Crawford County, Pennsylvania
History & Biography
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MEAD was formed in 1790. It is an interior township,
lying upon the east bank of French Creek, a little south of
the center of the county, and contains 25,472 square acres.
The surface is hilly, but the soil produces good crops, especially in the valley of French Creek, where it is very fertile and supports a wealthy population. French Creek forms the western boundary and is the principal stream, the only other considerable stream being Sugar Creek, which drains the eastern
and western portions of the township. The farmers are chiefly
engaged in dairying and stock raising. Manufacturing, in the
city of Meadville, forms an important branch of industry.
The Atlantic & Great Western R. R. and the Franklin branch
of that road, extend in a continuous line through the township,
along the valley of French Creek. The main line crosses the
creek a little south of Meadville. The old Erie Canal feeder
also extends through the township, along the valley of the
creek, from Bemustown, its northern terminus.
The population in 1870, exclusive of the city of Meadville,
was 2,421, of whom 2,073 were native, 348, foreign, 2,398, white
and 23, colored.
During the year ending June 3, 1872, the township, exclusive of the city, contained sixteen schools and employed nineteen school teachers. The number of scholars was 503; the
average number attending school, 332; and the amount expended for school purposes, $2,398.36. The city contained twenty-one schools and employed twenty-four teachers, all of whom
were females. The number of scholars was 1,214; the average
number attending school, 800; and the amount expended for
school purposes, $28,296.92.
MEADVILLE, the seat of justice of Crawford county, is situated in the rich and picturesque valley of French Creek, about the center of the west border of the township, and on the line
of the A. & G. W. R. R. and the Canal feeder. The fine hills
which surround it rise gently from the creek, presenting a
beautiful and varied landscape and affording many eligible
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building sites. A commendable appreciation of these advantages is evinced in the ornate and substantial public buildings and the many elegant and costly private residences which adorn
its streets and lend an additional charm to the otherwise attractive scenery. A public park inclosing about five acres of ground is centrally located, and adjacent to it are situated the
county buildings, which have previously been described.
Meadville is named in honor of David Mead, its founder. It
was incorporated as a borough March 29, 1823, and received a
city charter Feb. 15, 1866. It contains four wards, and had, in
1870, a population of 7,103, of which number 1,661 were in the
first ward, 1,961, in the second, 1,635, in the third and 1,846, in
the fourth. It is the seat of Allegheny College, and the Meadville Theological School, and contains a Business College—one of the Bryant & Stratton chain of colleges—four banks—the First National, established in 1863, with a capital of $200,000;
the Merchants’ National, established in 1864, with a capital of
$100,000; the Meadville Savings Bank, established in 1867; and
J. R. Dick & Co.’s Banking Office, established in 1853—a new
elegant and commodious opera house, and various manufacturing establishments, prominent among which are the Meadville Agricultural Implement Works, which were established Dec. 29,
1868, with a capital of $100,000, and give employment to about
seventy persons; the Dick Foundry and Machine Works, established in 1864, with a capital of $30,000, and giving employment to about thirty persons; the Eagle Foundry and Machine
Works, the oldest establishment of the kind in the city, which
employ thirty persons; the Meadville Woolen Factory, which
gives employment to seventy-five persona in the manufacture of
cassimeres, flannels, blankets and yarn; Sayer & Co’s Planing
Mill, which was established in 1865, with a capital of $25,000,
and gives employment to fifteen men; Thomas & Harper’s Sash
and Blind Factory, employing twenty men and a capital of
$20,000; O. C. Whitney’s Cabinet Organ and Melodeon Manufactory, which gives constant employment to a large number of persons; A. McMichael’s and J. A. Dunn & Co.’s Carriage Factories, the former of which was established in 1866, and the
latter in 1857, the aggregate annual product of which is valued
at $45,000; a Stave Factory, employing fifteen men and a capital
of $8,000; and the Meadville Tannery, which was established
in 1860, and the annual product of which is valued at about
Allegheny College was projected at a meeting of the intelligent citizens of Meadville, which was held June 20, 1815. The main
building was erected in 1816—17, and the school was opened
July 4, 1816, though it was not incorporated until March 24,
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1817. Its establishment is mainly due to the enlightened
efforts and untiring zeal of Rev. Timothy Alden, D. D., its first
president, to whom, also, it is largely indebted for the valuable
library in its possession, the most liberal contributor to which
was Rev. Dr. Bentley, a Unitarian clergyman, of Salem, Mass.
