Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Published Sources
Crawford County Genealogy
Families -
Subjects -
Ancestor Tables
Bible & Family Records
Census Returns
Courthouse Records
Crawford County Genealogical Society
History & Biography
Military Affairs
Newspapers & Publications
Vital Statistics
Key to Symbols: c Corrections or Additions
* Topic begins within main article
(Links are to articles recreated for this site.)
Ancestor Tables
Anderson, (James) Maxwell 1:81*
Cruchon, Barbara Knight 22:1
Davis, Joseph Iryl 11:25
Gable, (William) Clark 27:73
Hover, Alton V. 15:70
Phillips, Judith Ann Zeigler 1:106
Powell, Thomas Brodhead 3:19*
Tanner, Freelove 25:1
Yoset, François Xavier 16:128*
Bible & Family Records
Adams, Hiram A. 29:128*
Atkinson—McFarland 33:42
Barber, Hiram P. 30:1
Bates/Bates/Betts 26:13
Benfield fraktur 32:24*
Bennett 8:17
Braymer 24:94
Campbell, Hugh & Margaret 23:34*; 27:60c
Canfield, Horace Wayne 6:33
Cochran 9:18; 23:49
Collons, John F.?marriage certificate 31:1*
Cook 2:78
Cousins 26:89
Depue 15:11
Dickson, J.C.?marriage certificate 31:12
Dickson, James & Barbara (Brown) 30:17
Dunn, James (Bible referenced) 8:10*
Ellis 17:15
Fink 10:48
Frew 21:1
Fulbon fraktur 32:26*
Graff fraktur 32:27*
Grinnell 23(2):33
Hamer?letter 23:49
Hatch, Hiram 6:50
Homan 11:87
Humes 15:50
Irvin 1:25
Isherwood 16:1
Jameson 11:74
Jones, William & Margaret (FitzRanddolph) 28:87
Keiter/Kiter, Peter 25:150
Kelley, Wilson, and Foust 4:1, 105c
Kelly 5:91
Kilday 27:88
Leonard, Daniel & Mary 27:62
Lubold, Elisabeth 25:150
McDowell, Josiah 12:50
McFarland—McFarland 33:42
McFate 5:1; 23(2):52
Martin?deed 27:110
Mason family of Shenango Twp. 21:83
May, George W. 16:113
Moser/Mosier fraktur 32:28*
Perkins?chart 2:49
Powell 10:112
Randall?of Greenwood Twp. 14:24
Ridgway 14:18
Rundell 5:89*
Saeger fraktur 32:29*
Sage, Jonathan 25:152*
Scherdel/Shartle fraktur 32:30*
Stewart 14:76*
VanHorne, Cornelius autobiography 25:97*; 31:40
Wheelock, James 28(2):centerfold
Winkett, John letter (1850) 25:125
Yocum 3:62
Burials in Smaller Cemeteries (1893-1905) 30:67; 32:32
Custodians (1980) 3:88
Meadville 27:18
Tombstones discovered 12:49; 13:13
Township surveys:
Beaver 2:15, 107c
East Fairfield 1:29, 108c; 2:105c
South Shenango 5:29
Steuben 3:31, 93c; 4:45c; 10:108c
Venango 2:57
Wayne 1:85; 2:106c
West Shenango 3:6
Barber (Sadsbury Twp.) 18:41
Brawley (Randolph Twp.) 2:33, 107c
Cochranton (Wayne Twp.) 28:50, 29:56, 130
Cole (selected inscriptions) 30:1?
