ABERNETHY, John & Isabella, both late of Allegheny Co. 1853 Pa. Laws 664 (No. 372, approved 29 April 1853).
ADAMS, A. M. & Virginia. 1856 Pa. Laws 609 (No. 603 [Appendix–1854], approved 26 April 1854).
ADKINSON, Thomas & Rebecca, late Rebecca Rittenhouse, of Fayette Co.; married 12 Nov. 1801; he was “then of good character”; “in the month of May, [1803], [he] was arrested and committed to the jail of Fayette county, and at June term, in said county, indicted of larceny; that … having escaped from said prison, … [he] was in the month of March, [1804], arraigned and convicted in the court of quarter sessions of the peace of Allegheny county, of divers felonies, and was thereupon sentenced and adjudged to undergo an imprisonment of five years in the penitentiary house in Philadelphia, and otherwise to be dealt with as the law directs; in which prison he now remains; … [his conduct since May 1803] has been one continued scene of vice evincing a total dereliction of morality, and entire neglect of his wife and tender infant; … [the wife] is of good character.” 1804-5 Pa. Laws 73 (Ch. 255, approved 2 March 1805), 17 Statutes at Large 929.
ALBERTUS, Lewis, of the city of Philadelphia, & Zilla, [formerly] Zilla Clark of New Jersey; she, “not only since her intermarriage, but previous thereto, has often discovered incontestible evidence of insanity, by frequently abandoning the house of her said husband, in great rage, and going to her father’s in New-Jersey, notwithstanding it appears that her husband has uniformly treated her with great kindness and affection, and it further appearing that the father of the said Zilla has agreed to support and maintain her during her natural life, and that he has given his full and free consent to a separation”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1809-10 Pa. Laws 194 (Ch. 126, approved 20 March 1810).
ALBRO, Emily & William, of Luzerne Co. 1842 Pa. Laws 349 (No. 112, certified 12 July 1842 as having been presented to the Governor 29 June 1842 and not returned within ten days).
ALEXANDER, John, of Springfield Twp., Delaware Co., & Hannah, [formerly] Hannah Wells; married 23 Oct. 1800; “afterwards, to wit: on the fourth day of December, in the same year, she … was delivered of a mulatto child, from which circumstance, it is evident that [he] was grossly deceived, and imposed upon by [her].” 1802-3 Pa. Laws 356 (Ch. 125, approved 25 Feb. 1803), 17 Statutes at Large 273.
ALEXANDER, John & Margaret, both of the city of Philadelphia; she “hath frequently separated herself from his bed and board, and since her intermarriage with him hath estranged her affections from him, and placed them upon other men, and within the period aforesaid frequently committed the heinous sin of Adultery.” 11 Statutes at Large 265 (Ch. 1077, passed 15 March 1784).
ALLBURGER, Lawrence, of Allegheny Co., & Jane. 1847 Pa. Laws 29 (No. 411 of 1846 Session, approved 21 April 1846). 1846 H.R. Journal 1:491.
ALLEN, Caroline & Robert, late of Clarion Co.; he “has twice been convicted of felony and sentenced to the penitentiary; and … after the expiration of his sentence he neglected and still doth neglect to provide for the support of his wife and children, leaving them to the charity of other relatives.” 1850 Pa. Laws 586 (No. 351 § 1, approved 26 April 1850).
ALLEN, James & Jane, late Jane Hunter, of Fayette Co. 1820-21 Pa. Laws 35 (Ch. 27, approved 15 Feb. 1821).
ALLEN, William & Catharine Ann, late Speigel; “a certain William Allen, was in the autumn of the year [1813], married to Catharine Ann Speigel, both of the city of Philadelphia, that shortly after the marriage aforesaid, [he] deserted his said wife, and departed from this commonwealth; that in the year [1814] there was a false rumour, in appearance well founded, of the death of the said William Allen, and that in consequence of the said rumor, [she] believing herself to be a widow, on the eighteenth day of August [1818], contracted herself in marriage with a certain Edward Larkins, of the county of Philadelphia, with whom she has lived and cohabited ever since, and that she has issue by him (now living) two children, namely, Sarah Ann Camp and Edward, and that it has been since ascertained, that the said William Allen, was at the time of the marriage of the said Edward Larkins with the said Catharine Ann, and still is in full life, and that he the said William Allen is married to another woman.” 1825-26 Pa. Laws 240, 241 (Ch. 77 § 1 [§ 2 confirms the Larkins marriage and § 3 invests the “infant children” with the names Sarah Ann Camp Larkins and Edward Larkins], approved 7 April 1826).
ALLEN, William, senior, & Catharine Blake, of Lycoming Co.; he petitioned. 1863 Pa. Laws 290 (No. 292, approved 4 April 1863). 1863 Leg. Journal 464.
AMERMON, Andrew V. S. & Massy, late Massy Leonard, both of Lycoming Co. 1840 Pa. Laws 663, 665 (No. 250 § 9, approved 12 June 1840).
ANDERSON, Aquilla, of Reading, Berks Co., & Mary, late Mary Renninger; he petitioned, “setting forth, as the grounds of said application, that he was entrapped into the marriage aforesaid by the fraud, trickery and imposition of the said Mary, who was at the time of the said marriage with child by another man, without the knowledge of the said Aquilla Anderson, a cause not within the jurisdiction of the courts of common pleas.” 1850 Pa. Laws 759, 760 (No. 436 § 7, certified 14 May 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 30 April 1850 and not acted upon within ten days).
ANNERS, Robert & Martha, late Martha Pullen, of the city of Philadelphia. 1840 Pa. Laws 496 (No. 191, approved 19 May 1840).
ARBELO, Jose Antonio & Maria, formerly Maria Carr; married at Cuba in 1829; he, “by his neglect, ill usage, and abandonment of said Maria, and by other conduct incompatible with his duty, compelled her to separate and return to her parents in the county of Philadelphia, where she has resided since the year [1840], separate from and without any further tidings of [him].” 1844 Pa. Laws 297 (No. 208, approved 17 April 1844).
ARKLESS, William & Mary Ann, formerly Mary Ann Till; married parish church, old Wittington, Derbyshire, England 16 July 1859; he came to America in 1864, she refuses to join him; presented by Rep. McGowan of Philadelphia. 1871 Pa. Laws 1373 (No. 1278, approved 28 June 1871). 1871 Leg. Journal 1248 [as “Arless”; includes his petition].
ARMSTRONG, Abraham & Maria, late Maria Abercrombie, both late of the city of Philadelphia. 1818-19 Pa. Laws 85 (Ch. 57, approved 5 March 1819).
AUSTIN, Samuel K., late of Luzerne Co., & Susan. 1848 Pa. Laws 627 (No. 398 [Appendix], passed 16 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
BACHTELL, David H. & Catharine Jacquett. 1858 Pa. Laws 555 (No. 509, approved 25 April 1857).
BAILEY, Robert B., of Tioga Co., & Sophia. 1852 Pa. Laws 727 (No. 502 [Appendix], certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 3 April 1849 and not returned within three days after the Legislature met).
BAIRD, Elizabeth M. Biddle & Matthew; “for reasons over which neither of the parties have control, and of a delicate nature”; presented by Rep. Josephs of Philadelphia City. 1869 Pa. Laws 965 (No. 949, approved 15 April 1869). 1866 Leg. Journal 1191. 1866 H.R. Journal 485.
BARDSHER, John & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Solomon, both late of New Berlin, Union Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 359, 359 (No. 208 § 1, approved 23 April 1829).
BARNDT, Dorothea & Augusta, both late of Washington Co. 1857 Pa. Laws 726 (No. 728 [Appendix–1854], approved 13 June 1854).
BARNET, Edward & Isadore. 1845 Pa. Laws 5 (No. 383 from 1844 session, certified 11 Jan. 1845 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the session and not returned within three days).
BARRETT, Frank & Elizabeth, late of Clearfield Co. 1873 Pa. Laws 944 (No. 1004 [Appendix–1870], approved 3 March 1870).
BARTLETT, Salmon/Solomon, of Warren Co., & Phebe Jane R., late Phebe Jane R. Matherson. 1845 Pa. Laws 488 (No. 328, approved 16 April 1845). 1845 H.R. Journal 1:78.
BARTON, Charles Crillon & Anna, late Anna Hollingshead, both of the city of Philadelphia. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 74 (No. 54, approved 18 March 1835).
BARTON, Robert & Caroline, late Caroline Haldeman, both late of Montgomery Co. 1844 Pa. Laws 234 (No. 161, certified 9 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 27 March 1844 and not returned within ten days).
BARTON, Theodore M., of the city of Baltimore, & Laura V., of the city of Philadelphia. 1865 Pa. Laws 113 (No. 99, certified 9 Feb. 1865 as having been presented to the Governor 26 Jan. 1865 and not returned within ten days).
BARTOW, Jacob, of Bucks Co., & Adeline; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1841 Pa. Laws 166 (No. 81, certified 8 April 1841 as having been presented to the Governor 26 March 1841 and not returned within ten days). 1841 H.R. Journal 1:68.
BASKINS, Cornelius, of Perry Co., & Martha. 1844 Pa. Laws 324 (No. 225, certified 20 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 8 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
BEANS, John & Rebecca, late Rebecca Trego, both of Bucks Co. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 154 (No. 100, approved 10 April 1835).
BEBEE, Nathan B., of Potter Co., & Emma. 1855 Pa. Laws 726 (No. 646 [Appendix–1853], approved 20 April 1853).
BENNERS, Jesse, of Lehigh Co., & Harriet. 1847 Pa. Laws 500, 500 (No. 417 [Appendix] § 1, approved 20 April 1846).
BENNETT, Albanus L., of the city of Philadelphia, & Agnes. 1846 Pa. Laws 355 (No. 296, approved 16 April 1846). 1846 H.R. Journal 1:466.
BILGER, Tobias, of Juniata Co., & Caroline, late Caroline Page. 1846 Pa. Laws 453 (No. 365, approved 17 April 1846).
BILLMEYER, Jacob, of York, & Mary, late Mary Eichelberger; he petitioned, “setting forth that his wife, Mary, about eight years since, eloped from his bed and board; and that in the month of February, [1778], she, the said Mary, became acquainted with a certain William Cole, with whom she intermarried and cohabited, and afterwards eloped out of this state, and hath borne a child or children to the said William Cole.” 10 Statutes at Law 368 [indexed as 367] (Ch. 954, passed 1 Oct. 1781).
BLACK, Nicholas & Fanny, both of Fayette Co.; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1826-27 Pa. Laws 191, 191 (No. 94 § 1, approved 9 April 1827).
BLAKENEY, William & Mary, now Mary Brown; but not to impair their duties and obligations of maintaining, providing for and educating their children, and not to affect the children’s legal rights. 1829-30 Pa. Laws 38, 38 (No. 33 § 2 [§ 1 validates the marriage of Mary Blakeney with John Brown, late of Pittsburgh, decd., and legitimizes their issue], approved 4 Feb. 1830).
BLAKESLEE, William R., of Chester Co., & Mary M. 1868 Pa. Laws 798 (No. 737, approved 11 April 1868).
BOHLS, John H. & Mary, formerly Mary Aulenbach; married in Berks Co. 22 May 1837, “and in eight or ten days after, [she] removed to the state of Ohio, with her said husband, where they lived and cohabited together as man and wife, for about fourteen months, when [he] deserted and abandoned his said wife, without any just or reasonable cause, and thereby compelled the said Mary to return to her friends in Pennsylvania, for assistance and support.” 1845 Pa. Laws 118 (No. 86, approved 8 March 1845).
BONER, John & Margaret, of Greene Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 469 (No. 216, approved 4 April 1831).
BOTELER, Dr. Henry A. & Sophia; she petitioned. 1844 Pa. Laws 184 (No. 120, certified 1 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 20 March 1844 and not returned within ten days). 1844 H.R. Journal 199.
BRADY, Hugh J. & Nancy. 1850 Pa. Laws 791 (No. 450, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 3 April 1849 and not returned with three days afer Legislature met).
BRISBEN, Amelia S. & James C. 1848 Pa. Laws 451 (No. 323, approved 10 April 1848).
BRONSON, Susan A. & Samuel M. 1854 Pa. Laws 168 (No. 132, approved 8 March 1854).
BROWN, Zera Anson & Julia; married in Broome Co., N.Y. 1841 Pa. Laws 296, 296 (No. 112 § 1, certified 21 April 1841 as having been presented to the Governor 16 April 1841 and not returned within ten days).
BURBANK, Andrew J. & Esther A.; he petitioned; presented by Rep. McCreary of Venango Co. 1873 Pa. Laws 781 (No. 868, approved 12 April 1873). 1873 H.R. Journal 1:173.