When chartered it received a grant from the State of $2,000,
which was subsequently increased to $7,000. The patronage
received from the Presbyterians, under whose auspices it was
started, was inadequate to its support and the institution languished. In 1829, an unsuccessful attempt was made to establish a military school; and in 1833, its care devolved upon the
Erie and Pittsburgh Conference of the M. E. Church, under
whom it has become a flourishing institution. In 1851, a large
three-story brick structure, containing the chapel, library,
laboratory, &c., was erected east of the main building, at a cost
of $6,000, and in 1864, through the munificence of Hon. C. V.
Culver, was built and furnished the commodious boarding hall,
which stands opposite the building erected in 1851, and is
capable of accommodating over one hundred students with
lodgings. The college is situated north of the city, upon elevated ground, which overlooks the valley and surrounding hills. It enjoys the use of a valuable collection of astronomical instruments, complete and most approved chemical and philosophical apparatus, and extensive and well selected conchological,
lithological, paleontological and entomological cabinets; and a
commencement has been made in the formation of a museum
to illustrate the history of the Fine Arts.
The Meadville Theological School was established by the efforts
of the Unitarians, in 1844, and has an endowment of real and
persona] property of about $150,000. Though denominational
in tendency the act of incorporation declares that “no doctrinal
test shall ever be made a condition of enjoying the opportunities of instruction in the School, except a belief in the divine origin of Christianity.” Applicants unknown to the officers of
the institution are required to produce satisfactory testimonials
of good character before their admission; and those desiring
advanced standing must have completed the studies previously
pursued by the class they propose to enter. No charge is made
for tuition, nor for the use of the library and text books, and
students who bring satisfactory evidence of their need may
receive aid from the Beneficiary Fund. The library contains
about 12,000 volumes, about 1,200 of which are text books.
Private and public libraries, containing more than 10,000 volumes, are also open for the use of students.
Meadville is the headquarters of the 20th Division of the
National Guard of Pennsylvania, comprising the Meadville
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Zouaves, German Rifles, Conneautville Zouaves, Conneautville
Greys and a colored company of Titusville.
St. Joseph’s Hospital, situated near the eastern end of Pine street, in a quiet, pleasant and healthy locality, was established
as an asylum for orphans, in 1865, by mother Agnes, Sister
Superior of the sisters of charity of this city, who drew largely
upon her own private means for the construction of the building and the care of its unfortunate inmates. Not only orphans, but many others sick, wounded, or destitute found food and
shelter in this institution. The rapid growth of the city made
the need of a building to be devoted to the exclusive uses of a
hospital more and more felt, and as the means were not available for its erection application was made to the Legislature at its session in 1869–70 for the conversion of this asylum into a
hospital. A charter was granted under the present title, and
provides that patients shall be received without regard to sect
or condition. The institution is in charge of a competent physician and surgeon, and is under the supervision of the Sisters of Charity. It is heated by furnaces and supplied with pure water
from a spring, and is capable of accommodating about thirty
patients. It is self-supporting, and while those receiving its
benefits who possess the means are expected to pay, no applicant is rejected by reason of his or her inability to do so. Thus, while Meadville has made ample and excellent provision
for the scholastic needs of its youth, this establishment, which
stands as an enduring monument to the energy, earnest devotion and noble self-sacrifice of those who projected and continue to sustain it, shows that its physical requirements have not been
FRENCHTOWN (p. o.) is located in the eastern part of the township, and derives its name from the fact that its inhabitants are principally French. It contains a church, (Roman Catholic,) a school, store, blacksmith shop and about twenty
MEAD CORNERS (p. o.) is situated a little east of the center of the township.