Conneaut (Fairfield Twp.) 4:67
Coulter (Woodcock Twp.) 22:44
Cravath (Sadsbury Twp.) 33:46
Dunham (Vernon Twp.) 32:95
Foster (Spring Twp.) 10:79*
Greendale (W. Mead Twp.) 30:114c
Hartstown (E. Fallowfield Twp.) 12:49c
Hatch (Randolph Twp.) 24:52
Johnston (Vernon Twp.) 11:43
Maple Grove (Rome Twp.) 13:27
Maple Hill (Troy Twp.) 30:8
Meadville Hebrew 31:136
Milledgeville (Mercer Co.) 6:1; 12:53c
Perkins (Union Twp.) 31:100
Pioneer Park (Titusville) 16:38
Quigley (Vernon Twp.) 11:47; 12:13c; 14:50
Rogers (Hayfield Twp.) 13:56
Thompson (Spring Twp.) 10:80*
Tryonville (Steuben Twp.) 4:45
Waid (Steuben Twp.) 2:67; 4:105c
Wheelock (Richmond Twp.) 30:113*
Census Returns (Crawford County)
Errors 2:14
Federal decennial schedules
1790 17:20; see also 6:44*
1800 18:46
1810 18:87
1820 20:21
1890 Veterans’ Census [partial] 32:109
Federal mortality schedules
1850 5:17
1860 8:1; 9:102c
1870 8:91; 9:65 [new transcription]
1880 16:8, 89
1800 (septennial) 21:13, 99
See also 1798 tax list 5:100
See also 1800 Tax Duplicates 19:19, 121
See also 1862 Tax Assessment pursuant to Internal Revenue Act 29:7
See also 1888 residents 1:14
See also Wayne Township School Children—1898 27:77
First, Richmond Twp. (1842-1874) 12:22
Oil Creek Baptist Association, 1876 27:111
Obituaries (1866-1916) 27:120*
Sts. Peter & Paul, Pettis (cemetery) 1:34*
St. Stephen of Hungary—early marriages 28:109
Trinity Protestant, Conneautville 9:1, 70
Lutheran & Reformed
Adamsville area (1833-1841) 3:53
Baptisms, Saegertown area (1839-1840) 1:13, 108c
Cochranton vicinity (1877-1887) 24:110; 25:68c
Emmanuel United Church of Christ, Meadville
1867-1878 24:27
1887-1895 25:125
Old Reformed Church Cemetery 1:90*
Rev. Lucian John Mayer’s records (1860-1866) 23(2):34
Rev. Pontious’ Pastoral Records (1877-1892) 24:110
Trinity Lutheran, Meadville (1865-1890) 21:37 (marriages, burials), 120 (baptisms)
Zion/St. John’s German Reformed Ch., Union Township—baptisms (1838-1857) 30:69
Zion Evangelical, Venango—burials (1829-1830) 1:97
Zion Evangelical, Venango—baptisms (1814-1871) 18:23
Zion Evangelical, Venango—confirmations, communicants 18:76
Blystone (Skeltontown), cemetery 2:58*
Calvary, Steuben Twp., cemetery 3:38*
Erie Conference—marriages
1825-1830, 1837, and 1857-1865 25:10
1866-1868—Meadville 7:123
1872-1899 3:1
Espyville Circuit—marriages (1864-1906) 11:61
Ripley, NY—1885-1894 26:97
State Line—cemetery 3:68*
Pastors’ and pastoral records
Craighead, Richard 15:19, 85
Dickey, James W. 6:24
Excell—marriages 7:103
FitzRandolph, Azariah Ayes—marriages 31:3*
Mayer, Lucian John—1860-1866 23(2):34
Perry, J. F.—marriages (1872-1899) 3:1
Pontius, John W.—1877-1892 24:110; 25:68c
Smith, Samuel F. (1829-1840) 5:107
Stuntz, George (1825-1865) 25:10
Associate Reformed (1829-1840) 5:107
Concord, Venango Co. (1842-1870) 10:21
Cochranton area 4:67
Deaths (1866-1907) 1:105
History 11:89; 13:1
North Shenango U. P. records 8:103
Baptisms (1857-1897) 24:136
Randolph Township—1825-1856 26:1
Seceder Cemetery 1:91*
Second, Meadville (1840-1863) 15:19
Shenango Reformed, Adamsville—session minutes (1834-1867) 13:1, 101
South Shenango United?cemetery 5:30*
Quaker?see Bowerman family 21:111
Unitarian, Meadville (1831-1857) 11:16
Crawford County Courthouse Records
