Crawford County, Pennsylvania

History & Biography

Part I:  Directory
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Is situated in Pine township, upon the E. & P. Railroad.  It contains about 600 inhabitants.  It has one Baptist Church, Rev. E. M. Alden, pastor; one M. E. Church, Rev. J. A. Humes, pastor; one Universalist Church, also one Roman Catholic Church, "St. Philip," Rev. Father Rudy, pastor; one graded school, one weekly newspaper, The Leader; three hotels; four stores keeping a general assortment of goods; two drug and two hardware stores, one restaurant, one large flouring mill, a steam saw and planing mill and sash and door manufactory, two wagon, five shoe, four blacksmith, one paint, and two barber shops, a tannery, a cheese factory, two merchant tailors and clothing store.  The secret societies of Linesville are the Blue Lodge, A. Y. M.; Pine Lodge No. 498, I. O. O. F.; Linesville Lodge, No. 395, Daughters of Rebecca; Mayflower Lod[g]e, No. 95, A. O. U. W.; Relief Lodge, No. 99, Good Templars; Rock of Horeb, No. 125, Royal Templars of Temperance; Linesville Grange No. 694.