Settlement was commenced by the first settlers of the county.
In the summer of 1787, John and David Mead, from Northumberland county, explored the valley of French Creek with a view to making it their future home. The favorable report
which their impressions enabled them to give induced seven
others to accompany them the following spring to this locality
for the purpose of settlement. The party comprised, besides
the two already named, Joseph Mead, Thomas Martin, John
Watson, James T. Randolph, Thomas Grant, Cornelius Van
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Horne and Christopher Snyder. The latter two were from
New Jersey, and arrived at Sunbury, whence the party started,
while preparations for the journey were in progress. This little
band of pioneers reached French Creek on the 12th of May, and
spent the first night on the east side of that stream, near “Kennedy’s Bridge.” The next day they crossed the creek, above the
mouth of Cussewago Creek, and erected a temporary place of
abode. Ten acres were plowed in a field, which had previously
been cleared by some unknown party, and planted with corn.
A freshet in the stream soon after destroyed the crop and the
piece was replanted in June, and yielded a good crop, which
was considered common property. The site of Meadville was
first settled by Thomas Grant, who, for some reason, left it in
the fall and returned to Northumberland county. John and
David Mead brought their families here that fall, and the latter,
who had previously selected a place immediately south of his
brother’s, on the west side of the creek, about a mile above
Meadville, crossed the Creek and occupied the place abandoned
by Grant. Mead erected a double log house, which was the
first one built upon the site of the city which perpetuates his
name. The families of the Meads were the first to settle in the
county. The remainder of the party located on the west side
of the creek, principally upon the point of land formed by the
confluence of French and Cussewago creeks. Having fully
established themselves in their new homes, their number was
soon increased by other settlers, among whom were Samuel
Lord, John Wentworth and Frederick Haymaker. In 1789,
they were joined by Frederick Baum, Robert FitzRandolph
and Darius Mead, the father of John and David Mead; and
these were soon followed by many others, so that the colony
became respectable in numbers, as well as in the character of
those who composed it.
In this year occurred the first birth in the county — that of
Sarah Mead—in the family of David Mead; and a saw mill was
commenced by the same individual, and was completed the
following year. From this mill in the spring of 1790, was sent
to Pittsburgh, together with a raft of logs, the first raft of
boards which descended the Allegheny. The lumber was sold
for twelve shillings per hundred to Major Isaac Craig, who was
Quartermaster to the troops located at that place. These early
settlers were obliged to transport their provisions and
utensils from Pittsburgh, or the more distant Susquehanna country, whence many of them came, through dense
forests, devoid of roads, and over bridgeless streams.