Clerk of Courts Office
Court of Quarter Sessions
Baseborn children (1800-1818) 21:143
Bigamy cases 19:97
Coroners’ inquests
1807-1854 2:1
1800-1861 18:9
1862-1869 18:113
County Home Reports (1852-1875) 19:45
County jail abstracts (1839-1840) 32:45
Overseers of the Poor (spousal and child support)
Rockdale Twp.?Henry Bagley (1827) 23(2):64
Slave children registration 20:19
Township division petitions (1800) 9:103; see 18:40*; 20:41
Deaths 1852-1854 1:62
1893-1905: burials in small cemeteries 30:60; 32:32
Marriages 1852-1854 2:81
Justices of the Peace
Cyrus Adsit 31:1*
William Dick 27:17
Knight S. Smith 31:11*
William Charles Wygant 31:5*
Orphans’ Court, Docket A
1804-1808 23:1
1809-1821 24:83
1821-1830 27:1
Prisoners (1807) 3:22; 23(2):51
Commissioners—Tax Duplicates
1800 19:19, 121
1862 Assessment 18:17
Prothonotary’s Office
Court of Common Pleas
1859-1881 12:1
1881-1890 16:51
Appearance dockets (1800-1811) 9:99
Change of name (1890) 16:88
Divorce?McIntire 26:100
Feme sole traders 17:52, 130c
Habitual Drunkards 20:149
Lunacy petitions (1846-1862) 9:40
Married Women petitions 17:81
Medical malpractice suit?1839 26:101
Naturalizations (1800-1829) 10:83
Veterinary Register 8:15
Register and Recorder’s Office
Indentures and apprenticeships 16:79
See Holland Land Company 18:53,79
Discharges?Civil War?index 1:5
Married Women petitions 17:18
Probate records
Renunciations (1800-1899)
A-D 19:31
E-K &19:77
L-R 20:6
S-Z 20:108
1800-1805 3:64
Kingsland, Jane C. 5:93
Unprobated 1:47; 2:105c; 19:8
Crawford County Genealogical Society
Announcements 4:93; 6:51, 123; 7:95; 9:102
Book reviews 5:113
Formation and
Tenth Anniversary 10:1
Twentieth Anniversary 20, no. 1 (inside back cover)
Free help?1864 dictionary 13:26
Memorials?Ward, Margaret S. 6:122
History & Biography
1862 Tax Assessment pursuant to Internal Revenue Act 28:7
Account book
Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy (1796-1800) 29:115
1798, 1800 ledgers 32:32
County & townships 20:41
Boroughs 20:91
Brothels 31:70
Businessmen (1850) 6:87; [reprinted] 29:49
Cochranton (1879) 25:53*
German Reformed, Meadville 24:27; 25:127
Milledgeville (Mercer Co.) 6:1*
Oil Creek Baptist Association, 1876 27:111
Presbyterian 11:89; 13:1
Seventh Day Baptist—letter of A.A. FitzRandolph 31:3*
Society of Friends (Quakers) see 21:111
South Shenango Twp. 5:29*
See also Pioneer Jewish Families of Meadville 31:118
Country Club see 1:98
County histories
1837 (VanHorne) 31:40
1848 (William H. Davis) 31:24
1850 Questionnaire (Alfred Huidekoper) 29:27
County Home Reports 10:23; 19:45
County jail abstracts (1839-1840) 32:45
Frakturs at the Historical Society 32:24
Formation and division 1:1; 9:103; 18:35; 20:1
Holland Land Company 18:53,79
Indigents supported by Meadville (1825-1832) 31:52
Glass 4:6
Oil 4:28
Lakes, ownership of land around 27:87
Land companies
Holland Land Co. 18:53, 79
North American Land Co. see 21:85*, 132*
Ledger (1798) 32:43
Berly, François 29:85*
Campbell, James 32:44*
Champagne (to France) 14:81
Daniel/Armstrong 8:84*
Denny 14:20*
Ellis 17:15, 130c
FitzRandolph, A.A.—1849 31:3*
Hamer?1849 23:43
Irish/Pettit (1855) 7:68
Jackson, David B. 23(2):31*
Lynch, Timothy (1866) 1:61
Perkins Family News (1841) 32:73