BURK, Cornelius & Elizabeth, of Washington Co.; he, “after wasting and spending her property, hath deserted and left her, and hath now been absent more than five years and six months, and it is believed that [he] was married to another woman, who is yet living, previous to his marriage with the said Elizabeth; … she might possibly obtain a divorce from the supreme court, [but] is unable by reason of poverty to travel to Philadelphia, and attend the proceedings of said court, and pay the expenses incident thereto.” 1803-4 Pa. Laws 37 (Ch. 17, approved 30 Jan. 1804), 17 Statutes at Large 530.
BUSH, Philip & Esther, now or late of Westmoreland Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 398, 399 (No. 188 § 3, approved 2 April 1831).
CALHOUN, Adley & Emily, late Emily Edmundson; presented by Rep. Miller of Allegheny Co. 1872 Pa. Laws 369 (No. 335, approved 15 March 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 387, 634.
CALKINS, Martha M., of Bedford Co., & Oscar F. 1852 Pa. Laws 203 (No. 151, certified 30 March 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 17 March 1852 and not returned within ten days). 1852 H.R. Journal 1:30.
CANFIELD, George W. & Mary W., of Warren Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 651 (No. 636, approved 8 May 1854).
CANNON, William A. & Caroline; he petitioned. 1850 Pa. Laws 790 (No. 449, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 10 April 1849 and not returned with three days after the Legislature met). 1849 Sen. Journal 1:198.
CARE, Charles & Sarah, now of the city of Philadelphia. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 231 (No. 148, approved 22 April 1829).
CARMACK, David & Mary, late Mary Schneider; married 27 Dec. 1800; he “was at a court of general quarter sessions, of the peace, held at Philadelphia, in and for the county of Philadelphia, of March sessions, [1808], convicted of forgery on two several bills of indictment, as appears by the record thereof, for which crime he was sentenced to an imprisonment at hard labour for the term of two years on each bill, in the jail of Philadelphia county, where he now remains”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1809-10 Pa. Laws 82 (Ch. 60, certified 10 March 1810 as having been submitted to the Governor 26 Feb. 1810 and not returned within ten days).
CARPENTER, Nicholas, residence not known, & Harriet, a resident of Luzerne Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 482 (No. 387, approved 22 April 1846).
CARTER, John C., of Luzerne Co., & Hannah. 1845 Pa. Laws 1 (No. 378 of 1844 Session, certified 26 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 13 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
CHAMBERS, James S. & Rose Ann, late Rose Ann Crawford, both late of Erie Co. 1832-33 Pa. Laws 4 (No. 5, approved 17 Jan. 1833).
CHASE, William B. & Mary A., of the city of Philadelphia. 1845 Pa. Laws 445 (No. 290, approved 15 April 1845).
CLARK, Fithian J. & Theresa; presented by Sen. Small. 1850 Pa. Laws 792, 792 (No. 451 § 1, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 10 April 1849 and not returned within three days after the Legislature met). 1849 Sen. Journal 1:315.
CLOSE, Ahasuerus F., of Bradford Co., & Hannah M. 1847 Pa. Laws 4 (No. 401 of 1846 Session, approved 28 March 1846).
COCHRAN, Mary Louisa, of Allegheny Co., & Robert Smith, formerly of Lawrence Co.; married 15 May 1867; separated 20 May 1871; she is a daughter of Edward Dithridge of Pittsburgh; he is (allegedly) a common swindler. 1874 Pa. Laws 361 (No. 249 [Appendix–1873], approved 28 April 1873). Leg. Journal 474-75 [includes petition].
CONINE, Peter, of Philadelphia Co., & Susan Nancy. 1847 Pa. Laws 479 (No. 375, passed 16 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
CONYNGHAM, David & Maria, late of Lancaster Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 398, 399 (No. 188 § 2, approved 2 April 1831).
COTTRINGER, Joseph F. & Mary C., [formerly] Mary C. Steel, of the city of Philadelphia; married “in the month of October [1839], and lived together in lawful wedlock until the year [1857], when, for personal differences which rendered its continuance wholly incompatible with their domestic happiness and that of their children, now of full age, they separated in terms mutually satisfactory, and have continued so ever since without any hope or desire of returning together again.” 1868 Pa. Laws 414 (No. 377, approved 23 March 1868).
CRAWFORD, William & Jane, generally known as Ann Jane, of the city of Philadelphia; she, “since her marriage has been afflicted with an unconquerable desire for liquors, and has been and is addicted to gross habits of intoxication, attendant with abuse and neglect of her family and discomfort of her said husband”; the parties have not lived nor cohabited together since 25 Sept. 1872; “And whereas, The courts have not jurisdiction in the premises.” 1873 Pa. Laws 749 (No. 830, approved 10 April 1873).
CRILLY, Michael & Mary Ann, of Adams Co. 1843 Pa. Laws 341 (No. 162, certified 18 April 1843 as having been presented to the Governor 5 April 1843 and not returned within ten days). 1843 H.R. Journal 124.
CRONISE, Titus Fey & Estellina, of Philadelphia; married 29 Nov. 1860. 1864 Pa. Laws 660 (No. 558, approved 29 April 1864). Cronise v. Cronise, 54 Pa. 255 (1867).
CUBBISON, Andrew, of Mifflin Co., & Catharine. 1840 Pa. Laws 443, 444 (No. 172 § 6, approved 16 April 1840).
CULBERTSON, John, now a lieutenant in the U.S. army, & Polly; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1819-20 Pa. Laws 36 (Ch. 34, approved 24 Feb. 1820).
CUMMINS, Francis D., of the city of Philadelphia, & Eliza; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1814-15 Pa. Laws 40 (Ch. 32, approved 21 Feb. 1815). 1814-15 H.R. Journal 139.
CUMMINS, Francis D. & Esther, of Dauphin Co., late of Baltimore. 1822-23 Pa. Laws 57 (Ch. 45, approved 27 Feb. 1823).
CUNNINGHAM, Ross & Helen Vandenburgh. 1854 Pa. Laws 421 (No. 418, approved 20 April 1854).
DANIELS, Ezekiel & Candace. 1844 Pa. Laws 180 (No. 117, certified 1 April 1814 as having been presented to the Governor 19 March 1844 and not returned within ten days).
DARRAGH, Archibald, of Pittsburgh, & Cordelia. 1836-37 Pa. Laws 129 (No. 64, approved 1 April 1837).
DAVENPORT, Stephen & Mary C., of Luzerne Co.; he married Mary C. Travis 6 Sept. 1865; “[she] lived with [him] nine days only, and thereafter deserted [him], and refused to live with him, and continues to persist in said refusal.” 1867 Pa. Laws 1468 (No. 1368 [Appendix–1866], approved 12 April 1866).
DAVIS, Charles E. & Hannah B., formerly Jennings; married Southport, Conn., 13 Feb. 1855; they resided Brooklyn, N.Y., until June 1857, when he deserted her; she lived with her father Lewis Jennings at Southport until he moved to Titusville, Crawford Co., in Nov. 1866; she moved there in Sept. 1867, and has one son, aged 16. 1872 Pa. Laws 143-44 (No. 140, approved 21 Feb. 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 108-10 [includes affidavit of Lewis Jennings, aged 61, of Titusville].
DE FRANQUEEN, Philip F. G. & Elizabeth; married 5 April 1788; “she lived and cohabited with him from the time of their marriage until [1 May 1790]; that on the day last aforesaid [he] departed for Europe; that soon after his arrival in Europe he wrote to his said wife that he did not mean to return, and in answer to several letters repeated the same declaration, accompanied with an intimation that he considered all connexion between them at an end, and she must therefore provide for herself; that [she] thought herself at liberty to form a new matrimonial connexion, and accordingly was some time after married to a certain Joseph Gorgan Le Clerc with whom she lived as his wife until his death, and became the mother of two children, one of whom, a son is still living”; and “being without relief from the ordinary exercise of judicial authority”; issue of Le Clerc and Elizabeth his wife legitimated, with the proviso that any rights arising out of the death of Joseph Gorgan Le Clerc are to be unaffected. 1810-11 Pa. Laws 12 (Ch. 4, approved 23 Jan. 1811).
DENISON, William L., of Lancaster Co., & Jane M. 1838-39 Pa. Laws 27 (No. 11, approved 19 Feb. 1839). 1838-39 H.R. Journal 100.
DE TILLEY, Alexander & Maria Matilda, late Maria Matilda Bingham; “a certain French emigrant named Alexander de Tilley (commonly called Count de Tilley) did by bribing and corrupting the servants of William Bingham of the city of Philadelphia, commence and prosecute a secret correspondence with Maria M. de Tilley (then Maria M. Bingham) the daughter of William Bingham of the tender age of fifteen years or thereabouts, and in the course of such correspondence, by acts most seducing, fraudulent and iniquitous, as well as by menace and intimidation, ensnared [her] into a midnight elopement and from the house of her parents, and conveyed her to the house of a minister of the gospel, who was induced to pronounce the marriage ceremony between the parties by false, fraudulent and corrupt representations made to him by the said Alexander de Tilley, touching the parentage, residence and age of the said Mariam [sic] de Tilley … [he,] intend[ing] thereby merely to obtain and extort a sum of money from the said William Bingham, did, soon after the said clandestine and fraudulent marriage, offer to sell and surrender, and did actually sell and surrender all his marital rights for a pecuniary consideration, and hath since withdrawn himself from the United States, leaving and deserting [her].” 16 Statutes at Large 390 (Ch. 2096, passed 17 Jan. 1800).
DEWEES, Thomas & Mary, late Mary Kid, of Montgomery Co.; married June 1801; “within a few months after their marriage, he was convicted of forgery, in the court of oyer and terminor, in Berks county, and sentenced to hard labor and imprisonment for a term of ten years; that after eighteen months imprisonment he was, at the solicitation of her friends, pardoned by the governor; that after remaining with her about two weeks after his liberation, he abandoned and left her in a destitute situation; that it appears by a copy of a record of the court of quarter sessions of the peace, and general jail delivery for the county of Allegheny, that at the said court holden [28 Dec. 1803], [he] was legally convicted of aiding and abetting the passing of counterfeit money, and sentenced to five years imprisonment at hard labor.” 1803-4 Pa. Laws 493 (Ch. 116, approved 3 April 1804), 17 Statutes at Large 860.
DEWEY, James & Sarah E., of South Creek Twp., Bradford Co.; he married Sarah E. Rorick 9 Sept. 1866, who, “at the time of her said marriage was laboring under a disease which she communicated to him that would render his life intolerable: … As soon as he learned the facts he refused to live with her: And whereas, The courts have not jurisdiction in the premises.” 1868 Pa. Laws 1315 (No. 1205 [Appendix–1867], approved 15 Nov. 1867).
DEWIT, Morgan & Emily, both of Bradford Co. 1853 Pa. Laws 532 (No. 315, certified 18 April 1853 as having been presented to the Governor 13 March 1853 and not returned within ten days).
DICK, Alexander & Catharine, late Catharine Wolf, of Lancaster, Lancaster Co.; married about April 1801; “without the knowledge or privity of your petitioner and before her marriage with him, [he] had been guilty of larceny, whereof he has been convicted at a court of oyer and terminer, and general jail delivery, held at Lancaster, for the county of Lancaster, on the second Monday of May, in the year of our Lord, 1801: And that the court, before whom [he] was convicted hath adjudged that he should pay a fine of [$3,476.67], and under a servitude for eighteen calendar months, in the jail of Lancaster county, to be therein kept at hard labor or in solitude and in all things treated and dealt with as is prescribed by the acts of assembly of this state, in such case made and provided; pay the costs of prosecution, and stand committed till the whole of the sentence be complied with: That by the order and direction of the said court, [he] hath been removed to the jail and penitentiary house, of the city and county of Philadelphia, where he now remains and will probably remain for life, as there is little chance of his ever being able to comply with the sentence or judgment of the court.” 1802-3 Pa. Laws 303 (Ch. 106, approved 7 Feb. 1803), 17 Statutes at Large 236.
DIEMER, John & Margaret Ann. 1858 Pa. Laws 393 (No. 418, approved 21 April 1858).
DOEBLER, Charles R. & Frances Margaret Hunter, married in the city of Rochester, N.Y. 1866 Pa. Laws 51 (No. 58, approved 16 Feb. 1866).
DOUW, John De Peyster [“Puyster” in caption], late of Albany, now of the city of Philadelphia, & Margaret Schuyler, late Margaret Schuyler Van Renssellaer. 1846 Pa. Laws 170 (No. 143, approved 11 March 1846).
DOVE, James & Ann Dorothea, now or late of the city of Philadelphia. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 398, 399 (No. 188, § 4, approved 2 April 1831).
DRAYTON, William & Anne, late Anne Briggs, of the city of Philadelphia; she petitioned. 1840 Pa. Laws 219 (No. 101, approved 1 April 1840). 1840 H.R. Journal 1:326.
DROUIN, George Arthur & Maria Virginia, of Philadelphia, b. Philadelphia 5 Dec. 1848, dau. of Robert J. and Mary J. Hemphill; married 10 June 1869. 1871 Pa. Laws 1064 (No. 963, approved 23 May 1871). 1871 Leg. Journal 928 [includes her petition].