For a long time the streams were their only common highways, and along these, as might be expected, the settle-
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ments were first projected. But in addition to the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life, they were for several years harassed and subjected to imminent peril by the
frequent warlike incursions of the bands of hostile Indians
who infested this country, and who so long retarded its settlement and for some time threatened the utter expulsion of the whites, who were too few in number to cope successfully with
their wily adversary. Happily, however, a few of the nomadic
Indians preserved their friendship for the whites, to whom they
rendered valuable aid by giving timely warning of the approach
of their enemies. Among these were a chief named Canadaughta, and his three sons, Flying Cloud, Standing Stone and Big Sun, who occupied wigwams at the mouth of Conneaut Creek,
in Ohio; Halftown, also a chief, and half-brother of the celebrated chief Cornplanter; an old chief named Strike Neck, and
an Indian named Wire Ears. During the year 1790 the settlers
tilled their farms without molestation, but about the first of
April, 1791, they were apprised by Flying Cloud of a contemplated attack by the western Indians, who were then on their way to the settlement. This was corroborated by Wm. Gregg,
who reported having seen eleven strange Indians four miles
north-west of Meadville. Immediate preparations for flight
were made, and on the second day of April, the women and
children were sent in canoes down French Creek, under the
escort of six of Halftown’s warriors on each side of the stream,
to Franklin, a small military post established in 1787, where
were about forty effective men. That chief, at the head of his
remaining warriors, some fifteen in number, then acted in concert with the whites, who remained to guard their property. They lay in wait during the day at Kennedy’s Bridge, on the
east side of the creek, expecting the enemy would ford the stream
at that place, but as nothing further was seen of them they retired at night to the house of David Mead, which had been fortified by means of a stockade and rendered capable of defence
against small arms. The next day the settlers, after consultation, started for the fort at Franklin, to rejoin their families. They arrived at their destination on the fourth, with their
cattle and moveable effects, accompanied by Halftown and his
men. After a month#&146;s stay at the garrison three of the party
(Cornelius VanHorne, Wm. Gregg and Thomas Ray,) returned
to the farms they were obliged temporarily to abandon for the
purpose of putting in their spring crops, but the hazardous
adventure resulted in the death of Gregg, at the hands of the
Indians, and the capture of both VanHorne and Ray, both of
whom, however, effected their escape and subsequently became
useful and honored citizens, the former locating in the township
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of Vernon, and the latter on the east side of the creek, above
Bemustown, where he died. This same year witnessed the capture and death of Darius Mead, by the same agency. He was made a prisoner while engaged in plowing in a field adjacent to
the fort, by two Indians, and is supposed to have met his death
while attempting an escape, as his dead body was subsequently
found lying beside that of one of his captors, near the Shenango Creek, in Mercer county. The year 1791 was one of extreme peril to the settlers on the western border of the State,
as owing to the defeat of the army under Harmer in the early
part of the year, and that under St.Clair in November, they
were left almost entirely to the mercy of their savage enemies.
Being thus exposed, the settlements in this county were abandoned, and the locality was only visited by scouting parties and surveyors. In the spring of 1793, Gen. Wayne having been
appointed to command the army, and confidence in a measure
restored, the settlers returned and were joined by others from
the Susquehanna country. At their solicitation Gen. Wayne
detached a company of twenty-four men, under command of
Ensign Lewis Bond, from his army to protect them while engaged in putting in their crops. This company was stationed at the house of David Mead, before alluded to. During the summer it was recalled to join the main army, and soon after
its departure the settlers were again notified by the friendly
Flying Cloud that their old foes were about to make another
descent upon them. Being without any adequate protection
they had no alternative but to flee to the fort at Franklin, or
continue to cultivate their lands at the peril of life. Prudence dictated the former course and consequently the improvements were again abandoned. Some, however, of the more
resolute ones returned in the fall and winter of the same year,
in defiance of the dangers which beset them. In the spring of
1794 nearly all the old settlers had returned and many new ones
had joined them. Many improvements were instituted; municipal law began to be enforced, and a militia company, of which Cornelius VanHorne was elected captain, was organized.
The settlers resolved to defend themselves and their homes
against the assaults and barbarities of their savage foes, and the
more effectually to effect this object a rude but serviceable blockhouse, mounting a cannon in the upper story, and surmounted by a sentry-box, was constructed on a triangular lot, at the corner of Water Street and Steer’s alley. It was built of logs, and the
upper story projected beyond the lower one. In 1828, having
served at various times us a school house, carpenter shop, blacksmith shop and tenement house, it was removed to make way for the improvements of the growing village. The lot on
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which it stood was donated by Mr. Mead for school purposes.
It was subsequently transferred by the Legislature to the Meadville Female Seminary, and by the trustees of that institution was sold to Thomas Wilson.