unclaimed in Pittsburgh, for Northwestern PA (1793-1800) 28:40
Winkett, John—1850 25:125
Wotring (to Lehigh Co. 1834) 19:5
See also Gilmore recollections 10:42
Local legislation 7:76
Meadville Health Department—sanitation report 1866 32:57
Belgian glassblowers 4:6
English settlement—Rome Township 13:27
French families 1:2; 6:24, 84; 8:45; 10:15; 11:80, 82; 14:25, 81; 15:63; 16:120; 17:34, 113, 130c; 18:51; 19:58, 147c; 20:39, 89; 21:45, 155; 22: 47c, 95; 26:62; 27:140c; 28:79 (Prostestant); 30:126; 32:58, 135
German 18:23; 21:37, 120; 22:11; 24:27; 30:75; 32:19
see also Pennsylvania Germans, below
Italian Decorators in Titusville 33:60
Passenger lists 10:15; 17:113; 18:110; 26:62; 29:2
Pennsylvania Germans 1:98, 17:45; 19:1, 107; 21:21; 25:150; 26:122; 32:24
McArthur, Robert—of S. Shenango Twp. 24:135
Xavier Yoset a/k/a “French Joe” 16:120
Pioneer Jewish Families of Meadville 31:118
Pioneers: Gregg, Ray & McCormick 32:36
Prominent or notorious residents
Social register, 1914 28:127
Rev. Timothy Alden 8:26, 114c; 25:151c
Maxwell Anderson, playwright 1:79
Rev. Karl Wilhelm Colson 4:61*
Rev. James W. Dickey 6:24
Col. Edwin Drake 1:41
Dr. Edward Ellis 17:15
Clark Gable 27:73
Alfred Huidekoper 29:27
Samuel Lord 6:34, 91
Gen. David Mead 11:1; 14:23, 59c; 25:152c
Howell Powell (Shadeland) 2:97; 3:14, 93c; 4:105c; 7:123c; 10:112c; 14:57c; 31:109
Judge Henry Shippen 12:87
Jonathan Titus 20:121
Maria T. B. Yates, sister of Pres. James Buchanan 1:27, 108c
Xavier Yoset a/k/a “French Joe” 16:120
See also Titusville oil families, below
Prostitutes 31:70
Published works 1:1, 108c; 17:1
Revolutionary War veterans
Adsit through Beardsley 17:1, 130c
Berlin through Butler 17:91; 30:7c
Camp 19:55
Carroll 19:119
Carver/Garber 21:34; 25:56*, 154c
Dickson 30:43
Blooming Valley (1851-1852) 30:134
Conneautville 4:88
Mercer Soldiers’ Orphan 2:87; 6:51
Wayne Township School Children (1898) 27:77
Ship passenger lists 10:15; 17:113; 26:62
Stallion register (1798) 32:43*
Slaves 20:19
Sunday Swimming in Meadville 32:12
Titusville oil families 1:41; 2:22, 66, 107c; 4:28, 106c; 5:93; 7:17, 20, 26; 9:81; 10:113c; 11:27; 12:53c; 14:60c, 70; 20:1, 121; 22:21, 73; 27:93; 28:1; 31:13; 32:1
See also 11:94; 12:57c; 14:60c
Tornado—Meadville, 1797 28:39
Women’s Lib 2:65
Department of Doubs
(Portions) 14:83
Parish map 19:58
Germany?Colson family 10:36
United States of America
East Haven 7:39
New Haven (1641) 7:36
Allegheny County 20 (No. 1) and 21 (No. 2) back covers
Crawford County
Alden property 8:27, 30, 31
Boroughs (1876) 20:91
County maps
1800 20 (No. 1) and 21 (No. 2) back covers
1816 17:107
1839 18:35, 128c
1848 18:107
1876 (southwestern part) 21:133
Holland Land Co. holdings 18:54*; 30:44*
James Dickson 30:43*
Rory Frazier 30:45*
Railroads, 1904 2:56
Smith property 8:36, 39, 48, 50
Titusville?1865 16:50
Townships 1:1; 17:108-9*; 18:38*; 20:41
Athens?1876 7:48
Beaver 2:15
East Fairfield 1:29
Hayfield (part) 30:44*
Mead?1876 [partial] 7:50; 21:12
South Shenango 5:29
Steuben 3:31
Venango 2:57
Wayne 1:85
West Shenango 3:67
Woodcock?1876 [partial] 7:50; see also 30:44*
Donation Districts 20:back cover
Holland Land Company holdings 18:54
Lehigh County (part) 19:2
Mercer County
French Creek Township 6:1
Sandy Creek Township 20:74
