Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Historical Township Boundaries

3 May 1850 Created from parts of Athens Twp., Rome Twp., and Troy Twp. 1
Be it enacted ... that that part of the townships of Troy, Athens and Rome, in the county of Crawford, included within the following boundaries, to wit: beginning at the north-west corner of tract number one thousand three hundred and sixty-six, now in Athens township; thence south to the south west corner of tract number one thousand three hundred and seventy-two, now in Troy township; thence east to the south-east corner of tract number one hundred and thirty-four in Troy township; thence in an east direction across the gore of the south line of tract number seven in Troy township; thence east to the east line of said tract number seven; thence north to the north-east corner of tract number four, now in Rome township; thence west to the north-west corner of said tract number four; thence north on the east line of the gore to the south-east corner of John Carlin's land; thence west on the said Carlin's south line to the west line of the gore; thence north by the line of the gore to the north- east corner of tract number one hundred and thirty-seven, now in Athens township; thence west by the north line of said tract to the north-west corner of said tract number one hundred and thirty- seven; thence south by the west line of said tract to the south-west corner of the same; thence west by the line of tracts to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a new township, to be called Steuben, for all township and election purpose.
19 or 21 Sept. 1867 Portion incorporated as the borough of Townville [q.v.]

1 1850 Pa. Laws 679, 681 (Act No. 394 ยง 8).   RETURN