Prior to the enforcement of municipal law it must not be
presumed that the social intercourse of the settlers was
characterized by entire harmony; on the contrary disputes hot
and fierce often occurred, and were sometimes settled with their
fists, but more frequently by the arbitrament of a disinterested
party. A somewhat singular instance of this character is
related in which a dispute between David Mead and John Wentworth, relative to a field of corn which the one agreed to cultivate for the other, was referred to two strangers who were
passing through the village at the time and were accosted by
the disputants on Water street. They immediately unslung
their knapsacks and, having listened to the statements of both
parties, rendered a decision which gave mutual satisfaction,
when they resumed their journey. David Mead was the first
commissioned justice of the peace in the county, an office which
he held till 1799, when he became one of the Associate Judges
of the county. One of the first cases on his docket was an action for debt, in which he was plaintiff and Robert Fitz Randolph, defendant. Unfortunately when the Governor gave the
people a justice he forgot to give the justice a constable. Here
was a novel dilemma, but Mead did not suffer it to defeat the
ends of justice. He issued and served the summons himself,
and when the day of hearing came a trial was had and a judgment rendered the plaintiff for the amount of his claim. He then issued and served an execution, levying upon a horse, the
property of the defendant, which he advertised for sale. He
put up the notices, and at the sale, over which he presided, he
bought the horse, and paid the surplus proceeds over to the
During this year (1794) the settlers worked their farms in
small companies, ever on the alert to avert the danger which
constantly threatened them. Great anxiety was felt for the
safety of the women and children, and when imminent danger
was apprehended they sought security in the house and cellar
of David Mead, a precaution which subsequent events proved
to be a wise one. On the 10th of August of that year, a settler
named James Dickson, a native of Scotland, who lived to a good
old age and left a numerous and respectable family, while
searching for his cows on the eastern bank of French Creek,
almost within sight of the block house, was fired upon by a
party of Indians in ambush. One ball passed through his left
hand, a second one inflicted a wound in the hip and a third, in
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the right shoulder. Supposing the attacking party had discharged all their guns, and being desirous to return the com-compliment, as he had his gun with him, he endeavored to discover the concealed foe. When the smoke had sufficiently cleared away he discovered the barrel of another gun leveled at
him, and concluding that the head of the individual holding it
was not far distant from the end opposite that directed toward
him, he raised his gun to fire, but before he could do so the
weapon pointed at him was discharged, and the ball passed
through his hat, grazing the top of his head. Disliking to be
made the target of a concealed foe the bold Scotchman retorted
with a shout of defiance and called upon “the cowardly dogs to
come and fight him fair.” Eager to accept the challenge, or
goaded by the caustic rebuke, two of the Indians sprang from
tlieir concealment and rushed toward him, tomahawk in hand.
Each covered his advance by dodging behind trees, evidently
fearing the Scot’s rifle, which was yet undischarged. Seeing
that his retreat to the blockhouse was likely to be cut off, Dickson rushed toward the Indian on his right, and as he advanced the latter retreated. He repeated this maneuver several times, all
the time reserving his fire, and having gained the shelter of the
woods he endeavored to reach an old log cabin, intending when
there to revenge the injury he had sustained before trying his
speed, wounded as he was, in a foot race to the blockhouse.
Before he reached the cabin, the Indians abandoned the pursuit and were seen no more, though Flying Cloud and three or four others, having heard the firing, immediately started in
pursuit, in which Dickson was with difficulty dissuaded by his
wife and friends from joining. “The old man insisted to the
day of his death, that once, when he was just in the act of firing, a low voice said to him, ‘Don’t shoot’; whereupon he reserved his load, and thereby preserved his life.” The last depredation committed by the Indians in this county, resulting in loss of life, occurred on the 3d of June, 1795, when James Findley and Barnabas McCormick were surprised and shot dead
while engaged in splitting rails about six miles south-west of
Meadville. The treaty made by General Wayne with the western Indians, August 3, 1795, and ratified the 22d of the following December, brought peace to the settlers in North-Western
Pennsylvania, so far as Indian hostilities were concerned.