DRUCKENMILLER, Aaron & Diana, both of Lehigh Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 122 (No. 87, approved 27 Feb. 1854).
DULL, Isaac, of Franklin Co., & Hannah. 1840 Pa. Laws 443, 444 (No. 172, § 7, approved 16 April 1840).
DUNBAR, Winfield Scott & Hannah; married Newport, Perry Co., in Oct. 1870. 1873 Pa. Laws 961 (No. 1025, approved 8 May 1871). 1871 Leg. Journal 556.
DUNLAP, Joshua & Lucinda, late Lucinda Rupell, both of Greene Co. 1836-37 Pa. Laws 306, 306 (No. 98, § 2, approved 4 April 1837).
DUSENBERRY, William & Mary, of Philadelphia Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 454 (No. 366, approved 21 April 1846).
EASTWOOD, Enos, residence unknown, & Louisa, of Luzerne Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 263 (No. 221, approved 8 April 1846).
ECKSTINE, Leonard, of Westmoreland Co., farmer, & Mary, late Mary Shipler; he petitions that she “hath been unfaithful to his bed, and had committed adultery with divers persons”; committee reports “that [she] hath not only been guilty of repeated acts of adultery, but hath eloped from [his] bed and board, and lived in open and avowed prostitution for several years.” 11 Statutes at Large 279 (Ch. 1083, approved 22 March 1784).
EDLER, Lewis P. & Amelia, of Lycoming Co. 1864 Pa. Laws 502 (No. 437, certified 19 April 1864 as having been presented to the Governor 2 April 1864 and not returned within ten days).
EDWARDS, James, of Huntingdon Co., & Elizabeth; married 9 Feb. 1837, “and lived and cohabited together as man and wife until January [1860]; that [she] on or about that time, without cause or provocation, did leave or desert the habitation of her said husband, and hath ever since persisted in said desertion; that on the twenty-sixth day of October [1865], he filed his petition for a divorce in the court of common pleas of Huntingdon, and it appearing that [he] did separate by mutual consent, the court thereupon refused to grant a divorce as prayed for; … You [sic] the said James Edwards consented to such separation only to avoid strife, and he has since tried to persuade [her] to return to him, and she refused to do.” . 1868 Pa. Laws 1314 (No. 1203 [Appendix–1867], approved 29 Oct. 1867).
EICKHOFF, Charles L. & Rosanna. 1837-8 Pa. Laws 484, 485 (No. 83 § 3, approved 16 April 1838).
ELLIOTT, Thomas & Mary, of Bedford Co. 1850 Pa. Laws 1006 (No. 459 [Appendix], certified 10 April 1849 as having been presented to the Governor 28 March 1849 and not returned with ten days).
ELLIS, William H. & Ann M., of Bucks Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 222 (No. 182, approved 27 March 1846).
ELY, Mathias C. & Emeline. 1845 Pa. Laws 113 (No. 81, approved 6 March 1845).
EMERICK, Albert G. & Elizabeth L., of the city of Philadelphia. 1845 Pa. Laws 25 (No. 21, approved 14 Feb. 1845).
ERB, John & Catharine, late Catharine Blaser, both of Adams Co. 1820-21 Pa. Laws 29 (Ch. 24, approved 8 Feb. 1821).
EVANS, Lillie S. & Charles H.; presented by Rep. Vogdes of Philadelphia. 1873 Pa. Laws 210 (No. 207, approved 6 March 1873). 1873 H.R. Journal 1:158.
FELLER, John & Eliza, both of Lancaster Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 396 (No. 335, approved 17 April 1846).
FISHER, Wilder, of New York State, & Dorcas, of Crawford Co. 1845 Pa. Laws 3 (No. 381 of 1844 session, certified 11 Jan. 1845 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the session and not returned within three days).
FLEMING, William & Rebecca, late Rebecca Yarnell, both of Fayette Co.; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1826-27 Pa. Laws 191, 191 (No. 94, § 2, approved 9 April 1827).
FOLTZ, Jacob & Polly; “Jacob Foltz, of Union county, intermarried with a certain Polly Swineford, of the same county, with whom he lived and cohabited for a number of years, during which time they had several children, and that [he], regardless of the laws and his matrimonial vows, and regardless of his duty as a husband, did desert and abandon his wife and children, and has since been convicted of felony in Adams county, and sentenced to hard labor in the penitentiary, but was pardoned by the Governor and has since been convicted of burglary in Cumberland county and sentenced to hard labor in the penitentiary”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children; Polly is made the legal guardian of the children. 1818-19 Pa. Laws 967 (Ch. 67, approved 5 March 1819).
FOLWER, Enoch, of Beaver Co., & Mary Magdaline; because “the courts of this commonwealth have not jurisdiction to decree divorces in such cases.” 1871 Pa. Laws 459 (No. 411, approved 28 March 1871).
FOOT, Henry & Eleanora T., of Crawford Co., late Eleanora T. Crocker. 1850 Pa. Laws 796 (No. 456, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 10 April 1849 and not returned with three days after meeting of the present legislature). 1849 H.R. Journal 1:478.
FORREST, Josephine L., late Josephine L. Dowlin, & Albert B.; presented by Sen. McClure of Philadelphia. 1873 Pa. Laws 330 (No. 352, approved 20 March 1873). 1873 Sen. Journal 375.
FORSEMAN, Martha & Thomas M. D., of Northampton Co. 1849 Pa. Laws 432 (No. 213, certified 12 April 1849 as having been presented to the Governor 24 March 1849 and not returned within ten days).
FRENAYE, Anne Gilbert Marc Antony & Virginia, otherwise called Teresa Antoinette Margaret, late Virginia Fontanges, of the city of Philadelphia. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 45 (No. 34, approved 13 Feb. 1829).
GALLAGHER, Helen M. & Charles B. 1855 Pa. Laws 115 (No. 124, approved 23 March 1855).
GALLAHER, Samuel & Salina, both of Butler Co. 1857 Pa. Laws 771 (No. 759 [Appendix–1856], approved 9 April 1856).
GANGWER, Philip & Harriet. 1852 Pa. Laws 724, 724 (No. 433 § 1, approved 28 Oct. 1851).
GARDNER, Elizabeth & John, of the city of Philadelphia. 1847 Pa. Laws 486 (No. 382, passed 16 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
GARNER, Abraham & Elizabeth. 1837-8 Pa. Laws 484, 484 (No. 83 § 1, approved 16 April 1838).
GIBBS, Elijah B. & Sara E.; married in Bradford Co., Pa., 8 Oct. 1862, “and were both residents of said county at said time and now are; … Before the time of said marriage [he] had been insane and of unsound mind, although sane at the time of said marriage, and the fact that such insanity and unsoundness of mind had existed before said marriage was at the time of the said marriage unknown to [her]: … Since said marriage [he] has again become insane and has been insane since [10 July 1865], and it is unsafe for [her] to live with him as his wife: And whereas, The courts of this commonwealth have no power to decree divorces for such causes.” 1868 Pa. Laws 628 (No. 587, approved 2 April 1868).
GIBSON, David H. & Caroline W., of Woodcock Twp., Crawford Co.; he married N.Y. 2 Dec. 1842 Caroline W. Walde of Wyoming Co., N.Y.; she deserted him; he left New York in Sept. 1847 for Crawford Co., and cannot obtain a divorce in N.Y. because he is no longer a resident. 1872 Pa. Laws 1152 (No. 1090, approved 26 April 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 385-87, 974, 1100 [petition at p. 386].
GOODRICH, Watson & Julia; presented by Rep. Ames of Crawford Co. 24 March 1870. 1870 Pa. Laws 1034 (No. 955, approved 7 April 1870). 1866 H.R. Journal 886.
GRAHAM, John Hunter & Jane De Tracey, of Dauphin Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 643 (No. 628, approved 8 May 1854).
GRAY, William C. & Lucinda C., late Lucinda Campbell; presented by Rep. Quay of Beaver and Washington Counties; “the reason for the passage of this act being, that [she] was insane at the time of her marriage, and that [he] was not aware, or informed, of her insanity.” 1867 Pa. Laws 872 (No. 787, approved 8 April 1867). 1866 H.R. Journal 319.
GRIFFITH, James D. & Mary C., of Lancaster Co.; “the marriage … was fraudulently obtained by [him], the said Mary C., also, being a minor, and without the consent of her parent or guardian.” 1854 Pa. Laws 835 (No. 736 [Appendix–1853], approved 18 April 1853).
GROSS, Daniel, of North Whitehall Twp., Lehigh Co., & Barbara. 1852 Pa. Laws 1 (No. 1, certified 12 Jan. 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 12 April 1851 and not returned within three days after meeting of the present Legislature).
GROSS, Levi A. & Fanny A., of Lehigh Co. 1868 Pa. Laws 356 (No. 319, approved 18 March 1868).
GRUBB, Curtis, of Lancaster Co., iron-master, & Ann, late Ann Few; “in September, [1757], Curtis Grubb, being before that time married to a certain Ann Few, sailed from America to Europe and continued absent until the latter end of the year [1763]; she, the said Ann, his wife, remained during the time aforesaid in the said province, and in the month of February, in the year [1759], … was delivered of a spurious issue by her body, begotten and born during the absence of her said husband and guilty of adultery on her part; and … on [18 Aug. 1763], the said Ann was joined in marriage with a certain Archibald McNeal, he, the said Curtis, not having been at that time six years absent from the said province”; and any children born to Ann since 1 Sept. 1758 are bastards; but her son Peter Grubb, born before 1 Sept. 1758, is legitimate. 7 Statutes at Large 263 (Ch. 589, passed 18 Feb. 1769 and “referred for consideration by the King in Council [26 Feb. 1770], and allowed to become a law by lapse of time in accordance with the proprietary charter.”
HALE, John C. (otherwise called John HILL) & Matilda; married Philadelphia 15 Jan. 1825. 1826-27 Pa. Laws 191, 191 (No. 94 § 3, approved 9 April 1827).
HAMILTON, Eve, of Franklin Co., & William. 1844 Pa. Laws 9 (No. 1, certified 6 Jan. 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 17 April 1843 and not returned within three days after the present legislature met).
HAMILTON, Thomas, of Crawford Co., & Amanda J. 1870 Pa. Laws 685 (No. 638, approved 31 March 1870).
HAMM, Samuel, of York Co., & Mary (late Mary Beerbrower); “[he] was by duress and intimidation, under the semblance and colour of legal authority, and without his free and voluntary consent induced to enter into a marriage contract with a certain Mary Beerbrower, and with whom [he] utterly refused to live after marriage.” 1807-8 Pa. Laws 140 (Ch. 88, approved 26 March 1808), 18 Statutes at Large 863.
HAMMOND, Hettie & Edward D.; “Hettie Sherwood, of Meadville, [Crawford Co.], Pennsylvania, was united in marriage in December, [1864], to one Edward P. Hammond, of the city of Buffalo, New York, to which place she accompanied him and continued to reside there with him till November, [1865], when his habits of intemperance had become such as to make it imperative on her to leave him and return to her parents in Meadville, where she resides and by whom she is maintained, without any support from or recognization by her husband; that the cause of her separation is insufficient to obtain a decree of divorce in the courts of this state.” 1869 Pa. Laws 736 (No. 710, approved 7 April 1869).
HANES, Cornelius, of Adams Co., & Sarah. 1846 Pa. Laws 361 (No. 304, approved 17 April 1846).
HANMORE, Howard B. & Netta Riggs; “the courts of this commonwealth not having jurisdiction and not being empowered to decree a divorce in the premises”; presented by Rep. Smith of Schuylkill Co. 1873 Pa. Laws 335 (No. 359, approved 20 March 1873). 1873 H.R. Journal 223.
HARRISSON, Benjamin & Margaret, of Northern Liberties Twp., Philadelphia Co.; married 29 May 1802; shortly thereafter he “commenced a series of abusive conduct towards her and neglected to provide for his young and rising family, and in contempt of the laws of God and man, gave himself up to an irregular life”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1811-12 Pa. Laws 143 (Ch. 99, approved 24 March 1812).
HART, Michael & Sarah, late Sarah Grisinger, both late of York Co. 1845 Pa. Laws 376 (No. 251, approved 11 April 1845).
HARTMAN, Elizabeth & Joseph, of Northampton Co. 1845 Pa. Laws 304 (No. 206, approved 3 April 1845).
HATFIELD, Jehu & Harriet; presented by Sen. Stoever of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties. 1832-33 Pa. Laws 195 (No. 95, approved 6 April 1833). 1832-33 Sen. Journal 403.
HAUSE, William & Rachel G., both of the city of Philadelphia; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1838-39 Pa. Laws 177, 178 (No. 85 § 2, approved 26 March 1839).
HAYS, Thomas & Caroline; presented by Sen. Packer. 1832-33 Pa. Laws 346, 346 (No. 148 § 1, approved 8 April 1833). 1832-33 Sen. Journal 241.
