| Event
1798 to 1800 |
Created from Irwin Twp., Allegheny Co.1 |
| Boundaries uncertain—probably corresponded to (Surveying) District No. 7 (McDowell's District).
1800 |
Northwestern part lost to Mead Twp. [q.v.] |
July 1801 |
Boundaries redefined: western part lost to creation of Sugar Creek Twp.;
northern part, in Warren Co., lost to creation of Brokenstraw Twp.2 |
| Beginning at the Mouth of Oil Creek thence up the Allegheny River by the different windings thereof to where the line dividing the Counties of Venango & Warren Strikes said River thence west along the line dividing the Counties of Venango & Warren to where the Holland Company Mills Stands on Oil Creek thence down said Creek by the Various Courses thereof to the mouth the place of beginning. |
1806 |
Boundaries redefined: northwestern part lost to creation of East Branch Twp.; southwestern part lost to creation of Windrock Twp.3 |
| Beginning at the Allegheny river and North boundary of Venango county, thence by said boundary West to the West boundary of a Tract surveyed on warrant in the name of Nimrod Ent, thence South to the said river, thence up the same to the place of beginning. |
28 Feb. 1822 |
Northwestern strip lost (nominally from East Branch Twp., which was never organized) to Oil Creek Twp. [q.v.] |