With the cessation of these depredations was inaugurated a
period of substantial growth, and improvements of a permanent
character were commenced. Roads were laid out and more
comfortable houses built, and settlers who had previously been
deterred by the unsettled condition of the country, came in
large numbers. A saw mill, the construction of which had
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been commenced some time before, was completed in 1789.
Among the settlers, who moved in about this time was James De
France came from Lycoming county the same year, to the
south-eastern part of the township, and took up one hundred
acres and purchased fifty more of the Holland Land Company.
After a residence there of several years, he removed to Mercer
county. Daniel Holton come from Rhode Island in 1796, and
located at Meadville. In 1815, he removed to Union township.
Samuel Hobbs and James Hunter came in 1799. Hobbs was
from Vermont and located at Meadville. After a year or two
he married and took up a farm in the northern part of the
township. Hunter was from Logan’s Ferry, Allegheny county,
and settled in the central part. During the first night after
his arrival he was awakened by his dog—his only companion—
and discovered near the fire he had kindled a bear, which he
shot. This, with a deer he shot about daylight, furnished him
with plenty of meat for some time. He cleared a part of his
land, put in some crops and made some other improvements,
when he returned to his former home, where he married in
April 1801. He returned here with his wife the following
month. David Thurston came from New Jersey, in 1800, and
settled in the south-east part of the township, where he took
up a farm on which he resided till his death. Peter Kinney
and James McDill settled in the same locality about the same
time. Kinney was a native of Ireland, and settled upon the
farm on which one of his sons still resides. McDill was a Revolutionary soldier and was accustomed to ride to Meadville upon an ox to draw his pension. The same ox served to carry his
wife to meeting, somtimes a distance of several miles. Bariah
Battles settled upon the site of Frenchtown, in 1800, and lived
there for many years, finally removing to Ohio. He was a carpenter and found employment at his trade in finishing log houses. A little later Joseph Baird settled in the southern
part of the township.
Meadville was laid out in 1795, and in 1800, upon the erection of the county, was made the county seat. In 1802 an act was passed incorporating a seminary of learning, and David Mead and six others were appointed trustees. In the fall of
1805, a one story brick building, containing two rooms, was
completed, in the extreme eastern part of the village, and in
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this was opened, the same year, the Meadville Academy, under
the supervision of Rev. Joseph Stockton, who, in addition to
an extensive scientific course, taught Latin and Greek. The
building stood about twenty years, when it was removed by
Arthur Cullum, who had purchased the lot, to make room for
a dwelling house.
St. Paul’s Reformed Church, in Meadville, was organized in 1800, with forty-nine members, by Rev. L. D. Leberman. The present church edifice was erected in 1856, at a cost of $12,000, the present value of Church
property, and will seat 600 persons. The first pastor was Rev. — Eblinghous; the present one is Rev. D. D. Lebenman. The present number of members is 140.—[Information furnished by Mr. J. L. Lebenman.
The First Presbyterian Church of Meadville, (O. S.) was organized in 1800, by the Presbytery of Erie. The first house of worship was erected in
1818; the present one, which will seat 600 persons, in 1874, at a cost
of $40,000. Rev. Joseph Stockton was the first pastor, and Rev. J. Gordon Carnachan, our informant, is the present one. The Society numbers
265, and its property is valued at $60,000.
Mead’s Corners Baptist Church was organized about 1820, with fourteen members, by Mr. Justin Dewey. Their house of worship was erected in
1840, at a cost of $1000, one-half of the present value of Church property.
It will seat 200 persons. The first pastor was Elder Enos Stewart; the
present one is Rev. David J. Williams, our informant. The Church consists of eighty-four members.