HAYWOOD, Reuben H., of Susquehanna Co., & Catharine. 1849 Pa. Laws 344, 344 (No. 269 § 1, approved 5 April 1849).
HEFFNER, Peter, of Chanceford Twp., York Co., & Catharine, of the same place; “Peter Heffner and Catharine Ritz, of Chanceford township, York county, were married in [1860]: … [he] was at the time of said marriage only seventeen years of age, and was coerced into said marriage by arrest and duress, as well as threats and abuses.” 1872 Pa. Laws 1323 (No. 1197 [Appendix–1871], approved 25 May 1871).
HEIHL, Henry & Rosa, of Lebanon Co. 1827-28 Pa. Laws 441 (No. 182, approved 14 April 1828).
HEISTAND, Christian & Barbara, late Barbara Reigelsbaugh; married 1813, both[?] of Lancaster Co.; “that the said Barbara was within five months thereafter delivered of a male child, and that the parties immediately separated in consequence of the said birth, it being conceded by the parties that the said Christian was not the father of the said child.” 1814-15 Pa. Laws 61 (Ch. 49, approved 1 March 1815).
HENDERSON, Eber & Sarah, late Sarah Gray, both of Chester Co. 1840 Pa. Laws 443, 444 (No. 172 § 3, approved 16 April 1840).
HERBERT, Phebe Jane & Ralph E., of Beaver Co. 1874 Pa. Laws 408 (No. 295 [Appendix–1873], approved 6 June 1873).
HERROLD, John George & Christina, of Union Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 230 (No. 190, approved 3 April 1846).
HICKS, Giles, Esq., captain in the Pennsylvania 10th regiment, & Hester, late Hester McDaniel; “in the month of November, [1776], when he was a minor of the age of fifteen years, he was seduced by the artifices of a certain Hester McDaniel and her relations to contract marriage with her contrary to the consent of his guardian and other friends: That [she] was at the time of the said marriage a common prostitute and hath since lived separate from [him] in open adultery with divers other men, by means whereof she became so diseased of the lues venerea as to be declared incurable after seven months continuance in the Pennsylvania Hospital.” 10 Statutes at Large 267 (Ch. 924, approved 9 March 1780).
HICKSENBAUGH, Sarah [formerly] Hickman, of Greene Co., & Adam; this does not affect the legitimacy of any issue. 1844 Pa. Laws 531 (No. 346, certified 30 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 17 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
HIESTAND, John C., now or late residing in California, & Mary Juliet, now residing in Lancaster Co., [formerly] Mary Juliet Hoover; married 11 Nov. 1852, “and immediately thereafter [he] moved with his wife to the state of California, where they lived and cohabited together for several years, during which time he became dissipated in his habits, and brutal in his conduct, and at length he ill-treated his wife and child, and utterly neglected to provide for them, so that in the spring of [1858] she was obliged to leave her said husband, and return to Lancaster county, to the home of her brother, for maintenance and support: … [she] has not heard from or of her said husband for more than eight years: And whereas, The courts have no jurisdiction in the premises.” 1871 Pa. Laws 1442 (No. 1325 [Appendix–1869], approved 7 April 1869). 1869 Leg. Journal 324 [includes petition].
HILKERT, Samuel & Mary Ann, of Derry Twp., Montour Co. 1866 Pa. Laws 1237 (No. 1125 [Appendix–1865], certified 19 Jan. 1866 as having been presented to the Governor 12 March 1865 and not returned within three days after the present legislature met).
HILTEBIDLE, Abraham & Mary Ann; this does not affect the legitimacy of any issue. 1844 Pa. Laws 530 (No. 345, certified 30 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 17 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
HOFFMAN, Adelaide L., lately Adelaide L. Spering, of the city of Philadelphia, & Daniel. 1857 Pa. Laws 475 (No. 537, approved 12 May 1857).
HOFFMAN, Jacob & Mary, late Mary Fulmer, both of Berks Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 161 (No. 134, approved 20 March 1846).
HOKE, Jacob & Amelia; married in York Co. 1866 Pa. Laws 918 (No. 900, approved 16 April 1866).
HOLLINGER, Eli & Lizzie, of Dauphin Co. 1871 Pa. Laws 1500 (No. 1370 [Appendix–1870], approved 8 April 1870).
HOPKINS, Jesse & Sarah, late Sarah Mewhorter, both late of Northampton Co.; married 31 March 1806; he “has since the said marriage, wilfully deserted his said wife, and is at present undergoing imprisonment at hard labour in the state prison at New York, for feloniously passing counterfeit bank notes, in pursuance of the judgment of a court of oyer and terminer held for Washington county, in June last”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1812-13 Pa. Laws 30 (Ch. 13, approved 16 Jan. 1813).
HOTZ, Peter, junior, & Phoebe, late Phoebe Runyan, of Philadelphia Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 301 (No. 184, approved 23 April 1829).
HOULTZ, Eleanor, [formerly] Eleanor Donaldson, & Abraham; married 7 Feb. 1797; cohabited 11 years 9 months, “in which time they had seven children; and that about [16 Aug. 1808, he] left [her], his lawful wife, and five small children, to conflict with poverty and distress; and that some time in the month of October, in the same year, [he], who then called himself Abraham Woods, was married to another woman; and further it appears that the said Eleanor is a woman of good moral character”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1811-12 Pa. Laws 34 (Ch. 24, approved 3 Feb. 1812).
HURLBERT, Charles W. & Alice S., late of Tioga Co., N.Y., now a resident of Pa.; married 19 March 1862. 1864 Pa. Laws 955 (No. 842, “An act for the divorce of Alice S. Hurlbert, from her husband,” approved 3 May 1864).
HURLBURT, Elliott & Olive A., of Smithfield Twp., Bradford Co. 1869 Pa. Laws 589 (No. 574, approved 31 March 1869).
HUNT, John F., late of Clinton Co., & Noalius, of Mifflin Co., late Noalius Alexander. 1849 Pa. Laws 431 (No. 312), certified 12 April 1849 as having been presented to the Governor 24 March 1849 and not returned within ten days).
HUSTON, James & Rachael. 1811-12 Pa. Laws 195 (Ch. 140, approved 30 March 1812).
IRWIN, Nathaniel, of Warrington Twp., Bucks Co., minister of the gospel, & Martha; “that [she] hath been guilty of adultery, and by such and other parts of her conduct, has induced him to [petition].” 11 Statutes at Large 426 (Ch. 1131, passed 17 Feb. 1785).
JACKSON, James Madison, of Warren Co., & Jane Ann. 1850 Pa. Laws 798 (No. 459, certified 7 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 3 April 1849 and not returned with three days after the present legislature met).
JACOBS, George W., of Philadelphia, & Edleen; he petitioned; “the courts have not juris-diction to decree divorces in such cases.” 1872 Pa. Laws 785 (No. 741, approved 3 April 1872).
JANNEY, David Barton & Mary Ella, daughter of Dr. William S. and Theodosia Y. Haines, of Philadelphia. 1872 Pa. Laws 1376 (No. 1236 [Appendix–1871], approved 28 June 1871). 1871 Leg. Journal 831-33, 975.
JOHNSON, Edward & Ruth P.; custody of the surviving child of the marriage, Jane Briton Johnson, is to remain with her mother; property originally belonging to the wife at the time of the marriage, “consisting of choses in action not reduced to possession, now in the hands of a committee of the said Edward Johnson, under a special order of the court of common pleas of the county of Philadelphia” is restored to her. 1848 Pa. Laws 147 (No. 125, approved 11 March 1848).
JOHNSON, George Eyre & Catharine E. 1857 Pa. Law 531 (No. 584, approved 16 May 1857).
JOHNSON, Warren & Janette, of Potter Co. 1865 Pa. Laws 844 (No. 833, approved 5 May 1865).
JONES, Joseph P. & Charlotte S., late Charlotte S. Styer, of Montgomery Co.; married 1821; this does not affect the legitimacy of their children. 1845 Pa. Laws 503 (No. 337, approved 16 April 1845). Jones v. Jones, 12 Pa. 350 (1849).
JORDAN, Helen H., late Helen Hay, & John V. 1856 Pa. Laws 71 (No. 87, approved 26 Feb. 1856).
JOSENHANS, Christian & Eve Dorothy, of Butler Co. 1821-22 Pa. Laws 291, 291 (Ch. 171 § 2, approved 2 April 1822).
KAPP, Michael, Junior, & Catharine, of the borough of Harrisburg; he “has been in the habit of ill treating his wife Catharine, and in addition to his abusive conduct towards her, has neglected to provide for her support, and has given himself up to an irregular and immoral life.” 1813-14 Pa. Laws 94 (Ch. 60, approved 9 March 1814).
KAUFFMAN, Henry K. & Louisa, of Lancaster Co. 1869 Pa. Laws 1258 (No. 1238, approved 4 May 1869).
KEHMLE, George, of the city of Philadelphia, barber, & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Miller; married 23 Aug. 1763; “it also appears by the records of the supreme court of the province that the said Elizabeth in April term last was in due form of law convicted of adultery, committed by her with a certain John Clark”; no child hereafter born to her shall be lawful issue of George, and Elizabeth is barred from dower rights. 8 Statutes at Large 243 (Ch. 663, passed 21 March 1772). [Disallowed by Privy Council 27 April 1773 (Pa. Arch., 8th Ser., 8:7033).]
KEISER, Alfred & Susannah, late Susanna Vinacke, of Huntingdon Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 141 (No. 112, approved 8 April 1829).
KEMPF, Henry & Eveleen; but any child now born or born to them within the space of three months is legitimate. 1850 Pa. Laws 795 (No. 455, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 10 April 1849 and not returned with three days afer the present legislature met).
KERN, Josiah & Mary A., of Lehigh Co. 1864 Pa. Laws 855 (No. 749, certified 5 May 1864 as having been presented to the Governor 19 April 1864 and not returned within ten days).
KERR, Ruth, of Washington Co., & Alexander; she “represented that in the year [1795] she was married to Alexander Kerr, with whom she lived in a miserable situation (being often beaten and her life frequently threatened) until the year [1803], when [he] deserted her, with four small children, and has not afforded her any subsistence, and that though [she] might possibly obtain a divorce by application to the courts, yet she is unable by reason of poverty to pay the expenses incident thereto.” 1807-8 Pa. Laws 146 (Ch. 95, approved 26 March 1808), 18 Statutes at Large 870.
KIDD, Alexander & Edith, both late of the city of Philadelphia; she has represented that he “hath separated himself from her bed and board, and hath since his intermarriage with her, frequently beat her in a most cruel and inhuman manner, and hath estranged his affections from her, and placed them upon other women, and hath within the period aforesaid frequently committed the heinous sin of adultery.” 11 Statutes at Large 278 (Ch. 1082, passed 22 March 1784).
KINDT, Mathias, of Columbia Co., & Tamar, formerly Tamar Kester; married Aug. 1868, and lived together about seven months; he was aged 47 in March 1872, and had married (1) Dec. 1848 —, by whom he had seven children, five of them living. 1872 Pa. Laws 1181 (No. 1111, approved 26 June 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 205-7.
KING, Daniel C., of Philadelphia, & Sarah Olive, late Sarah Olive Hall. 1849 Pa. Laws 203 (No. 171, approved 6 March 1849).
KIRBY, Joseph F. & Mary, of Northumberland Co. 1874 Pa. Laws 362 (No. 250 [Appendix–1873], approved 6 May 1873).
KITE, James & Eliza, late Eliza Donnelly; married at Philadelphia in 1813, both then of that city, “and lived and cohabited together until the year [1815], at which time [he] abandoned his said wife leaving her without any means of support, and has ever since continued to absent himself from her society, and has neglected to provide in any manner for her sustenance: … it is further represented and verified by satisfactory proof that shortly after the marriage …, he contracted habits of dissipation and vice and from thence to the time of his desertion he treated her in an unfeeling and barbarous manner, and that [she] cannot be divorced by the existing laws, as she has not resided a sufficient time in the commonwealth”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any issue. 1818-19 Pa. Laws 60 (Ch. 36, approved 11 Feb. 1819).
KNEICHT, Ulricht, of Northampton Co., & Susannah. 1831-31 Pa. Laws 559 (No. 226, approved 7 June 1832).
KNOX, Robert T., of the city of Philadelphia, & Cecilia, of said city. 1868 Pa. Laws 389 (No. 351, approved 19 March 1868).
KRAFT, Anna Maria & Lewis, of Cumberland Co. 1843 Pa. Laws 340 (No. 161, certified 18 April 1843 as having been presented to the Governor 4 April 1843 and not returned within ten days).
KUHNS, Elizabeth & Samuel, of Somerset Co. 1847 Pa. Laws 472 (No. 368, approved 16 March 1847.
