Crawford County, Pennsylvania
History & Biography
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PINE was formed in 1847. It is an interior township, lying near the center of the west border, and contains 6369 square
acres. The surface is level, and inclines slightly toward the
south. It is well watered by Shenango Creek and several small
streams tributary to it. Only the northern portion is tillable,
well populated and cultivated, the whole southern part being
occupied by Pymatuning Swamp. Agriculture forms the chief
industry, though lumbering is carried on to a limited extent.
The soil is well adapted to dairying, which and stock raising
form the chief agricultural pursuits. The Erie & Pittsburgh
R. R. extends through the central part, in a southerly direction.
The population of the township in 1870 was 777, of whom
749 were native, 28, foreign, 772, white and five, colored.
During the year ending June 3, 1872, it contained four
schools and employed seven teachers. The number of scholars
was 93; the average number attending school, 71; and the
amount expended for school purposes, $747.69.
LINESVILLE (p. v.) situated on Mill Creek, near the line of
Conneaut, and on the E. & P. R. R., was incorporated as a
borough April 23, 1864, and derives its name from the Line
family, who were the first settlers there. It contains two
churches, two hotels, about a dozen stores of various kinds, two
harness shops, four blacksmith shops, three shoe shops, a photograph gallery, a tannery, grist mill and two steam saw mills, one of which, (S. E. Bundy’s) including a sash, door and blind
factory, gives employment to about ten men and annually cuts
about half a million feet of lumber, besides a large quantity of
lath, and manufactures several thousand dollars worth of sash,
doors and blinds. The population in 1870 was 434.
Pine Lodge A. Y. Masons No. 498, at Linesville, was instituted
Dec. 22, 1871. Its charter was granted Sept. 6, 1871, and its
first meeting was held Jan. 2, 1872. The first officers were G.
T. Rankin, W. M., C. C. Minneley, S. W., and J. A. Crockett,
J. W.
On the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1873, a destructive
fire occurred in the principal part of the village, involving a loss
of nearly $20,000.
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Local authorities differ in regard to the date of first settlement. Joseph Line, of Linesville, says that Samuel Glenn, a
native of Ireland, who located in the southern part of the
township, on a farm upon which he spent the remainder of his
days, was probably the first settler, and his house the first one
erected; and that Robert Graham, Martin Cunningham, Wm.
Burnside, a widow named Margaret Robison and another named
Patterson, settled in the southern part about the same time,
without assigning any date; while George Graham states that
Wm. Burnside, a native of Ireland, settled in the northern part
in 1797 or ’8, and after a few years residence removed to Meadville, and that Robert Graham, of the same nationality, and a miller by occupation, also located in the northern part, in 1802,
and after about two years removed to the farm on which he
resided till his death; and Thomas Glenn advises us that
Samuel Glenn, settled in 1811. Amos Line, the first settler at
Linesville, came from Plainfield, N. J., in 1818, and laid out
the borough which perpetuates his name. He was a Quaker
and did most of the surveying for the Population Co. and the
people who came into this country. He built the first saw mill
in 1820; the first framed house, in Linesville, in 1825, though
the first framed house in the township was built the previous
year, by Joseph Allen; he kept the first store in the northern
part of the township, and taught the first school in Linesville,
in a log building in 1835. His daughter, Rachel V. Line, was
probably the first child born in the township, in 1819. The
first grist mill in the township was built at Linesville, in 1800,
by Jabez Colt, and this was probably the first framed building
erected in the township. Smith Line kept the first store in
Linesville. The first hotel in Pine was kept at Linesville by
Horatio N. Mead. The first death is believed to have been that
of Charles Waste, who was killed by the fall of a tree during
a thunder storm, in 1820. The first school in Pine was taught
in a log school house in the north-east part of the township, in
1824, by Joseph Line. The first tannery was built at Linesville in 1833 or ’4, by S. C. Stratton.
The early settlers were supplied with salt by the Indians, and
the fact that it was warm when they received it led to the belief
that it was obtained in the locality of Pymatuning swamp,
though the precise locality remains a secret to this day.
The first church, a log structure, was built in the north-east
part of the township, and the first sermon was probably
preached by Rev. Mr. McMullen, a Baptist, in 1818.
The Linesville Baptist Church was organized with eighteen members,
March 11, 1851, by Rev. E. M. Alden, the first and present pastor, and the
church edifice, which will seat 300 persons, was erected in 1852, at a cost
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of $2,500. The membership has increased to 112, and the Church property
is valued at $6,000.—[Information furnished by the pastor.
St. Philip’s Church, (Roman Catholic) at Linesville, was organized with about forty-five members, in 1870, by Bishop Mullen. The Society has
no house of worship. It consists of seventy members, who are under the pastoral care of Rev. J. Donnelly.—[Information furnished by Mr. Patrick Woods.
1 Hamilton Child, comp., Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, Pa., for 1874 (Syracuse, N.Y.: By the comp., 1874), pp. 118-19.