The First M. E. Church of Meadville, was organized with twenty members, in 1825, by Rev. R. C. Hatton, and erected their first house of worship in 1830. The present edifice, which will seat 1,500 persons, was erected in 1866, at a cost of $95,000, the present value of Church property. The first pastor was Rev. J. W. Hill, the present one is Rev. W. W. Wythe, our informant. The Society consists of 463 members.
Christ Church, (Protestant Episcopal,) at Meadville, was organized with thirty-four members, by members of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
assisted by Rev. (afterwards Bishop,) J. Hopkins, in 1825, and their
church edifice, which will seat 500 persons, was erected the following
year, at a cost of $8,000. The first pastor was Rev. — Miller. Rev. Wm. G. W. Lewis, our informant, is the present one. The Church numbers 140, and its property is valued at $15,000.
The First Independent Society, (Unitarian,) at Meadville, was organized in 1830, by H. J. Huidekoper, A. Cullum and others. Their church edifice was erected in 1832, at a cost of $5,000. It will seat 500 persons.
The first pastor was Rev. E. Peabody; but at present the pulpit is unoccupied. The Society numbers fifty; its property is valued at $20,000.—[Information furnished by Mr. A. A. Livermore.
The First Baptist Church of Meadville, was organized with sixteen members, in 1831, by Rev. — Foote and a council of churches, and in 1833 was erected their first house of worship. The present edifice, which will seat 400 persons, was built in 1843-5, and has recently been repaired and an organ added to its attractions. The Society, which comprises 265 members, is under the pastoral care of Elder Wm. B. Grow, our informant. The first pastor was Elder Adrian Foote.
St. Hippolytus Church, (Roman Catholic,) at Frenchtown, was organized by Bishop Kanrick, in 1834, in which year was erected their first house of
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worship. The first pastor was Rev. M. A. DeLaroque: the present one is
Rev. Eugene Cogneville, our informant. Their present house was erected
in 1866, at a cost of about $2,500, about one-half the present value of
Church property. It will seat 250 persons. There are about 500 members.
The Second Presbyterian Church at Meadville, was organized in 1839,
with Rev. E. W. Kellogg as the first pastor, and erected their house of
worship, which will seat 500 persons, in 1843, at a cost of $15,000.
There are 290 members, who are under the spiritual tutelage of Rev. R.
Craighead. The Church property is valued at $20,000.
State Street M. E. Church, at Meadville, was organized in June, 1869, and their house of worship, which will seat 400 persons, erected in that
year and the one following. The first pastor was Rev. T. P. Warner;
the present one is Rev. J. S. Albertson, our informant. The Society numbers 150; its property is valued at $9,000.
Pine Grove M. E. Church was organized at a very early day, but in what year we are not advised. The church edifice, which is situated six miles east
of Meadville, and will seat about 300 persons, was erected in 1858, at a cost
of about $1000. The Society, numbering eighteen, is ministered to by
Rev. John Abbott, and the property is valued at about $1,500.—[Information furnished by Mr. Francis Brawley.
The African M. E. Church, at Meadville, was organized with five members, by Jacob Palmer, the first pastor, but in what year we are not advised. Their house of worship will seat 270 persons. Its original cost was $500. It was repaired in 1867, and the property of the Church is valued at $3,000. There are fifty-two members. The pastor is Rev. J. Morris.—[Information furnished by Mr. Richard Henderson.
The State Road M. E. Church erected their first meeting house about
1824, and the present one, which is located on the State road, four miles
north-east of Meadville, and will seat about 400 persons, in 1847, at a cost
of about $1,500. The Society numbers about sixty, and its property is
valued at about $2,000.—[Information furnished by Mr. Athan A. Williams.
St. Bride’s Catholic Church.We have been unable to obtain any data relative to this Church, or the German Lutheran.
1 Hamilton Child, comp., Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, Pa., for 1874 (Syracuse, N.Y.: By the comp., 1874), pp. 118-19.