KUNIUS, John, of Germantown, Philadelphia Co., & Bathsheba, late Bathsheba Troth; married 25 July 1800; she “was got with child and was pregnant at the time of said marriage, of which child [she] was delivered, on [22 Sept.], in the same year; and now stands charged by the grand inquest of the commonwealth, enquiring for the county of Philadelphia, with having on the said twenty-second day of September, killed and murdered the said infant; and that on the twenty-seventh day of the said month of September, [she], (probably to avoid the punishment due to the enormity of her crime) deserted the house of the said John, nor hath he since seen her, neither doth he know precisely where she is; but believes her to be secreted somewhere in her native state of New Jersey”; the state supreme court is unable to grant relief, and, in documents dated 2 Jan. 1802, has recommended legislative intervention. 1801-2 Pa. Laws 138 (Ch. 82, approved 2 April 1802), 17 Statutes at Large 123.
LANE, Daniel & Ava Percy. 1870 Pa. Laws 1004 (No. 921, approved 6 April 1870).
LARKIN, Michael & Jane, both of Philadelphia Co. 1852 Pa. Laws 430 (No. 271, certified 26 April 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 30 April 1852 and not returned within ten days).
LAWTON, John W. & Mary, formerly of New York State, and now of Meadville [Crawford Co.]; married 1831; “and the subsequent marriage contract of the said Mary, now Mary Bergin, entered into with Timothy Bergin of Meadville, aforesaid, be and the same is hereby declared to be valid and lawful, to all intents and purposes, and that Henry Bergin, James Bergin and William Bergin, the children of the said Timothy Bergin and Mary Bergin, shall have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and advantages, and shall be able and capable in law to inherit and transmit any estate whatsoever, as fully and completely as if they had been born in lawful wedlock.” 1844 Pa. Laws 480 (No. 315, approved 29 April 1844).
LAY, Edward & Aurelia, both of Bradford Co. 1848 Pa. Laws 344 (No. 271, approved 5 April 1848).
LEESE, Robert Henry & Elizabeth Allen. 1848 Pa. Laws 527 (No. 367, approved 11 April 1848).
LEH, Thomas H. & Mary J.; presented by Sen. Albright of Lehigh and Carbon Counties. 1873 Pa. Laws 795 (No. 877, approved 16 April 1873). 1873 Sen. Journal 606.
LEIDEY, George, of Cumberland Co., & Catharine. 1846 Pa. Laws 394 (No. 333, approved 8 April 1846).
LEONARD, William, of Erie Co., & Ann Elizabeth. 1844 Pa. Laws 185 (No. 122, certified 2 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 21 March 1844 and not returned within ten days).
LEWIS, Edwin & Harriet. 1840 Pa. Laws 443, 444 (No. 172 § 5, approved 16 April 1840).
LIVINGSTON, John R., alias John Livingston, alias John Rosenkrantz, alias William Stewart, & Eliza, of Philadelphia Co. 1821-22 Pa. Laws 56 (Ch. 49, approved 11 March 1822).
LOVETT, Robert Keeting & Ellen Rebecca; presented by Rep. Porter of Philadelphia. 1872 Pa. Laws 667 (No. 617, approved 30 March 1872). 1872 H.R. Journal 560.
LYMAN, George & Julia Ann; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1840 Pa. laws 447 (No. 175, approved 16 April 1840).
Note: Mc is indexed as Mac
MAAG, John & Maria, of Passyunk Twp., Philadelphia Co. 1844 Pa. Laws 185 (No. 121, certified 2 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 21 March 1844 and not returned within ten days).
M’ALARNEY, J. C. & Almeda Witter; presented by Rep. Herr of Dauphin Co.; married Milton, Pa. 1870 Pa. Laws 1370 (No. 1239 [Appendix–1868], approved 1 Jan. 1869). 1868 H.R. Journal 688.
M’ALLISTER, James A. & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Allen of Crawford Co. 1844 Pa. Laws 74 (No. 56, certified 11 March 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 26 Feb. 1844 and not returned within ten days).
MCCALLUM, Archibald T. K., of the city of Philadelphia, & Helena Mary. 1857 Pa. Laws 683 (No. 704 [Appendix–1846], approved 21 April 1846).
M’CANDLESS, Josiah G. & Emma, of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. 1872 Pa. Laws 481 (No. 447, approved 21 March 1872).
M’CLELLEN, John & Margaret, of the city of Philadelphia; married 7 July 1796; lived together “from that time until [31 Jan. 1807]; … it appears that [he] possessed a severe, cruel and tyrannical disposition which at length grew so ungovernable and savage, that he … used the greatest cruelties in beating and otherwise abusing the person of his said wife; … [she] has always maintained a good and reputable character”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1808-9 Pa. Laws 6 (Ch. 7, approved 4 Feb. 1809), 18 Statutes at Large 924.
M’CONNELL, Harry Lloyd & Mary Wilson (late Mary Wilson Curtin); presented by Rep. Quay of Washington and Beaver Counties. 1866 Pa. Laws 4 (No. 6, approved 24 Jan. 1866). 1866 H.R. Journal 18.
M’COUN, John T., of Troy, N.Y., & Matilda, late Matilda Kline, of Lebanon, Pa.; married in Feb. 1867, but “the consent of the said Matilda was obtained by fraud and misrepresentation.” 1868 Pa. Laws 164 (No. 118, approved 14 Feb. 1868).
M’CULLA, James E. & Mary, of the city of Philadelphia; married 18 Nov. 1862, he, at that time, residing in Philadephia, and she in Wilmington, Del.; she “was, at the date thereof, addicted to drinking, of which fact [he] was not aware, and [she], since her said marriage, hath become an habitual drunkard, which renders her incapable of performing her marital duties; And whereas, The courts of this commonwealth have power to decree divorces for such causes.” 1866 Pa. Laws 638 (No. 621, approved 11 April 1866).
M’CUTCHEN, Edward, late of Chester Co., & Elizabeth. 1846 Pa. Laws 241 (No. 200, approved 20 March 1846).
M’ELWAIN, Andrew, of Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., & Emma Jane. 1869 Pa. Laws 524 (No. 499, approved 24 March 1869).
MCGLAUGHLIN, William, now of White-Deer Twp., Northumberland Co., & Isabella, [formerly] Isabella M’Curly; married “about sixteen years since,” and “continued to live together for near six years; that the cruel treatment of the husband to his wife was such as to compel her to leave him, or to remain at the eminent hazard of her life; she chose the former”; this does not affect the legitimacy of the offspring. 1811-12 Pa. Laws 237 (Ch. 178, approved 31 March 1812).
M’KEEN [indexed as MCKEAN], William & Isabella, late Isabella Adams, of Northampton Co.; she petitioned. 1820-21 Pa. Laws 48 (Ch. 35, approved 20 Feb. 1821). 1820 H.R. Journal 311.
M’KIBBON, James, junior, & Polly, late Polly Moore, both of Beaver Co. 1823-24 Pa. Laws 198 (Ch. 112, approved 29 March 1824).
M’KISSICK, David & Margaret; he “was duly convicted at Westmoreland, of having committed a rape and therefore sentenced to undergo a confinement in the jail and penitentiary house of the city of Philadelphia, for the space of fifteen years; and [she] hath prayed for a divorce from the said David, who escaped on the way to confinement and hath not since been retaken or surrendered himself: And whereas, the commission of a crime, so wicked, by a married man, justly entitles his injured partner to a divorce”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1801-2 Pa. Laws 130 (Ch. 2276, approved 2 April 1802), 17 Statutes at Large 117.
MCMURTRIE, Benjamin E., of Huntingdon Co., & Hannah, of the city of Philadelphia. 1852 Pa. Laws 511 (No. 316, certified 1 May 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 19 April 1852 and not returned within ten days).
M’NEIL, John, of Washington Co., & Hester Ann. 1850 Pa. Laws 794 (No. 454, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 3 April 1849 and not returned with three days afer the present legislature met).
M’PHERSON, Reynolds & Elizabeth. 1845 Pa. Laws 372 (No. 247, approved 11 April 1845).
M’WHORTER, Lydia, of Adams Co., & John. 1844 Pa. Laws 10 (No. 2, certified 6 Jan. 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 12 April 1843 and not returned within three days after the 1844 legislature met).
MAGILL, William, once sheriff of Allegheny Co., & Lavinia of Pittsburgh; married Feb. 1865; she has two sons (Richard and Edwin) from a former marriage, and signs her name Lavinia Coulter. 1869 Pa. Laws 743 (No. 716, approved 8 April 1869). 1869 Leg. Journal 997-99 (includes her answer, with testimony that “he wanted to marry a rich widow at Pitthole”).
MARSHALL, James Isaac Thomas, otherwise called Kensett, & Martha, late Martha Miles; married 15 May 1804; he “was on [3 Nov. 1806], convicted in the Mayor’s court of the city of Philadelphia, of forging a bank note of the Trenton banking company, for which crime he was sentenced to an imprisonment at hard labor for term of two years in the jail of Philadelphia county, where he now remains”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1806-7 Pa. Laws 138 (Ch. 88, approved 4 April 1807), 18 Statutes at Large 486.
MARTENS, Frederick W., of New York City, & Mary C. W. 1850 Pa. Laws 797 (No. 457, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 2 April 1849 and not returned with three days after the present legislature met).
MARTIN, James, of the City of Philadelphia, & Elizabeth; he petitioned “that during his absence from the said city at the time that the British army were in possession thereof, his wife Elizabeth resorted among the British soldiers, and took one sergeant Havell of the British army into his the said James Martin’s house and bed, and cohabited with the said Havell as his wife, declared the said Havell to be her husband and passed by his name until the British troops left the city, when she went off with the said Havell, taking with her the said James Martin’s affects, and leaving him to pay sundry debts of her contracting”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 9 Statutes at Large 433 (Ch. 861, passed 8 Oct. 1779).
MASON, alias Bradley, alias Lanning, John C., & Sarah J. [formerly Sarah J.] Lore; married in the city of Philadelphia 29 Jan. 1849 before Rev. William Sudders. 1850 Pa. Laws 692 (No. 400, approved 3 May 1850).
MATTSON, James R. & Sarah F., [formerly] Sarah F. Elderkin; Sarah’s petition presented by Rep. Sturtevant of Crawford Co.; married 2 Nov. 1864, “with a distinct understanding that said marriage was only a jest, and not to be considered a marriage, in fact, or in law; … [she], upon her oath, deposeth and says, that she has never lived, or co-habited, with [him], as man and wife, and never will, and asks that she may be divorced from him.” 1866 Pa. Laws 202 (No. 175, approved 16 March 1866). 1866 H.R. Journal 112.
MAYER, Jacob, of Leacock Twp., Lancaster Twp., & Catharine; “immediately after the[ir] intermarriage …, and before consummation, an unaccountable antipathy and dislike on her part took place to her said husband, which led her to separate from him, and that although all reasonable pains have been taken by him and her father, to overcome her aversion and to reconcile her to her said husband, there remains no prospect of reconciliation, which extraordinary and unhappy situation, can be redressed by legislation only.” 1807-8 Pa. Laws 168 (Ch. 114, approved 28 March 1808), 18 Statutes at Large 896.
MEAD, Daniel & Aovie; married 14 Nov. 1861. 1871 Pa. Laws 1554 (No. 1409 [Appendix–1870], approved 29 Nov. 1870).
MEAD, William & Eliza, both of the city and county of Philadelphia. 1851 Pa. Laws 713, 713 (No. 375 § 1, approved 15 April 1851).
MEARS, Robert & Lydia, now of Adams Co.; this does not affect the legitimacy of the children. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 153, 154 (No. 99 § 3, approved 10 April 1835).
MEEK, George Y. & Mary, of Centre Co. 1846 Pa. 480 (No. 384, approved 22 April 1846).
MELISH, John & Jane, late Jane Pattinson, both of the city of Philadelphia. 1819-20 Pa. Laws 43 (Ch. 42, approved 6 March 1820).
MENAMIN, R. S., of the city of Philadelphia, & Eustalia, of the city of New York. 1873 Pa. Laws 352 (No. 383, approved 24 March 1873).
MERRILLS, Marinda (late Marinda Bennett), of Hanover Twp., Luzerne Co., & John; married Nov. 1815; “at a court of quarter sessions held at Wilkesbarre in and for the county of Luzerne, on the first Monday of August [1816], [he] was duly convicted of larceny and horse stealing, and sentenced by the said court to undergo an imprisonment at hard labor in the jail and penitentiary house of the city and county of Philadelphia, where he is now in confinement”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children; Marinda is made the legal guardian of the children. 1817-18 Pa. Laws 108 (Ch. 56, approved 25 Feb. 1818).
MIDDOUGH, Levi & Elsa, [formerly] Elsa Vangorden; married 18 Dec. 1795; cohabited “about fourteen years, in which time she had five children; that during the time [she] continued to live with [him], he treated her in a most cruel and inhuman manner, by beating her, and at different times threatening to take her life, so that she was often obliged to fly to her neighbours for protection, and it appears that [she] is a woman of good moral character”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1811-12 Pa. Laws 228 (Ch. 382, approved 31 March 1812).
MILES, Thomas C. & Annie, both of the city of Philadelphia. 1870 Pa. Laws 338 (No. 332, approved 3 March 1870).