Venango County (portions) 20:43, 48, 79
Surveying Districts 20 (No. 1) and 21 (No. 2) back cover
Military Affairs
Civil War
150th Regiment, Company C roster 28:136
Desertions 25:95
Discharges 1:5
Draft 14:97; 16:25, 105; 19:69; 25:12, 95
Exemptions 16:25, 109; 25:95
Experiences seeMason family, 21:83
G.A.R. Posts (1895) 13:61; 14:60c
Medical Register of Examinations 25:12
Soldiers’ orphan schools
Mercer (1877) 2:87; 6:51
Titusville (1874) 2:87
census (1890) 32:109
Nageottes 1:2
Xavier Yoset 16:120
Cussewago Militia Rolls (1793-1795) 17:127; 21:162c
Mercer Soldiers’ Orphan School 2:87; 6:51
Revolutionary War
Pension of Benjamin Dickson 30:43
Pension of J. George Peiffer 12:90A
Veterans: 17:1, 91, 130c; 19:55, 119; 21:34; 25:56*, 154c; 30:7c, 43
Spanish-American War?discharges 1:5
Titusville Artillery Company?1827 31:23
War of 1812
Service in Erie (1812-1814) 14:39, 108
Surviving veterans
1875 10:18
1881 19:96
Newspapers & Publications
Alleghany Magazine (1816-1817) 4:57
Advertisement in Titusville Herald by Italian decorators 33:60
Ashtabula Co., OH (1835-1875) 2:72; 7:1,128c
Cochranton Times (1880-1881) 22:111
Conneautville Courier (1851-1863) 2:50
“Obscure” newspapers (1821-1861) 9:60
Lowry, Israel H. 25:151
McArthur, Robert?of S. Shenango Twp. 24:135
Yoset, Xavier a/k/a “French Joe” 16:120
Prominent Families (1914) 28:127
Runaway Apprentices and Indentured Servants (1805-1841) 26:69
Civil War draft 14:97; 16:25, 105; 19:69
County businesses (1850-1851) 6:87 and 29:49
County history (1848) by William H. Davis 31:24
County Home inmates (1874) 10:29
Gehr court case 15:99
Local legislation 7:76
Oil Creek Baptist Association minutes 1876 27:111
Questionnaire?1850 29:27
Pioneer Park Cemetery 16:38
Residents born before 1820 (1888) 1:14
Social register (1914) 28:127
Soldiers’ orphan schools (1877) 2:87; 6:51
Thanksgiving, Cochranton (1879) 25:52
War of 1812 Reunion (1881) 19:96
Vital Statistics
Civil Records
Federal (for Crawford County):
Mortality schedules
1850 5:17
1860 8:1; 9:102c
1870 8:91; 9:65
1880 16:8, 89
See also Peiffer pension 12:90A
State (for Crawford County):
Deaths (1852-1854) 1:62
Marriages (1852-1854) 2:81
Wayne Township School Children (1898) 27:77
Meadville Deaths
1880-1882 14:1, 61
1883-1884 15:37
1885-1886 17:21
1887 18:98
1888-1889 19:9
1890 19:90
1891-1892 20:137
Meadville vaccinations (1860) 31:46
Court records
Baseborn children—1800-1818 21:143
Coroner’s inquests 2:1; 18:9, 113
Justice of the Peace marriages
Cyrus Adsit 31:1*
William Dick 27:17
Knight S. Smith 31:11*
William Charles Wygant 31:5*
Orphans’ Court, Docket A
1800-1808 23:1
1808-1821 24:83
1821-1830 27:1
See also Deaths (1852-1854) 1:62
See also Marriages (1852-1854) 2:81
Ecclesiastical records see Churches, above
Legislative records (PA)
Divorces 21:53
Private records
Barr, Dr. G. W.—birth register—Titusville (1857-1869) 12:61
Frakturs 32:24
Railroad fatalities (1866-1887) 8:115
Reynolds, Ulysses E. collection—Collons—Reynolds 1869 marriage 31:1*
Troy Township marriages (1864-1869) 2:31
Francis C. Waid—births & deaths of Blooming Valley pupils (1851-1852) 30:134
W.C. Waid funeral records (1900-1906) 19:65
See also Bible & Family Records, above
See also Newspapers & Publications, above