and decree that the said Arden Garth Hills shall assume the name of your petitioners, and that the said Arden Garth Hills shall have all of the rights of a child and heir of your petitioners, and be subject to the duties of such child, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc.” Signed W. W. Childs, Georgia May Childs; sworn to and again subscribed before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 April 1925.
[Consent, below:] “John C. Spencer being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is the Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court of Crawford County, Pennsylvania; and the said Arden Garth Hills having been placed under his supervision by the aforesaid Juvenile Court, he hereby gives his consent to the adoption of the said minor, Arden Garth Hills, as prayed for in the foregoing petition; and that he believes such adoption will be for the best interests and welfare of said minor child.” Sworn to and subscribed John C Spencer before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 April 1925.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Rev. G. Morton Walker and Don E. [sic] Barber both of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they each know and are well acquainted with W. W. Childs and Georgia May Childs, his wife, the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able to properly care for, maintain, and support the said minor, Arden Garth Hills; and that in their opinion it will be for the best interests of the said minor child that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed G. Morton Walker, Don L. Barber before G. Stanley Maxwell, Notary Public, Meadville, 4 April 1925.
Granted 6 April 1925, and “that the said Arden Garth Hills shall assume the surname of the said petitioners,” i.e., name changed to Arden Garth Childs; filed same day.
#19 September Term 1925
Appearance Docket 213:223
“The [typed] petition of MICHAEL [sic] HALAS and MARY HALAS respectfully represents;- [¶] 1. That your petitioners are husband and wife, citizens of Pennsylvania residing in the Township of Hayfield, County of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania, and the owners of forty-two acres of land free of encumbrances. [¶] 2. Rhat [sic] they are desirous of adopting JOSEPH POPELY a minor born February 1st, 1913 now aged 12 years and upwards being the child of MICHAEL POPELY and BARBARA POPELY his wife. [¶] 3. That the said Michael Popely and Barbara Popely are unable financially to support and maintain the said Joseph Popely and are willing and desirous that he be adopted by Michael and Mary Halas, his wife, their assent thereto being set forth by answer hereto annexed. [¶] 4. That your petitioners are unable to provide a proper home for said minor and unable to care for, support and maintain him in a manner conducive to his welfare and to perform all the duties of parents toward him. [¶] 5. That two affidavits by respectiable citizens of Pennsylvania are hereto attached setting forth that in their opinion it is to the advantage of said minor that he be adopted as prayed for herein. [¶] 6. Your petitioners pray this Honorable Court for leave to adopt said minor under the provisions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provied [sic], said minor to have all the rights of a natural child and equally with any other children with your petitioners. And they will ever pray as in duty bound.” Signed Michel Halas, Mary Halas[?]; sworn to [as “Michael”] and subscribed Michel Halas, Mary Halas[?] before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 1 June 1925.
[Parental “Consent to Adoption,” below:] “We, the undersigned being the parents of Joseph Popely do hereby certify that we have read the foregoing petition praying for leave to adopt our son Joseph Popely by Michael Halas and Mary Halas his wife; that the facts therein set forth are true and we do join in the prayer thereof and do hereby consent to the adoption of our said son Joseph Popely by the said Michael Halas and Mary Halas.” Signed Michael Popely, Barbara Popely.
[Supporting affidavit:] “Emil Geiger and A. S. Cullum being duly sworn depose and say that they know Michael Halas and Mary Halas his wife the petitioners above named; that they are persons of respectability and character; that they are able properly to care for, maintain and support the said Joseph Popely; that they are acquainted with the circumstances of Michael Popely and Barbara Popely and that in their opinion it will be for the best interests of the said Joseph Popely that he be adopted as prayed for in the foregoing petition.” Sworn to and subscribed Emil Geiger, A. S. Cullum before V. L. Greeley, Prothonotary, 2 June 1925.
Granted 2 June 1925, name assumed is Joseph Halas; filed same day.