MILLER, Dr. Hiram C., of Crawford Co., & Mary Ann. 1844 Pa. Laws 10 (No. 3, certified 6 Jan. 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 8 April 1843 and not returned within three days after the present legislature met).
MILLER, Michael & Catharine, [formerly] Catharine Rock; married 8 Nov. 1803, both then of Guildford Twp., Franklin Co.; “cohabited until [8 July 1811], and during which time they had three children, and that [she] … did conduct herself in a manner irregular and unbecoming a wife, and on the said eighth of July, did elope with a married man from her said husband and three small children, and has not since lived or cohabited with her said husband; and that if further appears that the said Michael did demean himself as a good and kind husband, and is reputed a man of good morals and truth”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1812-13 Pa. Laws 193 (Ch. 154, approved 26 March 1813).
MILLIKEN, David, of Mifflin Co., & Mary Ann. 1850 Pa. Laws 1023 (No. 465 [Appendix], approved 20 July 1849).
MILLON [MELLON in certification] John F., of Berks Co., & Catharine. 1844 Pa. Laws 11 (No. 4, certified 6 Jan. 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 18 April 1843 and not returned within three days after the present legislature met).
MILLSPAUGH, Governeur M. & Harriet S.; her petition presented by Rep. Law of Philadelphia City; remonstrance from G. T. [sic] Millspaugh against his wife’s petition presented by Rep. Penniman of Philadelphia Co. 1841 Pa. Laws 211 (No. 91, certified 17 April 1841 as having been presented to the Governor 5 April 1841 and not returned within ten days). 1841 H.R. Journal 1:39, 343.
MINICK [indexed as MINNICK], Samuel & Margaret, late of Mercer Co.; married 7 Aug. 1857. 1859 Pa. Laws 811 (No. 751 [Appendix–1858], approved 15 April 1858).
MOLAND, William & Hannah, of Bucks Co.; married 19 Oct. 1773; she represented “that shortly after their intermarriage her said husband suffered himself to become the victim of intemperance, and forgetting the affectionate duty of a husband did ill–treat and personally abuse his said wife; … the cruel and unjust conduct … is satisfactorily proven to the legislature by sundry documents accompanying the petition”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1810-11 Pa. Laws 74 (Ch. 63, approved 20 March 1811).
MOORHEAD, Samuel, of Westmoreland Co., & Sarah, late Sarah Swan. 1819-20 Pa. Laws 47 (Ch. 45, approved 6 March 1820).
MORGAN, Nicholas & Mary, late Mary Mahon. 1845 Pa. Laws 5 (No. 384 of 1844 Session, certified 11 Jan. 1845 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the session and not returned within three days).
MORRIS, Charles & Ann, both of York Co.; this does not affect the legitimacy of the children. 1824-25 Pa. Laws 99-100 (Ch. 55, approved 22 March 1825).
MORROW, Robert, of Ross Twp., Allegheny Co., & Julia P.; he is now past 54 years of age, and was born and has always resided on the farm where he now lives; married 16 June 1868 Julia P. Flanard, as she called herself; she left for Pittsburgh in 1870. 1872 Pa. Laws 960 (No. 918, approved 4 April 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 774 [includes his petition].
MOWER, H. & Mary, of Cumberland Co. 1869 Pa. Laws 528 (No. 503, approved 25 March 1869).
MOYER, Jacob & Susanna, late Susanna Weise, of Luzerne Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 359, 359 (No. 208 § 3, approved 23 April 1829).
MULLIN, William J. & Margaret A. 1873 Pa. Laws 817 (No. 896, approved 21 April 1873).
MUTHART, Joseph & Catharine, both of Lehigh Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 174 (No. 125, approved 16 April 1829).
NACE, Jacob, of Bucks Co., & Eve. 1840 Pa. Laws 443, 444 (No. 172 § 4, approved 16 April 1840)
NEALE, Augustine, of the city of Philadelphia, & Juliet Ann M’Carty; but not to impair any rights of property that may have vested in said Juliet Ann. 1844 Pa. Laws 310 (No. 216, certified 18 April 1844 as having been presented to the Governor 5 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
NEELIS, Henry & Anni; presented by Sen. Connell of Philadelphia. 1865 Pa. Laws 875 (No. 851 [Appendix–1863], approved 19 March 1863). 1863 Sen. Journal 49.
NELL, Henry D., of the city of Philadelphia, & Anna, also of Philadelphia, late Anna Newton. 1852 Pa. Laws 510 (No. 315, approved 1 May 1852).
NEY, Andrew, of Wyoming Co., & Elizabeth. 1846 Pa. Laws 482 (No. 386, approved 22 April 1846).
NICE, Thomas D. & Adelaide W., of the city of Philadelphia. 1863 Pa. Laws 95 (No. 101, approved 3 March 1863).
NICHOLSON, Andrew, of Indiana Co., formerly of Westmoreland, & Celia Ann. 1850 Pa. Laws 793 (No. 452, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 6 April 1849 and not returned with three days after the present legislature met).
NICHOLSON, John & Ellen, all of Crawford Co. 1849 Pa. Laws 671 (No. 414, certified 10 April 1849 as having been presented to the Governor 28 March 1849 and not returned within ten days).
NUTTALL, John, of Centre Co., & Ann, formerly of Manayune, Philadelphia; married 1856; he was a widower with four or five children. 1872 Pa. Laws 592 (No. 543, approved 27 March 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 376-77.
OILER, Jacob, junior, now a convict in the Western Penitentiary, & Mary, of Westmoreland Co.; Mary is made the legal guardian of the children. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 153, 154 (No. 99 § 2, approved 10 April 1835). 1834-35 H.R. Journal 1:537.
ORR, Mary, of Luzerne Co., & Samuel. 1845 Pa. Laws 4 (No. 382 of 1844 Session, certified 11 Jan. 1845 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the session and not returned within ten days). 1844 H.R. Journal 353.
OSBORN, Justus, of Erie Co., & Parthenia, late Parthenia Milks. 1849 Pa. Laws 252 (No. 207, certified 6 March 1849 as having been presented to the Governor 20 Feb. 1849 and not returned within ten days).
OVERFIELD, Martin & Susanna; “it appears that [he], more than ten years since, deserted and abandoned his wife Susanna, in Baltimore county, state of Maryland, and has never since returned to her, or provided any support for his said wife and children, and that his said wife after the desertion of her said husband, returned to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where she has since resided for ten years last past”; this does not affect the legitimacy of the children. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 244 (No. 154, approved 22 April 1829).
PARK, George & Eliza J.; he applied for a divorce in Allegheny Co. on grounds of adultery and desertion, but had no legal proof thereof. 1869 Pa. Laws 737 (No. 711, approved 7 April 1869). 1869 Leg. Journal 834.
PARKER, Mary Ann, of Reading, & William Franklin. 1857 Pa. Laws 531 (No. 583, approved 16 May 1857).
PARKER, Thomas & Mary, the former residing in the city of Philadelphia and the latter in the city of New York. 1847 Pa. Laws 477 (No. 374, passed 16 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
PARKIN, George & Caroline, late of Schuylkill Co.; married 4 Nov. 1852. 1862 Pa. Laws 162 (No. 162, approved 22 March 1862).
PATTERSON, Robert S. & Louisa, late Louisa Radcliff, of Fayette Co. 1845 Pa. Laws 354 (No. 233, approved 10 April 1845).
PECK, Isaac & Susannah, late of White Marsh Twp., Montgomery Co.; married in the month of April 1805; “shortly after their intermarriage, her said husband, regardless of his matrimonial vows, commenced a series of abusive conduct towards her, which he hath unrelentingly pursued until his abandonment of her in the month of October, [1809], and whereas the barbarous, cruel and unjust conduct of the said Isaac Peck to his wife Susannah, is satisfactorily proven to the legislature by sundry documents accompanying her petition; and as it satisfactorily appears that [she] hath always maintained the character of an honest, inoffensive woman, and faithful wife”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1809-10 Pa. Laws 89 (Ch. 67, approved 19 March 1810).
PEEBLES, C. Glenn & Emily A. 1842 Pa. Laws 282 (No. 97, certified 13 June 1842 as having been presented to the Governor 5 April 1842 and not returned within three days after the legislature met on 9 June 1842).
PENISTAN, Richard & Emily, formerly Emily Bassan. 1869 Pa. Laws 1000 (No. 989, approved 15 April 1869).
PENTLAND, James M. & Sarah, late Sarah Wolf, both of Beaver Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 668 (No. 653, approved 9 May 1854).
PFEIFFER, Paul Christian & Catharine Ritter, alias Catharine Brobson; he married Lebanon Co. in 1843 Catharine Ritter, “at which time [she] was the wife of — Brobson, who is still in full life.” 1845 Pa. Laws 2 (No. 379 of 1844 Session, certified 11 Jan. 1845 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the session and not returned within three days).
PICKETT, Benjamin & Jennie; her petition presented by Sen. Strang of Cameron, McKean, Potter, and Tioga Counties. 1873 Pa. Laws 839 (No. 920, approved 23 April 1873). 1873 Sen. Journal 499.
PRICE, Henry F. & Mary. 1856 Pa. Laws 702 (No. 653 [Appendix–1855], approved 21 June 1855).
PRIESTLEY, William R. & Annie V. M. 1859 Pa. Laws 121 (No. 115, approved 8 March 1859).
PRINGLE, John P. & Martha, of Cambria Co. 1861 Pa. Laws 602 (No. 561, approved 1 May 1861).
RACE, Jonathan & Jane. 1851 Pa. Laws 853, 854 (No. 513 § 10, approved 14 May 1850).
RALSTON, David & Mary, late Mary Hamilton, both of Lebanon, Lebanon Co. 1836-37 Pa. Laws 306, 306 (No. 98 § 1, approved 4 April 1837).
RAMSEY, Robert, of Allegheny Co., and Jane, formerly Jane Allen. 1835-36 Pa. Laws 425 (No. 140, approved 1 April 1836).
RAUCH, Edward H., now of Northampton Co., & Emeline. 1855 Pa. Laws 690 (No. 627 [Appendix–1854], certified 26 April 1854 as having been presented to the Governor 29 March 1854 and not returned within ten days).
REEDER, Cornelia M. & William D. H.; presented by Rep. Creitz of Lehigh Co. 1870 Pa. Laws 679 (No. 633, approved 31 March 1870). 1866 H.R. Journal 205.
REGES, John W. & Mary W.; “[they] have agreed to live separate and apart from each other, and have so declared their purpose in a deed of separation, which deed is dated [12 July 1872], and recorded in the office of recording of deeds in the county of Franklin; that before, at the time, and since the execution of the same, they have so lived apart: And whereas, They are virtually, though not legally, divorced, and the courts have no jurisdiction.” 1873 Pa. Laws 855 (No. 934, approved 28 April 1873).
REID, George, of the city of Philadelphia, now a convict in the penitentiary, & Elizabeth; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children; her petition presented by Sen. Breck of the City and County of Philadelphia. 1820-21 Pa. Laws 3 (Ch. 4, approved 6 Jan. 1821). 1820-21 Sen. Journal 9.
REYNOLDS, Michael, late of Lancaster Co., & Mary; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 359, 359 (No. 208 § 2, approved 23 April 1829).
RICH, John G. & Mary. 1855 Pa. Laws 475 (No. 503, approved 7 May 1855.
RICKENBACH, Peter, of Lancaster Co., & Ann; he “has committed adultery, wilfully and maliciously deserted his wife and absented himself from his said wife without reasonable cause for upwards of four years, and entered into a second marriage”; while these are legal grounds for divorce, she “not having resided one whole year previous thereto in this state, she cannot obtain the small remains of her own patrimony.” 1808-9 Pa. Laws 164 (Ch. 92, approved 4 April 1809), 18 Statutes at Large 1133.
RIDDLE, Robert M., of Allegheny Co., & Mary Jane, formerly Mary Jane M’Nickle. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 128 (No. 90, approved 10 April 1835).
RILEY, William & Martha Willets; married in Lycoming Co. 1867 Pa. Laws 589 (No. 556, approved 27 March 1867).
RINEHART, Lewis & Sarah, late Sarah Wall, both late of Luzerne Co. 1831-32 Pa. Laws 288, 288 (No. 123 § 2, approved 5 April 1832).
RITTERSBACH, Albert & Ann Margaret, of Dauphin Co. 1868 Pa. Laws 401 (No. 363, approved 20 March 1868).
ROBB, Samuel, [formerly] of Westmoreland Co., & Louisa, late Louisa St. Clair; married 1796; “that upwards of two years ago [he] did totally abandon his said wife, with six small children, entirely destitute of the means of support”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1812-13 Pa. Laws 238 (Ch. 192, approved 29 March 1813).
ROBERTS, William & Emily, of Philadelphia Co.; married Dec. 1824; he deserted her about 1 May 1864. 1865 Pa. Laws 776 (No. 769, approved 24 March 1865), repealed, 1867 Pa. Laws 1321 (No. 1253, approved 4 May 1867). Roberts v. Roberts, 54 Pa. 265 (1867).
ROSE, John & Diana. 1845 Pa. Laws 504 (No. 338, approved 16 April 1845).
ROSE, John & Martha, late Martha Taylor; married 1797; he was “at a court of Quarter Sessions, held at Somerset, for Somerset county, in the month of February [1812], convicted of the crime of horse stealing, and therefore was sentenced to undergo a servitude in the penitentiary house of Philadelphia for the term of five years, where he yet remains;” this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1813-14 Pa. Laws 112 (Ch. 79, approved 14 March 1814).
ROSE, Samuel, junior, [formerly] of Westmoreland Co., & Sarah, late Sarah Coulter; married 13 Sept. 1810; on 1 July 1811, in a court of Oyer & Terminer held at Greensburg, he “was convicted of burglary and stealing the mail of the United States, for which crime he was sentenced to forfeit his lands and tenements, goods and chattels to the commonwealth and that he should be imprisoned in the jail and penitentiary house of Philadelphia, for the term of ten years, two of which he is to be confined in some of the solitary cells of the said jail, and penitentiary, where he now remains.” 1811-12 Pa. Laws 231 (Ch. 172, approved 31 March 1812).
ROSS, Sarah Elizabeth, late Sarah Elizabeth Renfrew, & Benjamin C., of Franklin Co. 1855 Pa. Laws 689 (No. 626 [Appendix–1854], certified 26 April 1854 as having been presented to the Governor 30 March 1854 and not returned within ten days).
ROTH, Henry Warren & Arabella. 1867 Pa. Laws 1332 (No. 1263, approved 6 July 1867).
RUBEY, Charles, of Bedford, Bedford Co., cordwainer, & Jane, late Jane Smith; she “had been unfaithful to his Bid, and committed Adultery with divers persons.” 11 Statutes at Large 147 (Ch. 1022, passed 20 Sept. 1783).
RYDER, DeWitt Clinton & Hannah D., [formerly] Hannah D. Miller, of the city of Philadelphia; married 9 April 1869; “The courts of this commonwealth are not empowered to decree a divorce for the cause set forth in her said petition.” 1873 Pa. Laws 313 (No. 336, approved 19 March 1873).
ST. LEGER DE HAPPART, Joseph & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Thompson; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1814-15 Pa. Laws 146 (Ch. 105, approved 13 March 1815).
SAMPSON, Isaac & Ann, both of Washington Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 754 (No. 699, approved 31 March 1854).
SAVERY, John & Elizabeth. 1851 Pa. Laws 699, 700 (No. 367 § 10, certified 15 April 1851 as having been presented to the Governor 3 April 1851 and not returned within 10 days).
SAYER, Charles B., of Washington, Washington Co., police lieutenant, & Ellen, [formerly] Ellen V. Dougherty, of Pittsburgh, living with her sister; married 26 May 1870; she is “a common drunkard and a lewd woman.” 1872 Pa. Laws 393 (No. 362, approved 15 March 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 389-91, 516.
SCHANCK, Abraham C., of New Jersey, & Amy, late Amy Callender, of Bucks Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 337 (No. 274, approved 15 April 1846).
SCHANK, John & Sarah, now or late of Bucks Co. 1828-29 Pa. Laws 104 (No. 83, approved 23 March 1829).
SCHLATTER, Charles & Caroline. 1857 Pa. Laws 726 (No. 729 [Appendix–1854], approved 14 Dec. 1854).
SECHLER, Jacob, Senior, & Mary Ann, of Danville, Montour Co. 1864 Pa. Laws 969 (No. 858, certified 19 Aug. 1864 as having been presented to the Governor 2 May 1864 and not returned within three days after the legislature met in extra session).
SELBY, Samuel & Elizabeth, [formerly] Elizabeth Orry; married city of Philadelphia 11 April 1841, “at which time [she] was enciente of a child, of which her husband is not the father.” 1843 Pa. Laws 240 (No. 116, certified 13 April 1843 as having been presented to the Governor 31 March 1843 and not returned within ten days).
SELL, Jacob, of Adams Co., & Eve; he, “when a young man, in the year [1777], married a woman of the name of Eve Helman, who five months after her marriage was delivered of a female child, and both being conscious that the child was not [his], and firmly impressed with a belief that under these circumstances happiness was not to be expected, mutually agreed to separate; she … having acknowledged the fact, agreed in consideration of the sum of ten pounds paid by [him], the receipt of which [she] has also acknowledged, and further by a written instrument duly executed in which she has disclaimed any pretensions or further demands, which she might be supposed to lay claim to in virtue of said marriage contract; And whereas [he] having considered himself entirely freed from any obligations to [her], as in any respect arising from said marriage, did in the year [1780], marry another wife by whom he has, now living, six children: … by the united exertions of himself and his present wife, they have by hard labor and honest industry acquired a considerable property, some of which he having transferred, but being unable to complete a href thereto, by reason of a claim which the aforesaid Eve may be supposed to possess … as a right of dowry thereto … [he] having now become old, and in a declining state of health, and having expressed to the legislature an anxious desire of distributing the property which he conceives he is justly entitled to, to the use and benefit of his present wife and family, and to the exclusion of a woman who has in no wise contributed thereto”; Jacob’s children by the woman he last married declared legitimate. 1805-6 Pa. Laws 326 (Ch. 118, approved 8 Feb. 1806), 18 Statutes at Large 56.
SETZER, John & Mary Ann, in Auburn Twp., Susquehanna Co. 1873 Pa. Laws 881 (No. 956, approved 17 May 1873).
SEYBERT, Silas E. & Mary Ann. 1844 Pa. Laws 531 (No. 347, certified 30 April 1844 presented to governor 17 April 1844 and not returned within ten days).
SEYMOUR, Edmund B. & Clarinda W., of Cumberland Co. 1870 Pa. Laws 1403 (No. 1271 [Appendix–1869], approved 7 April 1869).
SHERWOOD, Jabez & Elizabeth (late Horton); “in the month of July, [1806], a marriage ceremony was performed by a certain Henry Patmore, between one Jabez Sherwood and Elizabeth Horton, of Sullivan county, in the state of New York, to which the parties thereto did not consider themselves bound, neither was it their intention so to be; that they never lived together as man and wife, and soon after [he] married a certain Margaret Ogden, with whom he now lives, and by whom he has had eight children; that on [5 Sept. 1813], the said Elizabeth considering herself an unmarried woman, contracted herself in marriage with a certain Elijah Peck, of Mount Pleasant [Twp.], in the county of Wayne, with whom she has lived and cohabited ever since, and has issue by him, (now living) two children, namely: David Horton, and Hiram; that doubts have arisen whether the marriage between the said Jabez Sherwood and Elizabeth is not good and binding on the parties”; Elijah and Elizabeth petitioned. 1827-28 Pa. Laws 178 (No. 81 § 1 [§ 2 validated Elizabeth’s marriage to Elijah Peck, and § 3 legitimized their children under the surname Peck], approved 8 March 1828).
SHICK, Samuel E. & Sarah E., late of Scranton; married 15 May 1866, she “being at the time of said marriage pregnant with child, by another person than the said Samuel E. Shick, of which fact he was ignorant at the time of said marriage.” 1867 Pa. Laws 498 (No. 483, approved 18 March 1867).
SHINKLE, Harriet M., late Harriet M. Cope, of Philadelphia Co., & John W. 1847 Pa. Laws 280 (No. 224, approved 10 March 1847).
SHINN, John W. & Margaret Ann, late Margaret Ann Sample, both of Philadelphia Co. 1826-27 Pa. Laws 191, 192 (No. 94 § 4, approved 9 April 1827).
SHIPPEY, Charles H. & Rosaltha A., of Wyoming Co.; married in 1856; “by a course of conduct on the part of said Chas. H. Shippey, his wife has been rendered miserable, so much so, that she has been forced to leave him, at the same time evidence cannot be obtained to bring said case within the jurisdiction of the courts.” 1867 Pa. Laws 1445 (No. 1351 [Appendix–1866], approved 11 April 1866).
SHULZE, David & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Forney, both of York Co. 1837-38 Pa. Laws 376, 377 (No. 64, approved 13 April 1838).
SICKMAN, Elem, late of Beaver Co., but now a convict in the penitentiary at Philadelphia, & Mary; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1821-22 Pa. Laws 291, 291 (Ch. 171 § 1, approved 2 April 1822).
SIGGINS, William & Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Dawson, of Venango Co. 1832-33 Pa. Laws 346 (No. 148 § 2, approved 8 April 1833).
SIKES, C. J. & Martha J. [Martha R. in title]. 1850 Pa. Laws 797 (No. 458, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 10 April 1849 and not returned with three days afer the present legislature met).
SINDORF, Henry W., of Armstrong Co., & Phebe B. 1850 Pa. Laws 793 (No. 453, certified 5 Jan. 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 7 April 1849 and not returned with three days afer the present legislature met).
SMITH, John & Mary; Mary Miller of Adams Co. on 25 April 1811, under oath before a J.P. of said county, “charge[d] the said John Smith with being the father of the child with which she was then pregnant; … [he], confiding in the veracity and integrity of [her], did on the twenty-fourth day of May following, intermarry with [her]; and on the twentieth day of July following their intermarriage, [she] was delivered of a mulatto female child which she confessed to sundry respectable persons, was begotten by a negro man; and whereas, the marriage contract should be free from fraud or imposition.” 1811-12 Pa. Laws 28 (Ch. 21, approved 3 Feb. 1812).
SMITH, Joseph C. & Sobrina, both of Fairview Twp., Erie Co.; married 26 March 1835, “and lived and cohabited with him in the county of Erie, until the month of February, [1838], when they removed to the county of Chauta[u]qua, New York, and resided there until the month of February, [1841], at which time [they] separated, and still continue separated: … [he] has since the said separation in the state of New York wholly refused any support to his said wife and family.” 1850 Pa. Laws 757, 757 (No. 436 § 1, certified 14 May 1850 as having been presented to the Governor 2 May 1850 and not acted upon within ten days).
SMITH, Thomas Washington & Elizabeth G., late of the city of Philadelphia; married 16 Dec. 1856. 1858 Pa. Laws 50 (No. 64, approved 11 Feb. 1858).
SOUTH, Aaron C., late of Fayette Co. and now a resident of New Jersey, & Elizabeth. 1841 Pa. Laws 335 (No. 123, certified 5 April [sic; May?] 1841 as having been presented to the Governor 22 April 1841 and not returned within ten days).
SPALDING, Hamilton, of Bradford Co., & Jane T., formerly Jane T. Gardner. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 153, 154 (No. 99 § 4, approved 10 April 1835).
STACKHOUSE, Samuel & Amelia. 1848 Pa. Laws 285 (No. 232, approved 28 March 1848).
STAUFFER, Rudolph & Mary, now or late of Montgomery Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 227 (No. 121, approved 29 March 1831).
STEAVELY [STEAVLY, STAVELY], Richard & Ella; presented by Rep. Ames of Crawford Co. 1870 Pa. Laws 834, 834 (No. 764 § 2, approved 4 April 1870. 1866 H.R. Journal 349.
STEEL, Israel & Mary, late Mary Geiger, both of Dauphin Co. 1834-35 Pa. Laws 153, 153 (No. 99 § 1, approved 10 April 1835).
STEHLEY, Jacob & Susannah. 1848 Pa. Laws 243, 243 (No. 204 § 1 [§ 2 legitimates Henry Stehley and Jacob Stehley, sons of Jacob Stehley], approved 24 March 1848).
STEPHENS, Vachel & Rachel, late Rachel Peairs, of Fayette Co. 1818-19 Pa. Laws 61 (Ch. 37, approved 11 Feb. 1819.).
STEWARD, Robert, of the city of Philadelphia, mariner, & Catharine, late Catharine Kinchley; she “had been unfaithful to his bed, and had committed adultery with divers persons.” 11 Statutes at Large 280 (Ch. 1084, passed 22 March 1784).
STEWART, Thomas & Harriet; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1845 Pa. Laws 478 (No. 317, approved 16 April 1845).
STILLE, Henry & Mary Ann, now or late of the city of Philadelphia. 1831-32 Pa. Laws 274 (No. 114, approved 3 April 1832).
STINE, Elijah M. & Amanda, now or late of Dauphin Co. 1837-38 Pa. Laws 376, 376 (No. 64 § 1, approved 13 April 1838).
STOUDT, John & Mary, of Berks Co. 1869 Pa. Laws 946 (No. 931, approved 14 April 1869).
SUMMERS, Catharine & Peter, victualler, both of the city of Philadelphia; he “hath separated himself from her Bed and her Board, and hath, since his Intermarriage with her, frequently beat her in a most cruel and inhuman manner, and hath estranged his Affection from her, and placed them on other women, and hath within the Period aforesaid frequently committed the heinous Sin of Adultery, and hath boasted of such his crime.” 11 Statutes at Large 174 (Ch. 1043, passed 23 Sept. 1783).
SWAN, Samuel & Hannah, of Northumberland Co.; married 1781; cohabited until 1791; “that in the month of May, of the said year, the said Swan relinquished her, and never returned; and that [he], in the year [1795], was married to and cohabits with another woman … and now or late residing in the state of Kentucky.” 1803-4 Pa. Laws 23 (Ch. 11, approved 20 Jan. 1804), 17 Statutes at Large 521.
SWARTZ, George & Sarah. 1847 Pa. Laws 16 (No. 405 of 1846 Session, approved 13 April 1846).
TALLEY, Charles R. & Elizabeth; but “the issue of said marriage shall be deemed and considered legitimate.” 1842 Pa. Laws 123 (No. 55, certified 18 March 1842 as having been presented to the Governor 4 March 1842 and not returned within ten days).
TAYLOR, George & Sarah, late Sarah Wooden, of Greene Co. 1820-21 Pa. Laws 139 (Ch. 76, approved 29 March 1821).
TAYLOR, William A. & Julia, of Tioga Co.; “The said Mary [sic], at the date of marriage, was afflicted with a contagious disease, of which fact the said William A. Taylor was not aware, and said disease was communicated to said Taylor, by his wife, which renders life intolerable, the courts of this commonwealth have no power to decree divorce for such causes.” 1867 Pa. Laws 1331 (No. 1262, approved 6 July 1867).
TEMPLIN, Stephen & Rebecca; “Rebecca Stahl, of Chapman township, Union county, now Snyder county, Pennsylvania, was united in marriage in June, [1852], to one Stephen Templin, of the same place, and continued to live with him for about eighteen years; but for about three years last past he has been the principal part of his time away from home, and neglected to provide the necessities of life for his wife, which forced her to provide for herself as best she could, and that she was induced to marry him against her will and consent; and his habits of intemperance has become such as makes it imperative on her to leave him; that the cause of her desired separation from him is insufficient to obtain a decree of divorce in the courts of this state.” 1871 Pa. Laws 1546 (No. 1401 [Appendix–1870], approved 2 June 1870).
THAYER, Jacob & Purnel; presented by Rep. Hutchins of Erie Co. as unfinished business. 1840 Pa. Laws 529 (No. 205, approved 25 May 1840). 1840 H.R. Journal 1:123.
THIELE, Carl Augustus, of the city of Philadelphia, & Mary Louise; “the courts of this commonwealth have not jurisdiction to decree divorces in such cases.” 1873 Pa. Laws 780 (No. 867, approved 10 April 1873).
THOMPSON, Eliphalet & Phebe; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1841 Pa. Laws 120 (No. 62, certified 29 March 1841 as having been presented to the Governor 15 March 1841 and not returned within ten days).
THOMPSON, Lavinia L. & Charles. 1845 Pa. Laws 214 (No. 150, approved 27 March 1845).
THOMPSON, Michael, of Carbon Co. & Mary. 1873 Pa. Laws 393 (No. 408, approved 24 March 1873).
TODD, Francis D. & Catharine S., both of Philadelphia Co. 1848 Pa. Laws 546 (No. 379, approved 11 April 1848).
TRIMMER, Ayres P., of Bucks Co., & Rachel, late Rachel Vandegrift. 1852 Pa. Laws 431 (No. 272, certified 26 April 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 13 April 1852 and not returned within ten days).
TURNER, Joseph S. & Hepsebah M. 1850 Pa. Laws 1034, 1038 (No. 466 § 23 [Appendix] approved 15 April 1848).
ULMAN, Solomon L. & Lydia L., of Venango Co. 1863 Pa. Laws 320 (No. 324, approved 11 April 1863.
UNDERWOOD, James & Margaret, late of Luzerne Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 398, 398 (No. 188 § 1, approved 2 April 1831).
VAN DUZER, William A. S. & Martha Ward. 1848 Pa. Laws 473 (No. 342, passed 10 April 1848 over gubernatorial veto).
VANLEAR, John, now a citizen of Washington Co., Md., & [Jane, formerly] Jane Coulter; married 29 Dec. 1789; “she continued to reside with him as his wife, for several years, and after bearing to him several children, she abandoned his bed and board”; benefits of Pa. divorce law extended to him. 1808-9 Pa. Laws 161 (Ch. 87, approved 4 April 1809), 18 Statutes at Large 1130.
WADDLE, Brison W. & Kate, of Lycoming Co.; “On [30 Oct. 1871], a marriage was celebrated between one Brison W. Waddle, a lad of seventeen years of age, and one Kate Marshall, a single woman of twenty-three years of age, [he], in addition to his youth, being of weak mind, giddy and foolish, and the circumstances of the case disclosing a concerted system of undue influence and deceit, on the part of the woman, in connection with others justly obnoxious to good morals and the solemnity of the marriage contract, but insufficient to give the courts jurisdiction by reason of threats or undue influence.” 1874 Pa. Laws 378 (No. 261 [Appendix–1873], approved 22 May 1873).
WAGGONER, James & Susanna, both of Fayette Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 302 (No. 253, approved 13 April 1846).
WALKER, Craig & Prudence J., both of Allegheny Co. 1853 Pa. Laws 663 (No. 371, approved 29 April 1853).
WALSH, Thomas J. & Sarah J./Jacobs, of Harrisburg. 1836-37 Pa. Laws 130 (No. 65, approved 1 April 1837). 1836-37 Sen. Journal 1:523.
WALTER, Joseph & Catharine, now or late of Union Co. 1829-30 Pa. Laws 47 (No. 40, approved 16 Feb. 1830.
WALTON, Ellis & Sophia, late Sophia Gerhart. 1837-8 Pa. Laws 484, 485 (No. 83 § 2, approved 16 April 1838).
WASON, William, of Franklin Co., & Jemima, [formerly] Jemima Wilkinson; married 14 Feb. 1811; “at a court of quarter sessions for Franklin county, (last November term,) she was convicted on two indictments for larceny, and is at present confined in the jail of said county”; this does not affect the legitimacy of any children. 1812-13 Pa. Laws 179 (Ch. 135, approved 25 March 1813).
WATERMAN, John S. & Eliza R., of Allegheny Co.; married at Sewickley 20 Dec. 1853; moved to Ottawa, Ill.; she returned to her father’s house in Allegheny Co., and he went to Clinton Co., Ia.; she petitioned. 1872 Pa. Laws 355 (No. 325, approved 14 March 1872). 1872 Leg. Journal 388-89 [see petition for details].
WEAVER, John & Catharine, of Montgomery Co. 1830-31 Pa. Laws 456 (No. 206, approved 4 April 1831).
WEBSTER, Henry & Almira, both of Susquehanna Co. 1854 Pa. Laws 613 (No. 607, approved 8 May 1854).
WELDING, John & Ann, now or late of Northampton Co. 1831-32 Pa. Laws 288, 288 (No. 123 § 1, approved 5 April 1832).
WELKER, Henry E. & Louisa Jane, late of Dauphin Co.; married 21 July 1864; “the said Louisa having alleged, before the marriage, that she was pregnant with child, by the said Henry, and thereby induced him to marry her; which allegation she subsequently declared to be untrue, and the courts of justice having, under existing law, no jurisdiction to grant relief in the premises.” 1866 Pa. Laws 959 (No. 928, approved 17 April 1866).
WELLS, David, of Fayette Co., & Mary, late Mary Delany; “on [14 April 1818], David Wells of the county of Fayette, was intermarried with a certain Mary Delany of Harrison county, state of Ohio. And whereas it appears from documents, that [she] previous to her said marriage, had criminal connection with some persons unknown to the said David, and on the thirtieth day of July in the year aforesaid, was delivered of a child which she subsequently acknowledged not to have been the said Davids. This unfortunate circumstance having destroyed his confidence and affection, the said parties mutually agreed to separate.” 1818-19 Pa. Laws 3 (Ch. 4, approved 21 Dec. 1818).
WELSH, James, formerly of the island of Jamaica, & Catharine Louisa Livingston, also formerly of the same place. 1831-32 Pa. Laws 375 (No. 148, approved 7 April 1832).
WELSH, Washington Warren & Rhoda Maria. 1864 Pa. Laws 434 (No. 370, approved 15 April 1864).
WEST, Nelly & Henry, of Bradford Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 495 (No. 395, approved 21 April 1846).
WESTON, Samuel & Julia Ann, late Julia Ann Horton, of Susquehanna Co.; this does not affect the legitimacy of the children. 1826-27 Pa. Laws 255 (No. 119, approved 13 April 1827).
WETMORE, William A. & Catharine, of Bradford Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 355 (No. 295, approved 16 April 1846).
WHALE, Eliza Allen & Charles F. 1847 Pa. Laws 475 (No. 372, passed 15 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
WHALEY, Emily D., late Emily D. Jeffries, & James E. 1853 Pa. Laws 565 (No. 333, approved 18 April 1853).
WILCOX, William & Elizabeth, formerly Elizabeth Hampson; married England 1853, cohabited until 1863. 1872 Pa. Laws 1375 (No. 1235, approved 28 June 1871). 1871 Leg. Journal 576.
WILDMAN, Elias, of the city of Philadelphia, & Catharine, late Katharine Krow. 1850 Pa. Laws 1022 (No. 464 [Appendix], approved 2 June 1849).
WILKINSON, William C. & Mary H., [formerly] Mary H. De Silver; married 28 Nov. 1867; they “lived together in wedlock until about [9 March 1870], when they separated; … [she], since her said marriage, has been afflicted with an unconquerable mania and thirst for opium, laudanum and liquors, and has been and is addicted to gross habits of intoxication and in the desire to gratify these habits cannot be restrained from continually selling and pledging all things of value that come into her possession, to the detriment of herself and the discomfort of her said husband; … The said parties are not cohabiting together, and have not so cohabited together since the time of their separation; And whereas, The courts have not jurisdiction in the premises.” 1871 Pa. Laws 1204 (No. 1112, approved 26 May 1871).
WILLIS, Henry, of Virginia, & Mary, late Mary Ross, “(with whom he contracted matrimony in this state, and who is now resident within the same)”; she “hath broken her marriage vows and committed the crime of adultery.” 11 Statutes at Large 539 (Ch. 1153, passed 30 March 1785).
WILSON, James G. & Sarah Catharine. 1847 Pa. Laws 357 (No. 296, passed 15 March 1847 over gubernatorial veto).
WILTBANK, Edwin W. & Elizabeth M. 1848 Pa. Laws 245 (No. 206, passed 23 March 1848 over gubernatorial veto).
WINCHESTER, Jacob & Martha R., of Philadelphia Co. 1846 Pa. Laws 429 (No. 357, approved 21 April 1846).
WINTER, Catharine & Emmor C., both of the city of Philadelphia. 1873 Pa. Laws 622 (No. 663, approved 10 April 1873).
WISE, Moses & Martha Stage, of Clearfield Co.; or pretended marriage contract. 1845 Pa. Laws 3 (No. 380 of 1844 Session, certified 11 Jan. 1844 as having been presented to the Governor near the close of the legislative session and not returned within three days).
WOOD, John H. & Caroline Ann, of the city of Philadelphia. 1852 Pa. Laws 473 (No. 295, certified 28 April 1852 as having been presented to the Governor 15 April 1852 and not returned within ten days).
WOOD, Mary & Henry; “such unhappy differences have from time to time arisen, and such bitter animosities been engendered between Henry Wood, of the city of Philadelphia, and Mary, his wife: … Said parties on [4 May 1869], mutually separated, and since that date have lived entirely apart from each other, and so radical are their differences that there is no reasonable prospects [sic] of their adjustment.” 1873 Pa. Laws 838 (No. 918, approved 21 April 1873).
WOODS, Isabella & William. 1871 Pa. Laws 864 (No. 776, approved 13 May 1871).
WRIGHT, Henry, of the city of Philadelphia, & Mary. 1865 Pa. Laws 341 (No. 339, approved 14 March 1865).
ZINN, Jacob, junior, & Eve, [formerly] Eve Ermel; married 15 Nov. 1808; “the said marriage took place in consequence of the said Eve having taken an oath before Henry Reim, esq. of Lancaster county, on the eleventh day of November, in said year, charging the said Jacob with being the father of a child, with which she was then pregnant, it further appears that the said Eve did on the seventh day of the same month, of the same year, appear before Peter Nagle, esquire, of Berks county, and on her oath did declare and say, that Jacob Sando was the father of a child of which she was then pregnant, from all which it appears that the said Jacob Zinn was by intimidation and fear, and in the years of his minority, under the age of eighteen years, compelled to enter into the marriage contract, contrary to his own free will and consent.” 1811-12 Pa. Laws 198 (Ch. 145, approved 31 March 1812).
ZUECHER, John & Magdalena, of Allegheny Co.; she petitioned. 1840 Pa. Laws 503 (No. 195, approved 21 May 1840). 1840 H.R. Journal 1:506.